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Broken world

Dark_Elf's Throwing Pitchforks


Dark_Elf's Throwing Pitchforks

install in Broken World resources folder

includes 3 throwing pitchforks - Black, Red and Pink all 3 have their own exploding color on hit.

also included new sound file for thrown

Grumpy Cat


Grumpy Cat Alpha 2.0
by Dark_Elf
copyright 2015 All Rights Reserved

preliminary mod to replace Skath Cat with Grumpy Cat. for test purpose only
added summon and pet..still more work to do

todo list- work on pet's power and aura

install in broken world resources.

should work in ds2 resources but this is broken world mod

HardLess's picture

Ancient Gifts Mod


Mod Title: Ancient Gifts
With the cataclysm that put an end to the second age, many ancient knowledges were lost.
Today as the earth shakes under army's march, the foundations of the second age reemerged from there ruins.
This mod is an attempt to bring new lore-friendly content, such as new skill tables, spells, weapons, armors and ...

mod categories: 



Mod Title: depots.ds2res
This mod converts health and mana potions to rejuvenation potions in inventory, shops and drops.

Author: Dark_Elf

Mod Version Number: 1.0
Release Date: 4 April 2014
Mod Size (approx.): 7,256 Bytes

Web Site:

Installation Instructions:
1. Place depots.ds2res into the Dungeon Siege 2 Resources folder.
Uninstall Instructions:
1. remove depots.ds2res from the Resources directory.

Requirements / Compatibility
This mod requires Dungeon Siege 2 and/or Broken World
Compatibility issues:


The Summoner's Will


Mod Title: - The Summoner's Will
Author(s): - Snit (aka Nightlith)

Mod Version Number......................: 1.1a
Release Date............................: - August 17th, 2006
Mod Size (approx.)......................: - < 1MB
Contact Information (email / forum...)..: - nightlith @
Revision History:
1.1a - 08.20.06
Added ability to control more than one summon, based on a new skill "Summoner's Will"
Summoner's Will also increases the duration of summon timers.

1.0a - 08.17.06
Initial Release!
BETA!! Work in progress! Incomplete!!

Installation Instructions:

mod categories: 

BW Spell Improvements and Fixes for DS2 and Broken World

this mod makes the following improvements and fixes to the spells and spell related powers in Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World:-
main download link
alternate download link @ mediafire

BW Monsters Improvements and Fixes for DS2 and Broken World

this mod makes the following improvements and fixes to the monsters in Dungeon Siege 2 Broken World:-
main download link


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