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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

KillerGremal wrote:
Blondin235 wrote:
sorry, I meant to say Crystwind Mines
Glitterdelve is in the DS1 EHB map..

I have installed those three updated files
into the DS2 Resources folder, and will try again..

- many thanks..

Wait a moment, Iryan should check this matter first.
The update mentioned just contains some approaches to fix known issues in the original release. That's certainly not the only way to implement things in a working manner so I can't say if this is compatible or needed at all.

Beside of this, such situations like this exploding passage/tunnel are a one-time thing.
So it may be that you saved it in a broken state, it will remain broken for your current savegame even if there is a proper map fix meanwhile.

I took a party that had never played the map into the crystwind mines and the exploding passage was open and the exploding barrels were still there and could not be exploded.

Then took the party to Fallraen without encountering any critical errors or other issues.

Without changing any of the files in my Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder I started up Adepts and ran a party to the Crystwind and then into the mines. The rocks are blocking the passage and no matter what I do I can no open it until I go through Miners Haven and get to the back side. Which is exactly what should happen. So as I thought there is something in Adepts that is over riding the flaw in the standard game, however I can not see what the heck it might be since it does not alter things like doors, passages so I am lost.


**Powered by ElysDS2SuccubusModManager(DS2Launch) - with the following settings:

Utraen Peninsula map, with the following resources installed:

FoxConnBloodRage(X58) mobo
12G_RAM(3x4G Dominator_DDR3_tripled)_noOC
2xSapphireHD7870(2GHzDDR5)CAPviaAMDcrossfire disabled_noOC
Driver: AMD_BETA_13.30-140108a-166899E(8thJan2014)
(see:- )
..with 20"SyncMasterP2050@1600x900

- I'll be bock..!! :woot:

I took another totally new party through to the Crystwind mines. It took a while since their weapons sucked. However I did discover a few interesting things about the blocked passage. First if one looks real close on the left side of the opening you can see one of the explosive barrels and with a ranged weapon with a range greater than 10 meters you can blow it up. and open the passage. Second I had noticed that pets like Norick's Dog will open trunks, and barrels just walking past them. So I Started a new character in Ehb, picked up norick's dog, then went to my test map and picked up some quick cash, added six party member slots at the inn keeper and then back to Ehb for 4 more of his dogs. Then off to the Utraean Peninsula and down the road to the mines. into the mines to the blocked passage and set the dogs on rampage and after about 5 minutes one walked up to the rocks and BOOM the barrel on the far side exploded, two of the dogs did as well but the passage was opened. So there is for sure something wrong with the way that passage functions. As it appears that random events can open it from the incorrect side.


I also tested out the Crystwind Mines to Fallraen run but backwards and found no issues in 3 attempts.

Haha you silly rock creatures. I'm behind you. Too bad bare_elf's trick with the exploding barrels doesn't work here since as soon as I opened the door they proceeded to obliterate my party.

I did make a couple of minor edits, changing the size of the rocks so you no longer can see the barrels and made the bounding volume a little larger. Also I noticed that the Editor complained a lot about the dev_path points. giving about 50 or more warnings about them. So I removed them for this region as the DS1 maps don't use them apart from a couple of instances (map markers, etc) which doesn't really impact this region.

There has been more than one post about poor memory management in the Siege engine so it may be possible that the dev_path points warnings exceeded some sort of internal buffer and caused the crash, especially if you've been playing a long game session. The converted DS1 maps sadly aren't as robust as the retail campaigns. Still crashes or glitches aren't very common but can happen.

Blondin235 wrote:
**Powered by ElysDS2SuccubusModManager(DS2Launch) - with the following settings:

Utraen Peninsula map, with the following resources installed:

- I'll be bock..!! :woot:

All looks good :thumbup: though I've since made a minor update to the Utraean Peninsula map in the meantime.

