While the previous 'seizure' isn't really over (and related on content we rather should say: as consequence of it) i have been touched by another 'mapping seizure'. This time however, i didn't use the SE2 (so far), it's not really tuned to handle DS1, and this is what i did. 

The following mods are published based on the DS1 Modding EULA and Modding EULA from DS2.
Required resources:
- All*Saves for v2.2 or v2.3/Addon.
- DS1 Utraean Peninsula Map, Alpha 10 (82.7mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Utraean Peninsula Map Update, Alpha 10q (1.6mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Content Pack, Alpha 11a (18.8mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Terrain Pack Beta 3 (62.4mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Objects+Sounds Fix (38.1mb, ReadMe)
- Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5u (905kB, ReadMe)
Additional remarks:
- Please respect the initial release notes and also the notes in the 'ReadMe' files about the changes meanwhile.
- You also may like to check out Iryan's forum thread for additional map resources.
There is now also a Diabloish Map for DS2, Beta 2 e (16.4MB, for DS2 v2.2 ReadMe):

Compared to Beta 1 there are now some more NPCs, a shop with enchantable items only, two heroes to hire, better dungeon loading/fading, and instead of remote start positions now 'session portals' are available to let you always restart in Tristram and to take you back into the dungeons when you like to depart.
Required resources:
- All*Saves for v2.2 or v2.3/Addon.
- DS1 Content Pack, Alpha 11a (18.8mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Terrain Pack Beta 3 (62.4mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Objects+Sounds Fix (38.1mb, ReadMe)
- Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5u (905kB, ReadMe)
Unfortunately I wasn't able to contact Dr. Smooth aka James Lang so far (e-mail account still seems to be valid, but there was no reply) to ask him what he thinks about before investing more time in this map.
Are you starting from where Elys left off (...not sure if she made her conversion work public...), or did you start from scratch?
Of course I was aware of the notes Elys left and the offered DS1toDS2nc seems to work fine and fast, sadly there isn't a tech note and so i'm just not sure if the created node_mesh_index files are of any auxiliary nature, just made to open a map in SE2 (since SE2 will replace/update them anyway). However in the current state of the map i didn't want to work/save with SE2 so i preferred the node_mesh_index files made in SE1 (via LNC batch generation), they are much smaller and it seems they only contain what is needed. :?
A mod with DS1 nodes and related textures i already made last summer. More tedious was/is the import/comparison of all the ambient stuff. One after one it never has an end, and if you do it bundle-wise you can be sure there are many redundant resources (very unpleasant if DS2 used the same template/mesh/texture name but it looks/works different compared to DS1).
Currently DS1 monster templates are just linked to similar looking monsters form DS2, and the MonsterLevel Adjustment mod has to tune their levels. In similar way it will happen for loot containers, unfortunately there are so many of them and it's hard to keep the overview.
Most painful thing at the moment are the NPCs, mine sometimes look like mutants and don't even sell me anything. :o
Utraean Peninsula (partial) for Dungeon Siege II
This is a first (and possibly the last) try to import parts of the great DS1 map 'Utraean Peninsula' into DS2. Please don't expect this to be 'DS1 in DS2' or so - because it isn't and never will be. If someone is looking for an (almost) perfect map then he better should play DS1 directly! Nevertheless, lot of fun for those who have the will and courage to try out the current state of the map!
CURRENT LACKS:- There are almost no NPCs/shops expect of those at Elddim.
- Teleportation system is rudely implemented, however it works stable now.
- Southern map parts (Grescal, Hiroth, Desert) are not available.
- There are no quests (expect of some hints for a task here and then).
- Instead of DS1 monsters, appropriate monsters form DS2 have been used.
- Audio/visual emitters are generally not working.
- There is a strange placement issue of several levers/buttons.
- There is a problem with the flow direction of water.
- The (pre-produced) radar maps are probably not up to date.
GAMEPLAY CHANGES:- Former respawn statues work now as incantation shrines.
- There are no lecterns but chants are available in form of dropping scrolls.
- There are no war pedestals but with some luck you may find rare green potions to recharge your powers.
- Some statues/monuments currently serve as mana/health bushes.
REMARKS:- Regularly open a town portal (specially if a 1-man-party)!
- NPCs/guards with a symbol overhead often have a proceeding 'multi-part' conversation, thus clear the area first before you talk to them! However most guards will leave their position and help you fighting after the fisrt talk.
- The original DS1 map was designed for short sight ranges and rather steep/vertical camera angles, however already now the fog distance has been expanded where possible. Thus take care when using mods or All*Saves to override this, there may be lags or loading/trigger errors or even crashes with extreme sight ranges.
- As long as you don't enforce a sight range to >100m (see point above) game chrashes are very improbable.
