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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

Finished all the quests in the Utraean Peninsula, now I got to the Pyramids and the island in the desert via the great northern forest on the way to becoming a great explorer. I was very much surprised by the being guarding the Tenstone. I did not think his race was in Aranna that early in its history. I think it would be funny if The Utraean High Command had given the Tenstone to Project Director Gorelandi because of the delays with the Maljin Project and entombed him with the incomplete Maljin.


sigofmugmort wrote:

Altan's Leather gotten from an easy to kill bear, Arhok's Armor at start of LoA, and Olaf's Leather are nice and the best available early for non-fighters until around level 10 and fighters around level 20. To bad Olof's armor is not found until I usually have much better. Same for the Yesterhaven items. I am still using Orlof's Hammer as a level35 Fist of Stone Dwarf

The Broken World recipe items are nice but underpowered for their level which is exasperated by the DS1 and other new items which are better then the stock DS2/Bw items

Insane Dwarf

Hmmm one day there are 7 guests and 100 the next :woot:

There have been a couple of comments regarding the balancing of the DS1 items, less than I've hoped.

My philosophy is that this is a mod for DS2 that brings as much of the original DS1 to DS2 as possible, which includes the maps, objects, music, etc. But it isn't meant to be an exact copy or remake but more like what DS1 might have been like if the designers had access to DS2 technology.

The maps, objects found thereon and monsters, etc, are easy judgement calls and don't effect the innate balance of DS2 or Broken World. However I've also ported the weapons and armor from DS1 that I believe would look nice in DS2. Spells haven't been ported as the underlying mechanisms are vastly different.

With porting the weapons and armor from DS1 I have endowed many of them with bonuses over and above that which the innate DS2/Broken World weapons and armor as I want these items to be more attractive to use than the innate DS2/Broken World items. In early builds of the mod, the DS1 items just tended to flood the game with junk, something that already permeates the game. Unique weapons and armor like the Dragon Wing, Phoenix Sword, Merik's Staff, Starlight Vesture, Lord Hovart's Blood Armor, etc, were just like so much flotsam in the shops. Due to the frankly Idiotic Unique system that DS2 employs where unique items and sets will drop 20, 30 or even 50 levels below your current level, making these items unique would only serve to further contaminate the pool. Not to mention the lazy method of having 5 variations of the same type of weapon or armor with just different stats and levels, just to save on the effort of creating more content for the game by the developers.

So the question is whether to keep the DS1 weapons and armor in the mod and revise their values to be still more attractive than DS2/Broken World items or remove them and enable them instead from a mini-mod? I am welcome to suggestions.

There's not much I can do about the unpowered Broken World recipes, that's a mistake by the developers. Maybe KillerGremal's Aranna Legacy fixes that problem, I do see an interesting component that's been added to the recipes template called recipe_item_balancing.

Into the Lang mire, next time I play a Giant I'm tired of swamp muck up my nose :silly: Dwarf

Am also playing the DS1 version so had a thought :lightning: . In Merin, give the find lost treasure quest then in Lang give find the lost adventurers with a small ruin in the swamp where you find the dead remains and the lost treasure. Maybe make the treasure the Soraninth set items from DS2? I wonder if you could import a rotten Vulk from BW as a monster guard or a Lich from Diabolish.

Insane Dwarf

btw Lurkers are best steamed with Honey and lemon Wink

KillerGremal wrote:
... this could be tuned for each monster individually with monster_respawn_custom:idle_duration which is 900 seconds minutes by default.
That means that this component is blocked for 15 minutes generally and unlocked after 30 minutes to re-evaluate the respawn chance again. In the time between the respawn chance is lowered depending on the time passed.
Respawning after 15 minutes: yes, that's what I'm seeing in KoE. Any chance of making the default an hour?

