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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

bare_elf wrote:

I think having an installer that verifies that DS1 and DSLoA are installed on the computer before allowing the install to happen is great, but I want to do some checking to see if I can fake it out. Now I will have to search for a computer that does not have ds1 installed.

The mod can not be installed without Dungeon Siege or Dungeon Siege-Dungeon Siege LOA being on the computer that downloaded the mod.
Here is the test I ran.
I attempted to install the mod on a Windows 8.0 Laptop that had no version of Dungeon Siege installed on it.
The installation failed Telling me that it could not install the mod because DS1 was not installed.

I next installed DS2 on the same computer and the installation of the mod failed because there was no DS1 installed.

I next installed DS1 on the same computer and it would allow me to install the DS1 version of the mod, but would not allow an install of both the DS1 and DSLOA versions of the mod.

I did not continue testing as I had already verified that if DSLOA was not installed that the combined version would not install.

Therefore I believe that mod meets the intent of the EULAs for the game. It is a close thing as I am no Lawyer of Internet or Gaming Law my opinion is most likely moot.


Araknuum's picture

I'm too much of a...shall we say, "Rebel?" to give a dizzamn about legalities in the general sense. However I wouldn't want this site harmed in any way for any reason so I'd agree it's important not to raise the ire of any uptight bureaucrats in our direction. That being said, and having tested the installer after encountering a lot of my own stupidity in getting these maps working, I think the installer is absolutely wonderful! Anything to keep it above board and get it into the hands of gamers is of course, preferred. I hope BE can't fake it out, but doing so could help bolster it's compliance to any BS from the legal sector.

i dont think its possible to fake it unless u know exactly what things the installer looks for to see if ds1 or loa is really installed or not which i wont discuss about publicly...

Lady Femme wrote:
i dont think its possible to fake it unless u know exactly what things the installer looks for to see if ds1 or loa is really installed or not which i wont discuss about publicly...

If you want to sample the full preview test just give me a PM. It'll be about 742Mb for the full mod including LOA and about 626Mb just for DS1. Of course I hope to optimize this a lot more and reduce the download size a lot further but it will take some time to achieve.

And of course you will need DS1:LOA installed for the full version or just DS1 for the standard.

iryan wrote:

If you want to sample the full preview test just give me a PM. It'll be about 742Mb for the full mod including LOA and about 626Mb just for DS1. Of course I hope to optimize this a lot more and reduce the download size a lot further but it will take some time to achieve.

And of course you will need DS1:LOA installed for the full version or just DS1 for the standard.

After a few attempts at downloading (Internet connection kept forgetting what it was doing) I was able to install the mod from the installer. All seems to be functioning correctly on the Utraean Peninsula.


I discovered a tiny problem with two spiders not going active (broken trigger?) near where the hydra lives ant the Merin End of the Crystal Caverns. Not really a problem, they showed up as red dots in the radar image, but they did not open up and therefore I could not kill them. Oh there are more than enough things to kill in the caverns and staying alive is a real trick, however you did ask me to tell you if I found anything amiss.

Detail showing the exact location


actually that is a bug with the default unmodded map in dsloa. i have also noticed that when playing that part in dsloa. maybe iryan can fix gpg's bugs for them too...

in dsloa, the only way to make them trigger is to hurt them with a force cast aoe spell on the ground where the spiders are but unfortunately in ds2 u can no longer force cast/attack on the ground. so the only way seems to be to use an aoe power like detonation, gathered bolt etc.

Lady Femme wrote:
actually that is a bug with the default unmodded map in dsloa. i have also noticed that when playing that part in dsloa. maybe iryan can fix gpg's bugs for them too...

in dsloa, the only way to make them trigger is to hurt them with a force cast aoe spell on the ground where the spiders are but unfortunately in ds2 u can no longer force cast/attack on the ground. so the only way seems to be to use an aoe power like detonation, gathered bolt etc.

Actually that was a bug with all monsters of a certain size that are encountered in water. In DS2 it is magnified even more. Originally not even the Shrack and Manglers would attack you and so correspondingly you couldn't attack them.

So what I did was add the line sight_origin_height = 1.5; to the mind block of all critters encountered in water so they could see you. This also seems to make it so your party can see them as well as you'll notice many times your party will automatically engage them from a distance even before the critter makes a move.

Obviously I didn't put this line into the Stalagnid Spiders mind block as they're not something you'd expect to encounter in water. While I could add the line it probably would be better to replace them with some other critter that is found in water.

Incidentally you notice that this isn't an issue with the regular DS2 or Broken World maps as they don't have any water living critters in them?

EDIT# I've replaced the Stalagnid Spiders with Skicks as I don't think they're effected since they're taller than the spiders.

iryan wrote:
. . .
So what I did was add the line sight_origin_height = 1.5; to the mind block of all critters encountered in water so they could see you. This also seems to make it so your party can see them as well as you'll notice many times your party will automatically engage them from a distance even before the critter makes a move.
. . .

That's a nice catch and an interesting work-around! Smile

While testing the 'under water damage gizmo' I recently noticed strange AI behaviour too in the 'Water Dungeon' (wd_r1) on Utrae for some monsters after who dive. The water depth in that dungeon is partially over 2m and it's almost as if the monster can't see anymore below the water surface.

Nonetheless these Shrack fishes started to attack when I approached too much.
Now after reading these posts here I have rechecked their [mind] settings and I think they attack because of 'on_enemy_entered_icz_attack = true' which usually is false for mosters (since they usually react on sight already).

I'm wondering now if normal monsters who are wandering/fidgeting around above the water surface would be able to notice a party member who is completely below/in water... Puzzled
Perhaps 'on_enemy_entered_ocz_attack' could help here to give them some kind of long(er)-range awareness for things below the water.

I'm hoping that anyone who has the DS1MapPack installed or even if they don't, would like to help test a new installer for the mod.

Functionality is exactly the same as for the full version except only 4 files are packed to keep the download size small. There's two test versions just like the full version, one for just Dungeon Siege and one for Legends of Aranna. Both are 21 Mb in size.

Dungeon Siege only

Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna

I won't say too much about the installer as I want to see if the included instructions are easy enough to follow. Neither installer should get pass the first couple of pages if you don't have either Dungeon Siege or Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna installed on your PC. So that's a test for the installer in itself.

I've only been able to test this on my PC which has Legends of Aranna installed and it works perfectly. I don't know if vanilla Dungeon Siege without Legends of Aranna will work as it may be set up differently. That's another test for the installer. Also your mileage with the Steam version of Dungeon Siege may vary as that version has a lot of problems with mods. That would be a very interesting test in itself (maybe if all of this stuff works I may present the mod in their forums to get some of them to try it).

You'll be left with 4 files after installation. A slightly updated version of Yesterhaven (may not work exactly as intended without a corresponding update to DS1_Logic which isn't included. This should be in the resources folder.
The other three files are DS2_AllSaves_v2.msi, DS2BW_AllSaves_v2.msi and DS1_Map_Pack_for_Dungeon_Siege_2_Beta_12.txt found in the Dungeon Siege 2 folder. Feel free to delete all 4, especially if you don't have the DS1 Map Pack installed.

Comments and suggestions definitely very much welcomed and wanted. Thank you in advance for anyone who wants to be a guinea pig for us.

iryan wrote:
I'm hoping that anyone who has the DS1MapPack installed or even if they don't, would like to help test a new installer for the mod.

Functionality is exactly the same as for the full version except only 4 files are packed to keep the download size small. There's two test versions just like the full version, one for just Dungeon Siege and one for Legends of Aranna. Both are 21 Mb in size.

Dungeon Siege only

Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna

I won't say too much about the installer as I want to see if the included instructions are easy enough to follow. Neither installer should get pass the first couple of pages if you don't have either Dungeon Siege or Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna installed on your PC. So that's a test for the installer in itself.

I've only been able to test this on my PC which has Legends of Aranna installed and it works perfectly. I don't know if vanilla Dungeon Siege without Legends of Aranna will work as it may be set up differently. That's another test for the installer. Also your mileage with the Steam version of Dungeon Siege may vary as that version has a lot of problems with mods. That would be a very interesting test in itself (maybe if all of this stuff works I may present the mod in their forums to get some of them to try it).

You'll be left with 4 files after installation. A slightly updated version of Yesterhaven (may not work exactly as intended without a corresponding update to DS1_Logic which isn't included. This should be in the resources folder.
The other three files are DS2_AllSaves_v2.msi, DS2BW_AllSaves_v2.msi and DS1_Map_Pack_for_Dungeon_Siege_2_Beta_12.txt found in the Dungeon Siege 2 folder. Feel free to delete all 4, especially if you don't have the DS1 Map Pack installed.

Comments and suggestions definitely very much welcomed and wanted. Thank you in advance for anyone who wants to be a guinea pig for us.

I downloaded the test file...I installed the test file with my anti-virus program enabled, and the web site here open. So no problems with the directions and the install, it appears that the version of Yesterhaven that I had was the one found in this test package since the version # and file size are the same, this does not surprise me since what I have is a bit ahead of the curve. Anyway Iryan all looks great and the boxes to check work because I also answered them incorrectly.


bare_elf wrote:

I downloaded the test file...I installed the test file with my anti-virus program enabled, and the web site here open. So no problems with the directions and the install, it appears that the version of Yesterhaven that I had was the one found in this test package since the version # and file size are the same, this does not surprise me since what I have is a bit ahead of the curve. Anyway Iryan all looks great and the boxes to check work because I also answered them incorrectly.


I've been experimenting even further based on the DS2BW Adepts custom folder installer and I believe I've discovered how to fully automate the old process of converting files from the user's Dungeon Siege installation.

The new installer will install the core DS1 Map Pack files as per normal, then it will copy Voices.dsres, Objects.dsres, Sound.dsres and even ExpVoices.dsres and from DSLOA if that's installed.
KillerGremal's nifty DS1_to_DS2 batch file will then be run automatically to convert each of the DS1 resource packs and the old DS1 files removed from the DS2 resources folder to save space.

I,ve run the maps and everything seems to be normal. Maybe this will be the way to go with this mod, it will definitely save headaches with the legal aspects of distributing the mod.

I finally managed to make a hopefully user friendly installer for the DS1 Map Pack for DS2! (361mb)

This version is for players who own Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna. A version for just Dungeon Siege will follow if this one proves successful.

The installer will silently check for the presence of Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna (read from the Registry) and then install the core mod files and follow by automatically copying and then converting for you the Dungeon Siege and Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna files needed for the mod to run in Dungeon Siege 2. At the end it will give you an option to launch Elys' AllSaves for either DS2 or Broken World depending on which version you have. A total of 655Mb will be required for the installation.

Comments and Suggestions very much welcome. A report on which versions of Windows and machines this runs in would also be great.

I'm also looking at a new name for the mod to represent the mod to the world. Suggestions very much welcomed.

Okay I started the download and it will take a while, so I will not have time to install it tonight. As for a new name, is it really necessary? I mean the current name does explain what the mod is. However I will think on it.


bare_elf wrote:
Okay I started the download and it will take a while, so I will not have time to install it tonight. As for a new name, is it really necessary? I mean the current name does explain what the mod is. However I will think on it.


The download I tested took me 30 minutes and about another 3-4 minutes to install. No problems detected with the installation and everything worked properly.

As for the new name I was thinking along the lines of a complete edition where you can play right from the start as a humble farmer in Ehb and end up as a legendary hero at the end of Broken World (wonder what level you would be at that stage?). It's more than just a port of maps, it enhances them and contains most of the original monsters, npcs and quests from the originals.

Incidentally I see somebody at Steam is playing the mod, or it's otherwise an incredible coincidence. Seems they can play it with the steam versions of DS1 and DS2. Still I wonder about the Broken World connection. I have asked a bit more about this.

iryan wrote:

The download I tested took me 30 minutes and about another 3-4 minutes to install. No problems detected with the installation and everything worked properly.

As for the new name I was thinking along the lines of a complete edition where you can play right from the start as a humble farmer in Ehb and end up as a legendary hero at the end of Broken World (wonder what level you would be at that stage?). It's more than just a port of maps, it enhances them and contains most of the original monsters, npcs and quests from the originals.

