Return to Arhok
Submitted by KillerGremal on Sat, 2009-06-27 17:57 | ||
Initially in 2009 it just was a seizure of hopless mapping, meanwhile however most
Latest release: DS1 Arhok XP map, Beta 5 for DS2 (30.2 MB, ReadMe) To play this map you will need to download some DS1 resources too forums: |
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It doesn't look like the lighting settings (direction, intensity...) are even close. Are you sure that they are the same? Perhaps a NSEW thing? Maybe forcing a mood change to reassert the lighting might help.
The picture makes it look like you have different weather in the two regions, which I didn't think was possible. It looks misty and snowing in one, and bright sunshine in the other. Since moods apply to the whole frustum, it can't happen, but you have done it!
When you figure it out, tell us how, so we can do it deliberately when we need to!
The matter is still pending, by the way it also snows on the bright sight. ^^
North vectors are in sync, node-proprieties too, stitches are ok, ... however i have read such things could be caused by nodes, overlapping from one frustum into the other one.
I liked to test this with help of 'prefabs' (since combining the radar images were rather inaccurate), unfortunately i hadn't much luck handling prefabs as large as regions. Is there any hotkey to rotate prefabs manually? So far prefabs just hang on the mouse cursor and never auto-rotate/-snap as required.
Any Dungeon Siege I fan recognize that door ^_^
Are you just using DS1 assets or importing a whole region ?
Well, it's the 'Return to Arhok' map.
Rather by accident i noticed that the LoA map has been created by a SE with version number So it hoped a basic technical compatibility with the SE2 would exist (and widely it seems to be expect of quest data and teleportation) and the DS1 node resources i just have lend from the 'Dawn of Aranna' project, so the biggest problem was/is all the missing/broken templates and effects.
However i remembered then there was also a free bonus map for Windows XP with a only few regions - still too much for a real conversion but maybe manageable to get once something to play in DS2.
At least today i have fixed the monster generators and the cow can say now 'Mooo...!' in 3 different tones.
Yeah so many DS1 thingie does not work in DS2 >_<.
Well I hope you can manage to make some new DS2 map with it
The expression 'map' goes already a bit far, it will be rather some kind of... accumulated nodes to walk upon.
'Return to Arhok' consists anywhy of 5 regions only, whereof 2 dungeons which will drop probably since DS1 uses a different method to hide what is behind a door.
Two regions however are added from regular LoA and one region i will add myself maybe. But that will be all.
If somebody is interested to know, it seems the lightning problem was a matter of... - north direction (thanks Sharkull pointing on this!) - directional Lightning (it seems they all need to be in sync more or less!?) - a stitching matter (if region A leads to B, B to C and C back to A)
I'm still not able to handle large/huge prefabs, but SE2 has a remarkable short-key support to rotate your selection or switch through (most of) its 'doors'. So for tuning the region borders importing from the other region its 'border parts' as prefeb is possible in most cases.
I can't remember but i thought were was any key-combination to make objects bigger/smaller, something Ctrl+MouseWheel to scale them up/down!? Unfortunatly i haven't found a clue on the shortkey config tabs...
It's finally done...: DS1 Arhok XP map, Beta 1 for DS2 (30.7MB, ReadMe)

...after more than two years, for a few regions - really!? :o
Well, if Iryan hadn't provided several actors and containers (thanks! :)) it certainly wouldn't be finished even now.
Note, you also will need the DS1 resources as required for the Utraean Peninsula - expect of the Utrae map mod itself.
And concerning 'necromancing' old threads - you can't resurrect what never was really dead. :P
And yay for completing it. Looking forward to trying it out.
I finally got the mod to work. Did not have the proper resources tanked.
But, I am getting a constant barrage of "death" messages.
"Deru has kicked the bucket", "Lothar has ceased to live" etc.
Please explain how and when they appear. I don't even get them if my whole party (incl. Lothar and Deru) is dead/defeated.
Maybe check your resources once.
Specifically for Arhok XP DS2 you currently need:
- Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta1.ds2res
- Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10.ds2res
- Mod-Erthos-MonsterLevelAdjust-Beta4i.ds2res
From DS1 you need:
- Object_1_DS1.ds2res
- Sound_1_DS1.ds2res
- Terrai_1_DS1.ds2res
- Voices_1_DS1.ds2res (optional/recommended)
These filenames may change though, so better take care the default tanks for DS2 are still there:
- Logic.ds2res
- Movies1.ds2res
- Movies2.ds2res
- Objects.ds2res
- Sound1.ds2res
- Sound2.ds2res
- Terrain.ds2res
- Voices.ds2res
The Voices from DS1 may be where the problem lies. I did not convert those files.
I will have to check and see if that clears the problem up.
Edit: Still getting the constant "death" messages. :?
It wouldn't be the voices that causing that, it must be some legacy gas file from arhok as death messages are stored in a gas file. Something must be triggering them.
It seems that Succubus is the culprit.
I removed all other mods and tried to start a game with all saves, but game will not load.
Deleted all my saves and my prefs.gas and game still will not load with all saves, but will with Succubus.
Succubus seems to be a mandatory resource for now. May have to uninstall and reinstall the Succubus manager to try and clear things up.
You can use the Succubus Manager as direct equivalent of All*Saves, just disable all options but "[x] Disable Save Checksum." And it would exactly do nothing more and nothing less than All*Saves.
Beside I don't see technically how the Succubus Manager could be related to these Death Messages.
If you were playing with the Succubus mod enabled (I mean the new races, skill caps etc) and that you disable the mod (or any other mod for that matter that affects directly your character) then Dungeon Siege II might crash when missing something critical for savegame loading and even for character pre-loading (during initial menus).
The problem was I also had logic.dsres converted to a .ds2res file.
Succubus must have a less restrictive checksum disabler to allow the Succubus modlet to run. That would explain why the game would load with it enabled and would not go past the 9 "........." without crashing with it disabled.
Got a unique experience from my "brain fart" though.
And I missed the original GPG frontend scene, good to have it back.

No. The Succubus modlet datas does not require any checksum modification. In fact you can play The Succubus modlet with the All*Save disabled. They are independant.
The only thing the "All*Saves" is:
DS2 calculate the resources checksum. Then each time it loads a savegame, it reads the checksum currently stored within that savegame. if the checksum stored inside the savegame is equal to the calculated checksum of game loaded resoures, then it consider the savegame to be valid.
What "All*Saves" does, is modifying DS2 so it always reply "yes, the checksum contained in the savegame matches the currently loaded game resources" even if it's not true.
The Succubus modlet import some stuff from DS1, sometimes modified to work under DS2. I don't remember what exactly, it's been a long time. So it's possible than when you import directly your DS1 logic.dsres into DS2, some of it is actually overridden by a working version inside the Succubus modlet. But then if you disable the Succubus modlet, part the original untouched DS1 and not DS2 compatible is used and may crash the game. That could eventually be a reason why your game crash without DS2 modlet datas enabled, when you use your directly imported DS1 logic.dsres
Logic.dsres stuff is critical stuff, it contains components definitions, character definitions etc. I'm not suprised for the game to crash if using Logic.dsres directly with DS2 without retouching it.
There's an update: DS1 Arhok XP map, Beta 2 for DS2 (31 MB, ReadMe)
Thanks to Phoenix for the radar images.
You also will need the DS1 resources as required for the Utraean Peninsula (expect of the Utrae map), in particular the new content mod Alpha 10a.
Undead sleleton doing an air walk.
Elevator is still not quite right. It was fine until I took portal to Arhok and came back to dungeon. I was able to get to the elevator this time though.
Raks region has missing template.
Still some nodal stitch weirdness happening around lake.
And get kicked from game (tried twice) at same point.
Get fatal error message:
And will be fixing my radar goof in Raks lair.
I can't examine it right now, but this cap will be removed if you open the door to the vault.
Evidentally I didn't a add a safety trigger...
However I just hope it's not a but in the stitching data (...rather painful to check), maybe 'only' the numerous fade triggers are not up to date.
