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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

bare_elf wrote:
It appears that some of the misplaced buttons that I have been finding on the storage trunks may be a conflict between DS1_Objects.ds2res from the last install and the current monster level adjustment mod.
If I disable DS1_Objects.ds2res the button is located in the correct place on the side of the trunk both when playing with Adepts and with a standard character. (both where new starts so as not to cause a conflict with the missing ds1 objects file.) Note this was not an issue in the past (prior to the installer version of the map pack where I had to convert the files myself.) I have not tested this as yet but I plan to fists go back to an earlier version of the monster level adjust I am sure I have one.
If I still have the problem I will do my own conversion of the DS1 objects file.
I would have posted screen shots but I was very busy today with cat herding so did not have time to edit them and post them as yet.


I'm guessing the reason is the same as for the animation problem recently mentioned. DS1_Objects is taking priority over the base DS2 templates if they exist.

If you remember in the early alpha versions of the mod the buttons would be floating in the air away from where they should be positioned. To fix this I manually moved every button in the Editor so it was positioned correctly on the wall or in some cases on the ground.

Now with the installer version of the mod the buttons are positioned where they originally were located in DS1. Which means since I moved them to be positioned on the wall (or on the ground), they now are positioned in the wall! At least in some cases. You mentioned the button at the exit of the Mines. What about the other buttons in the Mines? Were they positioned correctly? What about the Crypts? Did you try the secret areas? Their buttons were also effected by this bug before.

So I have two options here. If this is an universal problem, the easiest is to do what I did with the animations. In other words release a small patch restoring the DS2 versions of the buttons.

Otherwise I'll have to manually restore any problem buttons back to their original DS1 position. Which means the standalone versions of the maps linked at the top of the thread will then have problems so there'll have to be two versions of the maps. Messy, very messy.

Here's the files for a demo of the enhanced textures (68.9Mb) (3.43Mb)

All terrain have been done but only the grass textures. The only monster to have its textures enhanced is the Krug. So the best places to try this mod is either the start of Kingdom of Ehb or the start of the Utraean Peninsula, though you can get back to Elddim easily enough if you have a saved game there.

The trees and foliage is a lot better now and the pictures in the first post on this subject have been updated but I couldn't edit that post so had to post this one instead.

bare_elf wrote:
It appears that some of the misplaced buttons that I have been finding on the storage trunks may be a conflict between DS1_Objects.ds2res from the last install and the current monster level adjustment mod.
If I disable DS1_Objects.ds2res the button is located in the correct place on the side
. . .
Hm, the Level Adjustment mod doesn't treat levers.
However could you do a 'counter-check', so let DS1_Objects.ds2res enabled and removed/rename the current LevelAdjustment mod temporarily.

@Iryan: The lever positioning issue is really strange, it may be a priority matter of tanks (specially with the addon), but I also suspect that there is a difference in the placement handling between SE2 and the game itself.
It may be too that the sole saving of a region is SE2 already has an inpact... Puzzled
Re-adding the DS2 lever models in a mod would be the easiest work-around probably. There are only a few levers affected I think (m_i_glb_switch-01/02/03/04 and m_i_glb_switch-06).

Just not to forgot (I think I mentioned it once in a PM), I've used sometimes lever templates with names ending on '..._ds1' (lever_glb_01/02/03/04_ds1 and lever_glb_06_ds1), they are using the model of DS1 (renamed and added to the mod). It was meant as work-around, unfortunately it didn't work always, or only as long as not saved in SE2 or ... Puzzled / Sad


iryan wrote:
Unfortunately the Siege Engine has issues with resizing the texture sizes. Basically it crashes trying to load the map (I know as I tried).
. . .
Hm, so you can't use a 512x512 texture for a simple floor node? Actually I never have tried this out... :o


iryan wrote:

. . .
I agree with the amount of work though the terrain was easy as everything was already in dds format and all I had to do was batch process them all with a filter with XNView. Took about 1 hour.

The actors and items are a lot more painful as they are in RAW format. I'm nearly finished a demo test and that has taken about 2 hours. However the textures on a Krug for instance are a lot sharper and crisper than the originals which seems to make the work worthwhile.
. . .

But a RAW image should be of (some) better quality than a DDS I think.
As far as I know all DDS fromats are 'lossy', so when the DDS is created it suffers a reduction of information that can't be restored afterwards again.

So the DS1 textures in DS2 are (a bit) worse (since DDS) than they were with/in DS1 natively (since RAW/PSD)... Sad
Here an example: Which one is better? And is it out of DS1 or DS2?

I guess you have RawToPSD!? XNView should support PSD natively, or there is a Plugin for sure.

iryan wrote:

I'm guessing the reason is the same as for the animation problem recently mentioned. DS1_Objects is taking priority over the base DS2 templates if they exist. So I have two options here. If this is an universal problem, the easiest is to do what I did with the animations. In other words release a small patch restoring the DS2 versions of the buttons. Otherwise I'll have to manually restore any problem buttons back to their original DS1 position. Which means the standalone versions of the maps linked at the top of the thread will then have problems so there'll have to be two versions of the maps. Messy, very messy.

You really only have one option Iryan if the problem is universal (and not an elf_only problem) and that would be to release a small patch like you did with the animations. The other would be way to time consuming, messy and pointless since no one else is reporting problems.

@KillerGremal I am happy to know that the button issue is not related to the monster level adjustment mod. I did as you suggested and temporarily disabled the monster level adjustment mod and checked some of the other misplaced buttons. I could not check the buttons that appear on the side of the storage lockers of course since they are the button to disable and enable the monster level adjustment mod.

Here are some of the screen shots I took of the misplaced buttons:

@iryan I downloaded the texture and terrain tests that you posted and started a game in EHB and the Krug look better as does some of the landscape. I will keep them installed and have a look about at things as I continue through Ehb looking for buttons and things.


I am not sure why this worked Iryan. But since KillerGremal told me that the monster level adjustment mod had no control of buttons and I saw for myself that disabling DS1_Objects.ds2res put the buttons back where they should be I decided to reconvert the Objects.dsres as I did the first time when things where working. So I removed DS1_objects.ds2res to a back up folder and used the batch file to convert Objects.dsres into Objects_ds1.ds2res. I checked the file size of both the file converted by the installer and the one I converted and they where the same size. Loaded the current game in Ehb, at the traveler camp and checked the storage trunk and the button was back where it should be. I will have to look at some of the other buttons that where hidden, by starting a new game. I looked at both directories and could find nothing different in any of the art directories, which is what I would expect since both DS2RES files where created from the same DS1 objects.dsres. Not sure why it worked, but I will start a new game in Ehb and see if the buttons are better.


update: I can now turn the buttons on an off. depending on what version of objects I use. I wonder if this will also fix the problem with the rector aura and the drown spell? must check that too, off to hunt in ehb again.

bare_elf wrote:
I am not sure why this worked Iryan. But since KillerGremal told me that the monster level adjustment mod had no control of buttons and I saw for myself that disabling DS1_Objects.ds2res put the buttons back where they should be I decided to reconvert the Objects.dsres as I did the first time when things where working. So I removed DS1_objects.ds2res to a back up folder and used the batch file to convert Objects.dsres into Objects_ds1.ds2res. I checked the file size of both the file converted by the installer and the one I converted and they where the same size. Loaded the current game in Ehb, at the traveler camp and checked the storage trunk and the button was back where it should be. I will have to look at some of the other buttons that where hidden, by starting a new game. I looked at both directories and could find nothing different in any of the art directories, which is what I would expect since both DS2RES files where created from the same DS1 objects.dsres. Not sure why it worked, but I will start a new game in Ehb and see if the buttons are better.


update: I can now turn the buttons on an off. depending on what version of objects I use. I wonder if this will also fix the problem with the rector aura and the drown spell? must check that too, off to hunt in ehb again.

This seems to confirm the theory that converting the Objects.dsres through the commandline of the batch convertor works differently to just dragging a file onto the batch convertor.

KillerGremal may know the reason as he created the batch convertor program.

So I'll make a small patch to restore the DS2 buttons, just like the animation patch.

Well I found out how to fix the issue without having to create a patch or anything.

Simply rename DS1_Objects.ds2res to Objects_DS1.ds2res so it comes after Objects.ds2res!

This duplicates what the batch file converter does when you drag a file onto it using the manual method. I changed that in the installer as I wanted to keep all the files nice and orderly so they started with the prefix DS1_.

With DS1_Objects.ds2res the animation bug and the buttons bug are both present. With Objects_DS1.ds2res, everything is normal. The time stamp of the file is apparently ignored.

Has anyone a logical explanation for this behaviour? Why a simply name change of the tank has such a profound effect. Does this mean the engine loads tanks in descending alphabetical order beginning from Z down to A? So Alpha will always override Zeta.

lol errr.... so its just a tank priority issue all along?

as for why it does that, i think only the gpg devs can answer that as they have the source code and were the ones who wrote it that way.

anyway, if u still wanna maintain the naming convention, i think u can still name it ds1_objects but u'd have to decrease the tank priority or increase the tank priority of the ds2 objects.ds2res file. dont know if negative tank priority works.

iryan wrote:

. . .
This seems to confirm the theory that converting the Objects.dsres through the commandline of the batch convertor works differently to just dragging a file onto the batch convertor.

KillerGremal may know the reason as he created the batch convertor program.

So I'll make a small patch to restore the DS2 buttons, just like the animation patch.

There should be no difference, and all was based on the assumption that the file/tank date is relevant between tanks with identical priorities.
By the way it's no real programm, it's rather a simple cut+copy process.


iryan wrote:
. . .
With DS1_Objects.ds2res the animation bug and the buttons bug are both present. With Objects_DS1.ds2res, everything is normal. The time stamp of the file is apparently ignored.
. . .
Evidentially the time stamp of the tank and the time stamp of the files inside will be completely ignored. :o
I've actually thought it would be respected if two tanks had the same priority. There was once a related post in the GPG garage, and why else should it work with me...!?

Now after reading this I've made a test in v2.2, and - concerning the animation issue - it seems that the converted object tank from DS1 has to be loaded after GPG's the logic tank (both have the same animation files inside).
So if the object tank form DS1 starts with an 'a', then DS2 will load the animation skrits from DS1 instead (but they are not compatible).

If this points on an alphabetical order/priority then the converted object tank form DS1 must have a name that follows after Logic.ds2res and after Objects.ds2res (where the real/new levers are in).

However, a bit strange is now that the (alphabetical) order is not always the same as the files are loaded (with me). Puzzled
For example, the Windows Explorer lists Objects.ds2res below Object_1_DS1.ds2res (I've recently drag-&-dropped it from CD), so I assumed the Object_1_DS1.ds2res would load first!(?)
But surprisingly, when loading the game, it seems that Objects.ds2res is loaded first (nonetheless):

Not really transparent, or if it depends on the alphabetical order, DS2 must respect the under-score character in different manner than Windows does.



bare_elf wrote:
I am not sure why this worked Iryan. But since KillerGremal told me that the monster level adjustment mod had no control of buttons . . .

. . .

. . .

Well, actually this button is placed by the Level Adjustment mod, but there are much better references for the placement issue of originally SE-placed levers on DS1 maps.

This lever can indicate that the wrong lever model is active though, but if it's displaced it also can mean that the calculations
where to place and how for rotate it are insufficient - since this button is spawned by the chest itself.
So far these calculations worked fine, but I can't say instantly how bullet-proof these caclucations are, if the stand for example the situation that the center of the stash is on one node, the lever however on another/adjacent node.

KillerGremal wrote:
Evidentially the time stamp of the tank and the time stamp of the files inside will be completely ignored. :o
I've actually thought it would be respected if two tanks had the same priority. There was once a related post in the GPG garage, and why else should it work with me...!?

Now after reading this I've made a test in v2.2, and - concerning the animation issue - it seems that the converted object tank from DS1 has to be loaded after GPG's the logic tank (both have the same animation files inside).
So if the object tank form DS1 starts with an 'a', then DS2 will load the animation skrits from DS1 instead (but they are not compatible).

If this points on an alphabetical order/priority then the converted object tank form DS1 must have a name that follows after Logic.ds2res and after Objects.ds2res (where the real/new levers are in).

However, a bit strange is now that the (alphabetical) order is not always the same as the files are loaded (with me). Puzzled

Puzzling for Sure. I always thought that the timestamps were important but apparently not so.

Perhaps that's why all the Broken World resource files begin with X? So that they will override the DS2 base resource files?

I'm also wondering whether this is why the hex editing method was failing for some of us earlier? It definitely seemed to work for you and I'm certain you would have noticed quickly if the animations were messed up. The answer could have been simply the way we named the new converted tank?

Anyhow I've made a simple patch program that will find the renegade DS1_Objects.ds2res file for you and rename it so that it no longer causes conflicts and all the animations and buttons will be normal again.

Here's an updated enhanced textures mod. All monsters and castle/grass sets have been enhanced (if you use the previous Enhanced Terrain mod). (11.3Mb)

Incidentally it would be interesting to see how this would work if only the texture sets were used and not the terrain. Might make the game look a little less grainy as it tends to look with these enhanced textures.

I've forgotten about the RAWtoPSD program and certainly it makes conversions very quick as it supports batch conversions. However dds support seems limited in XnView and if I convert the PSD files to DDS in it all the alpha channels are stripped.

So I'm using DSRaw and writing a batch file for each folder to convert the RAWs to BMPs, then batch converting the images that don't have alpha channels and handling individually in DXTBmp the ones that do so the alpha channels can be restored properly.

Concerning the potentially higher image quality in RAW files I did try converting back to them and trying them out. Ditto with PSD as I know DS2 supports both of these formats but for some reason it didn't work. Probably because something was wrong with how I used the conversion programs.

I didn't fret too much about it as the tradeoff with these formats is the size of any resultant tank. About 70% bigger.

iryan wrote:
Here's an updated enhanced textures mod. All monsters and castle/grass sets have been enhanced (if you use the previous Enhanced Terrain mod). (11.3Mb)

Incidentally it would be interesting to see how this would work if only the texture sets were used and not the terrain. Might make the game look a little less grainy as it tends to look with these enhanced textures.

I've forgotten about the RAWtoPSD program and certainly it makes conversions very quick as it supports batch conversions. However dds support seems limited in XnView and if I convert the PSD files to DDS in it all the alpha channels are stripped.

So I'm using DSRaw and writing a batch file for each folder to convert the RAWs to BMPs, then batch converting the images that don't have alpha channels and handling individually in DXTBmp the ones that do so the alpha channels can be restored properly.

Concerning the potentially higher image quality in RAW files I did try converting back to them and trying them out. Ditto with PSD as I know DS2 supports both of these formats but for some reason it didn't work. Probably because something was wrong with how I used the conversion programs.

I didn't fret too much about it as the tradeoff with these formats is the size of any resultant tank. About 70% bigger.

Iryan there is a program called DDS converter 2 that does the batch processing from psd with alpha to DDS with alpha. I use raw to psd all the time then edit things and then use dds converter 2 to build the necessary dds files. PhoeniX has put it in the DS2 tools section. works really well and does not need much explaining.

The Elf 's mind is dusty. I should have known that just changing the name of the ds1 objects file would not fix the drown spell since that spell is a DS2 spell and there was no counterpart for it in DS1. I have made it to the first checkpoint in Ehb near the broken bridge, so as yet I have not encountered a rector.

I got the new enhanced textures and have installed it but will not be able to look at it until late tomorrow. Right now I am busy herding cats and tomorrow morning at 10 AM when I normally would have time to play the game there is a 49ers football game on the television. I really do not care about the game, but mister cat is a fan and I have to explain just about everything that happens in terms that he understands explaining that there have been rule changes so yes that really is a penalty or no the referees are not taking drugs, yes that was a touchdown then which team made it etc. etc. Anyway I will move on just as soon as time allows.


bare_elf wrote:

Iryan there is a program called DDS converter 2 that does the batch processing from psd with alpha to DDS with alpha. I use raw to psd all the time then edit things and then use dds converter 2 to build the necessary dds files. PhoeniX has put it in the DS2 tools section. works really well and does not need much explaining.

I tried that but can,t figure out how to get it to load the files to convert. I tried everything I could think of and there,s no help files. I can select which folder to copy to, etc but even when I select the files I want to convert, the convert button remains greyed out.

iryan wrote:
bare_elf wrote:

Iryan there is a program called DDS converter 2 that does the batch processing from psd with alpha to DDS with alpha. I use raw to psd all the time then edit things and then use dds converter 2 to build the necessary dds files. PhoeniX has put it in the DS2 tools section. works really well and does not need much explaining.

I tried that but can,t figure out how to get it to load the files to convert. I tried everything I could think of and there,s no help files. I can select which folder to copy to, etc but even when I select the files I want to convert, the convert button remains greyed out.

I will write you some directions just as soon as the real world frees me of all the silliness.

bare_elf wrote:
iryan wrote:
bare_elf wrote:

Iryan there is a program called DDS converter 2 that does the batch processing from psd with alpha to DDS with alpha. I use raw to psd all the time then edit things and then use dds converter 2 to build the necessary dds files. PhoeniX has put it in the DS2 tools section. works really well and does not need much explaining.

I tried that but can,t figure out how to get it to load the files to convert. I tried everything I could think of and there,s no help files. I can select which folder to copy to, etc but even when I select the files I want to convert, the convert button remains greyed out.

I will write you some directions just as soon as the real world frees me of all the silliness.

Start DDS Converter use the my computer to go to the directory where the psd files you want to make into DDS files are.
once you have found the folder highlight the files you want to modify
make sure the output format is set for dds
On the output folder line put in where you want the files to go. I normally use the same folder as the psd files are in.
then click convert.

Concerning DDS I can't help a lot I think.
Often I use the DDS Utilities. NVdxt has no GUI but it provides a simple DOS shell command to copy+convert one image folder into another. A bit critical is that this tool adds a little green touch which can be recompensated however with the options for color tunings.
I also use some batch files in the 'Send To' context menu to convert a single Raw or PSD into a DDS, I can post the code/command(s) if somebody is interested in it.


iryan wrote:
. . .
Perhaps that's why all the Broken World resource files begin with X? So that they will override the DS2 base resource files?
. . .
That's possilbe.
For people having the addon installed in the same folder/path with DS2, it would be intersting to know what happens if the file name of the converted object tank from DS1 starts with an 'x'.
Since 'xLogic.ds2res' has to replace files from 'Logic.ds2res' I would guess that the animation+lever bugs would be back then. This would imply an increased priority due to the 'x' although the file name alphabetically comes after 'Objects.ds2res'.


iryan wrote:
. . .
I'm also wondering whether this is why the hex editing method was failing for some of us earlier? It definitely seemed to work for you and I'm certain you would have noticed quickly if the animations were messed up. The answer could have been simply the way we named the new converted tank?
. . .
This may be. Honestly, when I said it does the same I mainly refered on a MD5 check sum.
Also in-game it worked well with the expanded file names (at the end) from CD or the DS1 installations.
No sign at that time that the alphabetical order gets respected in any way. I rather focused on the differences in Objects.dsres between the original/CD version and the patched one...

It seemed logical to me that it's the file date that matters. I only was aware that mod-/tank-internally the paths and files names may be respected because of the dublicate filck names warning for example in SE2 or DS2Mod.

Well, I guess the rector's aura was not part of the DS1 objects file. The buttons appear to be correct through Stonebridge. Party has made it to wesrin cross and the first rector had a spread out aura, changing screen resolution fixed it in a temporary fashion. I wonder if renaming all the converted files such that the file name ended in _ds1 rather than starting with ds1_ would have any effect on some of the problems I have encountered? Maybe I should rename all the files that start with DS1_ to files that end in _DS1 and see what happens. What are your thoughts Iryan and KillerGremal?


bare_elf wrote:
Well, I guess the rector's aura was not part of the DS1 objects file. The buttons appear to be correct through Stonebridge. Party has made it to wesrin cross and the first rector had a spread out aura, changing screen resolution fixed it in a temporary fashion. I wonder if renaming all the converted files such that the file name ended in _ds1 rather than starting with ds1_ would have any effect on some of the problems I have encountered? Maybe I should rename all the files that start with DS1_ to files that end in _DS1 and see what happens. What are your thoughts Iryan and KillerGremal?


I don't think renaming the files will work in this case as the Drown spell uses DS2 effects not DS1 ones and the Rector uses a custom effect created by KillerGremal.

The best bet is for me to create that mini-patch to remove the effects completely as a temporary work-around. I'll try to get onto that tonight.

I know there are mini-mods here at SiegetheDay that remove effects like the Blood Assassin's skulls on one of the buffs which annoys players so this mod won't be too dissimilar to that.

iryan wrote:

I don't think renaming the files will work in this case as the Drown spell uses DS2 effects not DS1 ones and the Rector uses a custom effect created by KillerGremal.

The best bet is for me to create that mini-patch to remove the effects completely as a temporary work-around. I'll try to get onto that tonight.

I know there are mini-mods here at SiegetheDay that remove effects like the Blood Assassin's skulls on one of the buffs which annoys players so this mod won't be too dissimilar to that.

No real hurry Iryan, it is only an annoyance I do not need the drown spell, and with the spread out aura of the rector I always know when they are a few rooms away :P anyway I like purple as a color generally. What really is an annoyance is that I am the only one seeing these things. which means one of three things. Others are not playing with the map pack. Others have seen to problem and are to daft or lack the typing skills to report it. Or what really scares me is that the strange effects are just in my mind.

Iryan, I applied the patch for the drown spell and the rector. The rector now works and looks like a floating skull and not just a purple glow. So that works for me. Now when it comes to the drown spell it works properly on my test map and in a vanilla game of DS2 however it still has the same problem on all of the converted maps (so I will just not use it) As the problem seems to exist only in my mind anyways.


Here's the texture packs for the majority of remaining actors and items for both LOA and DS1. Over 3500 textures converted! (55.7Mb) (7.5Mb)

By using dds format the size is remarkably small, about 1/3rd of what it would be otherwise. If these work out they'll eventually be absorbed into the main mod. Performance will be better then as there is some hitching upon loading the textures initially.

The grass set needs some work as its a bit grainy but the snow set looks great. Maybe with the grass set it would be better to leave the grass texture as it was but just enhance the cobblestones and wall textures, etc. Which will mean editing the texture images individually to apply the effect.

Comments welcome.

iryan wrote:
Here's the texture packs for the majority of remaining actors and items for both LOA and DS1. Over 3500 textures converted!
By using dds format the size is remarkably small, about 1/3rd of what it would be otherwise. If these work out they'll eventually be absorbed into the main mod. Performance will be better then as there is some hitching upon loading the textures initially.

The grass set needs some work as its a bit grainy but the snow set looks great. Maybe with the grass set it would be better to leave the grass texture as it was but just enhance the cobblestones and wall textures, etc. Which will mean editing the texture images individually to apply the effect.

Comments welcome.

Iryan, The grass textures look just fine in this last go of the textures, remember in most cases it is wild grass and not a park lawn. Even the lawns have had monsters and armies marching and fighting on them. I would expect them to look like a football or rugby field after a match.

Kindom of Ehb Map Freeze
Iryan I am sorry I can not get close to the location to mark it, because the game freezes and the only way out is pushing the reset button on the computer. The freeze does not report any kind of error my computer just locks up. Now I can go in any other direction and proceed on with the game down the main path but going right from the check point the game will freeze near the right turn the goes to the hidden/secret area. I hope these screen shots will help.

I know for sure it is not the enhanced textures that are causing the problem as I disabled them.
I know it is not the patch for the damaged spells as I disabled those as well after the freeze.
It is also not a problem with adepts since I took a party of standard characters to same location.
This area worked in version 11 so it was some change made between version 11 and 12 of the Ehb map I would guess.


bare_elf wrote:
Kindom of Ehb Map Freeze
Iryan I am sorry I can not get close to the location to mark it, because the game freezes and the only way out is pushing the reset button on the computer. The freeze does not report any kind of error my computer just locks up. Now I can go in any other direction and proceed on with the game down the main path but going right from the check point the game will freeze near the right turn the goes to the hidden/secret area. I hope these screen shots will help.

I know for sure it is not the enhanced textures that are causing the problem as I disabled them.
I know it is not the patch for the damaged spells as I disabled those as well after the freeze.
It is also not a problem with adepts since I took a party of standard characters to same location.
This area worked in version 11 so it was some change made between version 11 and 12 of the Ehb map I would guess.


Starting with a new character at the start of the Dark Swamp I haven't been able to replicate this error. My character went as far as possible, considering that even level 1 monsters are too strong and numerous at that point of the game to survive for long. My character was able to go into the Lost Witch's haven, swim around in the muck nearby, play hide and seek with the bandits and say hello to the Hell Boar matriarch. The game never froze or anything. So I don't know.

You weren't even able to hit ctrl/alt/del and get up the Task Manager? You haven't updated your graphic card drivers recently have you? That error was similar to what I was experiencing with my laptop a month ago but that was with Win 8.1 drivers with a NVidia card.

Apart from that I'm mystified. Normally if there was a buggy item, etc, the game will crash outright and close down, normally with the infamous exception error detected message but not always.

Opening up the region in Siege Editor didn't shed any light on the matter either, just the regular old error messages it complains about every time you try to open one of the DS1 Legendary maps.

Incidentally did you know if you untank any of the DS1 Legendary maps into the Bits folder in Documents\My Games\Dungeon Siege 2 Mod, you can open the map as per the regular maps? You don't need to untank the resource packs, just have them located in the usual location. You'll typically get 4 error messages opening Siege Editor and a few more when opening the region. Just click ignore to them.

I'm playing the ehb map and I've reached the dungeon below fort kroth, but I can't find the button to open the skull mouth.
If I recall correctly, it should be on the ground near the skull, but it's not there.

Hi Marco,
The door is there it took me a while to find it too. It is two the left of the mouth on the ground. Try renaming DS1_Objects.ds2res to Objects_DS1.ds2res in the DS2 resources folder. For some reason the file named one way prevented me from seeing any buttons but the other way it worked.


bare_elf wrote:
Hi Marco,
The door is there it took me a while to find it too. It is two the left of the mouth on the ground. Try renaming DS1_Objects.ds2res to Objects_DS1.ds2res in the DS2 resources folder. For some reason the file named one way prevented me from seeing any buttons but the other way it worked.


Just renamed it, but still it's not there.
I've encountered many buttons inside the walls but still selectable if pointing at them, so I tried with this too.
I've moved the cursor in the whole area in case the button is selectable, but it's not selectable.

While waiting for a solution or a patch, I have another little report for another button:
In the flooded dungeon below the house where you find the dead merchants, just near the entrance there's a wall which can be opened with a button in the wall. The button is selectable but the hero can't reach it.
Not game-breaking, since you can still reach the other side by going further in the dungeon.

Marco wrote:

Just renamed it, but still it's not there.
I've encountered many buttons inside the walls but still selectable if pointing at them, so I tried with this too.
I've moved the cursor in the whole area in case the button is selectable, but it's not selectable.

While waiting for a solution or a patch, I have another little report for another button:
In the flooded dungeon below the house where you find the dead merchants, just near the entrance there's a wall which can be opened with a button in the wall. The button is selectable but the hero can't reach it.
Not game-breaking, since you can still reach the other side by going further in the dungeon.

I can not remember Marco, but I believe I started a new game to check the button feature, do you have a save prior to going under the fortress?
I am working with a totally different system now, new computer and OS. so I had to start a new game, and discovered at the first save point by the broken bridge the disable button for monster level adjust was missing. so I exited the game, without saving, made the file name change, started again went in to Norick's house at the very start and checked the storage trunk for the monster level adjust on/off button it was there the second time.
could you start a new character in ehb after the file name change and look in norick's house on the storage trunk behind the door, the button should be on the right side of trunk, please let irwin and I know what happens, as that fixed all the hidden buttons for us.


There'll be a new version soon, hopefully before next week.

This version will fix the button and animations issues as well as a few minor and one major crash bug in Yesterhaven. It'll also have the enhanced textures, now including bloom effects.

Additionally I'm also testing a version of the ENB mod which will have benefits for DS2 and Broken World as well. The benefits are minor but maybe worthwhile. Users will be able to tweak the settings for their own likes but some settings can cause your game to come to a crawl. Unfortunately DS2 will always be limited by the maximum texture size it can display which is 256 x 256, which is well below HD levels. It's even worse in some of the DS1 textures which are only 128 x 128. Thus my tinkering attempts to improve the texture effects.