Complete the swamp region - monsters, treasure troves and shopping at Verma's, all in 15 minutes - the idea is crazy. Side branches from the forest crossroads (bandit quest cave and secret stronghold) - one perhaps, both no. The loop from the turntable in the goblin caves - might be on if one misses the secret side area, but I went there. The great hall in Wesrin Cross, the detour to the Trog dungeon, the flooded temple after Bonepicker's, the figure-8 of forest paths beyond the entrance to the Fury's tunnel, Castle Ehb from its drawbridge to the elevator into the basement, the Hall of Skulls, Scorch: all take time, especially with all the treasure to collect and see if you want to equip any of it.

iryan wrote:
I'm actually fine with this behaviour to a degree, for instance the Manglers reappearing. The game is suppose to be a representation of a world - albeit a fantasy one but in the real world when you go fishing you would never run out of fish in anything other than a tank. If you were hunting in a forest you would never run out of game. So this behaviour in the swamps probably enhances the simulation of a real world where critters/monsters move about naturally.
DS2 has respawning so that one can return to an area of lower-level monsters to bring up to speed a former party member from the inn; MLA prevents that. Yes it makes a better fantasy world but still needs to make sense in that world's own terms. If you'd infinite time to spend you oould think through each area and each species - where would respawned monsters have come from? Plenty more manglers and stingers in the swamp where the ones the party kills came from - yes indeed. Witches and trolls - wouldn't ones from further off take longer to up sticks and move in to the now-vacant huts? Tretches - how are they supposed to move, and surely it is too much of a coincidence for a new one to settle in the very same spot where an old one had been? (No coincidence if a new one grows from the old one's roots or seeds, but wouldn't that take years?)

Bandits - if some of the band survived by being away from camp when the party went through, wouldn't they make themselves scarce for a while? Aren't the Seck in and beneath Castle Ehb their entire army? When you've cleared Edgaar's basement, wouldn't he barricade it so no more Krugs can get in? Once Merik has his staff back that the goblin inventor was drawing on to power the bots, isn't that the end of them?

iryan wrote:
So the question is whether to keep the DS1 weapons and armor in the mod and revise their values to be still more attractive than DS2/Broken World items or remove them and enable them instead from a mini-mod?
That is too big a topic for me right now, one I've never dared raise, but yes, one way or another DS1 weapons and armor should stay and no, overall they are already attractive enough: if anything there is room to downgrade many of them.

This is an amazing mod! I don't think I've ever been so excited to download a mod before, but I'm sadly part of the group who cannot get Dungeon Siege 1 to work on their computer.

I've been feeling pure nostalgia while playing through the single player map, and I'm truly thankful for these sensations. ^^

I've met with a bug that doesn't allow for me to move forward with the game though, which ended up being somewhat frustrating. Is it possible to look into it?

I run the game under Windows 8.1 on a Sony Vaio laptop. I bought the game pack on Steam, meaning that I've got DS1, DS2 and D3+exp. I've made sure to run the Steam Fix before installing the mod, too. Once I start the game, everything's alright. I can notice how a few items are missing around and how enemies are somewhat easy to kill with magic as an Elf, but that's fine: I wasn't expecting every items to be set down at the same spots, aside from important ones. I believe that the beginning was played out well, too.

So, I move forth ... and reach the first "house" you find. Inside, I notice something a little odd: some assets are missing. I believe there was supposed to be a table underneath that flying candle. Alright, that's nothing much, so I guess I can disregard it. I've noticed assets missing around every now and then, but that's nothing too bad as long that I can enjoy the game play and story.

Once I reached the crypt, monsters finally started to feel a little more challenging. The game felt better and better as I went on, until I reached the end of the crypt and killed the event monsters. Once everything in sight died, I've tried to speak with Ulora(?) and my character would only squirm in its spot and not allow me to enter a conversation or recruit her. I figured out that maybe I had to unlock the second party slot before recruiting her, so I went on until reaching Stonebridge. Had a cut scene before entering town, then disregarded Gyorn and went for the Inn. Bought the -third- party spot and went back to Ulora, just to find out that I still couldn't recruit her. After trying all kind of tricks to speak to her, I finally gave up and went back to Stonebridge. Only then did I tried speaking with Gyorn, who of course gave me the same problem. Which is not an issue by itself: I wouldn't mind going forth on my own. But, you kind of need to speak with him to move the main quest forth, right? So, after trying for a while, I finally got off the game and decided to find a way to contact you and troubleshoot this issue.
PS: I CAN speak to other NPCs in general, only recruitable characters keeps me away.

