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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

Gemeaux333 wrote:
THe new link:

Sorry Bare_Elf, but since I know Fantaghiro ("The cave of the golden rose" serie) being male or female is very relative to me ^^ !

Thanks for the re-upload, got the file this time in about a hour. My account with 4Shared is still active and I could even guess the password as you have to register to download such a large file. So I highly recommend 4Shared before Rapidshare or even Mediafire as you often have problems with links there.

Now the download size could have been a lot less as all files are identical to the ones I have except for Voices_DS1.ds2res and Language_DS1.ds2res. All the other resource files seem identical between different language versions of the game.

Voices_DS1.ds2res is obviously different as you presumably hear French versions of the speech within DS1. Language_DS1.ds2res is a different kettle of fish as that doesn't exist in the English version of DSLOA, or at least my version doesn't have it. I presume the English language version is the base version of the game and the Language.dsres acts as a type of override.

So what do you see when you play the game with these files? I would have thought that having Logic_DS1.ds2res would have prevented the game from loading at all due to compatibility differences between shared files from DS1 and DS2.

#Update. Looking at the files on the DSLOA installation disks it would appear that there are regional distribution disks for DSLOA. For example the disks I own have manuals for Brasil, Denmark, Norway, Sweden and Finland as well as English. It also has a language.dll and a language.dsres both which are 0 kb in size. I got no idea what happens with the Voices. I presume when you install the game you can select the language and it will generate a language.dsres accordingly. One day when I'm bored I will try installing DSLOA in different languages and see what happens.

I suspect you probably have language options for French, Spanish, German, etc. But I'm just speculating what may be on the disks. Maybe some other users could confirm language options for installation of DSLOA?

Yes, LOA have been translated in french, although the translation work for the french version was, like i would say, a moron's work, because the names of equipment stuffs and characters have remained in english, and the OUTRO of the game is in spanish, just to say it was pathetic on the translation point of view, but yes it was translated in french !

Actually no, there's no options for languages, and it's the case on every Dungeon Siege games, you can only install it in the localized version of the country !

Gemeaux333 wrote:
Yes, LOA have been translated in french, although the translation work for the french version was, like i would say, a moron's work, because the names of equipment stuffs and characters have remained in english, and the OUTRO of the game is in spanish, just to say it was pathetic on the translation point of view, but yes it was translated in french !

Actually no, there's no options for languages, and it's the case on every Dungeon Siege games, you can only install it in the localized version of the country !

Interesting that they put in manuals for languages not on the disk! And seeing they're using the English version of the DS1 Logic.dsres, all monster and item names would be in English as they are defined in the templates.

And of course the DS1 Map Pack adds a lot more English names as well and the Maps are in English.

It certainly would be doable to convert the DS1 Map Pack into French or any other language but would take a while, especially for the maps as everything would need to be translated. The Language_DS1.ds2res mostly contains bitmap files for the menus and some signs within the maps.

lol if the translation was so bad, it is prolly better off playing it in english i think. haha~ :mrgreen:

also, its nice to fix poor translation bugs in the game like the item names that were not translated and also fixing the french outro being in spanish. shud prolly ask elys for help on this.

Actually, we have the occasion to make a better translation than the original, keeping whatever have been done of course, and your mod have made a small improvement anyway: the first talking statue in khmettek tower was deaf in the french version, and now the correct speach works perfectly ^^ !

Gemeaux333 wrote:
Actually, we have the occasion to make a better translation than the original, keeping whatever have been done of course, and your mod have made a small improvement anyway: the first talking statue in khmettek tower was deaf in the french version, and now the correct speach works perfectly ^^ !

I agree and probably the best way is for me to create a basic language patch mod of all the necessary files required for language conversion so that anyone interested in translating the English version has something to work with. Once translated the mod could be posted for others to download and enjoy. The DS1 MapPack has a priority level of 0 so mods will work well with it.

