Converting other 3rd Party DS1 maps to DS2
Submitted by bare_elf on Fri, 2012-08-24 04:36 | ||
I know several people have made comments about converting other Dungeon Siege and Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna maps to Dungeon Siege II as Iryan and KillerGermal have done. So I thought I would create a forum topic where these things can be talked about. So that you do not have to start from scratch here are links to the files created by Iryan and KillerGermal. KillerGremal's Utraean Seizure of hopeless Mapping Iryan's DS1 Map Pack for DS2 Beta Test Iryan's DS1 Monster Map Support Mod for Mappers and Converted DS1 Realm of Kings. This map needs work however both Iryan and I are busy with finishing the maps found in DS1 Map Pack for DS2 Beta Test so currently do not have time to work on Realm of Kings, anyone interested in working on this? If you are down-load the files and give it a go. Dark_Elf has also started the conversion of Valley Peak. As I have time I will explore Realm of Kings in both the original DS1 Version and the Converted version pointing out where things should go like vendors, NPCs, Quests and such.
The latest versions of Loridan, Realm of Kings, Search for the Past and Training of the Hero None are feature complete but will at least load in DS2. They all require the Legendary Mod resources to run and support the Level Adjustment Mod. forums: |
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Maps that might be worth converting.
1. Fall from Paradise
2. Mystery of the Abyss
3. Training of the Hero (La Formation du Héros)
4. Dark Tide Rising
5. Olden World
6. Chill Town
I have the DS1 files for some of these, so I could always upload them if someone was interested in attempting a conversion to DS2. Or if you have a map or idea of your own tell us about it.
I currently have the following maps installed in my DS1/LoA Directories
Fall from Paradise
Training the Hero
Dark Tide Rising
Olden World
Legends of Utrae 3.2
Realm of Kings
So I can compare the original to the conversions if they should be done.
I know they're not maps but here's two converted DS1 weapon packs that may possibly be included in this thread. Apologies if this has been done before but I've not seen anything similar either at Siegetheday or anywhere else. One will be of interest to bare_elf I'm sure.
This ports 21 weapons from Dungeon Siege Revived courtesy of Omniscient_Colossus & Ikkyo and 4 from Azrus Revell's Einlanzer Pack. Credits of course to Omniscient_Colossus & Ikkyo for Revived and Azrus Revell.
This ports 20 weapons from Cat Mansion Costume and Cutiegirl mods by Hamcat. Credits to Hamcat of course. Includes 17 melee and 3 ranged weapons.
All weapons appear in storekeepers' stocks and drops from monsters. Tested in Broken World but should work in vanilla DS2 as well. The Cat Mansion Weapons doesn't require the Cat Mansion Mod but obviously goes hand in hand with it.
I have looked at several of the weapons Iryan, have not found all 41 when I do I will test them too. All of the inventory icons appear to be working on the ones I found. All of the melee weapons I have used so far are carried correctly and special effects are working as well. The only problem I have noted so far is that the Skull Driver is missing a skin. The ranged weapons on the other hand have issues. The Ohuda (ranged weapon) is carried and used correctly but it's reload rate is so fast that the character using it has a bad case of the shakes. The Throwing Plate also has that problem plus it is not actually being held by the character using it.
Throwing Plate and Ohuda overly fast weapons
He keeps raking up these mushrooms, I have a house full of them
Mine is bigger than yours!
They said we would clean up around here but is this what they mean?
Hey Buddy give me a hand with this plant
poor skull driver has no skin but the trident looks good.
Several years ago Firebat and I took some of the DS1 Cat Mansion Weapons "War Fans" and "Throwing Plates" plus a few weapons from some other very old games and things drifting about in our minds Like a throwing brick and flower dagger and built a mod that I have been using for years. Some of the inventory icons are a bit weird because this mod was never intended for release but what the heck.
Here is a link to both the mod and the source files:
I would think if the Sensu (war fan) and 1 handed Katana (war sword) are in the game the Shield Sensu and Shield Katana might be nice to add, even if I can duel wield either weapon. Here are a few screen shots from DS1 with some of the old cat mansion gear.
Sailor Girl
Okay who took my armor
An early Christmas?
I am for converting anything signed by Psycogun, with his permission of course.
Years ago when Psychogun2003 stopped modding he posted on two sites that are no longer around that anyone could use parts or all of his maps so long as he was credited with being the creator of the original Mod. So a conversion of any of his maps to DS2 would be okay I do believe.
I remeber Olden world as a map created before there was even an editor around. It was suprisingly good thou not fully completed. I also remeber the authour offering me to complete it if I wished. I gracefully declined due to my lack of skill but it should be up for grabs. It would be nice to see it converted, completed and expanded upon, like adding some new stuff from LoA and DS2. I really need to hunt down this map, I feel like playing it again, it's a nice way to spend a few hours.
Well I just might have to upload the mod and give you a link to it. As it appears that the links on Siege Network are down, Dungeon Siege - World of Heroes which has a copy is broken at this time. I checked Trog world and Dungeon Siege.FR but neither has a copy of the map. Not sure if the copy I have is original since it was not in a zip file and I could find no readme file for it on my computers and as you are aware I tend to modify characters weapons and armor to my own tastes.
This is the Olden World file I have:
Well I guess I will have to link it. I tried to do the attachment but that doesn't seem to work. I it is only a 5.6mb file.
Olden World zip file
It's been a while but here's links for 4 alpha versions of Third Party DS1 Maps converted to DS2
None are feature complete but will at least load in DS2. They all require the Legendary Mod resources to run and support the Level Adjustment Mod.
Loridan is the same version that bare_elf tested quite a while ago.
Realms of Kings has had some radar map images made for it but is otherwise largely untested.
Search for the Past and Training of the Hero have just been converted and are completely untested and currently only support 1 starting position so parties are a waste in these two maps.
These were the easiest to start converting as they are simple maps. Most of the other significant third party maps have custom templates that also need converting before they are playable.
I will have a look at these new conversions just a soon as I can. new toys new toys!!
Glad to be of service.
Loridan you have already been through at least once but I'm not sure how far you got with Realms of Kings. The other two are brand new.
I'm releasing these as I can work on them in short down times when I can't play test Legends. So if you provide feedback I'll do my best to respond with frequent updates to these.
Of most importance is save points. Placing session portals is very easy so if you provide coordinates of where they should go I can cook something up pretty quickly. That way you won't need to retrace from the very start all the time. Search for the Past and Training of the Hero are small maps and probably could be completed in a playing session but since I've never played them I not 100% sure about that. They also only have 1 starting position and are obviously meant for 1 party member so I'm not sure whether having a party playing them would be appropriate but if so adding additional starting points is very easy.
Next is probably shopkeepers, again if you provide the information they should be easy enough to do.
Then it's just little things and bugs that need to be fixed, modified, enhanced, etc, like the radar for instance.
Once I finished play testing and fine tuning Legends I plan on working on a few more of these third party maps and then releasing them in an addon map pack for Legends (as they need Legends' resources to run properly). One cool thing about these maps is that if you don't install Legends they could probably be run just with KillerGremal's Mod-DS1Content pack and terrain pack like Diabloish for instance. The advantage of that is that they'll be more like Arhok enhanced with mostly DS2 monsters and npcs with a sprinkling of DS1 monsters rather than traditional DS1 actors. That may be interesting or not depending on your likes. So any custom templates will be released in the map ds2res rather than Legends Logic ds2res to enable this.
Hi Iryan,
On all of Psycogun 2000's Such as training the hero and search for the past... there are several NPCs that you can hire in the DS1 maps. With Realm of Kings and Loridan there have never been any characters you can hire and there needs to be. There are obvious save points on all 4 maps and as I have time I will mark them. There is also the issue with the characters looking like pretzels when played with Adepts. So I will go through the maps using standard characters first. On the Realm of Kings map the three vendors prior to the first town are marked but sell nothing but I will note these as I get to them. Of all the maps since we have already started Realm of Kings I will go there first.
At the very start of the Realm of Kings the woman that gives you your first quest should also be a person that can resurrect you when you die because you will die. There should also be a storage locker.

