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Seasons greetings and a happy new year.

Writing this in a hurry but I wanted to wish everyone in the community a merry Christmas and a happy new year. And of course to extend a seasons greeting to those who celebrate other holidays this time of the year.

Thanks for being with us. May your holiday be filled with joy and may the next year be full of excitement, happiness and growth for you.


firebat's picture

Happy Holidays everyone!

Yes, Best wishes for the Holidays! Smile

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

LoneKnight's picture

Have a safe holiday everyone. And joyous as well...

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Sharkull's picture

Merry Christmas / Happy Holidays / Seasons Greetings to everyone!

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

I love my new ipod for christmas Smile

........Ah yes, Joyeux Noel! Laughing out loud

LoneKnight's picture

Record players > Ipods

Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Also a trend for inferior music. Record players > sound quality than cds. Cds > sound quality than mp3's. Seems to me one should get better quality not worse with newer technologies.

For mp3 playes I refuse to buy/own one that is drm infected and requires you play their format.

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Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

I wish that they would make .vbs players, it is better quality in less space.

- cheers, sol
- best wishes to you and your family in 2007

- and to all STD'ers everywhere!! :woot:
..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

It has finally snowed here. 10cm so far, with 20 more expected Shock

Let it snow, Let it snow, Let it snow!

Oh, it finally snowed here today as well. Yay snow! Although we didn't get much... Sad

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

I heard they got snow back home but I'm pretty sure it has all melted away by now. I'm starting to doubt I will get to see any snow this winter, at least at home. Smile

And it is weird.. it feels like it has already been 2007 for a while. Doesn't feel at all like tonight is new yearseve. Smile

@Blondin, Thanks.

firebat's picture

Snow? What is that?
It rarely snows here..

Sharkull's picture

Hap-hap-happy New Year!!!

LoneKnight's picture


Unkown wrote:
It remains to be seen if DS can rise back from its ashes and dissociates from DS2 and GPG.

Happy New Year!

I have been expecting snow, but it must have melted a few hundred metres above ground level --if it ever came into existance at my location at all in the past few weeks.
Oh, well.
Until next post!
Have a great time!