I can't commit to a time frame for all of this as it will depend on when the DS1 MapPack is finalized but it's getting closer.

I'm currently looking at using inno setup for installing this mod and if successful will at least make everything a bit smoother if not completely infallible. It would work like the setup program for DS2BW Adepts, if anyone has tried that.

The setup program would install the core files to the default path which can be changed by the user if they have installed Dungeon Siege 2 anywhere else. Then a file manager will be run which will hopefully make finding and copying the original ds1 files the mod requires to work, a lot easier. The user only has to drag over the ds1 files from one window onto the convert_ds1_to_ds2 batch file in the other window to convert the files.

I've yet to find a better way of doing that part of the installation process to make it more accessible and simpler. Yet such ways obviously exist as per the installation of Baldurs Gate Trilogy which automatically finds and copies over the files of Baldur Gate 1 into Baldur Gate 2 (though it does ask for confirmation of the path).

It's just too complicated for a non-programmer like me to work out. So unless anyone can help with this, this mod will never get any widespread release outside of this forum, so most players who enjoy playing the Dungeon Siege series (1 and 2 and their expansions not 3 which is a console port) will never experience playing Dungeon Siege 1 in the enhanced DS2 engine.

Araknuum's picture

The Auxiliary isn't working for all the files. Objects.dsres, Expansion.dsres, and EXPvoices.dsres won't convert by drag and drop. maps run, but all objects and enemies are yellow n black boxes. is there a way to get these working? I'll begin play-through/bug reporting if I can get these working.

Umm, upon closer inspection.... none of the files converted, or if they did, they aren't placed in the ds2 resources folder. I drag n drop the files and the batch disappears. I press any button and the batch disappears. Sad

Edit: ok, I figured it out. I was dropping files on the opened batch window, not the file itself (facepalm). it's all working now. Smile


Edit 2: ok... I can't move. The font of all text has changed and the Esc Main Menu buttons are blank. Sad I'll keep working on it, I have all the files I was told to get and it looks good except for the font.

EDIT 3: Now The Launcher Won't Load. Sad I get the dots on the black screen, a brief sound of torches from the main menu screen, and then a loading cursor and closure.

Edit 4: calm now. Smile but still not working. found a discrepancy in the readme. it says a required file is - DS1_Logic_Beta_9a.ds2res but the file in my resources folder is - DS1_Logic_Beta_9c.ds2res... 9c instead of 9a. maybe I can find 9a somewhere and replace it?

Edit 5: Lotsa discrepancies from the readme required file list and the versions I have... all iterations of 9a from the readme are 9c in my folder. Instead of Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10i.ds2res I have Alpha10L. instead of Mod-Erthos-MonsterLevelAdjust-Beta5b.ds2res I have Beta5f.

I removed all mods including the utreans, dwarves AND Arrana legacy and was able to get to the main menu up. I pressed singleplayer and it erased my previous characters... I tried to start a new char and was force closed again. this replicates. I'm lost.

Araknuum wrote:
The Auxiliary isn't working for all the files. Objects.dsres, Expansion.dsres, and EXPvoices.dsres won't convert by drag and drop. maps run, but all objects and enemies are yellow n black boxes. is there a way to get these working? I'll begin play-through/bug reporting if I can get these working.

Umm, upon closer inspection.... none of the files converted, or if they did, they aren't placed in the ds2 resources folder. I drag n drop the files and the batch disappears. I press any button and the batch disappears. Sad

Edit: ok, I figured it out. I was dropping files on the opened batch window, not the file itself (facepalm). it's all working now. Smile


Edit 2: ok... I can't move. The font of all text has changed and the Esc Main Menu buttons are blank. Sad I'll keep working on it, I have all the files I was told to get and it looks good except for the font.

EDIT 3: Now The Launcher Won't Load. Sad I get the dots on the black screen, a brief sound of torches from the main menu screen, and then a loading cursor and closure.

