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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

This is very nit-picky, but the dialogue in some spots could use a little polishing in my opinion. Just comes across a bit awkwardly, at least to folks like me who scrutinize such things. Tongue

I don't know anything about modding DS2, but I would be happy to update some of the conversation dialogue, provided that it would not be too much of a pain in the butt to educate me.

Oh, almost forgot. Thank you Bare Elf, for the weapons pack. I've only seen one of the melee weapons drop thus far but I am definitely looking forward to some cool bows. Smile

Agree with you there, kathycf..

- lots of scope for adding to the overall ambiance..
- look forward to reading those in-game..

kathycf wrote:
This is very nit-picky, but the dialogue in some spots could use a little polishing in my opinion. Just comes across a bit awkwardly, at least to folks like me who scrutinize such things. Tongue

I don't know anything about modding DS2, but I would be happy to update some of the conversation dialogue, provided that it would not be too much of a pain in the butt to educate me.

Oh, almost forgot. Thank you Bare Elf, for the weapons pack. I've only seen one of the melee weapons drop thus far but I am definitely looking forward to some cool bows. Smile

I couldn't agree more with you about the conversations. I used the original dialogue as much as I could but of course the mod contains a lot of new conversations. Unfortunately as I've pointed out before this definitely isn't one of my strong points.

It's quite easy to edit the conversations as they are all simple text files. Araknuum did start to do some of these for Yesterhaven but seemed to have lost interest. I'll package the conversations up for each map and you can let me know what one you would like to start on. That way if somebody else wants to do the dialogue for another map there won't be any cross-over or wasted effort.

It might also be good to download LoneKnight's excellent history of Aranna found on the left menu or here It's good to try to keep everything in perspective and relevant to events in the game's timeline.

I also plan on adding two additional lorebooks to the Dungeon under Hiroth to help explain the development of the Maljin as a weapon that wasn't finished in time due to the Utraeans being summoned back home to deal with the Zaurask uprising. I don't think that aspect has been explained very well in the game. The lorebooks would be similar to the research notes left behind in the Lost Queen's Dungeon in LOA. Would help tie the two games together a little.

That sounds like a good plan. I always find the lore books interesting.

Right now I am playing the Kingdom of Ehb campaign so I could start those conversations.

Clockwork tunnel problem. Shortly after entering the tunnels under the Clockwork the compass map in the lower corner went mostly dark. There was a light cone showing the direction I was looking and the red enemy dots but only a very light showing of walls/borders. This lasted until the Teleporter was reached. I had just replaced the Arrana ds with the newest version.

sigofmugmort wrote:
Clockwork tunnel problem. Shortly after entering the tunnels under the Clockwork the compass map in the lower corner went mostly dark. There was a light cone showing the direction I was looking and the red enemy dots but only a very light showing of walls/borders. This lasted until the Teleporter was reached. I had just replaced the Arrana ds with the newest version.

Hi sigofmugmort. If you are referring to just the minimap not correctly showing the area then that's an issue that's been around for quite a few versions now.

Originally Phoenix compiled all the minimap images for all 4 maps and did a fantastic job. However I've had to add things to the maps or in this case do some remodelling of the terrain in order to fit the teleporter in (the same as for the Mesa teleporter). This broke the minimap images for this area.

Now I did recompile the radar images for all the areas I did some changes to and if they are quest markers, etc, then they show up in the minimap without much effort. But for terrain changes the radar images have to be edited quite a bit to show up properly. I haven't done that yet for changes in terrain.

If I get time I'll look into it but painting the boundaries for the areas the player can walk is a detailed operation. By default the radar images taken by the Editor show all areas of the region, whether the player can reach them or not.

I have packaged the dialogues for the Utraean Peninsula and Legends of Aranna into zips if anyone is interested in editing the dialogues to make them more convincing as Kathcf suggested recently. Just send me a PM for a link to the zips.

Araknuum has mostly finished the Yesterhaven dialogues and I've sent Kathycf the Kingdom of Ehb dialogues for editing.

I've set the zips out in folders corresponding to the progress through the game, together with a descriptive name and the region's name as a suffix so I know where to put things back into the maps. They are in simple gas format which can be edited with plain old Notepad.

These zips can also be used as the basis for making localized language versions of the mod as well for anyone interested in such a project. If you are prepared to put the effort into doing that then I will make the effort of making localized versions of the mod in return. I'll probably need some information from you regarding what DS2 actually displays in your language now and may need to send out some additional text files for editing, e.g. quests, journal, lorebooks, etc. Again just send me a PM if you're interested.

Blondin235 wrote:
The Lang Stone is easily found..

- too easily found, I have two of them..
- it repeat dropped on the next restart (??)

Woops. Forgot to set the no respawn flag on the Goblin Captain. Fixed.

Blondin235 wrote:

- Item Seven of the Goblins Plans.. ha, ha!!
- crazy goblins left out item 4, as well..

Double Woops. I left out a couple of slashes for the paragraph breaks which meant the paragraphs ran into each other. It also truncated as well which was why part 4 was missing. Fixed but not sure if there's too much text to appear properly. I've uploaded the map again so if you download it the fix should appear in the journal and you can see if it worked. Otherwise it's probably not too important to redownload the map again for two very minor fixes (I didn't even update the version number).

Blondin235 wrote:

- is this an easter-egg, or part of a special set?

Neither. It probably belongs to the CatMansion Weapon resources that bare_elf posted on the 6th. You mentioned on the next day that you installed them so that's probably the reason.

Blondin235 wrote:

BTW: - loving the Mimics, nicely placed..
- and still a MASSIVE challenge!! :woot:

Yes I love those too. Definitely one of my most favourite monsters. The good thing about a mod like this one being an enhanced version of the original is that we are free to be more creative with aspects like the addition of mimics and other DS2 monsters as long as they fit into the overall mood of the maps which I believe they do. Please correct me if you disagree.

sigofmugmort wrote:

I think The Chamber of Stars in Ehb need to have Unique items if possible.

Done! I used the loot chests from DS2 but I think they suit the ambience of the chamber being a very special place which is suppose to hold very valuable artefacts. You should be guaranteed to get at least 1 unique item from each chest. Again a very minor update with no new version but I've reuploaded the Logic file again in case anyone wants to try it out.

Blondin235 wrote:

- is this an easter-egg, or part of a special set?

As iryan said it is a weapon from my weapon mod. I never got around to creating an inventory icon for it so used one of the icons that is in the game. It is a two handed fighter's staff (melee weapon}. I had just finished playing an old video Game called Septerra's Core Legacy of the Creator. Led is one of the good guys found later in the game. Her weapon is a very large wrench. She is a mechanic so a double ended box wrench is her weapon. Right after Dungeon Siege 2 was released, I was commenting to FireBat that there where some weapons from the DSLoA Legends of Utrae and Cat Mansion Adepts that I really missed like the war fan, throwing plate, brick. So the two of us made a few interesting weapons for DS2 Like Led's Wrench, A war fan called the over mage's death warrent. They all made it into the mod I posted like the Fire Bat which is a baseball bat melee weapon.
Here is Led with her wrench from the original game.


Aah, yes - the wrench.. thanks bare_elf
thought I'd corrupted the resources for a minute
- that explains it.. :woot:

I have killed the dragon above Quillrabe, but he doesn't
descend to the depths as he does in the original DS1 game
- I remember some discussion of this from way back..

once killed he stays in position, but doesn't prove any further threat
so it doesn't affect the gameplay at all..

reached Hiroth, still have some of those darklings to clear yet from the dragon caves
- and I believe there is a hidden entrance to the evil lava-spewing underworld in
there somewhere - I shall return here later for further exploration

BTW: the Crystwind Stone appears as a pink icon at the moment
I guess you know about that, though..

thanks for the revised resources, iryan - have updated with both new files

Returning to Yesterhaven with the party from LoA. My first try was with the Beta_12 version. I accidently found what I think is a small mod interaction problem,

Blondin235 wrote:

I have killed the dragon above Quillrabe, but he doesn't
descend to the depths as he does in the original DS1 game
- I remember some discussion of this from way back..

BTW: the Crystwind Stone appears as a pink icon at the moment
I guess you know about that, though..

The Dragon has always descended properly for me when killed, not sure what the issue could be as nothing changed in that region that should have effected her. Will try to test.

No I didn't know about the stone, will check it out too. Thanks.

iryan wrote:
Blondin235 wrote:

I have killed the dragon above Quillrabe, but he doesn't
descend to the depths as he does in the original DS1 game
- I remember some discussion of this from way back..

BTW: the Crystwind Stone appears as a pink icon at the moment
I guess you know about that, though..

The Dragon has always descended properly for me when killed, not sure what the issue could be as nothing changed in that region that should have effected her. Will try to test.

No I didn't know about the stone, will check it out too. Thanks.

Both worked for me on the last run through could it be a difference between DS2 and Broken World again. I am a bit of a distance from both issues, but I will advise as soon as I can.


bare_elf wrote:
iryan wrote:
Blondin235 wrote:

I have killed the dragon above Quillrabe, but he doesn't
descend to the depths as he does in the original DS1 game
- I remember some discussion of this from way back..

