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Well, color me surprised and turn me into a newt..

Hmm... I haven't found any press releases that confirms it so we might have to hold on tight for a while... but...

Dungeon Siege 3 Announced

Check out he screenshots. Only 4 though. :/

It will be developed by Obsidian in cooperation with GPG.

More links.

Dungeon Siege III Coming To PS3, Xbox 360, And PC Care Of Square Enix

Obsidian does Dungeon Siege 3

So what do you think?

The best i've seen so far from DS3:


Haha... Laughing out loud
... but now i have to buy a controller and a couch to play this game. :P

...highlights everything I was hoping wouldn't happen, but did. DS1 -> DS2 added visual effects that got in the way of gameplay, as well as the "powers" that made boss mobs almost invulnerable to anything else. I didn't think that could be taken any further, but apparently DS3 has managed it. I'll be buying this for all my consoles, which is to say - none.

If it has a good story, I'll wait for the book.

the steam download also contains DS1 and DS2

they're having trouble getting DS1 to run, and I know why..
they're not disabling SLI in crossfire..!!

- I can't get on to the steam forum yet,
- 'cos their registration system
- is all "snaily-fied"..

if anybody else here can - get over there and tell them..

also mention that we are here, as well.. :woot:

LoneKnight's picture

No surprises here.

A lot of disappointment that the whole game is over after about a dozen hours of play, and there's no proper multi-player or (official) modding tool. A lot of hoping for expansions, DLC's etc. to make it longer, or add more quests, but surprising little demand for tools to do that for themselves. There is some evidence that home-grown extractors/repackers are being made for the archive files, but that will probably just end up in editors for the player character and save game.

Reviews are mixed, and professional reviewers rarely play all of a game, so the short play time won't be a factor in those. They also don't usually comment on mod-ability.

GPGs must of not been very coopertive, or the original team is dead, or they've gone insane, or they have utterly no clue why people loved their first one. Chris Taylor obviously has gone insane.

LoneKnight's picture

The simple fact is that Dungeon Siege III is technologically less-capable than Dungeon Siege 1, a game released in 2002.

Dungeon Siege: A constant, non-loading world. Control up to 8 unique characters at a time (even more with summons). Camera-control is open and fluid. Player locally with up to 8 players, online with 8 players, each with their own account-based characters. There are two main maps (Single Player and Multiplayer). SP map is huge, mostly linear, but incredibly expansive. MP map is open-world and massive by all standards. SP campaign takes many hours to complete, MP takes incredibly longer. Environments are detailed and impressive (even by today's standards).

Dungeon Siege III: Loading screens between areas. Control one character at a time, two other characters control themselves (Correct me if I am wrong). Camera-control is limited. Dialogue is bland and attempts to copy modern successful branched dialogues, but with no real consequences for either. Environments themselves are not impressive, readily reusing assets and not looking special. Multiplayer is another can of worms; you can only play with 1 or 2 other players online. Locally, you are forced to have a Player SHARE YOUR SCREEN. When joining another's game, you must START A NEW CHARACTER.

My issues with the actual content (ie story, lore, voice acting, gameplay) are not even related to the above grievances. All of the above issues were non-existent in Diablo...why can a modern game not even come close to matching these standards with the capabilities of their game, let alone gameplay?

First and foremost, it should be argued that aforementioned complaints are not from angry fans; this is being approached by a comparative look at this and other modern RPG's. Gamers today expect and have certain standards out of games.

The cause to blame should not be put on the fact that "it was made available on console, hence the lack of all-around compatibility." For shame - many other games match if not exceed what Dungeon Siege III could have displayed.

Another argument that is often seen is, "we tried to do something different that would revolutionize the way people played , but it didn't work out." (Though Dungeon Siege III clearly didn't even try to innovate anywhere). Why reinvent the wheel when you can just perfect a proven system? Surely that doesn't mean you can't innovate or invent new concepts, it merely means don't try to justify the entire success of your game on a gamble.

A perfect example of improving your game while maintaining its gameplay was Dungeon Siege 1 to Dungeon Siege 2. A more modern example is InFamous to InFamous 2. Gameplay was kept largely the same, with minor improvements and tweaks to gameplay, graphics, and production value. The game "handles" the same, but feels improved upon.

Obsidian Entertainment had a great opportunity to improve upon a system tried and proven by Gas Powered Games; they could have used a similar system and improved the look, feel, and added their own unique design to make it their own. However, they failed to even improve upon a system that was already well-developed by Gas Powered Games. Perhaps they wanted to make the game entirely their own, but we (as fans of the series and gamers new to the franchise) expect more.
