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I talk to much.

I was looking at the posts I have written today and am starting to think I talk to much. I know I am part of the site staff, play the games, test the new projects, and try to find answers to peoples problems. But good grief Elf you do tend to run on and on don't you! Well I think I will go to sleep and give the typing a little rest.




lol well there isn't many others who will talk :P

But I Like your convo's Sad Dwarf :P

Yeah, what they said!

sigofmugmort wrote:
But I Like your convo's Sad Dwarf :P

DrakeIsGod wrote:
lol well there isn't many others who will talk Sticking out tongue


Okay I will keep talking, yammer yammer poit hey brain are you thinking what I am thinking?


Great, now I'll have the theme from Pinky and the Brain in my(empty)head all day :goofy: :P


sigofmugmort wrote:
Great, now I'll have the theme from Pinky and the Brain in my(empty)head all day :goofy: :P


Brain are you thinking what I'm thinking?
No Sigofmugmort is a dwarf not a bowl of yellow jello Pinky
Poit poit

You don't talk too much Elfy.

And that's exactly why we like you. :sun: