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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

Hey guys-

I downloaded the mod to get rid of the green rings/outline, but I was wondering if there was a way to get rid of the "green sparkly" effect that surrounds the characters.

Edited to add:
I was also wondering if there was a way to enlarge the font in Skrit pad. It would make editing the conversations easier, but I am still plugging away at them.

A new beta has been released. Apart from bug fixes, etc, there's a couple of other features.

30 odd more DS1 Armors have been converted as well as 4 special elemental armors to make 55 Armors in all. 10 of them as uniques.

As well there's now 24 unique items in the game, such as Merik's Staff, Starlight Vesture, Black Widow Brigadine, Fire King's Hammer and the Staff of Stars (yes I got it working). Unlike DS2 uniques, these will ever (or should) appear only once for the player. Using the same principle as Volkan's (Phoenix) weapon pack , these unique items will level up with the player.

I would like a lot of feedback on how these unique items work. It would appear they take in account the initial item level of the object when calculating the formula for levelling. Plus the number of other strength, dexterity or intelligent enhancements your player has equipped also adds to the adjustment to stats these items impart to the player. Like Volkan's weapons, when first added to the player's inventory they won't necessarily have the correct stats. Just equip them or pick them up in the inventory and drop them back to the inventory to readjust the stats. This also has to be done when the player levels up any of their primary stats for the item to level up.

Commencing restart:

- running Utraean Peninsula Map, via Elys' UI v.10 and Broken World
- using the following resources:


I will down load the files and have a look around. I would suggest that you might wish to upload the images from your last post again as they appear to be a bit messed up. Oh happy day more things to test!!

Glad you're all excited about testing the latest version.

To whet your appetite a bit more here's a minor update to replace 3 placeholder monsters in Legends of Aranna. Nothing else has changed.

The monsters are the Swirling Midges, Zepheryl and Dark Zepheryl. They appear to work quite well though I would have liked to have the Swirling Midges shoot small versions of themselves at you but couldn't get it to work. Archers may have a hard time hitting them, which I think is realistic as they are rather insubstantial after all.

bare_elf wrote:
I will down load the files and have a look around. I would suggest that you might wish to upload the images from your last post again as they appear to be a bit messed up. Oh happy day more things to test!!

The images appear fine from both my home PC and the PC at my work. Maybe you have a bad connection or was having a bad day.

Blondin235 wrote:

Commencing restart:

- running Utraean Peninsula Map, via Elys' UI v.10 and Broken World
- using the following resources:

Your resources list looks quite fine, everything should be in order.

I forgot to mention that your saved games should work without issue if you update the files as long as you're using a launcher to run the game, one benefit of using them. The only thing you would miss would be if you have already finished a part of the map or quest where you obtain an unique item, for example have already recruited Merik so would miss his Starlight Vesture.

Incidentally has anyone tried to replay any of the maps at a higher level? I did update the code that should make that possible a couple of revisions ago but haven't been able to test it. If that did work then you would be able to eventually get three copies of each unique item.

Yes but I do like this flashy armor they were selling at the dollar store, I wonder if being made from paper will cause any problems?


iryan wrote:
I would like a lot of feedback on how these unique items work. It would appear they take in account the initial item level of the object when calculating the formula for levelling. Plus the number of other strength, dexterity or intelligent enhancements your player has equipped also adds to the adjustment to stats these items impart to the player. Like Volkan's weapons, when first added to the player's inventory they won't necessarily have the correct stats. Just equip them or pick them up in the inventory and drop them back to the inventory to readjust the stats. This also has to be done when the player levels up any of their primary stats for the item to level up.

The weapons, armors and spells become very OP at higher levels in my previous versions, but I got them scaling much better in the unreleased files I linked to site.

And, if I remember correctly, it also solved the issue of having to unequip then reequip items to make stats alter. Game engine was able to interpret the coding better.

PhoeniX wrote:

The weapons, armors and spells become very OP at higher levels in my previous versions, but I got them scaling much better in the unreleased files I linked to site.

And, if I remember correctly, it also solved the issue of having to unequip then reequip items to make stats alter. Game engine was able to interpret the coding better.

Thanks I'll check that out right now as I have your unreleased files.

I used lot lower values than you did in your weapons pack. For most of them, if you unequipped your various strength, dexterity or intelligence boosting accessories, they would have values lower than the DS2 items.

I was able to verify that the new formulas do indeed update automatically for stats. Sadly the armor value does not automatically adjust. I also played around with the scaling formula a little more and seemed to have got them more in-line with the values the game produces through the pcontent system.

So once I update all the formulas it should be possible to encounter native and ds1 items in-game that will have better stats at times, encouraging the player to use them (especially sets). Just the scenario I'm after. Thanks.

