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How neat would it be to have DS mobs in MC? Just a fun thought I had. Was wandering through the jungle and realized "This place needs some freaking Hak'u."

I think I'm going to build some DS-inspired stuff.

Suggestions? I'm going to try to build the Teleporters first, even if they'll be a wee bit bigger than normal.

Maybe a couple of those dragon-flown troop crates that you see at the beginning. That'd be neat.
Morden Towers!

I've been taking inspiration from various texture packs for MC to soon create my own. Think I'm going to have some DS stuffs. What's that? You want the Gold armor to be Lorethal's Legacy? Gee wiz, I just can't seem to calm you down about that idea. Fine fine, I'll do it.

What's that? Timmy's stuck in a well?
Oh, you mean you want the Leather armor to be the one from DS2? Gosh, you're never satisfied.

All the pieces are coming together..
