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Hotfix Mod / Aranna Legacy Mod

I hope nobody has something against when i'm opening here a thread about the Hotfix Mod resp. Aranna Legacy Mod, but GPG's garage forum has widely lost its clearness and reliability due the flood of spam there.

So this thread here is rather intended to catch (rescue?) all GPG 'fugitives' than to start a new modding offensive. So many years have passed since the game was released and personal priorities have changed since then partially too - however, for the time being smaller bugs or lacks (probably) still will be fixed.


Mod download:

Hotfix Mod, Beta 5p (22.3MB, for DS2 base version, ReadMe)

Aranna Legacy Mod, Alpha 4a (25.5MB, for DS2 Broken World addon, ReadMe)

Note maybe:
- The Aranna Legacy mod is basically the same as the Hotfix mod, but the Aranna Legacy mod
  contains some additional fixes and tunings specially for the Broken World addon (v2.3/BW).
- If you don't like to read the entire ReadMe file right now, there's also a shorter overview online.

aknid wrote:
I haven't played DS2 for months, but the last time I played I had Hotfix Mod, beta 4 h. When playing I tend to spend skill points to build my powers, for example I took one point brilliance (CM) to get the floating orb thingy power level 1. Then I changed my mind and visited Erasira, removed my Brilliance, but strangely the power (Orb, which requires Brilliance) didn't disappear. Is this still the case for this new version? If it is, I could get all the powers I want, when I run out of skill point to spend just visit Erasira, reassign the skill while keeping my powers intact, how's that for a cheat?

Excuse me for anyone don't mind a rude answer. This issue is a known shortage of the siege engine that lack of a function to modify the power slots. Unless someone(may be from GPG) knows how to modify an array directly in the skrit, it is unable to achieve the power slots' renewal at this moment.
Errr, about the cheat you mentioned, if you want to restart the game again and again once you make a minor wrong decision, you are free to ignore that.

I haven't played for a while... no power slot renewal, well... I will be very careful in assigning my skill points Laughing out loud

By the lack of function to modify the power slot means is it hardcoded?

Actually what you need to do to renew a power slot is to click on the slot and select the clear slot option from the pop-up menu, I mean, It can be done manually. The game engine was hardcoded to create a list of powers dynamically with many checkings before selecting a power and set it to a slot, so it couldn't be done simply by using some lines of skrit script.
Basically you will have some building plans on some specified characters, however, you may change your mind sometimes when you find some useful items or some better combinations.

@LeisureBeing: Nice to see some sophisticated mods. Smile
Just as little input, it's most probably better if you would put different/modified content in different mods (resp. in a mod with a different/expanded file name), just to keep some transparency what's inside. After some months distinguishing mods with identical file names via file size, md5/crc sums, or even with a manual content review is rather painful.

About the 25-pages-packmule, ensure there's a readme with a big warning due to the limit of 255 items - that's probably also why you modified the stash to count the items on pets!?
However as you know maybe, the Zhixalom Inventory are quite famous, but if they are in service then the player won't get a notification. With this combination the extreme amount of inventory space may be quite inviting to concentrate many items on one packmule - improbable that the player himself will stop filling a packmule on page ~5 if there are another 20 pages...
Well possible you are able to find/create another solution for this matter, e.g. a custom packmule component counting items after we_got/we_picked_up event(s).

About Mod-ResetSkills.ds2res, doesn't this make Erasira is jobless!? Sad
I just hope this mod claims some gold from the player to support the Aranna unemployment aid... Wink
However have you ever wondered why there is an NPC, with conversations, claiming gold, and little interactions like healing!?
As you can imagine, a simple 'reset lever' or so looping through all skills would have been much easier to add.


@aknid: Indeed Erasira can't remove the power buttons from the GUI. This is an old lack, and sadly i still haven't found a way to remove the buttons via skrit (if there exists a method at all) although there is a little context menu in-game (as LeisureBeing has pointed to, just right-click on the button) to remove a button manually. This lack is also the reason why the player gets a little message if buttons/GUI are not in sync with the skill point assignment (but no doubt, most will ignore it).

Now whether this could be abused as cheat... - actually i'm not aware of the complete scope of this lack. Of course you can get/keep all power buttons like this, which may be quite annoying/irritating. And maybe there really is a power that still can be executed without the required skill points, however as far as tested you often just will waste your power recharge and nothing happens.
In case you find a 'skill point ignoring' power please make a post. It has no real priority but if i come around i may care about it in particular.

Ah, seems that you haven't noticed my purpose of modding the game. I probably will only fix something to stop it from making troubles to me, so I mod the game just like a surgery to cut off the useless or time-wasting parts. Usually I will try to do it in simple, so I will just keep it in simple too, and that's why I make the mods myself in case it's possible. The packmule's inventory is expanded to 25 because I don't want to hire and hire mules from the innkeepers, so just keep in mind that each page holds around 10 items is enough, plus, your good stash mod helps to solve the potential 255 overlimit glitch. Unless someone wants to solo play with mules, there is not a big chance of picking up more than 255 items in an inventory. And yeah, the resetskill mod makes it too simple to solve a problem that should not be cleared so easily, so after checking all the necessary evils, I totaly agree that it's "OPTIONAL", and in fact, it just makes me feel that there are some unusual "conveniences". :idea:

Oh, it's off-topic to talk something not related to your Hotfix Mod / Aranna Legacy Mod, so let's stop making it complex to discuss something that are not bugs/fixes here.

About the power-slots, I think only someone from the dev. team of DS2 can tell or say a solution about that, so just don't bother to do something that's out of the sphere, right? :roll:

First off let me thank you for putting all this together. Last time I played DS2 was, according to my old save files, back in sept 2006. You've really revived the game for me, and given a fun time for both me and my girlfriend.

Lil system details:
We're using 2 pcs, both windows 7 x64, doing lan, party mode, online play. Both have broken world(it SAYS 2.3 but who knows :P), and using only your 2y mod, your mod storage vault 14x19 beta 3, and all*saves version 2- though we had a brief stint trying version 4- the succubus manager one, before we went back to the v2. Currently on DS2 main map, not expansion, playing in 1280x720 resolution. We also installed to non standard, but simple folders (actually Drive:\games\dungeon siege 2\broken world) to get around any program files problems, they're off C: drive entirely, though the saves still save at default.

I know you say there isn't much data on online play so I figure I'll give you every bug I can think of to date. I'll also try to add any fixes or workarounds I have found.

1. Rampage- I can verify that our setup also causes the rampage problem, we've done it both ways, whoever does not host, cannot rampage. Mirror works fine and is a fine work around.

2. Amren's Quest- I normally host the games, and since she generally doesn't want to bother with the equipping and what not of the npcs, I usually take them, except in this instance. First and last chests we could open with me hosting and amren being the client, the others stated an event is needed to unlock this chest or whatnot, same msg you get when trying to open them without touching the statue first. Her hosting, so Amren was host, enabled us to open the other 3 chests, so that is a work around.

3. Lothar & his quest- I'm still not sure what happened to him. I went, did his quest, never put him away from getting the quest to finishing it. Quest giver had a orange question mark above his head after finish, but would not give any new dialogue. Figured it was a small bug, put Lothar back in the inn where he belongs :P. Was doing something at the inn at a later date (definately a day or so in between, so a reload of the game), and Lothar was missing. Went and untanked my save to see if he was just plain gone and.. well.. he's not.. quite. I do not know how to unencrypt the disbanded******.ds2 file, but looking at in in plain text he seems to have polymorphed... into a taclak. All the msgs that would normally say lothar say taclak instead. Boggling. I did try to just insert lothar for taclak but no surprise, it didnt work after retanking it. He's still in my save file but does not seem to be harming anything. The file name, for reference if it matters, is disbanded_1311801050.ds2. I'm sure I could grab a Lothar from another party/save file and reinsert him but I have not done so, still, there are plenty, or at least a couple, tutorials on how to do just that. Also, since it IS multiplayer, just restarting the game as a new save with the char and re-recruiting Lothar MAY work. I have not tried either, yet, I'm still hoping I may find a way to unencrypt that file and see if I can save him. For a work around, though, those are 2 things to try.

4. Character Saves- The auto saves- not the world saves, but when it saves your character, can, sometimes, very randomly, fail. What happens is it makes a charactername.ds2party.tmp file and slowly deletes all the .ds2bak* files until just the last successful save and the tmp exist. You can see this in action by loading a character in read only mode, the game will, because it cannot write the file properly, make the tmp instead. Unfortunately, on reload, it just deletes the tmp and uses your last regular save instead when the game loads. This is the reason we switched to the succubus mod manager v4 from the all*saves v2, and, to be honest, it seems to happen more in the version 4.... BUT I must stress since it IS random, I could have just had a bad couple of days. Easy work around- check your save files BEFORE you load the game, if you have a .tmp timestamped later then your last save, make a backup of both, just in case the .tmp is bad in any way, rename the .tmp file to your regular charactername.ds2party and you will lose nothing. I have NO idea if this is BECAUSE of all*saves or conflict between the 2 or from x64 windows 7 and weird permissions which makes the game unable to rewrite the file properly or from something else entirely.. one of the reasons I am posting it here.