At the location called Burntown, there should be a save point, there is already a weapon/armor vendor and magic vendor at this point with nothing to sell. A storage locker would be useful here as well as it is many days before the first real town. Because Realm of Kings never had any people to hire it would be nice to have a ranger or combat mage to hire here as well. Because it was a real pain getting to this point alone.
A point of interest in the DS1 map turn left to get to first town go right to a very difficult monster packed area with a vendor, why don't the vendors ever get eaten by the monsters? Yes I know you can write the code that way but in real life vendors are always eaten first.
If it would be useful I can run the ds2 map in parallel with the ds2 map so you and I can see what is what.
Is there a way in Dungeon Siege 1 to mark a map location like there is in Dungeon Siege 2? Dropping a health potion while holding down ctrl and alt does not work. I was hoping there might be a way so that while working on these 4 new maps I could play both ds1 and ds2 and be able to display where things need to be placed or removed based on the old map.
Just curious.
Unfortunately I wasn't able to port this back to DS1 even after 2 hours, and while the compiler accepts the skrit code meanwhile, in-game my components get totally ignored anyhow.
Hm, I must have missed something - honestly, I can't really remember when I did a skrit component for DS1 the last time...
Finally, 'simple' reason for my troubles was that DS1 obvisiouly is saving the name of custom components in the savegame. DS2 does not, but ignoring this can really cause some nuisance...
However, here it is: Mod-PotionPositionLabel-Alpha1.dsres (3kB, ReadMe).
Please note, compared to DS2, in DS1 you now have to press Ctrl+Shift to make the potion drop with a position label (since the Alt key is already used by default).
I've create this mod with LoA installed, so no idea if it works with DS1 v1.11 or v1.0 too.
A pending matter is that I wasn't able to get the name of the current region. Actually there is a function called WorldMap.GetRegionNameForNode but it doesn't seem to work (and there is no working example in DS1 to check).
So right now, only mood name and siege node can give a hint about the region name. This really should be fixed.
Thank you once again KillerGremal, you are the wizard. I will download and see how it works.
However one custom approach for a combative shop keeper would be smith_jerena_strongblade (based on a female guard).
But it already would be an achievement if threatened NPCs would defend or run away. I think this could be possible, generally, although it could mess up with quest giving NPCs for example.
A save point here would be very useful. I have not been able to go much beyond this point before I run out of time.
There should also be a save point in the town of Dromnar it is the first major town with an inn. Now in the DS1 version of the map there are several quests the first is by the character at the entrance of the town, another from a lady hunting for her husband, she is located on a hidden path. Once I reach the town in DS1 I will show them. The thing that is truly annoying about the DS1 Town of Dromar is that almost everyone in the town is either a magic seller or weapon and armor vendor. I guess some of them could become just ambient characters, then we do need an innkeeper, undertaker, enchanter and so on. Storage trunk is a must!! I will hold off going much farther until the save points are established as I feel like I am running in circles. Might start a run at Search for the Past or Loridon and list a few things.
I'll try adding the save points tonight. Session Portals are easy to add to the map. All the towns should have automatic saves, storage trunk and a full complement of shopkeepers. The original author did go overboard with certain npcs (I don't know how many mp_peasant_male_bigs there were or mage_trianna_lelaines but there were quite a few).
Search for the Past and Training of the Hero are much smaller maps and maybe able to be completed in a playing session.
They may be small maps but I was never able to complete any of Psycogun's maps in one playing session, but that might have been do to the fact that the quests tend to be a bit complex. Maybe without looking to solve the quests I could do the map rapidly and note the location of save points.
Hi Iryan,