If it says anything, that issue isn't happening only to me. I've convinced a friend to also download the Beta 30 and try it out. He uses Windows 7 and encountered the very problems as I did, both in missing objects and non-recruitable-nor-speakable NPCs.

So, the issue happened on both Windows 8.1 and Windows 7, with users using Steam.
We downloaded the latest available files from this website.

Thank you for reading. Hopefully, a fix of some sort will be discovered. Or maybe there's already one in the many pages prior to this, but I don't exactly have time to run through them.

JDarkfury wrote:
This is an amazing mod! I don't think I've ever been so excited to download a mod before, but I'm sadly part of the group who cannot get Dungeon Siege 1 to work on their computer.

I've met with a bug that doesn't allow for me to move forward with the game though, which ended up being somewhat frustrating. Is it possible to look into it?

Thank you for reading. Hopefully, a fix of some sort will be discovered. Or maybe there's already one in the many pages prior to this, but I don't exactly have time to run through them.

I'm glad you are very excited about the mod and I'm sorry about the issues you're having with the Steam edition.

Unfortunately while we've fixed the initial problem of installing the mod for Steam Users (using the registry fix), the problems you're experiencing haven't been fixed yet.

In their wisdom, Square Enix altered some of the game assets and for DS2 incorporated a new exe which allows the game to be run without a disk check but also introduced some new issues (did you know you actually don't need Steam to run the steam versions of DS1 and DS2?). Replacing the exe with a no cd exe has seemingly solved some issues and there's a thread somewhere detailing this but I can't find it at the moment (the lack of a search function for these forums is a killer).

I certainly intend looking into this further and finding a solution but that will involve purchasing the steam versions of DS1 and DS2 so I can investigate the differences and causes for the errors myself and develop a solution which I will post on the thread topic page. I'm just waiting for DS1 and DS2 to become available in a sale or preferably become available at a place like GOG (Good Old Games). I don't want Square Enix to profit from me considering the total lack of support they have shown the project.

I suspect though that the solution will basically mean distributing most or all of the required assets in a prepared form that doesn't require conversion of most of the assets from DS1, with some essential files missing that will disable the mod if they aren't converted. Something like the stitch files that link the regions together in a map. You could still start playing on the map but unless they were present, you couldn't proceed very far. Something like a demo.

Until I can compare the differences between the retail boxed version and the steam versions of the game, I won't know how this will effect the size of the mod but it will certainly increase it somewhat. So possibly there will be two versions of the mod, one for retail boxed versions of the game and the other for the steam versions.

I see that you are working hard on making this mod into something astonishing, so I have absolutely no complains on that side: from this reply, I can say that you're looking into these issues whenever possible, so I'm simply glad that mine was heard. ^_^

I don't know too much about how Square Enix are handling all of this, but from what I've seen, they tend to have horrible customer service and what-not when it comes to supporting players with issues like these. I've got a certain history with them regarding a few games.

Anyway, I'll make sure to keep an eye out on this forum until a fix of some kind pops up! I'd like to find ways to help with this but I kind of suck when it comes to this stuff, so I'll leave it to the experts.

Thank you for your time and reply. It feels heartwarming to know that I was heard! I hope the best for this mod, and I'm definitely looking forward to having a chance in playing through "Dungeon Siege 1" again thanks to this.

JDarkfury wrote:
I see that you are working hard on making this mod into something astonishing, so I have absolutely no complains on that side: from this reply, I can say that you're looking into these issues whenever possible, so I'm simply glad that mine was heard. ^_^

I don't know too much about how Square Enix are handling all of this, but from what I've seen, they tend to have horrible customer service and what-not when it comes to supporting players with issues like these. I've got a certain history with them regarding a few games.

Anyway, I'll make sure to keep an eye out on this forum until a fix of some kind pops up! I'd like to find ways to help with this but I kind of suck when it comes to this stuff, so I'll leave it to the experts.

Thank you for your time and reply. It feels heartwarming to know that I was heard! I hope the best for this mod, and I'm definitely looking forward to having a chance in playing through "Dungeon Siege 1" again thanks to this.

Give me a little time, I could not find the link right away, and I have to go to work right now. So I will look for the fixes when I return home tonight.