Here's a very minor update which uses better scaling for the unique items and Phoenix's better code for updating stats.

One thing that you'll notice is that the items have no prerequisites. So any character can equip any of the unique items. However if they don't specialize in the described skill then they'll get little benefit from them. For instance a mage can equip the Fire King's Hammer but as they'll have little or no melee skills it won't be very powerful at all.

I had to do the scaling this way since once an item level was declared in the gui, it distorted the formula.

If you like the unique items, let me know if there's any you think should be included. If you want a list of where they're found let me know and I'll post one. However map by map there's 6 in Kingdom of Ehb, 8 in the Utraean Peninsula, 7 in Legends of Aranna and 3 in Yesterhaven. None of the Yesterhaven ones were originally found in the map but I thought it would be nice to have a couple in the map anyway.

HardLess's picture

I've just tried this update, value seems good but this item in particular have a prerequisite, does this item isn't one of yours. But I just wanted to show that the texture isn't really nice, seems cut in the middle of the body and doesn't really respect color variation.

But thank you a lot for your mod this is very nice :).

Nice job, I love it.

Very nice. I had a game saved at the Cliffs of Fire, the Dragon Queen finally fell into the abyss, Am looking forward twords finishing Ehb and taking part of the group on to Yesterhaven, then getting my first real go at the Utrean Penninsula.

I have reached Crystwynd, after a fearsome battle in Hovart's Folly.. (excellent fun!)
a couple of points:

1. After killing Hovart, I revisited the Folly from the North Entrance - the trigger
is still operating, even though Hovart is dead - the lift in the room rises up without
Hovart, and the "Lord Hovart" sign re-appears..

2. on the way out, a quick left turn leads to a dead end in a room empty except for a Human Female.
She mentions that she has been exploring and has some items for sale, but the dialogue ends there..
Is this correct, I expected her to offer me the items she was talking about, but the "Shop" option
wasn't available in the dialogue box..?

3. On the way through the Ancient Dwarf section of the Crystwind mines, I found a dead Dwarf
with a "?" hovering over his body - if I remember correctly this is where the mystery of the
missing Dwarven miners is solved, but the "?" just disappeared when I approached it..
Perhaps I hadn't initiated the Quest..? A bit further on, there is a chamber with two cupboards
- also with a "?" hovering nearby.. again nothing happened when I approached it.. (?)

a couple of spelling mistakes:

- should read "covenant", not "convent"..

- should read "ransacked"..

and a graphic glitch near the Hovart's Folly North Entrance

BTW: I have Elys' UI set at a frustum of 60 (?)

- ever onward!! :woot:

Blondin235 wrote:
I have reached Crystwynd, after a fearsome battle in Hovart's Folly.. (excellent fun!)
a couple of points:

1. After killing Hovart, I revisited the Folly from the North Entrance - the trigger
is still operating, even though Hovart is dead - the lift in the room rises up without
Hovart, and the "Lord Hovart" sign re-appears..

2. on the way out, a quick left turn leads to a dead end in a room empty except for a Human Female.
She mentions that she has been exploring and has some items for sale, but the dialogue ends there..
Is this correct, I expected her to offer me the items she was talking about, but the "Shop" option wasn't available in the dialogue box..?

3. On the way through the Ancient Dwarf section of the Crystwind mines, I found a dead Dwarf with a "?" hovering over his body - if I remember correctly this is where the mystery of the missing Dwarven miners is solved, but the "?" just disappeared when I approached it.. Perhaps I hadn't initiated the Quest..? A bit further on, there is a chamber with two cupboards - also with a "?" hovering nearby.. again nothing happened when I approached it.. (?)

4. a couple of spelling mistakes:
- should read "covenant", not "convent"..
- should read "ransacked"..

5. and a graphic glitch near the Hovart's Folly North Entrance
BTW: I have Elys' UI set at a frustum of 60 (?)

- ever onward!! :woot:

Thanks for the feedback

1. I'll revisit these triggers, they were made long ago when I didn't know as much as I do now.

2. Yes originally that npc did sell items but was changed in the initial version of the map when released for DS2. Probably is redundant having a store keeper that close to Elddim, especially with the town portal spell being available in DS2. So maybe just change her conversation to suit?

3. You are right the dwarf is part of the quest. Did you click on him? Maybe I can change that to automatically close the quest when you approach rather than clicking on him.
The question marks on the cupboards are there to indicate they contain lore books (as most cupboards in the Miners Haven aren't open-able). Maybe a better solution is to just replace them with bookshelves? Or with the special glittering glow many of the quest items in DS2 exhibit? Again when I did these, I didn't know very much about mapping.

4. Will fix now.

5. The graphical glitch is well known. Which version of the game are you playing? I just tried at a setting of 60 in the Broken World version of the launcher and everything was fine. I would like to be able to find a way of fixing this glitch for all settings but trying to fade out Hovarts Folly from Elddim didn't work.