5. Character Progression- WARNING- I went a little rambly in this one but I THINK it all may be relevant.. perhaps.
We decided we wanted a nice challenge on this one, decided to do a fist of stone and something akin- but more combat magic focused- version of a blood assassin. We set it up as party mode multiplayer, which allows you to have 2 partys of 3 chars each, and we wanted to solo party it, ie. 2 partys of 1 character each for the challenge. Begining was quite hard, as I'm sure you can imagine. We had to grab a Taar to survive some of the early encounters, and I crashed with no world save somewhere after, but her character file, of course, kept Taar, leaving a new Taar to be abducted. I figure this would -not- pose a problem, multiplayer and all, everyone should be entitled to identical characters if they wish, so I grabbed one. This was still in the first day or 2 and we had our first no character save (see 4 above), so, thinking that may be it, I switched to Deru as main companion. .tmps still being made. Anyway, 20 odd levels later the game starts getting... really easy. Turns out, having only 2/3 slots filled per party makes you gain xp at such a phenomenal rate that by the time we got to 30 we were 5-6 levels above the mobs which made them very, very, very weak. Our little plan well, failed. We have found a decent work around, though.. we just added a 3rd to both our parties, a donkey, and we're merrily getting back to normal level size for the mobs, slowly but surely. I highly doubt this one CAN be fixed, but for people looking to either do this, or to avoid this, well, maybe google will be their friend Smile

These are certainly the main ones.. Again, thanks for all your time and effort, unpaid and unappreciated in keeping this wonderful game alive Smile

I'll post if I find anymore/remember anymore. Thanks again!


A few others we've found in playing-

Spirit Embrace- Currently, the Ice and Lightning resistances are stacking and not wearing off properly when cast on host or client, meaning you can recast it over and over and hit your 80% in ice & lightning naked, while fire remains constant.

Rune Summons- These are the stones that say something like 'Solder +1' and work out of the inventory, but there's a problem with the clients summon being invisible to them, host can see it, and hosts summon can be seen from client.

Mysterious Quest- The Evil Character room, many of the characters duplicated, we had to do this one a few times and we saw anywhere from 1 additional character (ie. 2 Taar's) to 3 additional characters (ie. 2 Lothar's, 2 Deru's and 2 Sartan's). This could be intentional, and if it is, ignore Smile Also, the old problem MAY still be there when say, a players Taar dies in the fight with the door not opening, we did eventually win, though, after about 4 clearings of the room to get the door open... this could also be like a miscount due to there being duplicates of the evil chars, idk.

And, a Request- I'd like to be able to bring my DS2 char straight into Veteran mode on BW, but from what I'm reading that's not possible. We haven't gotten *quite* to the end, should tomorrow, and we'll see, but, if it IS possible this would be a fix I'm sure most people would appreciate, and if you have done this already and I missed it, thanks sooo much.

Thanks again!


I'd like to retract that comment on veteran... I totally forgot how it worked, heh... tho, tbh, the challenge would STILL make it interesting :P


Sharkull's picture

Hey Lantorax,

If you create a free account here your comments don't need to be approved by a staff member before they are visible, and you could edit them if you make a mistake.

I'm Running DS2 On Steam Now. And The Hotfix Isn't Working. Fix It Plz.

Anonymous wrote:
I'm Running DS2 On Steam Now. And The Hotfix Isn't Working. Fix It Plz.

Well, I haven't the Steam version, so if the Hotfix Mod isn't working then try the Aranna Legacy Mod (or vice-versa).
...because there's a big dilemma. As far as i know the version number of the Steam release is v2.3, unfortunately DS2 from the toolkit is v2.3 too (but older than v2.2 retail) and also the Broken World addon is version v2.3 (but the addon doesn't seem to be part of the Steam offer)... :o
If there is a file called Logic.ds2res anywhere in the DS2 game folder you could send it to warhound°support(4T}hispeed°ch, maybe this would help to clear some things.





About 1)
Strange, however i only can repeat the questions already posted below to track this bug eventually.
- What happens with the client's party in 'Wait' and 'Guard' mode?
- What happens if the client has only 1 party member and switches then between 'Rampage' and 'Mirror' mode?
- What happens if the client has only 1 party member and casts/uses a summoned monster?