Incidentally I see somebody at Steam is playing the mod, or it's otherwise an incredible coincidence. Seems they can play it with the steam versions of DS1 and DS2. Still I wonder about the Broken World connection. I have asked a bit more about this.

Hi iryan
It took me just under and hour to download the file, but you must remember my Internet connection at my apartment is a little strange. Now as to the install.
All went very nicely on this computer which has DS1 and DSLoA but no DS2 Smile which is what I expected since the only requirement is that you have Dungeon Siege and LoA I just wanted to verify that the install worked. I will put it on my game computer tomorrow.
As you know my computer family is all Windows XP Service pack 3. So there should be no issue with the install on the other computers. All the computers are also based on The last versions of the AMD single core 32 bit Athlon Processors and with Nvidia graphics cards.

Interesting that you found info about the mod in a steam forum wonder if it was a brave person that installed all the individual files and did the conversions manually?

It should be noted in the mod description That the mod can take some time to convert the necessary DS1 files on older machines and to wait for the closing messages from the installer. Although the install took less time to install than I expected there was a gap of about 20 seconds between killerGremal's batch converter as each DS1 file was located and processed. Even I thought it was done before it was.

As a name how about "From Ehb to Broken World" or "From the Tenth Legion to A pack of Angry Dryads" or " Gom to Zaramoth and everyone in between"


just "KIS" it... ds1 official maps for ds2. cannot describe it any fancier and more obvious than that...

or else, next ppl will think u can or want u to convert the xaa maps too which were the most popular maps in ds1 which wont be possible as xaa expressly disallows modifying his work in any form. so that is a dead end.

The install was successful on my game computer. I note that you have now included the DS1 Weapons in the map pack that where removed from Adepts in the last build. That is great but I will save the patch you did for me :). The only thing I noticed after the install was this.

Two files of similar name:

DS1_Mod_Contents_Beta_12.ds2res 132,186 KB 11/12/2013
DS1_Mod_Content_Beta12.ds2res 132,995 KB 11/25/2013

It appears that the name was altered a bit, but they are the same file with the additions you noted in the file of the later date. I turned off the one with the older date and all is well. If someone encounters a problem with the mod they should remove the file: DS1_Mod_Contents_Beta_12.ds2res 132,186 KB 11/12/2013. I would recommend that people who have downloaded the mod prior to this installer and then updated with the new installer verify that they do not have files of older dates even though I do not think this would be an issue other than maybe space on a hard drive.


bare_elf wrote:
The install was successful on my game computer. I note that you have now included the DS1 Weapons in the map pack that where removed from Adepts in the last build. That is great but I will save the patch you did for me :). The only thing I noticed after the install was this.

Two files of similar name:

DS1_Mod_Contents_Beta_12.ds2res 132,186 KB 11/12/2013
DS1_Mod_Content_Beta12.ds2res 132,995 KB 11/25/2013

It appears that the name was altered a bit, but they are the same file with the additions you noted in the file of the later date. I turned off the one with the older date and all is well. If someone encounters a problem with the mod they should remove the file: DS1_Mod_Contents_Beta_12.ds2res 132,186 KB 11/12/2013. I would recommend that people who have downloaded the mod prior to this installer and then updated with the new installer verify that they do not have files of older dates even though I do not think this would be an issue other than maybe space on a hard drive.


The installer is more for new players of the mod, a way to streamline the installation process which tends to scare off even experienced modders as has been seen through the comments posted to this thread.

Certainly for those who already have the mod I recommend moving all the old files to a backup location before using the installer. It will ignore files of the same name. And yes I made a minor mistake with the name of DS1_Mod_Content_Beta_12.ds2res.

I do plan on still having incremental updates of the individual files in the mod still available for downloading on this thread as the installer will only be used for any major updates.

I have been tweaking the installer as well so that you get a warning that copying and converting the DS1 files could take some minutes on older computers. I hope to also include an uninstaller as well but am still testing that.

Yes the DS1 weapons and shields from Adepts are now in this mod as I think it makes more sense and helps avoids any issues with copyright in Adepts.

There's new installer downloads and a name change for the Mod.

