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Projects on the Go

Strider978's picture

A couple of topics to highlight:

Dieter posted showing the progression of his siegelet, in this post.

As well xmen90s, founding father of siegetheday, posted some awesome artwork of the latest UI work he has done, here

Or if your too lazy to link there check it out:

I take it Dieter is snowfox?

Thanks for the mention Strider! The equip slots are working well, just have to figure out some asthetic things yet.

And yes, Snowfox is dieter.

LoneKnight's picture

Is this forum only for DS2 projects? Sad

Let's not forget Derelict. It's still quite in production, and going strong, too. I'll have some awesome picks when I decide they're good enough to show. (I'm a perfectionist at it).

Strider978's picture

I'll feature it when I see it!

<cracks whip>

LoneKnight's picture

lol You owned me majorly on that one. I'm working on the trailer, so expect that sometime this month at the earliest.