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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

About 2): The GPG way is different.

About 13) It seems to me that the kind of data that shows up in my screenshots looks different from the kind of data that shows up when Alt-dropping potions.

Here are more notes from my playthrough of the Utraean Peninsula map.

1) The stalagmite at this location blocks projectiles that are nowhere close to its model (image 1).

2) More invincible mimics at these locations (images 2). Another improtant note about all mimics from all maps in the Legendary mod is that I could always see a mimic encounter coming, because no other chests in Legendary Mod maps use the same chest model as mimics. This removes the thrill of encountering a mimic, and should be adressed by replacing some existing DS1 chests with DS2 chests that look the same as mimic chests.

3) The Fury Spawn summon is broken. Mousing over it shows it doing 1 damage, which probably refers to its non-existant melee attack. Its magic attack is fairly weak, but worst of all, these summons are very fragile as well. There is also the fact that my spellcasters won't auto-buff Fury Spawns with Wrath of Magic, but auto-buff them with Wrath of Ice instead. It also looks weird when it teleports (Images 3).

4) More NPCs weirdly suspended in the air due to having nothing to sit on (images 4).

5) The subtitle announcement for the Lang Townstone quest appears every time I speak with the NPC that gives the quest (image 5).

6) The models of goblin-made machine enemis tend to merge and overlap each other when they get close (image 6).

7) The Summon Synged spell for combat mages has a green background, as if intended for nature mages (image 7).

8 ) The Lost Artifacts in the Pit of Despair do not fit into their icon in the journal (image 8).

9) I could not pick up the Rune of Might at the center of one of the Pit of Despair's labyrinths. I never had more that one in my inventory, so maybe it's because you are only allowed to have one?

10) Another problem with the same section of the Pit of Despair is that, when I left a portal open at the center of the labyrinth and then started a new session, all bridges were pulled to their original positions, so I had no other choice than to teleport to the forest, enter the Pit of Despair again, and go through the first two labyrinths again.

12) I dislike the fact that most enemies were removed from the Pit of Despair.

11) The Archdemon boss is announced with yellow subtitles for some reason, as opposed to the usual red announcements for bosses (image 9).

12) Also, the Archdemon's elite ring is tiny (image 10).

13) The new shields are non-enchantable too, in case that's important (image 11).

14) Text error (image 12).

15) I dislike seeing Skath living throughout the Illarith region. They don't belong there. I'm not sure about Korven. At least a lore book has been added that explains why they are there, but my feelings on their addition are still mixed. If these creatures will be removed in future versions, make sure to also remove their mentions in the journal, NPC dialogue, etc.

16) The subtitle for Act 2 Chapter 3 appears every time I talk with the NPC that gives the quest.

17) I was forbidden from summoning teleporters anywhere in Quillrabe, which was pretty annoying, especially since the town teleporter is far from the town itself.

18) I could not complete the quest for killing the Droog rebel commander because I killed him before getting the quest (image 13). You should make it possible to complete the quest in these cases.

19) I don't see the point in adding undead Azunites as enemies in Castle Hiroth dungeon. You could use their same models, I guess, but you should've named them something else at least.

20) This book in Castle Hiroth dungeon is floating above the floor (image 14).

21) There was something strange I noticed throughout the entire Castle Hiroth dungeon: the secret statue-levers turn traps on, instead of turning them off. So, there is no point in turning these levers. I think this was supposed to be done that the traps are turned on by default, and the secret levers turn them off.

22) A lot of the new weapons seem to not have high-level versions, or these versions are somehow blocked from appearing anywhere in the game. This does not seem to be the case with new armors, or at least not with all of them. Here are some examples, pay attention to my character's level, the item's position in the shop and the item's stats (images 15)

23) The reagent shop in Grescal was the only shop in Utraean Peninsula map that worked properly, and one of the few such shops in the entire Legendary Mod. Please, fix this (image 16).

24) On the other hand, this same shop is selling a bunch of identical low-level non-enchantable non-magic boots. What's up with that? (image 17).

25) I don't know if this is intentional, but there is a certain area around these coordinates that displaces your characters when they step into it (images 18). Long ago, someone even made a video showing this strange effect, which can be seen starting from 0:24 (

26) The entire final dungeon does not appear on the map (image 19).

27) The Forgotten Mesa is named The Forgotten Mesas for some reason (image 20).

28) Overmage of the Utraeans is okay, I guess. But his Bestiary entry and icon are identical to the Cinbri Overmage. I think this boss could have been done better in that regard.

29) The Cinbri Overmage is imprisoned along with the Maljins for some reason? Does that even make sense in-universe? I'm not sure about this. Adding your own creative flavor to mods is fine, but not when it messes with the story.

And finally, there were over 100 text errors/typos/grammar errors that I found in Utraean Peninsula map alone. I don't feel like posting them all, but you need to get someone with good English to read through all dialogue, player character responses, in-game books, journal and bestiary entries in all of the maps and fix everything, including punctuation.

There is also something I forgot to mention when writing about my experience with the LoA map. It's that Rune Caster enemies should be able to summon multiple monsters at a time, like Hak'u shamans were made in Aranna Legacy mod. This lore-friendly change will make them into powerful summoners, just as they are described.

Well, I hope all these notes I've been writing were not in vain, and all this stuff gets fixed before I decide to play through DS 2 again. If I'll ever do that, I'll probably do a permadeath challenge of some sort, just to keep it interesting for myself.

Reinc wrote:
12) I dislike the fact that most enemies were removed from the Pit of Despair.

Didn't GPG's original map have no enemies at all in the Pit of Despair?

@Reinc as a prospective player I appreciate all your detailed reporting of bugs...
... and man is that a lot of bugs. Not sure if it's enough to put me off trying the mod or not.
What's depressing is no update to the main mod (map components) since April 2018.
Might sit this one out a little longer and see what gets patched up.

I would be willing to prepare better in-game maps and also correct game texts, if I had some assurance that they would actually be included at some point.

Flix wrote:

@Reinc as a prospective player I appreciate all your detailed reporting of bugs...

... and man is that a lot of bugs. Not sure if it's enough to put me off trying the mod or not.

What's depressing is no update to the main mod (map components) since April 2018.

Might sit this one out a little longer and see what gets patched up.

sure there are a lot of bugs but every map is playable. Those of us that made the mod do work on it from time to time making corrections. The main map files are not always where the bugs are. Also we can use another set of eyes.

I would be willing to prepare better in-game maps and also correct game texts, if I had some assurance that they would actually be included at some point.

Thanks I will see about preparing some maps. Do you know if there any requirements for the maps, such as file format (png, tga, etc.) or restrictions on image dimensions?

I proofread and corrected thousands of typos for the Sacred 2 Community patch (wooo English degree at work), so I'm pretty confident I could clean up all the texts for Dungeon Siege. Is there a decoded texts file available anywhere (oh please I hope so) or do I have to use the mod tools to try to extract it?

What about re-adding the dialog part of the skeleton in the pit of despair in UTP talking about the Dungeon Siege games but updating it with what happened since ?

Doesn't make sense, since the mod's story is the same as the original.

I wondered if the Ankh you find in the 3rd maze of the pit of despair have any use (did it have any in the original DS1 game) ?

lechiu321020's picture

Dear iryan, I admire your mod so much, there is someone made the epic texture mod for ds1 and loa in 2020, maybe you can contact him to use his asses, hoping that provide some helps to you, this mod pack haven't been updated for too long.

Gemeaux333 wrote:

I wondered if the Ankh you find in the 3rd maze of the pit of despair have any use (did it have any in the original DS1 game) ?

An ANKH in DS1?, it can't be in the single player campaign as I've scoured every inch of it, or have I?, could I have played this game for thousands of hours and I've missed it all this time?. I think Gem333 needs to give an hint as to where this ANKH can be found.

Moros, it is in the Utraean Peninsula campaign, where the Pit of Despair is an optional side area (no quest). Hence also in single-player mods of this campaign, such as LoU. Wasn't the skeleton and its dialogue one of the LoU mod's additions?

The Pit of Despair has two locked doors. The first to get from the area (maze) of building corridors to the area of stone walkways amidst darkness; this door must be given three skulls, found in the corridors, which it consumes. The second to get from the area of darkness to that of the crazy gantry of metal grill catwalks; this one opens when somebody has the ankh, found in the second half of the area of darkness, but the person keeps the ankh afterwards, am I right? I know of no reason for this difference.

With hindsight, GPG missed an opportunity there - why didn't they make the ankh one of the items needed to unlock the chicken level?

(Gemeaux333, sorry for not replying to you earlier.)

Hi I love the mod so far!
I have found a Bug in the Main Story of Legends of Arana. I have the Main Quest to Speak with the Town elder. (Act II Chapter I) But when I speak with him the quest doesnt progress further. I have added a Screenshot and the Savegame. I have the Steam version with Killahs fix and have installed the Hotfix/Aranna Legacy Mod. I played the hole Ehb campaign without any bigger issues and I played the hole Uthrean Map. (For this map i needed the fix "Mod-DS1Content-Alpha11g.ds2res" because the stone didn't drop)


@Rabbitos: Sorry for the late answer, and I can understand why this seems to be a bug - your (sole) answer (option) is 'Leave it to me' and there is now reaction on this answer - me too I expected to get a quest to kick out the intruders...