Edit 4: calm now. Smile but still not working. found a discrepancy in the readme. it says a required file is - DS1_Logic_Beta_9a.ds2res but the file in my resources folder is - DS1_Logic_Beta_9c.ds2res... 9c instead of 9a. maybe I can find 9a somewhere and replace it?

First of all Edit 4 All of the resource files have been updated since the read me was written.
Second have you downloaded all of Killer Germal's files also? See the link to his forum.
Third are you using Ely's All saves?
Can you post a picture of your DS2 resources folder so iryan and I can look at what you have installed?


Araknuum's picture

ok so trying to launch a new game after erasing all custom ini file edits. same as above. world loading screen 3/4's of the way then force close. I think I'm fed up for today. any help getting this to work is appreciated.

Araknuum's picture

ds2resourcefolder by Souliberty, on Flickr

Using Allsaves for Broken World (2.3) yes.

Araknuum wrote:

ds2resourcefolder by Souliberty, on Flickr

Using Allsaves for Broken World (2.3) yes.

Hi Araknuum,
I wonder if you did the same thing as I did the first time I converted the files for LoA? I converted expansion.dsres instead of expansion.dsmap. I had many of the same problems as you where describing. To trouble shoot this removing the two expansion files expansion.ds2res and expvoices.ds2res and attempt to load the game upto the start screen. If you get that far try starting the yesterhaven map since it has its own resources. If that works convert the expansion.dsmap and expvoices.dsres again. I am currently not in a location where I can check my game computer. It lives in a different location than where I sleep, real world weirdness. Sometime on the 7th I will upload what is in my resources folder. You can also look through this forum as there are several posts referencing this issue.


probably shud get an md5 hashing tool like fingerprint or hashmyfiles and then post the md5 sig of the ds1 resources that have to be self-converted. shud save a lot of trouble knowing if u converted them right or not.

also, do note what KG said in his post that only the tank format will change. the tank content remains unchanged.

as i gather from what KG said, when converting ds1's objects.dsres, u need to del some files from ds1's objects.dsres as they may overwrite the ones from ds2 and cause a conflict. KG said that if a resource contains some gas templates, skrit, effects or other logic files it wont convert right and can cause problems. thus manual retanking of objects.dsres is needed. either retank using tankcreator 2 or retank using tankcreator 1 then use the aux converter tool.

the main menu error and loading errors u describe may arise from stuff in the ds1 objects overwriting the ones in ds2.

also, bare elf is right in not trying to convert the expansion resources first as it has both textures and logic resources in it which is tricky to convert right. u might need to del some files from the expansion resources to prevent them from conflicting with ds2's.

P.S. im also trying to get my ds1 to ds2 conversion done right so i can test out the ds1 to ds2 conversion maps and stuff minus the adepts content.

Araknuum's picture

bare_elf wrote:
I wonder if you did the same thing as I did the first time I converted the files for LoA? I converted expansion.dsres instead of expansion.dsmap.

That IS what I did. I just converted expansion.dsmap and created Expansion_DS1.ds2res, the same name as the other. about to test it.

Araknuum's picture

Well, the font is back to normal, but I'm still getting a force close after 3/4's world loading. The concept of retanking or deleting anything from Objects.dsres is over my head. I'm going to have to give up on this if it takes that kind of knowledge. I've done some half assed mapping with ds1 back in the day, but I'm a writer and amateur photoshop artist, not a coder. The potential to play these maps in DS2 is exciting, but I'll have to forgo the experience until the installation process can be dumbed down.

Lady Femme wrote:
probably shud get an md5 hashing tool like fingerprint or hashmyfiles and then post the md5 sig of the ds1 resources that have to be self-converted. shud save a lot of trouble knowing if u converted them right or not.

That is a very good idea about the hashing tool. I will have to get one and post the signatures at some point. Then post a link to the hashing tool I used.

The expansion.dsres is not converted as it does cause a conflict with some of the other files that KG and iryan created to get the DS1 maps into ds2. If the files are installed and then the ds1 files are converted the current revisions should not conflict with DS2.