The Dungeon Siege Epic Pack allows you to play the original Dungeon Siege maps in DS2 or Broken World. Start off as a humble farmer in Ehb and end up as an Epic Hero at the end of Dungeon Siege 2 or Broken World. (267Mb download and 786Mb install space)

If you have Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna then you can play the Dungeon Siege Legendary Pack which includes Legends of Aranna. Even more adventures for your hero. (363Mb download and 0.99Gb install space)

Both downloads require either the original Dungeon Siege for the Epic Pack or Dungeon Siege: Legends of Aranna for the Legendary Pack. The installer will setup everything for you (hopefully, extensive feedback still waiting).

The Legendary Pack is the same as the file in the previous post here except for bare_elf's recommendations and a new background. As I only have Legends of Aranna on my PC I can't vouch for the Epic Pack as I don't have the original DS1 to test it with, so feedback is definitely welcome here.

The new name for the two versions of the mod are okay, however you will have to point out in the mod description what maps the mod includes every where you post it. The new background for the installer looks great and you can sure tell that the installer is processing stuff now. Thanks for the change. I installed the DS1 only mod and it worked just fine.


Woops I've discovered a glitch with the animations. Use this temporary fix until I sort it out.

I guess using the command-line of the ds1_to_ds2 batch program KillerGremal has created works exactly the same way as the old Hex-editing method. The old DS1 animation skrits override the newer DS2 animation skrits which causes all actors to freeze temporarily in their fidget animation.

Hmmm. I also guess this means nobody is downloading and trying the installer? Sad

iryan wrote:
Woops I've discovered a glitch with the animations. Use this temporary fix until I sort it out.

I guess using the command-line of the ds1_to_ds2 batch program KillerGremal has created works exactly the same way as the old Hex-editing method. The old DS1 animation skrits override the newer DS2 animation skrits which causes all actors to freeze temporarily in their fidget animation.

Hmmm. I also guess this means nobody is downloading and trying the installer? Sad

I downloaded the installer and I know that at least 3 others did as well. I had not noticed this animation error with the fidgets. This might be because I am playing with an older computer, or because I am playing with adepts and not just the ds1 maps or it could be because I just did not notice. I did report the animation problem where a large party can get stuck on an area of any map and run in place and how to get them out of that condition. I will download the patch and see if there is a difference in the fidgets.


Update: I guess I am blind or something because I watched my Cat Mansion Party of Four fidget for 30 minutes without the patch and I did not see their fidgeting freeze or stop. Then I tried a standard character for about 10 minutes both as a male and a female. The only thing I noticed was that the male character fidgets a lot less than the female one. Iryan how do I duplicate what you are seeing?
So I can test the patch.

Araknuum's picture

DLed, but haven't played it yet. DL took 12 minutes, install didn't update voices_ds1.dsres. The rest were replaced with new versions.

bare_elf wrote:

I downloaded the installer and I know that at least 3 others did as well. I had not noticed this animation error with the fidgets. This might be because I am playing with an older computer, or because I am playing with adepts and not just the ds1 maps or it could be because I just did not notice. I did report the animation problem where a large party can get stuck on an area of any map and run in place and how to get them out of that condition. I will download the patch and see if there is a difference in the fidgets.


Update: I guess I am blind or something because I watched my Cat Mansion Party of Four fidget for 30 minutes without the patch and I did not see their fidgeting freeze or stop. Then I tried a standard character for about 10 minutes both as a male and a female. The only thing I noticed was that the male character fidgets a lot less than the female one. Iryan how do I duplicate what you are seeing?
So I can test the patch.

It's possible that it's something I have done yesterday that caused the animation glitch as I could almost swear blind that there wasn't a problem with the last installer release. I was trying to get the ds1 dwarves as a playable race in DS2 to replace the crappy midget human dwarf replacements. However I was using a separate mod to test this and not directly editing any of the Epic or Legendary Pack Resources.

