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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

Blondin235 wrote:

- need a bit more info here, from Dornek
- a clue as to the location of the quarry..

- also in Journal..
- the map suggests it's in the West, but
- you have to North a long way to find the quarry..

- heading for Meren now.. :woot:

Thank you, feedback like this helps to refine the mod.

It has been remarked before that the official Utraean Peninsula Map has little relationship to the actual gameplay. I think it was something that they throw together near the end of the development stage just before marketing began as probably created by a marketing graphics designer with little knowledge of the game.

It would be nice to redo all maps in a more realistic fashion (Yesterhaven didn't even have an official map and LOA is hard to come across) to reflect the current times but I'm not very good at such things and wouldn't even know where to start.

The exit of the Ancient Temple is quite strange. The nearest cavern is the Path to Meren obviously and is marked as such but if you choose to do the Quarry Quest you have a long trek ahead of you with no easy way of getting back on track. I'll try adding more information to help guide the player but unfortunately there's no easy way of getting directions in the Editor.

This is one instance where DS2 style teleporters are so handy and they were actually in the early alpha builds of the map before the current system was adopted with the reasoning being that DS2 teleporters weren't in the original games. Though I've just sort of an alternative with maybe the dwarf at the Quarry opening up a portal back to the exit from the Ancient Temple, once you talk to him and finish the quest.

Though I'm also considering making a mini-mod which would add DS2 teleporters to this map and KOH.

Those Lungers are fearsome..!!
it's hit-and-run tactics all the way - powerful mobs!!

mistaking those ceiling lamps for transporter sites:

- one here..

- and one here..

- the entire party was eventually mobbed to death by a pack of Lungers
- who were concealed behind a large rock - they were too quick for us..
- at the time we were a long way into the Caverns..
- too difficult for a Respawn/Restart, no way to safely reach
- the burial spot and reclaim all Inventory

- a very long slog to reach the Caverns transporter, and a hefty sigh of relief!! :sigh:
- having distance set at 100, via Elys' GUI definitely helped plan strategy..


No problems with quests and such thus far (Kingdom of Ehb).

I was using the DS1 character pack mod without even thinking about it, so I removed it and restarted a regular game.

are the files listed here the newest, if so, I need to swap out the Arrana and Yesterhaven files.

sigofmugmort wrote:
are the files listed here the newest, if so, I need to swap out the Arrana and Yesterhaven files.

The files listed are the latest.


Sneaked along the ledge to right, and took the lift down into the town

- still have the pirates to deal with..

- this armour vanishes when worn..

- it's completely green under the cursor..

- have disbanded the Dwarf CHR and replaced him with another Archer
- 2 Nature Mages providing back up and Healing..

- ever onward!! :woot:

- this armour vanishes when worn..
Do you mean that the Crimson Starlight Vesture of the Rat Armor vanishes on the character or that there is no active inventory icon? Also appears that the black widow armor has a problem as well. since the character wearing it has a brown face and green arms.

- it's completely green under the cursor..

Not sure what you mean here since I can not find the cursor in the image.

I will have to send you a more powerful bow with greater range for hunting things like lungers.


it becomes see-through, when worn..

if you hover your cursor over the CHR,
then the armour shows up as bright green,
- the same green as the CHR-rings..

so far, it's the only armour I've found that acts this way
I picked up the same armour some time before reaching Meren
it behaved in the same manner, rendering the CHR see-through..

have just found the Meren Stone and cleared out the bandit camp..
on my way to Lang..

Blondin235 wrote:
Sneaked along the ledge to right, and took the lift down into the town

- still have the pirates to deal with..

- this armour vanishes when worn..

- it's completely green under the cursor..

- have disbanded the Dwarf CHR and replaced him with another Archer
- 2 Nature Mages providing back up and Healing..

- ever onward!! :woot:

I'll check out the starlight vesture asap. Looking at the files everything seems fine but obviously something's amiss. I've never experienced any problem wearing the armor in the past but looking at the files it has an alpha channel declared when the texture doesn't need or use one. Maybe that's the reason. In any case keep the armor as any fix applied will work straight away on it and so you can test it out.

Yes I don't like the green cursor (I assume the lead character's highlight) so I use a mod to disable it as well as the highlights around the actors and most items.

Blondin235 wrote:
it becomes see-through, when worn..

if you hover your cursor over the CHR,
then the armour shows up as bright green,
- the same green as the CHR-rings..

so far, it's the only armour I've found that acts this way
I picked up the same armour some time before reaching Meren
it behaved in the same manner, rendering the CHR see-through..

I think what has happened is that some Type6 armor may have gotten into The Legenary Map Pack. Or the alpha channel for the armor is incorrectly drawn.


seems to be model-related, as it had happened before - with the same armour..

- there's a map missing here in the journal..
- you pick it up from a chest behind the tower
- above Meren, just by the lift..

- onward to Lang!! :woot:

Blondin235 wrote:
seems to be model-related..

Does the armor work on male characters and go invisible on female characters.

- I only tried it on the female CHR, Nature Mage

- the model looks as though it takes the form of a robe..
- but doesn't render it's actual design onscreen
- it appears see-through, apart from going day-glo green under the cursor..


- I've added Drevin to the party, so now it's
- 2 x Melee CHRs
- 2 x Archers
- 2 x Nature Mages

- it's a pretty strong combo, so far!!

Blondin235 wrote:
- I only tried it on the female CHR, Nature Mage

- the model looks as though it takes the form of a robe..
- but doesn't render it's actual design onscreen
- it appears see-through, apart from going day-glo green under the cursor..


I've been unable to replicate the glitch. The Starlight Vesture appears correctly on 3 skins - 1 elf and 2 dryads (my hero character, Deru and Taar).

While its true the Legendary Mod does contain some type 6 armors (actually the old DS1 type 7 armors) they are for exclusive use of DS1 npcs and not for use by playable characters. They aren't even defined as templates, just as armor skins. Anyhow the Starlight Vesture isn't one of these.

The problem with new armors for DS2 is that you have to make multiple versions of the same basic armor for each skin available to the playable characters. Thus the Starlight Vesture has 23 variations with the only difference being the skin colour of the hands and feet. However looking at the files they all appear correct.

I'm mystified about what's causing this glitch and am hoping that someone can shed some light on a possible cause.

As suggested by Blondin235, I've revised the Dornek's Quarry Quest to give better directions.

It's also broken up into three tasks to try to help with navigation. Plus once you end the quest, the dwarf Hogar Stonehammer will, as an act of appreciation, open a portal which you can use to zoom back to the exit of the Ancient Temple.

It is a one way portal but should stay open after you saved the game, so if you activated the nearby portal return gizmo you can zoom back to this point from a saved game and either continue to explore the Sulphur Caverns or take the portal back to the Ancient Temple and continue to Meren through the Crystal Caverns.

I think this revision works so well that I'm now going to look at revising the Hiroth Townstone Quest in a similar manner with more task steps and directions. I don't think a portal is needed as the suggested method of playing is probably to visit the secret island next, whose entrance you passed on your way to the Hiroth Stone. Unless you have already explored that and the Lava Caverns, which is quite possible as the map is so open in the regards you can visit places out of step if you want to. You could even skip Meren and instead travel straight to Lang and continue the game from there, though you would have to complete Meren eventually to finish the main quest.

Arrana is working better, finished the Lost Valley. Are the Evil Eyes supposed to bet that hard to hit with bows? Unless at just the right angle most of my arrows went through them . Now on to Illicor.

that looks a neat solution, I look forward to a replay..

I've had a couple of "Exception Data" Errors along the way
I'll try and duplicate them, to get a precise location..

- "Exception Data" error happens beyond this point
- on the road to Lang - on re-run this didn't re-occur
- may just be my BETA gfx driver.. (v14.1)

- is this waterfall flowing backwards..??
- it's the same when you reach the bottom of the gorge
- by another small bridge, the falls appear to flow uphill..!!

- made it to the Lang Mire transporter..!! :sigh:

It appears that the Starlight Vesture works fine when one is playing the game Using Broken World, but becomes transparent when one plays the game using Dungeon Siege 2. There must be a difference in the armor between the two versions of the game. The only time I have ever seen this type of problem is when the armor's alpha channel contains area's of black, which when worn by a Adepts/cat mansion character would show as skin and not armor. Does Broken world have a different version of the armor?


bare_elf wrote:
It appears that the Starlight Vesture works fine when one is playing the game Using Broken World, but becomes transparent when one plays the game using Dungeon Siege 2. There must be a difference in the armor between the two versions of the game. The only time I have ever seen this type of problem is when the armor's alpha channel contains area's of black, which when worn by a Adepts/cat mansion character would show as skin and not armor. Does Broken world have a different version of the armor?


The Starlight Vesture is now fixed. It was a vanilla DS2 specific problem. Sometimes I forget that not everyone is playing the same version.

It would appear that Broken World handles alpha channels differently than DS2. Phoenix, the original creator of the Starlight Vesture, declared an alpha channel when it actually wasn't required for this armor. When worn in Broken World, the alpha channel is ignored and the armor appears as designed. However in DS2 the alpha channel is read and consequently the armor appears invisible. Actually it should be various degrees of transparency but instead appears invisible because diffuse = true; is also added to the gas file, which I presume makes the alpha change consistent.

So I simply deleted all the gas files and now it works as intended. I've also verified that it still works in Broken World as well, in case the fix broke it there.

Blondin235 wrote:
that looks a neat solution, I look forward to a replay..

I've had a couple of "Exception Data" Errors along the way
I'll try and duplicate them, to get a precise location..

- "Exception Data" error happens beyond this point
- on the road to Lang - on re-run this didn't re-occur
- may just be my BETA gfx driver.. (v14.1)

Possibly as DS2 seems very sensitive to graphic card issues. For me I had mouse problems and it became unplayable using NVidia Win 8.1 drivers on my laptop and I had to resort to playing the game using Intel HD graphics instead (still plays very well by the way).

For Bare_Elf late last year the game started experiencing exception errors and graphical glitches when her old graphics card started dying. Replacing it with a new one fixed the problem.

That said it could still be some issue with the Mod, especially if you're playing with vanilla DS2 and not Broken World. I've tried very hard to keep the code clear of anything Broken World specific that could cause problems but something could have crept in. The fact that you can't replicate the exception in a particular area or region could just mean it's something generated randomly in the pcontent system.

Honestly the code is a bit of a mess due to the slightly haphazard way the mod evolved over the years. It would benefit greatly by being revised and structured more cleanly than it is now. Maybe once the next Main version is out?

Blondin235 wrote:

- is this waterfall flowing backwards..??
- it's the same when you reach the bottom of the gorge
- by another small bridge, the falls appear to flow uphill..!!

Yes that's another glitch that has found it way back into the mod over the past few versions. The solution was posted a couple of years ago and I'll have to try to find it or hope that somebody like KillerGremal or Phoenix may pop in, who may remember what it was and save me a long search (this site would benefit from a good search facility).

The summon teleporter spell returns me to Arhok after I passed the Traders camp. I also start in Arhok after saving. The only glitches so far I know are from the original program and my computer, I like the use of the Shard Souls for those Eye creatures.

@Iryan: Usually it's layer?vshiftpersecond in the corresponding gas file of the DS1 texture(s), its value must be multiplied with -1 for DS2.
I often had the impression the water is flowing some faster in DS2 than it did in DS1, so I actually used -0.4 while the original value was 0.5.

Sadly I never was able so solve the problem with the mist texture that sometimes appears in a different color tone drawing a sharp horizontal line for some waterfalls. Sad

bare_elf wrote:

I will have to send you a more powerful bow with greater range for hunting things like lungers.


