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DS2 Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2 here.

DS2 Legendary Mod - Bug

The Agallan Trials quest line does not trigger.

I've returned from killing the three Dark Wizards, advisor Kynos tells me Lord Kalrathia is dying, Lord K tells me to get the key to the fountain from advisor Kynos .... and nothing. The ? does not disappear from Lord K, advisor Kynos keeps telling me to speak with Lord K. I can't continue.

DS1 Legendary Mod - French Translation

Here's a French translation template mod similar to the German one I posted a week ago for SeriousToni. This is primarily for Gemeaux333 but may be useful for anyone else who may be interested in translating the Legendary Mod into different languages. I'm sorry it taken this long to get this prepared for you.!pt1DECpR!YXL18MYFtW00CkmI0SujyhNJoVi6uC5gWd1C_YDPvXc

Legendary Mod - Items Translation

Dear DS2 fellows,

I recently tested the Legendary Mod for my Dungeon Siege Installation. What a wonderful piece of work! Excellent! Smile

My Game is German and I noticed that in the mod there are some english items (the dialogues are also english, but I don't care that much.

So I wanted to ask if there is a language setup I missed, or if I somehow can translate the english items by myself to German?

Does anybody know what font DS uses?

Not the font in the game or the UI but the font of the DSMod console and in Siege Editor?

Spear and lance for melee

Hello friends! There's a mod with spear/lance with melee?

Up to 12 party members

Throne of Agony on DS2 ?

Have anyone ever tried to make a mod allowing to play the "Throne of agony' campaign on DS2 ?

I assume the gameplay would be a bit different from the PSP game, but at least it would allow us to have its benefits (like the codes, etc...)


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