I decided to make a run through Legends of Aranna after installing the new updates, since Blondin is looking at the peninsula. I will be using ely's succubus manager, Broken World, and standard characters. Things have been going fine, except for a few conversation errors. I am making a list and will post them when I have figured out what should be said. All characters and quests seem to be functioning correctly.


Chamber of Stars was nice, three set items dropped. I am going to give Ehb another run through with the updates. I tried to make Gloern a Dual-wield, but he would only attack with one weapon, also all weapon speeds for him are slower. Where is the Staff of Stars found? I am also running a game of DS1 with the v 1.11 patch and revived v0.9 to se the differences from DS! v1.0. Some of the caged Phraks now do not move out when you destroy the cage, they stay pu. these seem to coincide with the one where the images remained aftwr killing them in earlier versions of the DS1 to DS2 Legendary.

After Meeting Ilorn on the coastal bluffs of Aranna, and he tells my character about the Amulet that was taken from him,
my character says she will look for the lost Armlet. So we either need to fix the conversation or make a hearing aid for the character. Maybe I should speak with a goblin inventor.

On reaching the gates of Illcor Jondar Speaks. "I believe we are approaching a settlement, I believe we are approaching a settlement, the first of its kind on this island, the first of its kind on this island." The remainder of his conversation with the primary character goes correctly. I did not notice him stuttering in earlier conversations maybe the Utraeans make him nervous.


Altan's Leather that the bear dropped is nice, Like Ordu's axe. Some armor needs level/class minimums thou. I replaced my Mercenary armor( armor value 6) with Lavender Green Chain mail of the Badger(armor value 121) and a Leaf Jerkin (armoe value 12) with enchanted Brigandine (armor value 149)

sigofmugmort wrote:
Altan's Leather that the bear dropped is nice, Like Ordu's axe. Some armor needs level/class minimums thou. I replaced my Mercenary armor( armor value 6) with Lavender Green Chain mail of the Badger(armor value 121) and a Leaf Jerkin (armoe value 12) with enchanted Brigandine (armor value 149)

Yes you are right. Somehow I missed those. During testing I removed the restrictions so that I could test that the armor was working and somehow forgot to restore the restrictions afterwards. Still the Green Chain Mail shouldn't have dropped until you were around level 38 and The Brigadine Armor until level 40.Still even in base DS2 it sometimes drops items way higher than your level.

Altan's Leather and Ordus's axe are two of the unique items. They should never drop randomly. The Bear should be the only source for the armor like in DS1 and the axe should only ever be found in the tower on the way to Wesrin's Cross.

Everyone may be getting sick of this but here's another beta. Game games should work without issues.

Main feature is that there's no more placeholder monsters. There's actual Doppelgangers and Whelnar's Eyes to fight in addition to the recently restored Swirling Midges and Zepherylls.

To get the Doppelgangers to work right I had to update the map. I also fixed some of the dialog as reported to me. Please note that there is a vacancy for someone to volunteer to update all the dialogs in this map. Also the Utraean Peninsula is still an orphan.

While not true to the originals I hope these Doppelgangers give players a surprise and are fun to fight. Whelnar's Eyes isn't as good but I hope it'll do.

All other recently reported issues have been updated except for the trigger for Hovart's Folly (should only work once but isn't) and the phantom walls reported by Blondin. Maybe these are specific to vanilla DS2?

There will also be a welcome surprise for the next version as KillerGremal's version of Return to Arhok will be included. It will require an additional module to run as KillerGremal wants the flexibility to continue updating the map and contents whenever he can. So DS1_Mod_Content.ds2res and DS1_Mod_Logic.dsres will have to be downloaded again as parts of those two resource packs specific to KillerGremal's works will go back once again into his Content Pack.

Still it should make it easier to port any other third party maps to the Legendary Mod. I know KillerGremal has worked on a version of Diabloish and I have worked on a version of Realms of the Kings. The only thing holding back these maps is the uncertain level of permissions from the original authors.

Not at all iryan - I'm sure I speak for everyone
when I say that I very much appreciate your continued efforts..
- this mod is rapidly approaching the status of "masterpiece" :woot:

- anyway, fawning over - on with the feedback..
- only a minor point, but so far, on this testrun
- I've found a couple of barrels that don't smash:

- near Ma Kettle's Cabin

- near Jessa Alberd's Cabin

- incidentally, the ability to get NPC's to join in with conflicts can be quite fun..
- indeed, getting the Town guards to follow you is almost a mini-game in it's own right
- in Crystwind Mines, it's possible to get one of the guards to follow you from Crystwind Town
- as far as the Miner's Haven - he's a great asset, and extremely useful for diverting enemy attention..

