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It was snowing today... what happened to the spring we had last week?



Strider978's picture

Thats odd... it was snowing here in Canada as well...

We must be on the same weather channel as you.

*primroses in bloom and beautiful sunshine here*

... sorry!! :woot:

..never mind the weather, just as long as we're together!

That was evil! ^^

It snowed again last night, but now it seems it has melted away.

We might get some snow flurries today, although it isn't very cold. Probably about 40 f, so maybe the flurries will be rain showers. Of course, instead of blaming Last Resort for this I blame....Blondin! You nice weather gloater! Wink Laughing out loud :P

(heh, heh)

Total absence of humor renders life impossible.

The forcast for my area is saying 6-10 inches of snow through tomorrow night. Though they are saying the higher totals should go south of where I am at. We have been between 20-40 for highs most days for the past 7-8 days. But it is supposed to get back in the 40's in a couple days and they are saying near 60 by early next week. And we had some pretty warm days in late March in contrast to the 2 feet of snow we had at the beginning of March. I dont expect any snow amounts to last very long at this time of year.

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Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

We just got 6 more inches....... in April! Shock

Most people are complaining, but I love snow and I hope it stays this way until May.....

firebat's picture

We had the warmest day in April ever! 28,9C at the place they measure the weather.. It was a very nice weekend :).