When you get a chance check out the glitches that were occurring before on the Elddim to Crystwind Mines road and see if bare_elf's suggestions work for you. It would be nice to be able to add some information about it in a help section which I plan to add to the release version. Thanks.

I think you fixed the issues with the Utraean Peninsula. The Crystwind Mine Passage is now truly blocked. There are ways that the passage can still be defeated as is true with any passage blocked in that fashion. However I will not share those tricks because this type of passage has been flawed since the original game. I reported this to GPG and received a note from a person named Chris and it said "hush little girl, it is not nice to point out my flaws Smile "


Now that many of the remaining bugs in the Legendary Mod are finally being laid to rest (even some left over from GPG) it's time to try to fix one of the most irritating of them all!

That's the Lost Queen Tail from Legends of Aranna that just refuses to die no matter what I try.

In the original LOA the Lost Queen Tail would die if the Lost Queen herself dies first - you can actually kill the tail before the Queen if you wanted too. However in the converted map the Tail just refuses to die. This creates a bizarre scene of a living tail left over when the Queen dies. I've tried all sorts of things to try to make it die on cue.

In a Test map there's no problem in making the tail die if you set up a trigger with a we_req_die message sent to the tail when the party enters the trigger. Yet this message fails in LOA even though I know the messages are being sent out correctly by the Lost Queen when she dies as the sealed door she is guarding opens.

However as you can see in this picture taken in the Editor there is a major problem with the Lost Queens Tail positioning in SE2.

Unless the tail is positioned like this then in-game it is switched around and actually is stuck in the wall. This is the default position settings from LOA. I actually had to spend quite a bit of time positioning the Tail by trial and error to get it positioned right.

This positioning bug is very similar to that experienced with the button triggers, which had to be manually adjusted in the Editor to fit right. Yet when adjusted in the Editor to fit correctly they were then correct in the game. This case is different.

I'm wondering if this positioning bug is interfering with the trigger successfully being passed to the Lost Queen Tail. Don't know why that would be the case but I'm grabbing at straws at the moment.

Has anyone any ideas? I've tried direct trigger messages, indirect commands, flick, etc, everything I could think of. Would there be a way of fixing the tail's positioning short of adjusting it in GMax?

Incidentally the base position of the Lost Queen Tail is marked on the pic. Notice that it isn't even on the model!

I did some more testing without any luck.

Using Use Points I can get party members to attack the tail but with absolutely no damage being done. I even built some terrain under the tail under the possibility that since the tail is located outside of the terrain in the editor and that even though the game engine renders it and animates it, it doesn't exist in some sort of fashion. I wasn't successful.

It would seem the only option is to try to rebuild that section of the region so that somehow the tail registers as a game object to the engine and messages will influence it. Not a prospect I'm looking forward too so I'll leave it until the weekend when perhaps my motivation levels will be higher.

a few oddities..

button position in the Ancient Crypts,
the one that opens the stairwell..

another button position, a bit further on..

- also there are a couple of instances where smashing a crate
- doesn't release the captured Frak properly. It's possible to kill it,
- but a model remains, hugging the ground - this cannot be killed..

- the Crystwind blockage has corrected..
- the Old Mine is now the only way through
- swarming with Uhn and those horrible Darklings..

- got killed by those three Rock Creatures at the end
- so I will have to give it another shot..

- it's a tough journey through there!! :woot:

Blondin235 wrote:
a few oddities..

- also there are a couple of instances where smashing a crate
- doesn't release the captured Frak properly. It's possible to kill it,
- but a model remains, hugging the ground - this cannot be killed..

Thanks for the bug report. I somehow missed those couple of levers and they're now fixed. Well done.

Which crates are you referring to? The random Phrak released from crates and barrels or the cages the Krug use to hold Phrak, presumably to cook them later? I know that these sometimes are hard to target but I haven't had that sort of behaviour happening very often. Occasionally dead monsters still animate like they are alive but the tooltip shows them as dead but this happens in vanilla DS2 as well.

Incidentally with the Uhn miners, I've been wondering if it was better to have dark dwarves instead like LOU did. The firebreathing Uhn indeed are nasty and can easily wipe out a party if you're not careful. Not to say that if I used dark dwarves instead that they would be any easier.

Also for Beta testers like yourself that give constant feedback and complete a map, you'll be mentioned as such in the readme as thanks for all of your efforts. Sometimes it's not easy beta testing something, especially if you have to restart.

As Blondin235 noted and as I have noted a few times myself Phraks in cages (Krug Lunch) and only those in cages are a minor problem. This occurs on all maps where the Phrak are caged. The problem is not that the Phrak can not be killed it is the fact that the cage can not be broken. In the older versions of the maps and in the original maps, you would shoot the cage, and the phrak would escape and you could kill it. Now the cage does not get destroyed, but if you keep shooting at the phrak it will finally die on the radar screen, but the cage will still be there and you can shoot at it, wack it, cast any type of spell at it and you can do that forever as far as I can tell. I had one of my rangers shoot at a cage for over 2 hours, while I cooked and ate dinner. The problem is the cage itself. A missing or broken trigger?


bare_elf wrote:
As Blondin235 noted and as I have noted a few times myself Phraks in cages (Krug Lunch) and only those in cages are a minor problem. This occurs on all maps where the Phrak are caged. The problem is not that the Phrak can not be killed it is the fact that the cage can not be broken. In the older versions of the maps and in the original maps, you would shoot the cage, and the phrak would escape and you could kill it. Now the cage does not get destroyed, but if you keep shooting at the phrak it will finally die on the radar screen, but the cage will still be there and you can shoot at it, wack it, cast any type of spell at it and you can do that forever as far as I can tell. I had one of my rangers shoot at a cage for over 2 hours, while I cooked and ate dinner. The problem is the cage itself. A missing or broken trigger?


It would seem something changed between revisions. I will check and see if I can find the problem.

I can't replicate this bug in the current version in either a test map or Kingdom of Ehb. No matter what weapon I use they break as expected and the phrak dies as expected in repeated trials.

A couple of notes about the caged phrak. The template name is cage_glb_breakable and is found in the DS2 logic.ds2res not the Legendary Mod (one of the original DS1 templates updated for DS2 but unused as far as I know). It is an interesting object in that it has two generators in its template. Generator_in_object is what generates on a 25% possibility the broken cage. Generator_cage is what generates the phrak. It's not just any ordinary phrak either, its one that has a default animation with it hugging the ground, otherwise it would appear floating above the cage which wouldn't be realistic.

So if this continues as a repeatable bug for others, even if not for me, what I could do is try to replace the phrak with something else, maybe an ambient critter like a bunny of prarie dog, etc. Essentially making the object a scenery item instead of something one expects to destroy.

Another thing is the cage is effected by the Level Adjustment Mod just like nearly everything else. The amount of damage needed to destroy it is equal to the hit points of the phrak inside. If the level adjustment mod is turned off, the cage will have nearly 1000 hp because the phrak will be level 60. With the level adjustment mod turned on the cage will scale with the party's level.

So what I will try as well is make the caged phrak have the same level as in the original DS1 map. That way if there's a somehow a complication with the level adjustment mod and the caged phrak, then the cage may still break as expected.

There's a happy ending to the tale - the Lost Queen Tail that is, though it probably doesn't think so.

After an eternity I finally fixed the problem. The Lost Queen Tail has alternative animations that when used placed the model in the correct position in the Editor. It then became killable as the centre apex of the model then appeared next to the Lost Queen herself when the model was placed into the correct position.

However there's a slight catch. As the Tail's bounding volume then overlapped the Lost Queen's, the party was actually attacking the tail even though they seemed to be attacking the Lost Queen. Thus the tail died very quickly. This in itself wasn't too terrible but the problem was that every time there was a critical hit, the Tail would jump slightly out of position. This looked very weird at times.

So eventually I found a way to bypass that but the result is now the Tail is essentially nothing more than an ornament which quite respectfully dies on cue when the Lost Queen herself dies. Still a lot better than the previous scenario.

I also fixed an exploit where your mages and archers could snipe the Lost Queen from the water with minimal danger. It also looked odd when she aimed at you with her poison spit.

Hi Iryan,
Not exactly sure why the Lost Queen looks like this, both in a standard game and an Adepts Game. Before you do anything however maybe someone else could take a run to the lost queen and see if they get the same layout.


iryan wrote:
There's a happy ending to the tale - the Lost Queen Tail that is, though it probably doesn't think so.

After an eternity I finally fixed the problem. The Lost Queen Tail has alternative animations that when used placed the model in the correct position in the Editor. It then became killable as the centre apex of the model then appeared next to the Lost Queen herself when the model was placed into the correct position.

However there's a slight catch. As the Tail's bounding volume then overlapped the Lost Queen's, the party was actually attacking the tail even though they seemed to be attacking the Lost Queen. Thus the tail died very quickly. This in itself wasn't too terrible but the problem was that every time there was a critical hit, the Tail would jump slightly out of position. This looked very weird at times.

So eventually I found a way to bypass that but the result is now the Tail is essentially nothing more than an ornament which quite respectfully dies on cue when the Lost Queen herself dies. Still a lot better than the previous scenario.

I also fixed an exploit where your mages and archers could snipe the Lost Queen from the water with minimal danger. It also looked odd when she aimed at you with her poison spit.

There is no point it is all a dream someday I will wake and really screem wishing I was back in this strange little dream.

bare_elf wrote:
Hi Iryan,
Not exactly sure why the Lost Queen looks like this, both in a standard game and an Adepts Game. Before you do anything however maybe someone else could take a run to the lost queen and see if they get the same layout.


There is no point it is all a dream someday I will wake and really screem wishing I was back in this strange little dream.

Woops my mistake. Sincere apologies. You need the updated Logic file as well.

What you see there is what happens if you place the Tail in the expected place in the Editor with the old animations from LOA. The new Logic ds2res replaces those animations with the proper ones that work in DS2.

I have seen this problem for a while, but since freeing the poor Phraks and then having the stupid creatures attack me. I just stopped freeing them. Then on an off day I discovered I could not free them. I have tried with both the level adjustment mod turned on and turned off and it makes little difference. No if it works for you Iryan, and does not work for Blondin235 and myself we will have to wait for someone else to get to a point where they can attempt to free the caged Phraks. So for now I think we should leave it be. however caged bunnies or frogs would be fun Smile


iryan wrote:

Woops my mistake. Sincere apologies. You need the updated Logic file as well.

What you see there is what happens if you place the Tail in the expected place in the Editor with the old animations from LOA. The new Logic ds2res replaces those animations with the proper ones that work in DS2.

Okay that fixes the Lost Queen and looks much better now. Nice bit of work, figuring out what was wrong.


- 8miles from the crypts, a small Krug camp
- the phrak in the background has been released and killed
- but a model still remains, hugging the ground..
- this model cannot be killed, it doesn't attack..

@Iryan: By default the cage itself has 50 life points for level 20. The level can be set via the [gui] component (if there is) or with physics:velocity (tweak).

Concering the caged Phraks, job_die_explode.skrit may bother here (in DS1 it isn't, and physics:explode_when_killed should be sufficient).

Blondin235 wrote:

- 8miles from the crypts, a small Krug camp
- the phrak in the background has been released and killed
- but a model still remains, hugging the ground..
- this model cannot be killed, it doesn't attack..

I'll replace all instances of caged phrak with ambient critters. There would seem to be some inconsistencies with how the generator is working.

The underlining code is practically the same in DS2 as it was in DS1 and there's nothing in the Legendary Mod that should be effecting it.

