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Unforseen changes ahead

Please keep an eye on the site news as information about the changes will be posted soon.

If we're expecting the unexpected ... No-one expects the Spanish Inquisition!

Abstraction site
Dungeon Raider

There is no point it is all a dream someday I will wake and really screem wishing I was back in this strange little dream.

Sharkull's picture

/me takes a sneak peek behind the curtain... and likes what he sees so far. ^^

Sharkull I am happy to know that you like the color green and fried dough
Pulls the door closed and says no peaking!!

There is no point it is all a dream someday I will wake and really screem wishing I was back in this strange little dream.

Let's try not to injure ourselves with cryptic comments, hmmm?

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Sharkull's picture

OK... I thought I knew what this news post was about, but now I'm getting confused by Elf dreams.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

/me slaps a large "TOP SECRET" sticker on the door to the site construction. :P

Don't happy (albeit confused) ^^

Doesn't Homer look happy? I wish I was as happy as that sometimes, although I am often confused.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

LoneKnight's picture

I find this completely stupid...or maybe I am missing something very important here.

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Sharkull's picture

LoneKnight wrote:
I find this completely stupid...or maybe I am missing something very important here.

Perhaps the date...? Smile

LoneKnight wrote:
I find this completely stupid...or maybe I am missing something very important here.

What "this" all is, is an April Fool's day prank. I empathize with you in the sense that I have never (ever) been a fan of practical jokes or pranks. However, humor, like many things in life is subjective...what I find hilarious somebody else will think boring or dumb and vice versa. That is what makes us all unique. It is not necessary that we all agree upon the same things.

I think this was a joke intended in the spirit of fun and good fellowship, so that is going to be how I look at it.

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

There are always a few April Fool's jokes that a bigger company or organization does that almost every year gets picked up as serious. Though this year I didnt really see any that got through. The one on this site was kind of obvious that it was a joke. I know Google does one every year. I am personally looking forward to trying out their new isp service. Laughing out loud

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I don't understand what was so obvious about the joke. Seemed pretty serious to me. ^^ or not.. Laughing out loud

I think TiSP will rock. Smile

Well, once I came here and saw a big page of doughnuts, then it became quite obvious. Before, I wasn't particularly thinking about April fool's day, so it wasn't clear to me what was going on.

(Did I mention I REALLY wanted to step on your feet about this prank, solly? Wink :D)

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

No you didn't but I could tell. Smile

Heh, but you are still my Swedish pancake, right? Laughing out loud

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

That I am. Just don't start to chew on me.. ^^

Drat! Well, what do you say to nibbling? Wink

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

Nibbling..? Haha.. well.. uhm.. ok. ^^