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DS2: BW Mod development

Discuss modifications of DS2: BW here.

wardonis's picture

Can this be done?

Can a melee/combat mage class be added? and/or a nature/combat mage class? I've always been a fan of DW melee but I confess I have quite a thing for lightning aswell. Can a class, like the fist of stone, be added to support such a build? or lightning/healing ish?

A humble Mod Request

Hi i'm new to the site.

For 4 years now i've been searching for a mod or simple ini-edit to reset the campaign,
but to keep my existing party alive.
In Dungeon Siege 1 you could, after you finished the campaign try out the multiplayer,
though with a 1 player restriction. That actually didn't matter to me to a great extend.
But in Dungeon Siege 2 you're more emotionaly bound to your whole party instead of your character-less
main hero.

So what i'm asking is:
- is there a way to have multiplayer support for my whole singleplayer party ?

Reverant_Spark's picture

Requesting Dual Wielding 2-Handers Mod =]

Hey guys, I was just wondering if anyone has, or could make a mod that would allow me to dual wield 2 2-hand swords?
Im a half giant, should be able to imo =P

Thanks in advance.

Looking for "Custom Pets Reloaded" V2 or V5

CustomPetsReloaded v5 updated with 5 new female mercs (Darkelf, Wed, 07 Jan 2009 20:47:31 +0100)
CustomPetsReloaded v5 updated with 5 new female mercs i am gonna release these badgirls - they will just come with the basic new character armor, figuring nothing i put on them will be good as what drops in game anyways and are available from the pet shop. I made them some new weapons graphics, to

Also see my other post:

Resurrecting a lost mod: "Custom Pets Reloaded V2" by Darkelf

Dark_Elf's GiantGnome for DS2 or BrokenWorld

Level 1000

Can anyone tell me how to say, make a mod that will allow me to get to level 1000 (or higher)



Anyone have incite to advanced UI modification, I'm finally going to attempt to implement my various ideas into the DSII/BW engine.

I've seen various post and articles about how easily it is to add item slots but have not found any examples or implementations for reference. Lara seems to be the only sample and it was a repurpose of existing slots. I will require new ones, holding new items.

I'd like to add a number of extras (more rings, more amulets, charms, pentagraphs, more spell books, tiki/voodoo dolls, backpack, bracelets, satchels’, etc)

Any assistance would be welcome.


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