On the way to Dromnar, I turned left instead of right and discovered a valley I had forgotten about it really needs a save point prior to entering as the valley contains an over stock of evil and nasty things. Lots of good loot in the DS1 version of the map so worth clearing out. However since your party is going to die a save point would be great -- Oh an maybe the guy at the house near here could be undertaker?
There are a few problems in Dromnar -- Missing Quest Givers -- doors that fail to open mostly the ones that are at the top of some stairs but not always -- Saving the Game in the town does not allow you to restart in the town. You start where you came into the world at the farm house. There is no portal to return you to town.

Iryan please explain to the innkeeper that locking the door during business hours is very bad for business and against safety regulations!

@bare_elf: Just for testing purpose you may set 'save_town_portal = true' in the DS2 *.ini. Like this a portal will be re-opened in the next session as if you reached a save-point.
Note however, such 'careless' portals are quite risky. They may mess up with quest or fade triggers, also don't leave the game with a portal opened inside any buildings or next to any node/ground structures or when nearby a cave/dungeon entrance.
The start position 'report' of the rejuvenation potion may not be fully reliable if the ID is zero.
Usually an ID of zero points on a problem - for example that an unconfigured start position toggler has set the ID back to zero (simply because its default is zero).
But it's also possible that there is a defined start position with ID = 0 (for example exactly to catch unconfigured start position togglers) so a detected ID of zero wouldn't be a problem.
So I have to check if there is a better way to distinguish these two cases.
In the DS1 map you start with one character and can not import a party of larger size into the game, so I never saw this issue before. Your main character starts the game in Prison (logical because the king put you there but you can not remember why). The second party member is outside the prison waiting for you to escape (again logical location for additional party members that have come to find you). However any additional party members are scattered at random about the map (my third party member was in the mines). Thinking I could link them together using the personal town teleport spell I tried that. Was teleported to a castle and the game crashed as soon as I tried to move my character. Note in screen shot #2 that dropping a rejuvenation potion reports a start group error. This is also true for the the primary and secondary characters.
Jane is the first person you encounter once out of the prison. She is both a quest giver and a hireable NPC. You must hire her to finish the quest. It is a rescue mission to save her friend that was looking into some strange goings on. If I recall correctly both Jane and the rescued person must be in your party as they have important insights and are known by the good guys... Problem is that prior to getting some money and buying additional slots for party members from an innkeeper this would not be possible. Not sure what to do about this, but will think on it.
Burk is Jane's buddy and here is what he has to say after we save him.

A save point should go here

It appears that bringing in a party over the size of 1 from another map into "Search for the Past" "Training the Hero" and "Loridan" Causes the party members to be scattered to the four corners of creation. With Loridan at least the party members are scattered around the starting town but with Psycogun2003's maps the characters are scattered across the map on totally different nodes. I took a six member party into "Training the Hero" and the sixth member of my party was sitting at the very end of the game. Seems the locations they are sent to are static however. With "Search for the Past"
The primary character is in prison, the second character is outside the prison, the third is in the mines and I never found the other three, their icons where there but they where all in a black soup that I could not get them out of. With Realm of Kings however all characters show up at the start point.
I am not sure what is different about the maps, but whatever it is it was not an issue with DS1 because you could only start a single player game with one character and pick up the additional members as you moved through the maps. It has to have something to do with how the map starts.
I think I found it in the main gas file!
world_interest_radius = 8.000000;
start_region_name = realmkings;
timeofday = 0h0m;
world_interest_radius, start_region_name are both missing from the maps by Psycogun2003
I would expect that Loridan is either missing world_interest_radius or has a very large area. I will have to untank it and look.
Oh well it is something more than the main gas file...

I will keep looking
little elf, while u have your new maps untanked, load up siege editor and load the map in, then there should be a tab labeled Unsorted Items, under that tab should be Siege Objects, and something called Starting Position should be listed if you click on Starting Position, u should be able to place 6 of em any place you choose, esp at the beginning of the map, that is perhaps one of the easiest things to do with siege editor... then if u manage to get 6 u save, and hopefully it works..... hehe if that don't work we will leave that task to iryan to fix in future
Darkelf that would be great if I could figure out how to load the files into siege editor 2 when I try to load something it keeps yelling things that make no sense at all like you have to have a node open first before you can do that, or that function does not apply, or you can not load the help file because your version of windows does not support it. I will leave the use of the siege editors to people who are not as blond as me. Remember this...
A blond was driving down the road and saw another blond in the middle of a corn field rowing a boat. She stopped her car and told the blond in the boat, that she was giving all blonds a bad name because she was rowing a boat in a corn field and that if she could swim she would swim to the boat and slap the other blond silly. Yup that is me when it comes to using the siege editors
heres a teaser of DarkTideRising in SiegeEditor 2, but agin that's all it will be is a teaser
