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What's happening with Siege-Mods?

shadow smile's picture

So is Siege-Mods Totaly gone or what?(Siege Mods was a good site not many like it considering the DS2 sites that our out now) excluding this one

Sharkull's picture

Split this post into it's own thread so that it does not take the Site Discussion off topic... Smile

shadow smile > I haven't heard a word from Eccentricity in a long while so it doesn't look good. If nothing else I would love to see his sieglet come to completion. It looked so promising. Of course getting the site back would be nice as well.

shadow smile's picture

Yes, his sieglet sound amazing. If that so happens you should expect a lot of new guest here at siege the day.

Does not look good, no answers to my emails from anyone in charles' family. Nothing from the people that were hosting the site either. But I will keep writing and if I get answers that can be posted they will be.

speaking of which, do you guys notice the difference in traffic levels between before siege-mods went down and after? not just on the garage, but on this site as well. i was checking siege-mods every day, some times more if there were active replys to questions i've asked. as of now, i can check this site and garage once a week and not miss anything. is the game loosing its fan-base?

Strider978's picture

Actually thats not true, we've easily jumped in traffic and are picking up speed. As for the garage I don't know, as I don't frequent it. As for the game losing its fan base, yes its probably true, that all the people who bought the game when it first came out and played it through are leaving the community now.

We are heading back towards 'normal' ds community levels of activity.

Sharkull's picture

Yeah, come to think of it I do see a difference in the traffic at Siege-Mods... :P (sorry I couldn't resist). Laughing out loud

As for, the reverse is true: more traffic after S-M went down than before (by far). The GPGarage DS2 related traffic has decreased quite a bit, but that's to be expected on an official site after a patch that fixes most of the major bugs.

True, a lot of game players have probably left the community, but hopefully they will be back once some more mods start being released. I myself left and returned to DS a few times since it was released, and I expect that the same thing will happen with many community members. There's also the holiday gift season in a month which is surely going to bring in new blood. Smile

In the middle of it all is modding DS2. We are in a strange limbo situation. The tools are out, but there isn't really a user friendly way for gamers to use them... (except for Elys' All Saves loader, which is not an ideal solution). biddle (at GPG) is working on something, and hopefully what he comes up with will be well received by the community (modders and mod users). I also think some DS2 modders might be holding on to their work until the distribution model / mod playing architecture is solidified.

firebat's picture

siege-mods will not come back.

i will not say more about it so please don't ask..

FireBat, the old siege-mods site director.

Sharkull's picture

OK... sad to hear, but thanks for the information...

firebat wrote:
siege-mods will not come back.

i will not say more about it so please don't ask..

FireBat, the old siege-mods site director.

Was it laid to rest with Taps or was it forced to dig its own grave and uncerimoniosly shot in the back of the head? :crazyevil: :crazyevil: :crazyevil:

Balderstrom's picture

Zombielordzero wrote:
speaking of which, do you guys notice the difference in traffic levels between before siege-mods went down and after? not just on the garage, but on this site as well. i was checking siege-mods every day, some times more if there were active replys to questions i've asked. as of now, i can check this site and garage once a week and not miss anything. is the game loosing its fan-base?
I think Siege-Mods was like a beacon that drew everyone in. It had everything you would expect from the best of the best of DS1 sites: news, excellent forum, mods. With its removal everyone is fumbling around in the dark and scattered. It ranked high in google - as of right now the rank goes to the garage for "Dungeon siege ii mod" - and we know how inactive that site is overall for DS. Whether the excitement will revive - who knows, but the graphic design software requirements currently certainly don't help. Makes one want to go back to DS1.
I bet it would be less work to retrofit DS1 with the handful of improvements that DS2 has, than fix what is wrong with DS2.

Herena Forge is gone as well, this is what I got "The account is currently not active." I don't know if it will stay gone or if it's they just need a new host or something but fewer and fewer sites remain. THIS site are good for discussin but we need a host for dwonloads, where are we going to get that?

firebat wrote:
siege-mods will not come back.

i will not say more about it so please don't ask..

FireBat, the old siege-mods site director.

i guess that means something "involving lawyers" with a "do not discuss under penalty of law" type thing. its such a shame, while it was up, it looked like the sky was the limit. guess even soaring eagles can crash and burn.

Strider978's picture

niceguy wrote:
Herena Forge is gone as well, this is what I got "The account is currently not active." I don't know if it will stay gone or if it's they just need a new host or something but fewer and fewer sites remain. THIS site are good for discussin but we need a host for dwonloads, where are we going to get that?

HF will probably never go down Wink

As for mod hosting all I can say is... have patience Smile

Sharkull's picture

Strider978 wrote:
As for mod hosting all I can say is... have patience Smile

I'm wondering if Snooker will come up with any helpful ideas...

shadow smile's picture

I've been hearing their is going to be a new DSII site coming out. I heard this from rumor and its spose to be very good when it comes out. Just some FYI for all the Siege Mods guys. Laughing out loud though well probly never see it again at least we can hope for better Mods.

Zombielordzero wrote:

i guess that means something "involving lawyers" with a "do not discuss under penalty of law" type thing.
