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Quality Banter

Hey everyone,

I just gotta say that its so suprising that theres a whole group of people who are just as in love with this series as I am, I honestly thought the game was as dead as it could be.

The main topic though, is about the chatter between NPCs. I've been able to extract the voice files using Tank Viewer 2 but they're not in the order they would be in if they triggered in game, you know? Like, one character's line, followed by another characters reply. Its all neatly numbered which is all very good but it doesn't show what order they should be in for the inter-party banter.

Is there a way to find out what order they go in and match them up? I'd guess that there has to be an order buried somewhere in the game files but I know next to nothing about this kind of thing, so I was wondering if any of you wonderful folk might have any ideas?

Thank you

EDIT: I forgot to mention that I'm speaking about Dungeon Siege II but I'm sure you all know what I was talking about.

may need to extract the maps there is conversations for each region...also ds2 uses the flick system. so may need the global flicks found in logic...other than that I not sure