Note maybe there's acutally a corner in the East of Arhok town (anywhere next to the health bushes) that is accessible now too.
Could you possibly update this too? really looks a bit strange walking in a black radar zone while standing on bright snow.
Will update both radar regions asap.
I started a new game and the texture is back, as well as no fatal error message going through the southern cave.
I had no change to any resource files to account for the errors from before. :?
Tried Return to Arhok with 2.2 executable and still running into some problems.
Elevator to Raks Lair is still blacking out but accessable.
Elevator to Scorpion Dungeon is blacked out at bottom and cannot continue.
DS2X Vault Doors function but after you leave area and return the back is blacked out and the front has a thin blackout strip through the middle.
Boris and Saul get stuck in a talking animation when you ask them to join. Problem eventually clears up on its own and they finish the last of their hire dialogue.
Conflicting moods with different frustums occupying same area surrounding lake.
The nodal problem in lake area seem to be somehow connected to the elevator platform in tower. The elevator fades and becomes translucent as you ride it up and down.
Experience split is not working correctly as well, as my character is almost a half level behind other party members in the last screenshot shows.
And the character camera is not working correctly for portrait.
Such caps are needed for the elevator cell and the backside of the vault doors (from behind it's a transparent if the opposite walls is faded out).
I have check this. I must admit the 'whole South' of map isn't actually tuned in particular related on the node fading matter.
This component evidentially needs another revision.
The Level Adjustment mod should cooperate with the original code and the Hotfix resp. Aranna Legacy mod as well.
Found the problem with the tower elevator, still trying to find the reason for node stitching errors though. Elevator had a bad texture that was keeping it from loading correctly. Had to change it from "sn02" to "0carved01" in the nodes.gas file.
[t:snode,n:0x491b8c41] { b bounds_camera = false; i camera_fade_amount = 255; b camera_fade_group = false; x guid = 0x491B8C41; x mesh_guid = 0x00204DB7; x nodelevel = 0xFFFFFFFF; x nodeobject = 0xFFFFFFFF; x nodesection = 0x00000001; b occludes_camera = true; b occludes_light = true; radar_tex = region_12a_lake_1_x_x_x1_z1; f radar_u = 0.344506; f radar_v = 0.966661; texsetabbr = 0carved01; // sn02;
And the character portrait was related to 1440x900 resolution. Changing it to 1024x768 cleared it up.
@PhoeniX: Thanks for the evevator hint!

It seems the snowy texture set swashed anyhow from the main part to onto tower while tuning the environment...
About the misplaced character icon for custom resolutions:
The only work-around I know is to start DS2 with an official resolution and change it in-game then. This can be realized by expanding the native resolution list or by a skrit command.
The first approach needs an extra mod and changing the resolution all the time isn't that fun. Also with skrit the switch isn't as fluid is it should be, an additional check is needed too not to perform the resolution switch during a Flick/NIS (as it may happen on the tutorial beach for example).
It's all fighting the symptoms though - it would be much better to find a way to tune the portrait photo shot itself.
I decided to give Return to Arhok a look, I was wondering if the problem I encountered is because I am playing the map using Broken World. I found and saved the Hassat King, after dieing a great deal giggle.
I tried to speak to him and nothing happened. So I went back up the elevator, and to the location of the
Hassat on the mountain. Although the I was thanked for saving the king and they would go home the quest did not complete. Here are a few screen shots.
@bare_elf: Thanks for testing it!
It's a real problem that you couldn't talk to the King. While some quests are not designed to complete (by intention), this main quest of course should finish 'as used to be' in DS2.
I guess the prison cell did not unlock/'de-block' properly, that's probably why you could not talk to the King (the quest would complete after the corresponding conversation).
Currently there are some other problems too, but I hope these things will be in the next release.
In meantime you could try to find the two secret rooms in the dungeon area. Don't bother if you can't find them instantly, I think PheoniX is still searching the second one since months. :P
secret rooms oh goodie I like secret rooms its back to the dungeon to start my search.