The Adepts Mod is a totally different kettle of fish and I would not even install it until one is sure that everything else works.


Araknuum wrote:
Well, the font is back to normal, but I'm still getting a force close after 3/4's world loading. The concept of retanking or deleting anything from Objects.dsres is over my head. I'm going to have to give up on this if it takes that kind of knowledge. I've done some half assed mapping with ds1 back in the day, but I'm a writer and amateur photoshop artist, not a coder. The potential to play these maps in DS2 is exciting, but I'll have to forgo the experience until the installation process can be dumbed down.

Retanking files is not necessary.

Tell me what is the version number of your Dungeon Siege 1. If the files are not patched to the most current level you can also have issues. DS1 must be v. 1.11.1462 DS2 must have the most current patch as well The patches can be found in the download section called tools and patches.

Note if your ds1 is not currently patched to the latest you will have to delete and reconvert all the ds1 and dsloa files.

Araknuum's picture

yer still up? Smile thank you for all your help. my ds1 is 1.50, LOA. my DSx is My ds2 is V2.3, BW.

Here is an image of my DS2 resources folder. Please ignore the revisions of the mods as I am currently testing updates to the map pack and DS2/BW Adepts. However it does include the files necessary to make the converted DS1 maps playable in DS2

MD5 Checksums for the files

File Name --------------------------- MD5 Checksum
Expansion_DS1.ds2res ---------------- 5ec7e89147613627e1920285b5218d95
ExpVoices_DS1.ds2res ---------------- d37318d42a5182434cf6e3e40477a46d
Objects_DS1.ds2res ------------------ 6c8112dbac11d6342b68948386bb3011
Sound_DS1.ds2res -------------------- 78bc72600f1342bad80c1fef9df602fa
Voices_DS1.ds2res ------------------- da822ca16fbe0eb6d8305f864a75e9af

The checksum/MD5 generator I used can be found in the downloads section of the site under tools.

Araknuum's picture

IT WORKS! I had moved all the files for this into a custom resources folder, reapplied my mods (Arrana Legacy, Custom Pets, Radar Only, Uberstash) reapplied my ini edits, and ran the game as it had been before trying these maps. it loaded and ran my solo multi-class game perfectly in DS2. I then reaplied all the files for this mod and reconverted the expansion.dsmap for good measure. All The Maps Work! I can move around, click objects, kill krug, the WORKS! Thank you for your patience and support on this, one more step and if it works I'm in the clear...Gotta reapply the Dwarves and Utreans minimods to make LOA and EHB more true to form. I'll do that before I post this so hold for update....

Yep. all works. flawless. awesome!!!!!!!!!! FRIGGIN AWESOME! Yeah. ok. so I'ma play now and... yeah. THANK YOU!

Araknuum's picture

Anything at all a playtester can do to help, I'll be glad to. Just lemme know what to look for.

I've started a DS2-LoA game, and I'm truly impressed. I decided my Necromancer alter-ego Esh should be the one to stop his nemesis, the Shadow Jumper.

If there's anything I can do to help, anything at my level as a player/mapper/story writer, don't hesitate to ask.


Araknuum wrote:
Anything at all a playtester can do to help, I'll be glad to. Just lemme know what to look for.

I've started a DS2-LoA game, and I'm truly impressed. I decided my Necromancer alter-ego Esh should be the one to stop his nemesis, the Shadow Jumper.

If there's anything I can do to help, anything at my level as a player/mapper/story writer, don't hesitate to ask.