I don't have internet anymore at the moment, but I did some testing with your latest updates and I have a lot to report now that I'm using laundry mat Wi-Fi.

The Copper Mallet weapon takes up two more slots than it should.

This Galaxy Scorcher (from one of the DS1 to DS2 weapons packs) is 4 more slots than it should be.

The level up icons are still very overlapped, I'm certain it comes from the Monster Level Adjustment mod.
I believe it was talked about before as well. Is this fixable?

Alright! And thank you.

I'll see about doing a little research of my own around today, too. Maybe I can figure out something!

I (non-steam) have reproduced symptoms very similar to yours quite by accident. Check in your Resources folder that you do have a Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10[something] file. Then check that it really is type DS2RES and size from 18thousand to 20thousand KB (19,983 for the latest Alpha10x on my system) and not a small Text Document (the readme file). On casual inspection by Windows explorer a blah.blah.ds2res and a blah.blah.ds2res.txt both have the same name, the final .txt being hidden but a final .ds2res not.

Also that you haven't downloaded it from here as an HTML. That can happen if you left click instead of right click. It can keep happening even when you switch to right clicking, the solution is to shut down your browser and maybe even restart your system to stop your cache "remembering" the file as an HTML.

Check what revision your Dungeon Siege 2 (steam) if it is Version 2.3 you will need to replace your DungeonSiege2.exe. The reason is as follows
1. The retail version of Dungeon Siege 2 is version 2.2 and the retail version of Broken World is 2.3 -- This confuses things for veracious things within the Legendary Mod, Ely's Dungeon Siege 2 AllSaves.
2. It prevents you from installing a retail version of Broken World, which you may wish to do at some point.
3. Causes problems with various mods that are not related to the Legendary Mod, Hot Fix Mod, Aranna Legacy mod.

So if your Game Version for DS2 is 2.3 do the following.
1. Go to your Dungeon Siege folder and rename the DungeonSiege2.exe to something like DungeonSiege2.old so that if necessary you can go back to it.
2. Download this file and place it in your DungeonSiege2 Directory
3. If you have already installed DS2 AllSaves uninstall it and reinstall it so that it reads the new DungeonSiege2.exe if you have not installed it install it now.

the original CD/DVD version of DS1/Legends Of Aranna is often available on Amazon
it's a really good game in it's own right,as well as providing all the necessary data
for the various DS1/DS2 Expansion Mods..
I still have my original DS1/LoA disks, which I bought thru Microsoft ages ago

PS..there is a (slightly devious) way to run it in Windows7 without the disks,
- once it has been installed on your PC..

mine runs really sweetly via AMD HD7870 in 1600x900 res..
and my son has it running beautifully on his laptop.. :woot:

Legends of Aranna Beta 31

I guess like everything else Lyssa is getting old, it appears her leaves are falling out poor girl.


DrakeIsGod wrote:
. . .
The level up icons are still very overlapped, I'm certain it comes from the Monster Level Adjustment mod.
I believe it was talked about before as well. Is this fixable?
Please recheck my former post, and perhaps your own answer on it too: Wink

Discussed here by the way:

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
. . .
iryan wrote:
I'm actually fine with this behaviour to a degree, for instance the Manglers reappearing. The game is suppose to be a representation of a world - albeit a fantasy one but in the real world when you go fishing you would never run out of fish in anything other than a tank. If you were hunting in a forest you would never run out of game. So this behaviour in the swamps probably enhances the simulation of a real world where critters/monsters move about naturally.
DS2 has respawning so that one can return to an area of lower-level monsters to bring up to speed a former party member from the inn; MLA prevents that.
. . .
Basically, it's intended that differece between monsters char from the inn is less than 4 levels, and in this case the levelling speed is everywhere the same.
Besides of this you can disable the Level Adjustment mod in-game, there is a button on the left side of your stash.

And if it helps to know (unsure how well this is documented) - assumed once you would walk into a new part of the map with a low-levelled party member ahead (selected/focused) then the Level Adjustment mod would consider this party member as main hero, not the real one.