Me too. 10m range is just silly. I might as well jump on the monster's head and shoot from there.

kathycf wrote:
bare_elf wrote:

I will have to send you a more powerful bow with greater range for hunting things like lungers.


Me too. 10m range is just silly. I might as well jump on the monster's head and shoot from there.

Hi Kathy,

Here are a few weapons that you might find useful. If you and blondin235 like them I will post mod in the download area.
Just put the ds2res in the ds2 resources folder, or the broken world folder if you are using cat mansion adepts. Note even though it says cat mansion they will work for anyone.

sigofmugmort wrote:
The summon teleporter spell returns me to Arhok after I passed the Traders camp. I also start in Arhok after saving. The only glitches so far I know are from the original program and my computer, I like the use of the Shard Souls for those Eye creatures.

There might be a broken save position at the Traders Camp. Maybe Bare_Elf might be able to verify this. I'll check it out as soon as I can.

unfortunately a few of the more exotic LOA monsters had to be replaced with placemarkers. The Swirling Midges, Zepherylls and Dopplegangers for instance. I may be able to eventually make reasonable facsimiles of most of them but the Dopplegangers?

Whelnars Eyes could possibly stay with the Shard Souls as I can't even remember what they look like now. I remember all the others but they weren't very distinctive.

The mod has been updated again with several fixes and enhancements, thanks to everyone's valuable feedback. (37.1 Mb) (69.6 Mb) (93.6 Mb) ( 1.5 Mb) (123 Mb)

The enhancements are revised quest structure for dornek's stone quarry and hiroth stone quest in the Utraean Peninsula. The Location of the Hiroth Stone should be easy to find now since as well as improved directions within the quest itself there's a very handy direction arrow and quest markers in the minimap.

The River Flow Direction has been fixed thanks to KillerGremal's clues. I simply forgot to include all the correct gas files in the DS1_Mod_Terrain_Beta.ds2res. Thanks Blondin235 for reporting it (I did know about it but had been too busy to get around to fixing it).

There was a potential problem with saved game positions with the Trader Camp. While saving your game within the Trader Camp proper worked, if you saved your game before the Trader Camp proper an incorrect save position id could cause the game to start from Arhok. Thanks sigofmugmort for finding this bug. I hope its fixed now.

Fixed the missing map that Blondin235 reported. It was a weird one. There was absolutely nothing wrong with the setup at all but if refused to appear under the map tab. Simply changing the name of the template from map_lore_cloud_forest.gas to map_lore_cloud.gas in all relevant places fixed it. Or at least in my testing. Thanks Blondin235.

The Starlight Vesture fix is also included in the DS1_Mod_Content.ds2res.

thanks for those new resource files, iryan..
also installed CatMansion Weapons resources from bare_elf (- many thanks!)

- the enormous Lang Mire was made much easier with Elys' at 100 setting
- possible to skirt danger areas, by watching the map closely..
- the place looks beautifully gloomy, by the way.. and plays brilliantly
- spotting the brightly-lit town of Lang was a relief, as well as a surprise

- In Lang, I replaced an Archer from my party, with Sheba the Combat Mage
- her fire spells were essential in clearing the swamp of monsters..

Party now consists of:
1xCombat Mage
2xNature Mage

am proceeding with the following resources installed:

- ever onward! :woot:

The problem occurred between the two teleporters on the mountain of the dead.
just before entering Cicatrx's lair and on the way out.

Reached the Ramparts and lvl35, no problems,( except with the mouse Sad )
I think The Chamber of Stars in Ehb need to have Unique items if possible.
My party is 2 Archers, Nature mage, Two-handed Fighter and a Monster Trap.
Will add the newest updates and Return to Arhock before continuing

The Lang Stone is easily found..

- too easily found, I have two of them..
- it repeat dropped on the next restart (??)

- Item Seven of the Goblins Plans.. ha, ha!!
- crazy goblins left out item 4, as well..

- is this an easter-egg, or part of a special set?

BTW: - loving the Mimics, nicely placed..
- and still a MASSIVE challenge!! :woot:
