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MS PhotoDraw v.2 - PDcontent?

I've got MS PhotoDraw v2 - as part of Office2000

But what's puzzling me is this - if I want to insert some object from PDContent , the prog keeps asking me for the CD - now, I know that the necessary files have actually been installed on my computer, because I tracked them down - how do I make this prog point in the right direction to fetch the required object...

Sharkull's picture

All I can offer is some general advice, common to many MS products. In the installer, make sure you choose "install to hard-drive" (or something similar) instead of "install on first use" (or something similar). The default install options are a mix of these two options (plus "not installed"), and the only sure way to not get prompted for a disk is to do a full install (i.e. not "typical" / "default" ...), forcing all options onto the hard-drive at install.

Otherwise, your options are limited. If the CD prompt allows you to specify a location to look for files, you might be able to point to a complete copy of the CD you've made onto your hard-drive... If this is not allowed by the CD prompt then we're likely getting into the area of bypassing copy protection, which is not going to be discussed here.

it's not a pirate copy - it's the real thing!

Google MS PhotoDraw v2 you might find an article that will help you orrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr at least it will point you to a forum where your question can be answered

Nay, I have attempted already your solution,
Lord KillerMondoDude of the GreatGooglyOoglyForge...

- My gratitude to you, Sire, nonetheless.. (- an' felicitations to the kinfolk!)
- but I've run up against the fiendish technogooks, with their foul gutteral utterences..
- methinks they be Orcs, if you wants my opinion!
- why t'was at the Inn only t'other evening, I heard some swarthy-looking fellows a-whispering
- about forming a gang to ambush one o'they poor unsuspecting forum topics - I'll warrant..
- Foul troll scum!

Nay, old Friend - I fear this will require a most devious and cunning plan.... ahaaar!! :roll:


insert the MS Photodraw CD and after disabling the autorun,
click on the file marked "SETUPPD"

The installation program offers the option to "run from this computer"

...the prog re-installs with all the pointers in their correct places!!

Example of PD content..

Sharkull's picture

Glad things worked out for you... Smile

...aaaah, simple pleasures!!

Balderstrom's picture

You can also make, what is called an administrative install point, on your PC.
something like:
X:\Office2k\SETUP.EXE /A X:\o2k-AIP

When all the files are in X:\Office2K, and adminInstallPoint is o2K-AIP

Patches and Updates can be slipstreamed into the "AIP" as well. so that the install is good to go.

Sharkull's picture

That's a nifty idea... I didn't know how to set something like that up, until I read this: