We will use the Simple Sword template, from the Creating A Simple Item - Sword tutorial, and modify it here. All items are assigned this value the same way:
1. Under the [common] block we will assign a new field that is is_pcontent_allowed = false;. Set this to true or false depending on if you want your item to be able to be considered for the pcontent pool. That means wether or not the monsters will drop it and the smiths will sell it randomly. If you set this to false, your item will never drop in the game unless you assign it to drop by force (addressed in a later tutorial).
doc = "Dragon Lords Sword";
specializes = base_sword;
model = m_w_swd_055;
gold_value = 1000;
f damage_max = 407;
f damage_min = 307;
is_pcontent_allowed = false;
pcontent_special_type = rare, unique, normal;
screen_name = "Steel of the Dragon Lords";
can_sell = false;
active_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_swd_005;
equip_requirements = strength:30, dexterity:45;
inventory_height = 4;
inventory_width = 1;
inventory_icon = b_gui_ig_i_w_swd_088;
f modifier_max = 14.000000;
f modifier_min = 7.000000;