After a technical check there is simply no quest update intended for this answer (and another answer option is not available).
So what is written+answered there has no evident impact, but I hope you have found meanwhile another person/situation to trigger on this quest!(?)

SE owns this property apparently now, but doesn't seem to be doinjg much with it. The version of Ds1 /Ds2 you get doesn't even come with anything but base games. Any thoughts on making a steam version of this, adding in achievements possibly. I know there are other games like deus ex revision that have done similar things; mods that require you to own said game, but then act as games themselves adding achievements.

I think this would be cool personally and am willing to invest time and resources on the matter. Just curious. Having a version of this that updates with all the new modules regularly while expanding upon the game further with achievements and cloud saves woudl be great.

SE don't give a shit about the licence, as well as Supreme Commander, they have just taken the rights from GPG in order to make easy money / consolis, but as it failed for both they just don't give a shit anymore !

i love your mod too , but I have to admit it needs some improvements. Bosses need to have more abilities then just auto healing to full. There are also multiple issues walking across bridges, trying to get out of cellars. Post LOA I cannot even play the game as the AI has developed a mind of it's own. Trying to get through RtA is a nightmare. My healer won't heal anyone, my fighters won't fight anything. Essentially everyone just stands there and dies. Also, not sure why I can no longer cast pet spells automatically or where the quest marker went to. At this point I'm essentially lost with no clue as to where to go and dying over and over again while my party just does whatever they want.

So, no offense, I'm giving up on this for now. I have invested almost 150 hours into this mod (2 previous attempted play throughs before losing save files + current play through) and i'm just not seeing myself completing the game in it's current state.

Hopefully this will continue to be updated as it is definitely a promising project, but until a more stable update to some of these modules come out, i'm going to have to pause my game here.
Looking forward to returning.

Gemeaux333 wrote:

SE don't give a shit about the licence, as well as Supreme Commander, they have just taken the rights from GPG in order to make easy money / consolis, but as it failed for both they just don't give a shit anymore !

yes that's sad. Apparently Ds3 did not do too well and the two games for ps2 and psp were also mildly disappointing at best.

Wish Chris Taylor could ressurect GPG and take back the rights for DS and SupCom !

I never asked, but is there a mod to have your characters behave like in the original game (auto-engage enemies especially) ?

Hey i just installed it and am liking it so far but im not sure the level scaling is working. i played a bit of the diablo map before playing the main game and was overpowered. when i did die i had to start back at the farm lands and the teleportrs i activated along the way did not register so i had to run all the way to where i was. the next teleport area that worked was in the next town stone something or other. im pretty sure it installed ok. is this a bug? Also is there a way to get the DS1 texture mod to work with this?

skinstitch wrote:

Hey i just installed it and am liking it so far but im not sure the level scaling is working. i played a bit of the diablo map before playing the main game and was overpowered. when i did die i had to start back at the farm lands and the teleportrs i activated along the way did not register so i had to run all the way to where i was. the next teleport area that worked was in the next town stone something or other. im pretty sure it installed ok. is this a bug? Also is there a way to get the DS1 texture mod to work with this?

On being over powered, that depends on how the monster level adjustment mod part of the legendary mod is configured. On the side of the Stash Trunk there are 3 settings. Try each until you find one you are comfortable with. I would suggest "off" for the first time playing one of the maps. Others will surely disagree Smile . I personally have had no issues with the teleporters as they are currently configured, it did occur in early versions of the Mod. How I play the game is whenever I activate a teleporter, I save the game. Then test it. Note it will only take you to that teleport location, if you died somewhere in between two of them well you will just have to hoof it. Note there are characters in the game that can restore your life and weapons for a price. I use them often. It has been some time since I have played, tested or helped create armor or weapons for the mod and my mind is going as I get older so if my reply is a bit vague forgive me.
Welcome to the site

Ok i found the button on the side of the stash trunk and set it to ALL and am noticing a major difference. The issue im having now is that when i die i cant teleport to a nearby area. Am i correct in saying that the teleporters only work if i stay alive? If so is there a way to reconfigure that so they stay active. backtracking through the map takes alot of the fun out of the mod. Is there an option somewhere?

skinstitch wrote:

Ok i found the button on the side of the stash trunk and set it to ALL and am noticing a major difference. The issue im having now is that when i die i cant teleport to a nearby area. Am i correct in saying that the teleporters only work if i stay alive? If so is there a way to reconfigure that so they stay active. backtracking through the map takes alot of the fun out of the mod. Is there an option somewhere?

