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Mod Title: Drevin's_Vengeance
If you want Drevin as a hireable/dismissable character, and don’t care if the storyline is broken about his death, then this is the mod for you. Place either the DS2 or BW version into your resources folder “AFTER” you clear the tutorial beach scene and save your game in the Eirulan jail cell. This mod also allows travel to the DEV Superstore outside of Amamlu (the best workaround I found that allows travel back to the Tutorial Beach to collect Drevin)

Author: Volkan aka PhoeniX

Tank Priority = 32767
Mod Version Number: 1
Release Date: June 23, 2008
Mod Size (approx.): 45 KB
Contact Information:

Installation Instructions:
1. Place either DS2_Drevin's_Vengeance.ds2res or BW_Drevin's_Vengeance.ds2res into your C: Program Files/Microsoft Games/Dungeon Siege 2/Resources folder. Do not use both at the same time, just whichever version you play.

Uninstall Instructions:
1. Remove “”.ds2res from the directory where installed, or re-name extension to .off.

Requirements / Compatibility
Requires DS2 or DS2BW and Elys DS2 Succubus Manager v2 to play.

Compatibility issues:
• None that I am aware of
• If you find any problems please email me or post a comment in the forums.

Mod Details
Single Player: Y
Multi-Player: Host must have installed
Difficulty Settings: N
New Graphics: N
New Sounds / Music: N
New Weapons: N
New Armor: N
New Spells: N
New Misc. Items (Rings, Amulets...): N
New Character(s): N
New Enemy Type(s): N
Modified Experience / Attribute System: N
Modified Loot Drops: N
Modified Container: N
Modified GUI: Y
Modified / Custom Map: N
Modified Other: Recruit Drevin as party member, and travel to the DEV Superstore.
Modding Tools Used: Gasviewer, Tank Creator, (1&2) Tank Viewer, (1&2) Dungeon Siege Tool Kit, (1&2) Note Tab Light, The Gimp, Raw to PSD, PSD to Raw, DDS Converter 2.

Content provided by: GasPoweredGames and Volkan

Permission is given to use this mod for game playing and you may use any or all of the items contained herein as long as credit is given to the author. This mod can be redistributed unchanged and may not be sold in part or in whole.

All title and intellectual property rights to the content of this mod are the property of the respective content owner and may be protected by applicable copyright or other intellectual property laws and treaties.

Gas Powered Games and Dungeon Siege 2 are the exclusive trademarks of Gas Powered Games Corp and Microsoft. Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World is the exclusive trademark of Gas Powered Games and 2K Games

The author(s) of this mod accepts no responsibility for damage to data, or physical damage to hardware, caused by the appropriate or inappropriate use of this mod.




I'd like to download the mod, where can I find a link to that? Many thanks.

I tried to copy the link in the database to the text above this normally works just fine, however this time it did not. I will have to ask PhoeniX to re-upload it with a shorter file name.
I will get this to you as soon as I can

But he won't bring any chit chat lines, does he? ^^

Hi again!

Thank you for making the mod available. However, the link to the Succubus manager is broken, and without it the mod just doesn't seem to work at all. (I have the Succubus manager V1.0 but the mod needs 2.0 which couldn't be found anywhere). Is there any way to make it work somehow? Much appreciated.

Could you please make a version that works with Aranna Legacy ( mod? When I try to use the current version with that mod, Drevin is just a mute, unrecruitable NPC. Even if I recruit him in a normal game and then try plaing with him in the modded one using Succubus Manager, he reverts to his unkillable tutorial state.