Thanks for the offer, we are always interested in what you see when playing one of the converted maps, suggestions, problems noted and so on. At present, Iryan and I are retesting the Converted maps with the additional mod DS2/BW Adepts which converts all the characters into Anime Like Characters (called Cat Mansion by the original developer known as Hamcat. They have been upgraded quite a bit from that original mod by people like AlphaDD, Iryan and others. I have been creating armor and weapons for these characters for years. So you might after you check out LoA in DS2 look into the DS2/BW adepts mod. The adepts mod actually adds a new town and several new characters to the original DS2 map. The town is called Yadehtegeis kind of like Elddim is middle spelled backwards the town of Yadehtegeis is also something spelled backwards. One of the new quest givers is myself along with my wolf named dog and my horse named red. The mod allows the game to be played in any direction after the silly collar is removed by Taar. There is also a new (well actually old and never used tutorial start to the game.) Anyway you see my point anywhere you wish to jump into the making or testing or playing would be super.


Araknuum wrote:
Anything at all a playtester can do to help, I'll be glad to. Just lemme know what to look for.

I've started a DS2-LoA game, and I'm truly impressed. I decided my Necromancer alter-ego Esh should be the one to stop his nemesis, the Shadow Jumper.

If there's anything I can do to help, anything at my level as a player/mapper/story writer, don't hesitate to ask.


Thanks for the offer. In playtesting it's a matter of seeing if everything is working properly and you can understand what you are suppose to be doing and it all makes sense and most importantly is fun.

Story writing is actually something you can contribute to if you would like to help at a higher level than just playtesting. You may have noticed already that the quests have all be redone in the DS2 quest style and so include more detail than was the case in DS1. Some of the quests could definitely do with fleshing out a bit more to help add to the story and being easier to understand.

Also DS2 style banters have been added to the new beta (not the one you're currently playing). I've done my best to make them interesting and relevant to the situation the party finds itself at the time but since most of the banters support random conversations from the party members, there could be a lot more variety in what each party member could say for each banter than what's currently in the beta. So a storywriter could add a lot here as well.

The new beta will also have a custom installer designed to make it easier to install the mod and avoid situations you experienced. So if you want to help with the testing of the new beta, you will need to redownload the mod again when the beta is released. However you would be able to skip the conversion of the DS1 assets as that's already done.

Here's the latest beta files for the mod ( 366 Mb in total); (37.1 Mb) (69.6 Mb) (45.1 Mb) (20.6 Mb) (129 Mb) (1.6 Mb) (62.6 Mb)

This release is a little bit simpler as it includes 3 of KillerGremal's original files so they are no longer required. Mod-Erthos-MonsterLevelAdjust-Beta5.ds2res is still required however.

Sadly that's as far as I can go in simplifying matters. The installation routine I came up with would copy KillerGremal's batch file for converting the maps together with a file manager to try to make it easier to perform that death defying trick. However I discovered that the batch tool needs to be installed separately into the user's Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder in order to properly convert the DS1 files. Copying the tool renders it incapable of finding the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder so the conversion process to fail.

So the installation process becomes frustratingly complex and messy. I'm at my wit's end to come up with a better solution so I'm leaving to others to try to find a better way of distributing the mod.

iryan wrote:
Here's the latest beta files for the mod ( 366 Mb in total); (37.1 Mb) (69.6 Mb) (45.1 Mb) (20.6 Mb) (129 Mb) (1.6 Mb) (62.6 Mb)

This release is a little bit simpler as it includes 3 of KillerGremal's original files so they are no longer required. Mod-Erthos-MonsterLevelAdjust-Beta5.ds2res is still required however.

Sadly that's as far as I can go in simplifying matters. The installation routine I came up with would copy KillerGremal's batch file for converting the maps together with a file manager to try to make it easier to perform that death defying trick. However I discovered that the batch tool needs to be installed separately into the user's Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder in order to properly convert the DS1 files. Copying the tool renders it incapable of finding the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder so the conversion process to fail.

So the installation process becomes frustratingly complex and messy. I'm at my wit's end to come up with a better solution so I'm leaving to others to try to find a better way of distributing the mod.