All I can think of is that there's some positioning problem with the cages which sometimes interferes with the generation of the phraks &/or cage itself. When placed in a test map and KOH in multiple runs they work 100% of the time. Though admittedly they are controlled environments as the KOH runs were done without any monsters around to slow down proceedings.

As these sorts of inconsistent bugs are the most frustrating to solve relative to their importance, I'll simply replace them with a more practical solution. Maybe it won't be 100% true to the original maps but then again these maps aren't meant to be such.

I vote for bunnies and replace the caged Phraks...but use whatever fits in the cages.


Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce this matter, I've tried out several things and mod combinations (could have been a mod conflict too).

However based on some custom flick functions/files in the last content update 10m i would propose an alternate Phrak template for the caged variant. An additional flick file is needed too, but it's short:

	role (actor) owner;

	int chance = 50;		// DEFAULT CHANCE TO BECOME GOOD

	thread main
		if WhenServerLocal AND WhenRoleAlive( owner )
			if WhenRandomChance( chance )
				SetAlignment aa_good;
			else if !WhenActorAlignmentEquals( owner, aa_evil )
				SetAlignment aa_evil;
This flick evidentially will give the Phrak a random alignment (since the mind is idle due to the reveal job, it's not too late).
The other flick mentioned in the trigger reverts some protective settings in the template while the Phrak is in the cage. Like this there also won't be anymore this 'label flickering' caused by the hovering Phrak behind when cage railing.
Honestly a good Phrak will not be a perfect compagnion but freeing it will possibly look some more interesting, and probably this approach could be ported to other monsters too!?

KillerGremal wrote:
Unfortunately I wasn't able to reproduce this matter, I've tried out several things and mod combinations (could have been a mod conflict too).

However based on some custom flick functions/files in the last content update 10m i would propose an alternate Phrak template for the caged variant. An additional flick file is needed too, but it's short:

	role (actor) owner;

	int chance = 50;		// DEFAULT CHANCE TO BECOME GOOD

	thread main
		if WhenServerLocal AND WhenRoleAlive( owner )
			if WhenRandomChance( chance )
				SetAlignment aa_good;
			else if !WhenActorAlignmentEquals( owner, aa_evil )
				SetAlignment aa_evil;
This flick evidentially will give the Phrak a random alignment (since the mind is idle due to the reveal job, it's not too late).
The other flick mentioned in the trigger reverts some protective settings in the template while the Phrak is in the cage. Like this there also won't be anymore this 'label flickering' caused by the hovering Phrak behind when cage railing.
Honestly a good Phrak will not be a perfect compagnion but freeing it will possibly look some more interesting, and probably this approach could be ported to other monsters too!?

Strange that some players are reporting this yet we can't replicate it. I will try this out, it seems very interesting. Especially the randomized alignment.

When it first came out I used to play Doom for hours on end. One aspect of it that I loved was that some of the monsters would get angry if hit accidentally by another monster and would attack it. I just loved creating cross-fires between groups of monsters so that they would start fighting amongst themselves. The Mancubus where a good candidate for this since they shoot off three pronged fireball attacks that were quite easy to dodge if you had enough room.

It makes sense in DS2 that the more intelligent or semi-intelligent races don't fight amongst themselves but why should wildlife like Bears, phrak, wolves, etc not attack other creatures if angered enough? This sort of behaviour can be scripted of course but would be more fun if it was spontaneous.

I was wondering why both you iryan and killergremal could not duplicate the phrak problem whereas it is totally repeatable for Blondin235 and myself. I wonder if it is a difference between what program we are starting the game with. I always when playing a standard character use Ely's Succubus manager an run the game from broken world. When I play with an adepts character i use the custom start but it to requires broken world. I have noticed that most of the time both killergremal and yourself play using the Vanilla Dungeon Siege 2. I have also noticed that there are things with third party maps that Broken World handles different than does DS2. I wonder if the caged phrak is one of those things? I will find my DS2 disks and see what happens when I try to kill a caged phrak with a standard character starting with DS2


I've been playing around with having some DS1 spells in the mod, specifically the summons. DS2 is very much lacking in this regards with less than a dozen summons available and poor Combat Mages have to settle for a measly 4 summons!

Of course GPG would have argued that there were in fact 40 or so but the fact is these are clones of one base template given new names but essentially the same. DS1 had far more variety but you could only use each monster summon for a certain amount of time until you exceeded the maximum level, unlike DS2 where you can use the monster for as long as you like but under different names (lesser, greater, master, etc).

So I made up some DS1 summons for use with the Mod but found out they had the same bug as did the ones I tried for DS2BW Adepts. Namely occasionally the summons would appear walking on the spot and wouldn't attack or move, etc.

So instead I turned them into Evocations. Anyone who has played DS2BW Adepts may recognize these. Essentially they are offensive summons that are auto-casted at attacking monsters and only last for a short time. While they do deal out damage their primary purpose is tactical. They can keep monsters off your back while you regroup your party or attack from the flank, etc.

I haven't actually received any feedback from these evocations in DS2BW Adepts so I don't know if they are useful or even wanted by players. So the question is do players want to see these spells in the Legendary Mod? If you do are you prepared to help test them out? I don't mind if players don't want them as I actually don't use summons myself when playing the game. I just believe the amount of skill points required to make them useful later in the game is better spent on your character's abilities.

Sorry iryan forgot to tell you that I use them in Adepts and have found them very useful for the reasons you noted. They are great against a wrath archer for example and i think people would llke them in the Legendary Map Pack. Was so busy testing things and pointing out bugs I forgot to tell you.


bare_elf wrote:
Sorry iryan forgot to tell you that I use them in Adepts and have found them very useful for the reasons you noted. They are great against a wrath archer for example and i think people would llke them in the Legendary Map Pack. Was so busy testing things and pointing out bugs I forgot to tell you.


That's okay, its easy to overlook things like that when there's so many toys packed into the Adepts mod.

It certainly is different being able to use creatures like the Mine Worm and Googore that normally couldn't be used as summons. There's a roster of 38 creatures that I've coded but yet to test them all. Some just don't work for some reason, for example the Furok. It just sits there for about 10-12 seconds before it wakes up and starts attacking, which isn't very useful.

bare_elf wrote:
I was wondering why both you iryan and killergremal could not duplicate the phrak problem whereas it is totally repeatable for Blondin235 and myself. I wonder if it is a difference between what program we are starting the game with. I always when playing a standard character use Ely's Succubus manager an run the game from broken world. When I play with an adepts character i use the custom start but it to requires broken world. I have noticed that most of the time both killergremal and yourself play using the Vanilla Dungeon Siege 2. I have also noticed that there are things with third party maps that Broken World handles different than does DS2. I wonder if the caged phrak is one of those things? I will find my DS2 disks and see what happens when I try to kill a caged phrak with a standard character starting with DS2


I generally use Broken World as well and only test with vanilla DS2 for base compatibility reasons. I certainly tested the caged phrak out with Broken World both in a special test map and KOE. I didn't try the Utraean Peninsula but certainly don't doubt your reports.

I have seen this phenomenon in the past but it was very rare, maybe 1 caged phrak in an entire map play through. I've also seen dead monsters remain as living but non-selectable animating models in both the converted maps and DS2. So I've always marked it down as one of those quirks of the game that pop up every now and then and never thought much of it.

- need a bit more info here, from Dornek
- a clue as to the location of the quarry..

- also in Journal..

- the map suggests it's in the West, but
- you have to North a long way to find the quarry..

- heading for Meren now.. :woot:

I have had the same thing, just figured it was a glitch with the computer since it mainly happens when I massively overkill the caged Phrak and sometimes when I kill things before opening the door they are behind
