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Error message

Deprecated function: The each() function is deprecated. This message will be suppressed on further calls in remember_me_form_alter() (line 78 of /var/www/

DS2 Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2 here.

Sharkull's picture

"Hidden" quiver ornament...

Found this today:

Here's the code to add the ornament (tested using the my_test_world_amr_bdy_a2 template):


Note: m_c_gah_amr_orn_fa_type02_quiver_01.asp & m_c_gah_amr_orn_ma_type02_quiver_01.asp exist... but there's nothing in the half-giant folder so I'm guessing it might not be ideal for an in-game armor.

Hello, was wondering....

if it would be possable for some one to make a mod to beable to move the UI windows in game.i know nothing about modding what so ever.and not sure how hard it would be to do this progect.but just asking. got inventory mod and causeing my windows to over lap same with inn keeper where ya store your chacters. as of right now i can see the window on inn keeper but over laps character inventory and not usable.


firebat's picture

save game warning

When the 2.2 patch was just released there was a lot of complaining from people that could not load their save games anymore after they used and removed a mod, this thing i made doesn't change that but at least it gives those people a warning when they start DS2(see the screenshot).

I did this by changing
ui\interfaces\frontend\main_menu\main_menu.gas from logic.ds2res, i added this block:

i draw_order = 83;
font_type = b_gui_fnt_22p_ringbearer-gold;//the font to use
justify = center; //
i max_height = 1000;// the max height (up to down)

Reusing GPG maps

I'm trying to use a portion of the DS2 map (specifically the towns of Kalrathia and Darthrul and the desert between) as a new map. I untanked only those regions into a new folder, plus the map-level content from ds2world, from which I deleted all references to the other regions, and edited some names, camera settings etc. I also emptied out the actors and conversations from the first few regions, as I'll have new content. I didn't do the same for the gizmos, as the doors etc. will still be needed.

Then I removed the start positions from the Kalrathia region and added just one new one. I saved the map and tried to launch DS2MOD to use it. I got a bunch of errors because of stitch data for non-existent regions, but then it put me into a blank, black space that was not on the map. Siege Editor 2 is happy with each region, but I can't use the resulting map. :x

Changing the tooltip color of an item

This item is from a mod I gave up on awhile back I dubbed "diablo flash back" . I figured out how to make a new color for the item's screen name. I used this incomplete soj for testing reasons.

in config\global_settings.gas I entered a new color in the tooltip_colors block I called crafting.

// All colors are in 0xaarrggbb ( alpha-red-green-blue ) format
alter_stat_up = 0xff00ffff; // Cyan -- was 0xff6600ff;
alter_stat_down = 0xff995422; // Brown
required = 0xffff0000; // Red

New Item Slots

I'm almost positive that this is hardcoded and therefore impossible to implement, but I still wanted to see what you all thought.

I want to shrink the two hand slots by one vertical slot, and shrink the chest spot to a 4x4, and make the two ring slots 4x4, move them to the bottom, and make spots for Pants and Cloak. (Since when has an adventurer gone on a long adventure without Pants?) I have the interface modded as such, and I have the new items in game, but I can't get the items to recognize the new slot types.

I figure, as they are "defined" in the ui section, I assume the resulting code that connects the two must in some way be skrit or similar, although I'm probably quite wrong.

Balderstrom's picture

Adding random projectile axis error? (To Spells)

I asked this over on GPG, but the original thread is 3+ weeks old, so perhaps it's not getting any notice if you don't go and manually sort by last reply like I do - or save links to automatically sort by last reply.

So anyone know if it's possible to incorporate random projectile error into targetted spells?


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