Hi Iryan,
Since the DS1 Map pack will not work without having Dungeon Siege 1 installed so that the file can be converted you could do an installer that A. Installed the Mods in the DS2 resources folder then B. Links to and downloads Killer's conversion batch file and Elys' All Saves. Which the user would have to install manually. I really do not believe that a person would spend the time and effort to do the install without first having either DS1 or DS1/DSLoA installed.


bare_elf wrote:

Hi Iryan,
Since the DS1 Map pack will not work without having Dungeon Siege 1 installed so that the file can be converted you could do an installer that A. Installed the Mods in the DS2 resources folder then B. Links to and downloads Killer's conversion batch file and Elys' All Saves. Which the user would have to install manually. I really do not believe that a person would spend the time and effort to do the install without first having either DS1 or DS1/DSLoA installed.


Such an approach leaves the user stuck if any of those links ever die.

The world of installation programs is very complex and frustrating. Most don't even support pre-requisite checking or even obtaining registry values for the installation path.

In desperation I looked into NSIS which while hideously complex has a vast range of options that even paid installers don't. Making a simple installer is easy enough but when I attempted to get values from the registry I discovered an incredible limitation with it.

Dungeon Siege and Dungeon Siege 2 registry values are stored in HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MICROSOFT\MICROSOFT GAMES\DUNGEON SIEGE for example. However like DOS NSIS can't interpret spaces within the registry line so the above line is read as HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\WOW6432Node\MICROSOFT\MICROSOFT\ GAMES\DUNGEON\SIEGE

Incidentally the line WOW6432Node only appears in the registry of 64bit Windows.

Araknuum's picture

DLed the new beta. If I can help as as a quest/banter writer, I'll need to play through each map of course, which may take quite a while for me as my free time's limited. But I'm definitely willing to help. I can abandon my current LoA run with no problem since this is a new version and Esh as a Blood Assassin wasn't quite the role I felt he should play. Wink I'll start a Yesterhaven Game for now, as it's the shortest one.

On another note, the installation process explanation could possibly be dummied a bit, a step by step and warnings about what exactly to expect if it was done wrong maybe? After I realized my mistake the fix was easy enough.

I'll PM you my impressions of Yesterhaven and any questions I have. As for Cat Mansion, I'm hesitant to start a new DS2 game (even so modified) as I just ran it solo and it took over 3 weeks.

As for the story writing help.... I think I'll use Arrana Legacy INI Edits to lower the difficulty and raise movement speed to save time.

Araknuum's picture

The spider agrees, but can't emote. Wink

I have come up with a simple installer that takes the hassles out of copying and converting files but at a cost of increasing the download size.

Since it also incorporates original dungeon siege assets it has a pre-installation check to see if you have Dungeon Siege or Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna installed and won't install the mod unless you do. This is an attempt to circumnavigate the legalities of distributing the mod in such a form.

It is pushing the boundaries of the EULA agreement but may be agreeable in such a form or at the very least not attract unwanted attention. Certainly I wouldn't want this site compromised by linking the mod here unless everyone was in agreement that it was okay to do so. We are attempting to contact Sol77 for his opinion but I would be interested to hear the opinions of everyone else on the matter.

iryan wrote:
I have come up with a simple installer that takes the hassles out of copying and converting files but at a cost of increasing the download size.

Since it also incorporates original dungeon siege assets it has a pre-installation check to see if you have Dungeon Siege or Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna installed and won't install the mod unless you do. This is an attempt to circumnavigate the legalities of distributing the mod in such a form.

It is pushing the boundaries of the EULA agreement but may be agreeable in such a form or at the very least not attract unwanted attention. Certainly I wouldn't want this site compromised by linking the mod here unless everyone was in agreement that it was okay to do so. We are attempting to contact Sol77 for his opinion but I would be interested to hear the opinions of everyone else on the matter.

I think having an installer that verifies that DS1 and DSLoA are installed on the computer before allowing the install to happen is great, but I want to do some checking to see if I can fake it out. Now I will have to search for a computer that does not have ds1 installed.