KillerGremal wrote:
DrakeIsGod wrote:
. . .
The level up icons are still very overlapped, I'm certain it comes from the Monster Level Adjustment mod.
I believe it was talked about before as well. Is this fixable?
Please recheck my former post, and perhaps your own answer on it too: Wink

Discussed here by the way:

All apologies.. My memory is worse than I thought :/

JDarkfury wrote:
Alright! And thank you.

I'll see about doing a little research of my own around today, too. Maybe I can figure out something!

In an attempt to solve this issue once and for all I decided to combine all DS1 object resources into one file to see if that will help Steam Users.

After spending 2 days comparing resources between DS1 Objects.dsres, DS2 Objects.ds2res and the current DS1_Mod_Content_Beta30, there were only about 75Mb of assets left in DS1 Objects.dsres that wasn't already present in the other two resource packs. So I combined these 75Mb with the existing DS1_Mod_Content_Beta30.ds2res (226Mb) and DS1_Mod_Exp_Content_Beta30 (58Mb) to get a new DS1_Mod_Content_SE_Beta.ds2res that was approximately 350Mb in size.

So if you are willing to try it and don't mind the very large download size, I will post a link to this new content pack to see if it will solve the issues with missing and non working content for Steam Users. This one file will replace the 3 old files which can be moved to a backup location until the integrity of the new file can be verified. I've been trying it for a little bit and apart from one or two missing textures, everything was working fine and saved games were unaffected.

While not necessarily aimed for current users, there should be additional benefits with an unified resource file as the DS2 engine doesn't have to load and sort priorities on up to three tanks (first DS1 Objects.ds2res, then DS2 Objects.ds2res and finally DS1_Mod_Content.ds2res).

This is the best I can do at present without copies of the Steam versions of DS1 and DS2 to test on.

DrakeIsGod wrote:
KillerGremal wrote:
DrakeIsGod wrote:
. . .
The level up icons are still very overlapped, I'm certain it comes from the Monster Level Adjustment mod.
I believe it was talked about before as well. Is this fixable?
Please recheck my former post, and perhaps your own answer on it too: Wink

Discussed here by the way:

All apologies.. My memory is worse than I thought :/

My apologies as well since the problem stems from the Legendary Mod. It uses the DS1 textures of those icons rather than the DS2 textures which doesn't work as you noticed because the mesh is a different shape.

Now is fixed but I hope you'll forgive me from delaying the release of the fix since its such a minor bug. It'll be in the next release of the DS1_Mod_content.ds2res or the bigger DS1_Mod_Content_SE_Beta.ds2res if there's enough interest in it (see previous post). Thanks.

iryan wrote:

My apologies as well since the problem stems from the Legendary Mod. It uses the DS1 textures of those icons rather than the DS2 textures which doesn't work as you noticed because the mesh is a different shape.

Now is fixed but I hope you'll forgive me from delaying the release of the fix since its such a minor bug. It'll be in the next release of the DS1_Mod_content.ds2res or the bigger DS1_Mod_Content_SE_Beta.ds2res if there's enough interest in it (see previous post). Thanks.

That's so awesome Iryan! If you were apologizing to me, you already know it's fine Smile But KillerGremal might eat you, and in his rage, he might eat me too lol. I'm just kiddin'. But I'd love to see the Compiled DS1_Mod_Content and fix. It seems like it'd be good in general Smile

I like the idea of one unified file instead of three.

Lyssa is the only Dryad with missing leaves I have found so far in LoA, KoE, Penninsula, Search for the Past, Training the Hero and around Eirulan.

Bashed another Bone Minion Dwarf Smile Dwarf

In LoA the Lost Queen is great but if you are using a team from another map she is kind of easy for mid to high level I suggest making her harder to stun, petrify, and freeze since those effects are found with higher levels

Insane :twisted: Dwarf

I have the original CD version of DS2 (no broken world though, lost it) patch 2.2 / DS1 w LoA / mod ver beta 30. The following all occurred play MP on a LAN with new characters.

Ulora is missing (Helm icon but no visible npc)

Monsters in first section (farmhouse to ruined bridge) reported as lvl 17 when should be lvl 1-4. normally this only happens to one player, the other sees them correctly and they die/dmg as intended. Once though both players saw lvl 17 and the monsters wiped the floor with us and couldn't be harmed.

If more than one player joins at start the login notice breaks the opening text and freezes the game for the host.

the dc teleport only works for the host, other player gets no icon and can't se host's icon on resuming.

most quests I've seen up to this point (wesrin cross) are broken. ex: basement quest won't complete (though journal says finished), tower quest in stonebridge won't initialize (just skips to second line of dialogue), etc

Gyorn will only join first player to speak with him

second player fell through the floor in a doorway in wesrin cross (finally managed to get back on ground again) and the first player could not backtrack past the door afterwards, world had vanished.

resurrection shrines can't decide whether they are res or incantation shrines, sometimes one sometimes the other. seems random for both players.

Traps don't function in crypts at all

Ruby Gargoyle didn't drop heartseeker

That's all i can think of for now.

Overall impressive work, will keep watching and playing with this.

I just tried another character (lvl 11) and suddenly was surronded by half a dozen lvl 60 phrack's which needless to say one-shotted me. Obviously something a little wonky going on with the lvl adjustment mod.

JDarkfury wrote:
So, I move forth ... and reach the first "house" you find. Inside, I notice something a little odd: some assets are missing. I believe there was supposed to be a table underneath that flying candle. Alright, that's nothing much, so I guess I can disregard it. I've noticed assets missing around every now and then, but that's nothing too bad as long that I can enjoy the game play and story.

Once I reached the crypt, monsters finally started to feel a little more challenging. The game felt better and better as I went on, until I reached the end of the crypt and killed the event monsters. Once everything in sight died, I've tried to speak with Ulora(?) and my character would only squirm in its spot and not allow me to enter a conversation or recruit her.

I've confirmed what I thought - on my 2.2 patched CD version I can reproduce this exactly - flying candle and all - by removing KillerGremal's content file (while keeping the MLA file). Iryan, as I read your comments, your merged objects file will not incorporate KillerGremal's content so will not solve the problem. The question is, is it the Installer not putting the right file in the right place, or is what's in the file incompatible somehow with Steam DS2?

Either way, MLA must be working for JDarkfury - or he would have been stopped by those level 60 Phraks - so perhaps there is a simple answer?

JDarkfury, if I'm right then you fought skeletons in the Crypts but no gargoyles (except the big Ruby one at the end), and there were no tombs, vases etc in the Crypts you could open or break to find treasure.

UPDATE +++++
Priorities according to Tank Viewer 2 - Tank Info:

the MLA mod: User + 47
DS1_Mod_Content_Beta: User
Mod-DS1Content-Alpha (KillerGremal's): Patch
Objects_DS1 (as created by the Installer): Factory

So have Steam changed any Factory priorities to Patch, or even User?

By the way Objects_DS1 looks to have inherited its UTCBuildTime from DS1, i.e. the game thinks it is older than DS2's own Objects tank.

Raithe so that we can debug your problems a little quicker could you please give us the following information:
What version of Windows are you using?
list of the files and their revisions currently in you DS2 resources folder?
when you installed the mod did you do it manually or did you use the installer?

This way I will be able to verify that there are no file conflicts - and if there is an updated file that cures one or more of the issues.

Thank You

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
JDarkfury wrote:
So, I move forth ... and reach the first "house" you find. Inside, I notice something a little odd: some assets are missing. I believe there was supposed to be a table underneath that flying candle. Alright, that's nothing much, so I guess I can disregard it. I've noticed assets missing around every now and then, but that's nothing too bad as long that I can enjoy the game play and story.

Once I reached the crypt, monsters finally started to feel a little more challenging. The game felt better and better as I went on, until I reached the end of the crypt and killed the event monsters. Once everything in sight died, I've tried to speak with Ulora(?) and my character would only squirm in its spot and not allow me to enter a conversation or recruit her.

I've confirmed what I thought - on my 2.2 patched CD version I can reproduce this exactly - flying candle and all - by removing KillerGremal's content file (while keeping the MLA file). Iryan, as I read your comments, your merged objects file will not incorporate KillerGremal's content so will not solve the problem. The question is, is it the Installer not putting the right file in the right place, or is what's in the file incompatible somehow with Steam DS2?

Either way, MLA must be working for JDarkfury - or he would have been stopped by those level 60 Phraks - so perhaps there is a simple answer?

JDarkfury, if I'm right then you fought skeletons in the Crypts but no gargoyles (except the big Ruby one at the end), and there were no tombs, vases etc in the Crypts you could open or break to find treasure.

UPDATE +++++

Priorities according to Tank Viewer 2 - Tank Info:

the MLA mod: User + 47
DS1_Mod_Content_Beta: User
Mod-DS1Content-Alpha (KillerGremal's): Patch
Objects_DS1 (as created by the Installer): Factory

So have Steam changed any Factory priorities to Patch, or even User?

Just a quick comment since Killer Gremal's Content mod is controlled by Killer Gremal and not Iryan it should remain seperate. It is included in the list of files necessary for the Legendary Mod to work. It is also included in the installer so there should be no issues UNLESS the files have not been updated to the current levels.


bare_elf wrote:
Just a quick comment since Killer Gremal's Content mod is controlled by Killer Gremal and not Iryan it should remain seperate. It is included in the list of files necessary for the Legendary Mod to work. It is also included in the installer so there should be no issues UNLESS the files have not been updated to the current levels.
Yes, but what I'm saying is that Steam users ARE reporting issues and on my evidence KillerGremal's Content mod could be where their issues lie.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
bare_elf wrote:
Just a quick comment since Killer Gremal's Content mod is controlled by Killer Gremal and not Iryan it should remain seperate. It is included in the list of files necessary for the Legendary Mod to work. It is also included in the installer so there should be no issues UNLESS the files have not been updated to the current levels.
Yes, but what I'm saying is that Steam users ARE reporting issues and on my evidence KillerGremal's Content mod could be where their issues lie.

I understand that Richard but I was just pointing out that the mod should be included in the installer package for the Legendary Mod and that users should if not must keep all the files current or they might encounter the problems being reported, as mismatched files can cause issues not just missing ones.


Here's a preliminary list of proposed levels for the monsters in Kingdom of Ehb.

This is so if a player chooses not to use the MLA mod, then they won't find impassable roadblocks in the form of level 60 Phraks inhabiting the farmlands.

While you will be able to play through the map with a reasonable chance of succeeding, some things such as sanctuaries and rewards, etc, will probably be broken. These will not be fixed. The mod is designed and balanced to be played in conjunction with the MLA mod. As the player is free to play any map in any order, there are just too many variables to design the maps to be played without the MLA mod.

If you are interested in trying the KOE map without the MLA mod activated, your feedback is welcomed on the proposed level progression in the link provided. Note that open office or excel viewer will be able to open the file.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
bare_elf wrote:
Just a quick comment since Killer Gremal's Content mod is controlled by Killer Gremal and not Iryan it should remain seperate. It is included in the list of files necessary for the Legendary Mod to work. It is also included in the installer so there should be no issues UNLESS the files have not been updated to the current levels.
Yes, but what I'm saying is that Steam users ARE reporting issues and on my evidence KillerGremal's Content mod could be where their issues lie.

I am hopeful that once the Mod is at RC status that a combined tank of both KillerGremal's and my resource tanks can be provided. This has been done in the past but as KillerGremal's content pack is updated more frequently than the Legendary Mod's content pack, it would require players to re-download a 240Mb file everytime something was updated.

Missing Gargoyles mightn't be experienced by everyone as the update changing their inheritances didn't occur until after Beta31. However if there's a problem with KillerGremal's content pack being seen by the Steam version of DS2, then missing vases and chests, etc, will definitely occur as they are based off that content pack. Same for the code that supports hiring of the recruitable characters such as Ulora.

I would definitely try the exe that bare_elf posted here, , if that works it would confirm that the Steam version of the Dungeon Siege exe has been hacked to prevent it loading Patch files (either accidentally or deliberately). Since many players on the Steam forums complain about mods not loading in the steam version of DS2, then this could very well be the answer.

If a Steam user was proficient in using tank creator, then possibly untanking and retanking Mod-DS1Content-Alpha with USER priority may achieve the same thing. It would be extremely interesting to find out.
