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Dungeon Siege II: Broken World - a single-player review

Sharkull's picture

WooHoo! My review got Node # 1!!! :P

(I had to "earn" my free copy of BW somehow... Wink ).

BTW, here's a look at the Rare mace I mentioned in the review:

Nice review you have written!

DS2BW has its bugs, but it's not so bad as often has been written. I have till now passed about 2/3 of the addon and i'm glad to be able to enjoy it.
Well, I guess it took me longer to tune all my mods than it will take no to play the addon, so i'm happy to get a resoanbly good entertainment as return.

I also have found some nice rare weapons meanwhile, but i guess this should not become a show-me-your-biggest-weapon thread. Wink

PS: Anyhow the smilies here are vertically all a bit offset!?

KillerGremal wrote:
PS: Anyhow the smilies here are vertically all a bit offset!?

That is on my todo to fix. It is just a matter of adding a css class to them when they are parsed. I just have to find where it is..

But about the review. It is very well written and I am enjoying the game when I get the chance to play. I like it a lot.

Just started to play BW with an imported party from regular DS2. I think I prefer BW to the base game, but at the moment I can't decide exactly why that is. Maybe the better storyline, as I haven't really used the new recipes, powers etc. much.

There seems to be a bit more happening up the side-alleys in BW, maybe that's part of the improvement.

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

Sharkull's picture

Yeah... I liked that too. Plus there are side paths which are not obviously side paths. If you discount the mini-map's Primary Quest gold arrow, there are a few times where you come to a fork in the road and don't know which way to go... (eg. exiting the Dryad Outpost).

At last I finished BW on Elite level!

The entire party has hit level 100, so no more levelling, but no more game to so. (= just right!) But that meant the mobs were of equal level, and you just can't believe how much you have to whack a level 98 Familiar Surgeon before he goes down! (And try every combination of buffs, debuffs, powers and tactics before you get past the stalemate of his regenerating as fast as you can beat him down).

The final showdown with the Overmage was simpler (but still a major effort) because once you took those hitpoints away, they weren't coming back.

(Off to let my fingers cool, then maybe try a few different character builds...)
Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

Congrats! Smile