REQUIRED RESOURCES:- A game-corresponding version of All*Saves.
- DS1 Terrain Nodes, Beta 2 (62mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Content Pack (partial) Alpha v0.07 (39mb, ReadMe)
- DS1 Utraean Peninsula (partial) Alpha v0.07 (62mb, ReadMe)
- MonsterLevel Adjustment Mod, Beta 4f (600kB, ReadMe)
CREDITS:- Elys, for All*Saves and DS1toDS2nc.exe
- Runic Games, for Torchlight Demo (you will hear why *cough*)
Hehe, you're a power house.
I may have to put WoW aside for a bit and check this out.
Vasp Pet (content of/since post-fix 0.07a):
Baby: (refuses food form chars below level 8)
- Attack: Solar Globes (native)
Fledgling: (refuses food form chars below level 10)
- Bonus≥: +10% Health
- Support Spell: Open Town Portal
Juvenile: (refuses food form chars below level 12)
- Power: Chain Lightning I
- Bonus≥: +13% Chance to Dodge melee/ranged attacks
Adolescent: (refuses food form chars below level 14)
- Bonus≥: Armor
Young Adult: (refuses food form chars below level 16)
- Bonus≥: +18% magical resistance
- Power: Chain Lightning II
- Bonus≥: +25% Mana Regeneration
- Aura: +10% Life Steal
Seller: Farmer Jornus, Elddim
Prιce: 800 Gοld
With Alpha 0.08 the missing 13 regions around Grescal and Hiroth have been added now too. While Hiroth has the original population size again (with guards even some heads more) Lang, Meren and Fallraen are still noticeably underpopulated. However the teleportation system (incl. displacers) has been completely replaced so you always have the chance to travel back to a more developed town.
To upgrade (the populated part of the map) a bit, town guards became more interactive. Note here that they temporarily won't talk anymore with you if they have lost more than 33% of their max life in a combat. So mastering any healing spell would be good idea, of course you also may wait until their life regenerates from alone.
If somebody likes to help debugging, if you press Ctrl+Alt and click on a potion in your inventory then it will drop and display region data instead of the potion label. Health potions will display position and node, mana potions would tell you the current 'mood' (which is responsible e.g. for fog ranges and background sound).
At least during my own test runs this little tweak has proven quite useful, i just made a screen shot (sometimes with a little self-memo in the chat box) and i got a pleasant bug report to check/fix the problem later.
Edit: Minor correction
I would love to help debug but none of my cd players allow me to install or run the game...
Waiting for a new rig..
Your comment is appreciated.
However no need to be stressed - if DS3 is as console-oriented as it currently seems to me, then we probably have the whole next decade again to make mods for DS1+DS2... :o
By the way, i just put some work files online: www.dungeonsiege2.net/ds2fun/monsters/
Not to completely loose the overview, and to replace the missing DS1 monster by a very similar one from DS2 if possible (importing them from DS1 took too often much longer than assumed specially if they use a spell or if they have no *legs*).
Played all the way through with no real problems (other than the afore-mentioned radar problems that can't be helped with DS2's frustum settings). The radar wasn't set up for the multiple frustums of DS1.
Don't know if the skulls were needed for the first part of the Pit of Despair, as I had them when I got to the first door. But, I was able to open and go through the second one (with the ankh) without first doing the proper sequence.
As for no quests and just a leveling/fighting map,....that's all Utraean Peninsula ever was. I felt a strong nostalgia when playing through even with the changes to the overall experience. Big thumbs up for a job well done. :thumbup:
@PhoeniX: Thanks for the feedback.
Can you remember Hiroth maybe? Had you problems with the Undeads there? They natively have no revealing animation so i had to improvise a bit - which DS2 doesn't really seem to like according to the logs.
And have you also met Chris Taylor and his evil chickens in the secret dungeon near Quillrabe? They recently took me for lunch and i thought this poultry became dubiously powerful anyhow... :o
The Pit of Despair i must visit once again and pass it in one run. So far my presence there was rather control-sample-wise in consideration of all the other things to do.
About the possible radar map problems, please use the 'potion debug hint' from below to copy the position data (or make a screen shot). I will check then the north vector/direction again (sadly a common problem) and post-produce missing/broken radar maps if needed.
The undead surrounding Hiroth worked fine.
I am playing through with a new character and ran into a huge problem with the gates of Fallrean. They will not open. I tried Town Portal to Elddim with no luck. Saved game, and tried again. Removed Mod-ObjectHighlightningTuned-Beta4 and tried. Replaced Mod-ObjectHighlightningTuned-Beta4 again, all with no success.
List of mods I am currently using:
Maps in DS2 folder:
MyTestWorld Erthos-Struggle-Test
Mods in DS2 folder:
6 Slots Mod-DS1Content-Alpha08
Mods in BW folder:
BW_Drevin's_Vengeance BW_More_Hair_new
The only new mods from previous attempt that worked;
Mod-BrokenWorld-ArannaLegacy-Alpha2r Mod-ObjectHighlightningTuned-Beta4
This is my first time using ArannaLegacy, and love all that you did with it.
North vectors need examined at:
river_forest_r2: -5.683 / 1.900 / 3.164 / 0xdb2129b3 mine_town: -0.694 / 0.000 / -1.637 / 0x7b7de0dd
Cannot open containers at:
path2ice: -0.956 / 5.975 / 0.959 / 0x068ebb6d id_r2: 4.838 / -1.749 / -3.775 / 0x6c2b5a5e
EDIT: Tried sneaking in the back way to Fallraen from Lang/Meren, but the gates will not open from the other side either.
There may be a compatibility problem with Aranna Legacy.
House doors work correctly, but other types of doors are there but not recognized. I can just walk through the Fallraen gates.
Found a better way to check north vectors also. Path2crypts region is 180 degrees off.
@Phoenix: Thank you very much for your extensive testing and the detailed test report!
The Utrae mod contains a modified door component to cope with the needs of DS1 doors, unfortunately the removal of the path-blocking property of doors doesn't work in all situations. It may be actually that the addon/v2.3 is a bit more delicate with path-finding/-blocking than v2.2, however revising the door component hopefully will solve the problem generally.
Hm, which one?
In this context, since many monsters or loot container just use redirected DS2 drop-definitions, i guess it would be more meaningful if you don't use separate loot mods to see how far the intended loot drops may compete with the official DS2 maps. The perception of the map difficulty is distorted if you find super-magical stuff at every corner (already now the monsters are some easier than on original DS2) and also reagents/enchanting become rather useless then.
...moreover, Orla Riverstarn at Crystwind needs a living too by upgrading the 'useless' items you find.
Poor choice of words on my part. I was just looking at the radar and not the compass before (cough). I was never sure where the regions began or which ones went where. But thanks to your health potion de-bug capabilities, I finally know exactly which region I am in and can then open the radar folder and piece together the (converted) PSD files to see the region map in it's entirety. And since I am doing that I figured may as well do the extra work of making the radar easier to see.
I can send the updated radar files to you after completion.
When looking for a reason for the gates not opening and Mod-ObjectHighlightningTuned-Beta4, I did notice something that may be the culprit.
In your adjusted_objects_highlightning.gas the following template may be of concern, rollover_highlight is set as both true and false.
Thanks for the offer and you enthusiasm. If you like you could create your own radar map mod
If you aren't happy with the image quality I also could upload the original *.raw/*.psd files. I'm just not sure if details will be maintained if you convert DDS into DDS then again (to reduce mod size).
However this is an extensive work if you intend to tune the radar map for so many regions... but of course I would appreciate it to have radar images where you can see what area is really accessible.
Before you start please keep in mind that some of the radar images may change again, specially for regions with known radar problems.
This probably won't be responsible for the blocking issues with town gates, but i will fix this soon, you never know....
...because in 2010 a computer killed people because of inconsistent orders. :nervous:
Some regions will take a lot of touch-up work, (ie: gd_r1 and sd_r1 (Hovart's Folly north and south)). Even the original *.dds files are very hard to see the contours. Don't know if the original *.psd files will be much better. If they are, it would be a great help with the radar conversion though.
The only region I have found so far is "path2scypts". Guess I should post all the ones that are correct too. ^^
The Following regions north vectors are all good:
Heading east from Elddim:
town_center river_forest
West from Elddim heading to Lang:
farmland_and_chapel ds_r2
South from Elddim heading to Crystwind:
path2mines mines
North from Elddim to Great Northern Forest:
mega_forest mega_forest_r2
Elevator down from Great Northern Forest to surrounding areas:
island hades
From Ilarth Divide to Hovart's Folly:
abc_r1 crypts2sd
Crystwind through River Canyon:
mine_town grs_dry_hard_r1
That's actually a pretty cool overview which SE region belong to what part of the map!
Concerning the radar images, the SE2 really has found a mismatch for path2crypts and has fixed it (...hopefully).
Original raw/psd images I only have left from the last ~15 regions (those added in the last update), i can upload them if you like, however if you have a strong computer with SE2 installed i can give you some advice to produce them yourself within ~1 hour.
Besides of some general fixes the next update will care a bit about Fallraen. While examining the 'mechanics' of the town gates, i've noted that there isn't any shop despite of the town size. I've really thought there was at least a potion seller - even Lang and Meren have already one. So the repopulation measures for Fallraen go on...
I was able to load the files into SE2 and adjusted/tested the north vector successfully for path2crypts. And am now creating the new *raw radar files for all regions.
All regions up to Quillrabe, the north vectors are good with the exception of gi_a_r2 in the Goblin Warrens. For that region the north vector is off by 90 degrees (also fixed in SE2 and made new radar files).
Was not sure if this was intended or not. In retrospect, I should have mentioned this previously.
Great that you can produce them yourself. I will update gi_a_r2 now too, however if have some doubts this is the last time we encountered radar problem...
Could you press once the button labelled with 'stitch radar images together' and tell me then the file size of world/maps/multiplayer_world/radar/radar_stich.gas ?
Because, my new file is ~30% smaller than the old one and I have know idea why... :o
My radar_stitch.gas is 43kb as opposed to the original 46kb. Still doing a lot of the regions though. Slow computer is letting me do one region every 5-10 mins.
Could you open once your radar_stitch.gas and check if it has 'empty brackets' inside (a opening bracket and one row later a closing bracket with not data between)?
And what happens during gameplay? As you know maybe, you can delete/remove YourHeroName.ds2radar to reset all revealed radar regions.
I can't remember well how long the whole batch-processing (inclusive interruptions... :() lasted the 1st time. It seemed to me, it took longer and longer with every region processed (maybe due insufficient memory). The later regions took several minutes for sure and I regularly lost the patience to watch it...
Edit: I've found now a work-around for/against the loss of size/conten of radar_stitch.gas file - i've just re-generated the radar images for those regions the radar_stitch.gas file contained empty brackets, and after saving the empty brackets were gone.
Good to hear you got that fixed.
I noticed that one of the empty stitch blocks for me was:
That was the block for the elevator from Island to Hades. When I stepped on the elevator the radar went blank.
I had thought that there was no radar created from Drake Nest throughout the rest of the game (Hiroth through Grescal, Hades and Dunes). But I see now what some of the problem was. Initially there was no radar created for "dunes2island". Once I created the radar and stitch for that one area the rest of the radar started to come alive.

If you didn't create the radar and stitching for "dunes2island" already, you may want to look into that.
EDIT: Opening the regions again and re-stitching them has brought my radar_stitch.gas back up to 46kb also. Still some empty blocks, but as I finish re-doing and re-stitching my radar they should fall into place (I hope).
@PhoeniX: Thanks for the images! Due to the regions listed without working radar, i remembered that these regions (beyond others) had empty brackets in the stitch file. After a while i've found out that these regions (surprisingly) all use the original nodes.gas from DS1... :o
I'm quite sure now that nodes.gas files made by SE2 will enable the radar, generally. If flipping radar images are gone then too - i have some doubts about this. All new radar images and radar.gas files are still the same even with an updated north vector.
All my changes seem to be working as intended (other than lighting, I did not save that correctly).
Then the path the radar used to get where I was:
And the old and new "path2crypts_1_x_x_x0_z0" radar images. All radar creation starts from the northwest section:
Notice how the [t:local,n:adjacent_texture*] is different.
Old radar.gas, just one bracket:
And the new one, same bracket:
@PhoeniX: Thanks for re-checking that. Actually i've thought there's something wrong...
About your path2crypts region, how the originally wrong north vector has been changed?
Did you accept a recommendation of SE2 (may have popped up)? Did you change it in SE2 via GUI/menu? Or did you manually edit any file?
I changed it in SE2. Mini tutorial for north vector alteration:
Go to "Settings - Edit North Vector"
Then you can change the "X" and "Z" coords to change the vector. The pink line is your North Vector.
Had to do this when I created the radar for DOA, as there were North Vector problems there as well.
EDIT: You can change it in increments of 45 degrees using "0.0" "1.0" and "-1.0".
@PhoeniX: Thanks, i've already played around with that menu/option, but what numbers to enter there so that the north vector of my current region is in sync with the north vector of e.g. Elddim?
I mean the regions are all stitched/connected already and so the there should be only one solution...
This is because i like to check the hotpoints.gas files (that where the SE1/2 are saving the NV in, as far as i know) for all regions in one step to see if there are further regions expect of two regions you have found.
Does this match with your files?However, according to your notes, the content of my hotpoints.gas files is identic for path2crypts and gi_a_r2, it's:
That matches my gi_a_r2 hotpoint but my path2crypts is:
Looking again I noticed you can use the "X"/"Z" coords or “Adjust orbital heading” to change north vector.
Should be able to adjust by 180 degrees for path2crypts and 270 degrees for gi_a_r2 to get the north vector aligned with Elddim.