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BIIIG request

jc1993's picture

I am a biiig fan of final fantasy 12 and i would like a mod kit of judge gabranth.
image for newbies to ffxi is attached

biiig thanks if anyone can do it :nervous:

don't get me wrong for liking the game.
it made it to platinum for ps2 on it's first few weeks

Judge looks cool. Smile

Making the armors and weapons for DS would be a job for a 3d modeller, which I am not. I keep telling myself I have to give it a try and see if I am any good at it. I am a good 2d artist but realize 3d "sculpting" is an entirely new ball game. Every tutorial I can find assumes basic knowledge so it is very difficult even trying to begin learning.

I keep telling myself the same thing.. Smile I have even signed up for a summer course in how to use Blender - twice. But work always seems to get in the way...

Jc1993 - Judge looks very cool. He would make a fine antagonist in a sieglet. I hope you find someone who can make that modkit for you. Welcome to Siegetheday btw. ^^

jc1993's picture

i'm gonna try siegecore... looks like nobody's interested anymore

sol77 wrote:
I keep telling myself the same thing.. Smile I have even signed up for a summer course in how to use Blender - twice.

I found what seems to be a great tutorial for Blender, but am unable to get Blender to open on this computer. Re-installing did no good. Sad

You have to download the dll and put it in the system32 folder, or install python. Seems like there is a bug in the windows installer or it is a problem with windows.. I don't know.

That seems like a very good tutorial. Try out the video tutorials on as well.
I've done the first 3 or so myself.

Sorry to hijack your thread jc1993. Smile

How do I know what version I need for Python? I have no idea where/how to look for my current operating system and I see 3 versions available.

For x86 processors: python-2.5.2.msi

For Win64-Itanium users: python-2.5.2.ia64.msi

For Win64-AMD64 users: python-2.5.2.amd64.msi

Well are you running Vista or XP? If XP it is most likely x86 even if you have a 64-bit processor.

XP Professional, it is work computer.

The x86 did not work and the other 2 told me wrong operating system. Sad

Oh well. Thanks for the assistance anyway. Maybe someday I can get things rolling. Smile

If my memory serves correctly that's the Microsoft Visual C Runtine release 7.1 which is part of the .NET framework. That gets installed by a lot of things these days, so I'm surprised it's not already on the machine. Still, you should be able to get that from MS.

Thank you Sol and Ghastley. I was finally able to track the file down and get Blender started. Smile Found the download at

Edit: And now Python works as well. Smile