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Once you get out of that forest - you'll find more clues
make sure to take note of what everyone says in the game..

it's not meant to be an easy journey, so expect to spend
time building up your CHR's attributes - constant sorties
into that forest may help - the enemy respawn, which means
you are never really in the clear, and you'll revisit places
many times as the game progresses, to build stats..

- you need a strong CHR to make it through to the end..

NB - it's very complex, and not a bit like your average adventure game..
don't expect to finish it in a hurry.. may take you weeks and weeks..

don't forget to return here for more help, if you need it..
the author, Xaa - has his own site here:

- an excellent game, as is Xaa's other masterpiece "Mageworld"..