About 2)
Maybe the setting for the chests are different. I will check chests once.

About 3)
Your doing strange things with your savegame... Wink

About 4)
Usually *.tmp files in the savegame folder are no good sign. Did you use parties imported from v2.2?
As simple test, go once to the Inn an try to disband/rejoin each character/pet. Do the correct actors leave the inn again (those you have selected)?

About 5)
Intersting oberservation, however i care much more about the 'Rampage' problem.

About Spirit Embrace + Rune Soldier:
Thanks, i will check and fix this if possible.

I download the file and add to my Ds2 resources folder.But i can make him working.Can someone tell me how to install this mod properly.Thanks

Someone can tell me how to properly install this mod.Thanks!

Anonymous wrote:
Someone can tell me how to properly install this mod.Thanks!

Anonymous wrote:
I download the file and add to my Ds2 resources folder.But i can make him working.Can someone tell me how to install this mod properly.Thanks

Hm, are these matters still ongoing? Puzzled
The game version would help, also if you are eventually playing with the Steam version of DS2.

Hey El Dragon,
I encounter exactly the same issues. The companion/pet is not following correctly. I have just tested one pet. The pet is only following in mirror mode. When you change to another mode, except "waiting", the pet will move to the last location from where you have changed your companion mode, but not any further.

Greeting FutureF

Hey Guys,
same like El Dragon! Pls Fix :/

My friend and I are playing DS2+BW together and it goes fairly well.. but I've found out that if there is a pet in either the host or a clients party the game has a very high chance to crash.

Things I've found out so far:
- High chance to crash when pets (not sure about the characters like Taar or Lothar and such) in the party.
- Does not occur with summoned minions.
- It seemed that the summon storage chest spell also made the game more unstable.

Mods Used:
* Resources (DS2)
- G_extra_Hair.ds2res
- Mod-Pet-WarHound-Beta10m.ds2res
- Mod-Pet-WarHound-Canyon-Alpha9a.ds2res
- Mod-StorageVault20x25-Beta4.ds2res
- RingRemoval.ds2res
* Resources (BW)
- Mod-BrokenWorld-ArannaLegacy-Alpha2y.ds2res
* Resources (ElysDS2BWSuccubus)
- Elys_DS2BW_Succubus_v12.ds2res

My friend and I are playing DS2+BW together and it goes fairly well.. but I've found out that if there is a pet in either the host or a clients party the game has a very high chance to crash.

Things I've found out so far:
- High chance to crash when pets (not sure about the characters like Taar or Lothar and such) in the party.
- Does not occur with summoned minions.
- It seemed that the summon storage chest spell also made the game more unstable.

Mods Used:
Resources (DS2)
- G_extra_Hair.ds2res
- Mod-Pet-WarHound-Beta10m.ds2res
- Mod-Pet-WarHound-Canyon-Alpha9a.ds2res
- Mod-StorageVault20x25-Beta4.ds2res
- RingRemoval.ds2res
Resources (BW)
- Mod-BrokenWorld-ArannaLegacy-Alpha2y.ds2res
Resources (ElysDS2BWSuccubus)
- Elys_DS2BW_Succubus_v12.ds2res

ErikRedbeard wrote:
My friend and I are playing DS2+BW together and it goes fairly well.. but I've found out that if there is a pet in either the host or a clients party the game has a very high chance to crash.

Things I've found out so far:
- High chance to crash when pets (not sure about the characters like Taar or Lothar and such) in the party.
- Does not occur with summoned minions.
- It seemed that the summon storage chest spell also made the game more unstable.

Mods Used:
Resources (DS2)
- G_extra_Hair.ds2res
- Mod-Pet-WarHound-Beta10m.ds2res
- Mod-Pet-WarHound-Canyon-Alpha9a.ds2res
- Mod-StorageVault20x25-Beta4.ds2res
- RingRemoval.ds2res
Resources (BW)
- Mod-BrokenWorld-ArannaLegacy-Alpha2y.ds2res
Resources (ElysDS2BWSuccubus)
- Elys_DS2BW_Succubus_v12.ds2res

Did you have problems with a War Hound or other pets - or doesn't the type of pet matter at all?
Did the host or client suffer problems? And are there any specific actions/patterns to 'trigger' crashes?
Maybe it would be a good idea to play once not with all mods contemporaneously installed, just to see what happens.
By the way, is the client able to summon the storage vault or is this critical anyhow?




@Futuref/God-Future: You mentioned the Multiplayer mode, but do you also refer to the Aranna Legacy mod (as Lantorax did)?
What is about summoned monsters, do they follow correctly in Multiplayer (client)?
Please keep also an eye on the questions below i've asked Lantorax, specially the behaviour in 'guard' mode would be interesting (shield icon).

KillerGremal wrote:
ErikRedbeard wrote:
My friend and I are playing DS2+BW together and it goes fairly well.. but I've found out that if there is a pet in either the host or a clients party the game has a very high chance to crash.

Things I've found out so far:
- High chance to crash when pets (not sure about the characters like Taar or Lothar and such) in the party.
- Does not occur with summoned minions.
- It seemed that the summon storage chest spell also made the game more unstable.

Mods Used:
Resources (DS2)
- G_extra_Hair.ds2res
- Mod-Pet-WarHound-Beta10m.ds2res
- Mod-Pet-WarHound-Canyon-Alpha9a.ds2res
- Mod-StorageVault20x25-Beta4.ds2res
- RingRemoval.ds2res
Resources (BW)
- Mod-BrokenWorld-ArannaLegacy-Alpha2y.ds2res
Resources (ElysDS2BWSuccubus)
- Elys_DS2BW_Succubus_v12.ds2res

Did you have problems with a War Hound or other pets - or doesn't the type of pet matter at all?
Did the host or client suffer problems? And are there any specific actions/patterns to 'trigger' crashes?
Maybe it would be a good idea to play once not with all mods contemporaneously installed, just to see what happens.
By the way, is the client able to summon the storage vault or is this critical anyhow?




@Futuref/God-Future: You mentioned the Multiplayer mode, but do you also refer to the Aranna Legacy mod (as Lantorax did)?
What is about summoned monsters, do they follow correctly in Multiplayer (client)?
Please keep also an eye on the questions below i've asked Lantorax, specially the behaviour in 'guard' mode would be interesting (shield icon).

The Type of pet doesn't matter at all. Had a Scrub Boar, scorpion, ice elemental and it happened with all.
It happens when the client connects and either the client and/or host has a pet in their party. After some time the game just crashes with an Exception.
The client/host is able to summon the storage chest but it appeared to start a timer much the same way a pet in the party does.

Anyway.. I forgot to mention we've been playing via Tunngle (VPN tool much like Hamachi) and I've just tried having a pet in the clients party when not using Tunngle but two local computers. It appeared as if it didn't crash at all in this time, but I did notice that in Rampage mode the pet didn't follow the main character until I selected (this seemed to active it's AI) it to be the active character in which it automattically walked to my previous active character. It works fine when in the other mode (with the 2 puppets next to each other, forgot it's name).
If my memory is correct the pets did follow when the game was prone to crash.

This was done with the same setup as the previous post.

PS; Sorry for the previous double post.

Thank you so much for that great mod KillerGremal.Could you make that Melee+Combat Skill Animation a little up.It looks like its on a dwarf.Its too low and going around @ heroes pants^^(a little annoying).And other effects are just perfect like this mod.

Devil May Cry wrote:
Thank you so much for that great mod KillerGremal.Could you make that Melee+Combat Skill Animation a little up.It looks like its on a dwarf.Its too low and going around @ heroes pants^^(a little annoying).And other effects are just perfect like this mod.

Thanks for this note, moving it vertically a bit shouldn't be a problem.


  • Provoke power performs now more enduring.
  • Chance and damage of 'Arcing' skill may slightly vary depending on the hazardousness of the lightning spell used. Lightning arcs also may jump on now if the chance is met another time.
  • Some more AoE range for Fireball spells (damage and visual effect).
  • Spell books will provide now a little mana regeneration bonus depending on their requirements and on their capability to be enchanted.
  • Several damage-related reagents rebalanced. Also the description of the existing resistance reagents should be translated now correctly in any language (if part of the native game support). However a few custom terms on reagents only will be translated only in French, German or Italian, otherwise these terms remain in English language.
  • There is now an option called 'buff_limit = #' for your DS2 *.ini file to allow 1 or 3 buffs for party members instead of 2 (default). A custom number of buffs will be rebalanced internally, partially at least.
  • Option 'difficulty_pet = #' added to adjust the difficulty for pets only. Default is 100, possible values are 50-500. If any value (expect of 100) is set then the general option 'difficulty' will be ignored for pets.
  • The monster levels of some 'Shard Souls' at the end of act 1 were much too high. Their levels have been lowered appropriately.
  • Minor tunings related on 'rampage' problem in multiplayer mode.
  • The rats sometimes hiding in barrels are now not as hungry anymore as they were before.

