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Question on creating Tank files for DS2/BW

Hi all,

I have a question regarding making mods or creating a Tank file/dsres file for DS2/BW.

I wanted to tweak the skills a bit (i.e. % or numbers per skill point etc.) and wanted to make my own little mod for this.
Downloaded the DS2 Toolkit and successfully extrated the passive and active skills files, made my changes to the txt. and saved it.

My basic question now is; what do I do next, or how do I make this into a playable dsres file or mod?
Do I need to somehow put my edited files back into the Logicx.dsres where I exctracted them from or can they be idepenedent dsres mod files that I just put into my resources folder?

I downloaded the TankCreator and know that I need it to proceed, but I have no clue what to do next.

Any help or advice much aprpeciated! I am new to DS modding, so if my info above is insufficient pleas elet me know.

Many thanks

Questions about what overrides what in the DS resource system can get complicated in edge cases, but how about you simply try to package it into a new little dsres and see what happens?

You probably need to overwrite the files in the resource tree, which means files in your dsres should be in the same folder structure as in the original Logicx.dsres

foerstj wrote:

Questions about what overrides what in the DS resource system can get complicated in edge cases, but how about you simply try to package it into a new little dsres and see what happens?

You probably need to overwrite the files in the resource tree, which means files in your dsres should be in the same folder structure as in the original Logicx.dsres

Thanks for the idea. I have tried this and made both edited txt files into a dsres file, put it into my resources folder but it had no effect. Probably becasue they don't override the original Logicx.dsres as you mentioned.
How do I exactly overwrite the files in the resource tree?

I just did the following:
- Extracted ALL the xLogic files using tank viewer
- Replaced the old Passive skill and active skill gas files with my own, edited ones
- Packaged it all into a new ds2res file using TankCreator, so that it contains all of the information of the original xLogic file with the exceptionof my new edited files

.........and still doesn't work in-game. I essentially copied the Logic file and only replaced the two skill GAS files but still doesn't work. I'm at a loss

If anyone knows what else to try please let me know

Copying the entire original ds2res should not be necessary.
What prio does your new ds2res have? Where did you place it?
Maybe you could upload the ds2res from your first try (just the two changed files) here and someone could look at it?
(I mod DS1 only so I can't help...)

Download the zip and extract the skills.Ds2res file inside it, delete the active_skills.gas and the passive_skills.gas files and replace them with the two Broken World files that you've modded.

If I remember correctly you have to make a new folder and put your world\global\skills folders inside it and your two modded files as well, name the new mod anything you like but make sure to save it as a Broken World ds2res file.

If that above is too complicated for you let us know.

Remember that you have to put the Ds2res file in the Broken World resources folder.


I actually recently found the issue: I was using the Aranna Legacy mod, which also has done some changes to the skills and overwrites the xLogic file. So I extracted the Aranna legacy files, switched the skill filesd with my own and pakaged it back into a dsres file and it works now!

I also wanted to tweak some items directly,, especially unique crossbows (Siegebolt etc.). However, I have scoured the wordl/contentdb/templates/interactive files but can't find them anywhere. I have found unique bows, throwing weapons but not the XBows. Anybody knows where they might be hidden??

Have a look in the wpn_crossbow file in the DS2 logic res, it will probably be in there.