Hm, the context between is hard to see/understand...

However, "when i die i cant teleport" - please confirm, does this mean that all members of your party died (so there are tomb stones at the place of death) and your entire party respawned (usually in a town/camp) then you cannot touch/use either teleporter station or town portal anymore?
But if you then switch off the level adjustment it works again?

I just tried it out with v2.2 (DS2Mod) and so far at least I was not able to reproduce this issue.
Try once to update the Level Adjustment mod and the Content Pack too - perhaps this will help.

Im playing the kingdom of Ehb map but havnt gotten far as i had issues with getting the mod to work so i havnt picked up party members yet. i then realized i should play using the all saves.exe. as it saves my character. so i ticked the stash box to all but took it back to local to adjust the difficulty for my first run. im a clumsy player right now mostly using archery skill. so i get to the broken bridge where the first teleport stone is and activate it. now when if i die, i go back to the farmland. i walk up to the local teleport stone but it says no teleport locations found. even though i activated the one by the broken bridge. if i restart the game and click on continue, i see the glowing thing above me and clicking on that brings me to the teleportation stone. but why doesn't the teleport stone work? even at the bridge if i wanted to teleport back to the farm land it wont let me do it. so what is the point of the teleport stones? is this working correctly or am i doing something wrong? especially the teleport stones should work like checkpoints that let you move to areas closer to your goal rather than have you cross the map again. I once managed to get to the next town and saw that i could teleport using the stones but my game didnt save and so i wasnt able to test it. i think something in the mod is broken but ive downloaded it from mod db, from nexus and from here and each time its the same. all though now i understand the point of running all saves.exe i still cant figure out how to teleport and running the map again makes me lose interest and it sucks because im really enjoying it up untill that point.

lechiu321020 wrote:

Dear iryan, I admire your mod so much, there is someone made the epic texture mod for ds1 and loa in 2020, maybe you can contact him to use his asses, hoping that provide some helps to you, this mod pack haven't been updated for too long.
DS_HRT_2020-03-02 converted to ds2res for DS1 Legendary Mod. Raw to psd -> added a-channel to some textures -> psd to dds.

In secondary quest - Taar's Investigation, cannot get "Garganturax's Head" after killing it. It is tested by deleting Legendary Mod's resources files and run save by Elys DS2, it goes back to the right way - "Garganturax's Head" will be collected automatically after killing it.

Hope this will be fixed soon.

Hey killergremal, are you here ?

There is an improvement we could bring to the french language pack :

I doesn't manage to get the LOA comments from characters like Jondar saying "My mood is dark" while I have placed the sound files in the language pack...

Hi to all, first I wanted to thank you for your truly amazing work. It's like a dream that came true for Dungeon Siege fans.
After One Unit Whole Blood, One Unit Whole Dungeon Siege ! lol

I started a new party yesterday and I noticed some random issues.
With my first party I wasn't able to activate the upper farmlands teleporter. Nothing happened.
So I started a second party, and this time it was the little chest in the abandoned house near the bridge.
So I started a third one, and this time all worked fine... until I reached Stonebridge.
I can't click on the magic items seller near the stables, nothing happens.
I was wondering if there was maybe a shortcut to force the activation of a teleporter, a chest or a character when the mouse click doesn't work.
Could mods interfere with the Legendary One ? Since it happends randomly, from a party to another, I don't know what to think.

Many thanks to all.

Hi. Smile
It would be very useful if you could provide the following information so people can look into the problems.
1. What version of Windows are you using?
2. What version of the mod are you using?
3. Are you using AllSaves? If so what version are you using?
thank you

Hi. Smile

I'm using Windows 10 with the GOG version of Dungeon Siege II 2.30. The Steam version is too tricky and I wanted to left my retail version under Windows 7 behind me.
I'm using the 1.01 version of the mod with the hotfix and the alpha 03 update.
At Stonebridge Gyorn's portrait shows a monster with a TMP mention (I had the same problem restoring an old savegame from the 1.01 + hotfix version with Allsaves).
I don't use Allsaves for now because each time, I start a new party.

I made a backup of my last party and tonight, I uninstalled the alpha 3 update and restarted a new one.
Gyorn's portrait is now correct and I can talk to every merchant in town, but maybe it's chance for this last point.

With or without alpha 03 update, when I use a portal spell, I'm always sent back to upperlands farm, even if I activate the Stonebridge teleporter. I had to quit and load my savegame, and now I'm sent back to Stonebridge.

I noticed that between the Microsoft version of the game and the Steam / GOG ones, several files changed, I hope it doesn't interfere with the mod.

I'll try to reinstall the retail version under Windows 7 and see how the mod acts.