Side note: The term 'Belligerence' as used in this mod refers to a bonus that will increase your total damage.

I have compatibility issues between "Aranna legacy MOD" and "ds2_moreskillpoints" in its version "skillPointsOnLevelUp_x4", the one that gives four skill points for each level up.
If I use both, the game crashes when I try to load a savegame, whereas I have no problems using one of them individually.
There is some way to solve the issue? The ideal would be enabling the user to set its own skill point value by means of an option in the *.ini file.
Moreover, is it possible to modify the MOD to have more than three buff active on one character?
Thanks for your great and wide work.

From what I know Aranna's Legacy is intended to balance issues not to give you disc one nukes.

Therefore using Disc One Nukes (4skill points are giving you WAY too much advantage given the general suckyness of monsters) is counterporoductive.

Don't cheat. Play Fair.

What you say is true if you leave aside the equivalent MOD that rises the damage and life of monsters, which I'm using too (and no, it doesn't influence game stabilty, I've tried removing it). Game tends to be too easy at higherlevels, so I'm trying to find new challenges with added difficulty and more skill points for balance.
I've played the game like this for months and found it fun and challenging, and now I'm trying to use also Aranna Legacy for the added content (new multiclassing) that gives me other stimula.
I hope this clarifies my point of view, so maybe someone would want (and be able) to try to help me.

Crymage wrote:
I have compatibility issues between "Aranna legacy MOD" and "ds2_moreskillpoints" in its version "skillPointsOnLevelUp_x4", the one that gives four skill points for each level up.
If I use both, the game crashes when I try to load a savegame, whereas I have no problems using one of them individually.
There is some way to solve the issue? The ideal would be enabling the user to set its own skill point value by means of an option in the *.ini file.
Moreover, is it possible to modify the MOD to have more than three buff active on one character?
Thanks for your great and wide work.

Several skill points when levelling-up are rather doubtful. Besides of undercutting balancing intentions, it has consequences that persist even if you remove the mod - related on multiplayer mode such cheats are quite nasty. Although the mode multiplayer doesn't seem to be very popular, sadly a fraction of players will always try to use cheats online too... Sad

From the balancing point of view, the number of extra skill points is stored on the savegame and could be evaluated to re-balance a significant surplus/lack of skill points.
Unfortunately DS2 doesn't do/use this by default but the mod does, for example to lower the difficulty if your party members miss skill points from quests.
However also balancing measures have their limits so it leaves a bad taste. Of course exceptions and personal adoption shouldn't be denied generally, so those who think they can't live without this cheat will eventually appreciate the half_as_skilled option - just remind your math lesions at school.


Concerning the request of a 4th buff - this would be possible, but already now the impact of a 3rd buff on the gameplay can be quite immense. Isn't the interesting part with buffs the decision which ones to choose?
If it becomes standard that everyone runs around with buffs for more health and more resistances, that would be finally almost the same as lowering the difficulty.
Beside of this there are some technical issues. With every buff allowed and with every auto-cast slot filled in the spell book the auto-cast AI becomes more and more inefficient, it's like that it begins to 'start working from the wrong side'.
So right now (or in general probably) a 4th buff isn't really recommendable. However if you don't care about this, 4444 would be the value to set for the buff limit.

Great mod with many features and bug fixes.

Perhaps you could fix this "bug" with the original game.

Volcano boots recipe item "Adds 25 to 30 Fire Damage". However, this bonus is only applied to melee weapons and not ranged weapons. There is nothing in the bonus description that says that the bonus should not be applied to ranged weapons.

so um i decided to play dungeon siege II again and when i used this mod there are 2x as much monsters and there are some weird npc glitches where the npc attacks you

jamgam wrote:
so um i decided to play dungeon siege II again and when i used this mod there are 2x as much monsters and there are some weird npc glitches where the npc attacks you

Indeed the number of monsters may be larger in you current party/savegame than in your previous party, but that's only partially the 'fault' of the mod. Actually the term 'number of monsters' is quite inappropriate, 'amount of hostile life' would fit much better.
This life amount depends on the number of your party members. Additionally the automatic monster placement in DS2 often happens at random (but dependant on some kind of 'power level' the monster have), so the types of monsters in a specific region may change from one party to another with possible consequences for the number of monsters, for example one party will find 3 Scorpions while another party 'only' encounters 1 huge Vulk.

Some more details about these mad NPCs would be nice. Or was it even a party member?

By the way, i will check the Volcano boots.