- also Jessa Alberd will follow the enemy, and she's quite powerful too..
- you just need to lure the enemies towards the NPC, and they will join in with the fighting..
- with some careful planning, they will follow you over considerable distances.. :woot:

Thanks for your efforts, iryan - very much appreciated.. Cheer

Iryan I look forward to updates no matter how minor or is that miner? I really must agree with blondin but take it a step beyond by saying that it is already a masterpiece. For years the masterpiece was a pair of DS1 mods called Legends of Utrae and Cat Mansion Adepts and with the legendary map pack you have gone beyond those by miles. It really adds to the game. As does Adepts for DS2. You and KillerGremal have made the game playable again.


found a glitch..

Jessa Alberd's potions are selling at the wrong price
when purchasing Health and Mana potions from her, they
are only costing (looks like) 150 instead of 1500 gold
for the largest potions - and the others seem to be a tenth
of what they should be..

- must admit, I stocked up at the premium price..!! :woot:

Blondin235 wrote:
Not at all iryan - I'm sure I speak for everyone
when I say that I very much appreciate your continued efforts..
- this mod is rapidly approaching the status of "masterpiece" :woot:

- anyway, fawning over - on with the feedback..
- only a minor point, but so far, on this testrun
- I've found a couple of barrels that don't smash:

- incidentally, the ability to get NPC's to join in with conflicts can be quite fun..
- indeed, getting the Town guards to follow you is almost a mini-game in it's own right
- in Crystwind Mines, it's possible to get one of the guards to follow you from Crystwind Town
- as far as the Miner's Haven - he's a great asset, and extremely useful for diverting enemy attention..

- also Jessa Alberd will follow the enemy, and she's quite powerful too..
- you just need to lure the enemies towards the NPC, and they will join in with the fighting..
- with some careful planning, they will follow you over considerable distances.. :woot:

Thanks for your efforts, iryan - very much appreciated.. Cheer

Thanks. The barrels are now fixed or rather I did away with them, simpler that way as there's plenty of barrels around to smash. I'm certain the reason was because they were positioned too close to the walls. A similar problem to the unopenable chests earlier in LOA.

KillerGremal tweaked all the combative npcs to be even more useful than in DS2. Some features he added was the ability to call other combative npcs to their aid (through call to arms) and the ability to be resurrected in some cases as well as fixing some bugs with the DS2 implementation of guards and militia.

Since the recruitable dwarves in the Legendary Mod can't dual wield, I made this test mod to backward port the Broken World Dwarf to DS2.

I tested it as much as I could in DS2 with Gloern, Konus and Stonepicker and no major issues found so far. Keep in mind that if you have already recruited one of these dwarves into your party, their armors will be messed up (yellow and black). While DS2 (and Broken World for that matter) will update their appearance in saved games, armors will still be dependent on the old model. (17.7 Mb)

The only issue that kept me occupied for a while was the way DS2 treats the hairs for the dwarves. No matter what appearance I gave them, they would default to a basic red haired and bearded appearance when changing helms. So all 3 dwarves are now red haired so that this quirk isn't as obvious.

Only these 3 dwarves are converted and playable dwarves in DS2 isn't an option. I know this is a bit of a grey area, porting Broken World objects to vanilla DS2 but it has already been done with porting some DS2 objects back to DS1 (Shields and Cestus) which is available in the downloads section here at Siegetheday. So I figure this is only a minor indiscretion which will probably be ignored. If anyone disagrees, let me know and I'll remove the mod and won't include it into the main mod, as I intend to do if players find it useful.

Thanks, iryan..
Have incorporated the new Dwarves_Beta_2_ds2res module in Resources

In this run-through, I deliberately avoided recruiting the Dwarf in Crystwind
because of the previous dual-wield problem - will now go back, pick him up
and add him to my party..

NB> Will there be an adjustment to the Jessa Alberd shop-pricing anomaly..
as previously reported, at the moment, the player can buy potions at
much lower prices than she advertises..?

- ever onward!!

I bought these armors in Stonebridge and Glacern

The Unique Bow Recipe that dropped in Yesterhaven looks good so I made one and recruited the Archer and will see if I can Finally complete Act 3( Thanks to Bare_Elf for info on completing the Cup of Mourning quest and to Iryan for spotting a technical problem)

I had hired the dwarf on mount doom so that I could get the quest he had for me, since he would not give it up without me asking him to join the party. Once I had the quest I stuffed him in the inn. Now that the duel wield works for dwarves, I rehired him and tested all the things that could be a problem.
He is still in my party doing dwarfish things and duel wielding with the rest of them.

Thank You Iryan. moving on.


Hey - I never saw these, first time round

- nice touch..!! :woot:
