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UberMonsters 2.0

the world of Aranna has changed, after the defeat of Valdis, the landscape of Aranna has changed but that is not all that has changed the creatures that inhabit Aranna have become aggressive and dangerous no longer weak... its either be the hunter or the hunted...

requires Broken World

install: in Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources or wherever you have broken world installed.

uninstall: remove from Program Files\2K Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World\resources or wherever you have broken world installed.

this mod makes monsters more aggressive and tougher in both DungeonSiege II and Broken World.

changed Carver Bat to have some magic to go along with its melee. Changed a lot of monsters to have acid clouds on death. Bortusk in DS2 now have pups like Broken World. Boggrot should now explode in DS2 and Taclak should explode into Blood like BW. Taugrim are more dangerous.

2.0- changed broken world monsters from level 38 and 39 to level 40 since one has to beat valdis who is level 40 to play broken world. changed Magrus, Arinth, Boden, Kynos, Wethril and Luun's health, attack and defense. snowbrook haven and windstone fortress mages and rangers are tougher now and these now have some new summons to fight. added Bone Minions to breakable containers.
1.0- initial release



i really like the UberMonsters mod but they kill too fast,

we kill too quick with 6 party members each in veteran mode with a friend

i was looking for a monster mod where they have alot of health and maybe a bit more demage is there a way you could change this mod to one like that?

thanks in advance

When i use UberMonsters 2.0 with DS2 BW and i play a level 15 on the DS2 basic map, i get Hakus with 175 health (thougher that's good), Mordens with the same 54 health (weird but ...), the problem is that Eirulan is now deserted, there is no one there. Why would that be?

wow, i forgot i posted that and yet still no answer.

hi, thanks for trying my mod, sorry it didn't work out for you. I no longer play or mod Brokenworld so doubt there will be any more updates to this. as for Eirulan being deserted, I have no idea.

*ponders taking over debugging of this mod since this mod has mostly stuff that was plagiarised from her monsters improved fixed mod* :P :P :P lol

as for eirulan being empty, it might be due to a mod conflict with another mod u're using from what i gather from the other topic u posted. maybe the monster level adjust mod together with this mod might be causing it since using 2 mods that both modify the same thing (monster level in this case) is a no-no as it wud result in a mod conflict.

I beg to differ v1.0 was released long b4 monsters improved fixed mod.
and yes a monster adjuster would probably interfere with this. but none the less, perhaps the morden should be tougher.