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Hiroth Castle quest item required?

Hello, I'm playing the Utraean Peninsula map with the DS2 Legendary mod. I'm in Hiroth Castle and on the upper floor there's a platform in the SW corner that leads down (presumably) to the sealed off room on the ground floor. However, I'm unable to use the platform. It says "You do not have a quest item required to use this lever". Any idea what that is? Am I supposed to find that in Hiroth Castle or in the mausoleum, or from a previous location (and I sold it)? Thx

How embarrassing! I hadn't visited the Hiroth inn first. That's where I was given the secret castle key (that undoubtedly allows use of the lift). And I've been RPG'ing for how many years again? "You meet at the inn", indeed!

WyrdForge wrote:

How embarrassing! I hadn't visited the Hiroth inn first. That's where I was given the secret castle key (that undoubtedly allows use of the lift). And I've been RPG'ing for how many years again? "You meet at the inn", indeed!

Make sure to talk to everyone outside the Hiroth Inn and inside the Inn too. You might want to add someone in the Inn to your party. hint hint you do not need to keep them hint hint.

No way I can get the quest, the only thing I get is a fully beaconed text...