We will use the Simple Sword template, from the Creating A Simple Item - Sword tutorial, and modify it here. All items are assigned gold values the same way:
1. Under the [aspect] block we will assign a new field that is simply gold_value = AMOUNT;. Replace AMOUNT with the miniumum amount of gold you want your item to be worth when generated.
doc = "Dragon Lords Sword";
specializes = base_sword;
model = m_w_swd_055;
gold_value = 1000;
f damage_max = 407;
f damage_min = 307;
pcontent_special_type = rare, unique, normal;
screen_name = "Steel of the Dragon Lords";
active_icon = b_gui_ig_i_ic_swd_005;
equip_requirements = strength:30, dexterity:45;
inventory_height = 4;
inventory_width = 1;
inventory_icon = b_gui_ig_i_w_swd_088;
f modifier_max = 14.000000;
f modifier_min = 7.000000;