It's hard to miss the animation glitch as all actors exhibit it, both party members, evil actors and npcs. For example a phrak would suddenly freeze in mid hover and then a few seconds later resume normal animations as it moves some where else. You own hero would fidget a little, looking around and admiring the scenery if standing still, and then freeze in place until you issued a command. Exactly like the glitch the hex editing of the DS1 Objects dsres would cause. Creating the patch fixed the problem. The patch is simply the animation skrits from DS2 packed together and given a reasonable priority level so they would override the converted DS1_Objects.dsres.

I suspect it's something to do with the date stamps. I was constantly installing and then deleting files as I tested each installer.

As you didn't find the problem and nobody else has reported any problem, I guess everything's fine and I'll try to work out exactly what is causing the glitch and so know how to prevent it in any distribution version of the mod.

The glitch is definitely in the downloadable version. It's also not as simple as changing the timestamp of DS1_Objects.ds2res either as I did that and it still glitches. So the patch will probably have to be distributed with the mod as a failsafe.

Also it's possible that the reason you don't experience the glitch is that you are using DS2BW Adepts and so the interaction is different between the various animation skrits. Though I think you said in the other thread that you played the vanilla game to test out armor problems. :?

iryan wrote:

The glitch is definitely in the downloadable version. It's also not as simple as changing the timestamp of DS1_Objects.ds2res either as I did that and it still glitches. So the patch will probably have to be distributed with the mod as a failsafe.

Also it's possible that the reason you don't experience the glitch is that you are using DS2BW Adepts and so the interaction is different between the various animation skrits. Though I think you said in the other thread that you played the vanilla game to test out armor problems. :?

When I ran the vanilla game I still had the patch installed, so I disabled it and you are correct the characters good guys and monsters both have the glitch where they freeze even when being attacked. So I guess the patch will be necessary for the vanilla game and not really necessary when using adepts, but not messing things up if it is left in place.


Now back to looking at the armor issue in Adepts.

Another day another installer. However this one is a release candidate. All mod components will be made available as separate downloads soon for those players who have already got the converted DS1 assets. (366Mb)

The installer is an all in one package. It requires that Dungeon Siege 1 is at least installed before installing the mod. If you only have Dungeon Siege and not Legends of Aranna then it will only install the 3 Dungeon Siege maps (Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula and Yesterhaven). However if you do have Legends of Aranna then it will install that map as well.

I should be saying it should do all of those things as it has only been tested in Win 7 64bit and Win 8.1 64bit so it's not conclusive. However previous tests of the installer has worked fine in 32bit Win XP and Windows 2000. It also appears that all versions of Dungeon Siege use the same Registry values so Steam versions should work (Legends of Aranna uses different Registry values). However I don't know how the Steam version of DS2 would go with this mod.

Araknuum's picture

downloaded and installed. it took about 18 minutes total. there was an unpacking error on my first attempt to install... it went through the second time.

Araknuum wrote:
downloaded and installed. it took about 18 minutes total. there was an unpacking error on my first attempt to install... it went through the second time.

Thanks for the feedback.

An unpacking error? I'll try downloading again and see what happens for me. So far I've not encountered any problems with it but I've been sure to clean out the resources folder beforehand to check what's happening. My experience has been if it encounters any files of the same name it'll ignore installing those, same for copying and converting the files. Installation will appear as it's proceeding but you'll not see any conversion text, etc.

Still it's totally untested how it handles files being on different drives, different locations, etc.

The installer is meant for first time installation of the mod. Any future updates should be able to be done with smaller downloads of just the core mod files, most likely DS1_Mod_Logic.ds2res

Update# It took me 25 minutes to download the file and 3 minutes to install. No problems encountered but then again it was developed on this machine after all, so any problems specific to my setup would have manifested long ago. Still it proves the file isn't corrupted or anything like that.

Araknuum's picture

it mentioned corrupt files. And the second install was done after I cleaned out my resource folder of previous versions. I've uninstalled and re-installed 4 times now, every other install, starting with the first, experiences unpacking error 10 corrupt file error and quits. the game plays fine, just had to be persistent and not let the error keep me from trying again.

Update: un/re-installed 3 more times, no error... Like I said the games all load properly. not sure if I can duplicate this. Win7 64bit machine, dS2 is in the default location. I'll give it another couple tries.


yep won't repeat the error. all smooth.