BTW: the Crystwind Stone appears as a pink icon at the moment
I guess you know about that, though..

The Dragon has always descended properly for me when killed, not sure what the issue could be as nothing changed in that region that should have effected her. Will try to test.

No I didn't know about the stone, will check it out too. Thanks.

Both worked for me on the last run through could it be a difference between DS2 and Broken World again. I am a bit of a distance from both issues, but I will advise as soon as I can.


I've killed the dragon with BW (I was using the DS1 Legendary v14) and everything worked like in DS1.
Don't know if something has changed since them.

- when my main CHR wears the Persistent Serpentine Scale armour,
- it looks like the above picture..

- when Drevin wears it, it looks this.. (?)

- see the mini-map: this is the Holy Serpent Queen's lair,
- is there a missing exit from this room, or can I reach
- the star showing in the mini-map via another route?

a sign pops up when my party approaches the Loot Chest in Grescal (?)

- after speaking to the Priestess, I approached the Loot Chest again
- the same message appears..

- love the animation of the Holy Serpent Queen
- she slithers quite nastily..!! :woot:

Blondin235 wrote:

- when my main CHR wears the Persistent Serpentine Scale armour,
- it looks like the above picture..

- when Drevin wears it, it looks this.. (?)

- see the mini-map: this is the Holy Serpent Queen's lair,
- is there a missing exit from this room, or can I reach
- the star showing in the mini-map via another route?

a sign pops up when my party approaches the Loot Chest in Grescal (?)

- after speaking to the Priestess, I approached the Loot Chest again
- the same message appears..

- love the animation of the Holy Serpent Queen
- she slithers quite nastily..!! :woot:

I think the problem with the Serpentine Scale is that it is missing one of the images. Drevin is an elf so I would look to see if all six of the male images are there. 01 through 06..
Look for a switch in the Holy Serpent Queen's lair once activated the door to the area will open. Check the walls.

There are several places on the map when you enter a town that the game says you are in Elddim. Not sure why that happens but remember Elddim is in the Middle of everything.

-found the switch, it's hard to see as
- it's the same colour as the walls..

- the Priestess in Hiroth doesn't seem
- to realize that the Main Quest is completed..

- I'd like to say that there's ONLY 3 secondary quests left,
- but I know from previous experience that they are extremely difficult to complete..

- the conversion is a brilliant piece of work, you guys
- NICE ONE..!! :woot:

Blondin235 wrote:

a sign pops up when my party approaches the Loot Chest in Grescal (?)

- after speaking to the Priestess, I approached the Loot Chest again
- the same message appears..

- love the animation of the Holy Serpent Queen
- she slithers quite nastily..!! :woot:

The Elddim message should now be fixed.

The reason is that I overlooked the fact that the special stash used in the towns is a custom made gizmo by Killergremal. It was designed to be both a stash and starting_group_toggle with set_player_world_location thrown in.

Originally Grescal didn't have a starting_group_toggle in the original map made by Killergremal so I added one and forgot to changed the world_location to Grescal (it defaults to Elddim).

Again this little bug has been around for the life of the mod. Now should be fixed. Thanks.

The serpent is very nice. Credit to Niko Makela from the Ultima team for the model. He also made the Hydra and Ants.

Blondin235 wrote:

- when my main CHR wears the Persistent Serpentine Scale armour,
- it looks like the above picture..

- when Drevin wears it, it looks this.. (?)

This armor is now fixed. The elves had an incorrectly named texture.

In between fixing bugs in the mod I've been busy making a few more armors.

With some of the techniques I've learnt in the past year I've made the conversion process between ds1 and ds2 armors both quicker and more accurate.

Mage Leather from DS1

I've also made some more elemental robes with animated textures. While not strictly ds1 armors I still like them. Looks a lot better in-game too.

Wind Robe

Earth Robe

Flame Robe

As always thanks to Phoenix for the animated armor textures technique and of course Dulac for showing the way. For Volkan's Animated Armor V2 go here;

I have been playing the mod for some months now (sinece beta 9 i think) in lan at home. It's a great fun and i'am really greatful for all the work you have done so far. That's so great to be able to play the original maps of DS1 since DS2 campaign was not "my cup of tea".
Since i still play the game almost every day i can give some feedback but only for multiplayers. I case it matter i also have auto engage mod installed and arrana legacy (playing with broken world) plus some of our home made mods (mainly new multi-class spells we are working on).
So here we go.

-we are experiencing weird crash when we try to rehost a saved game with a computer that was not the former host. If the former host join the game, the game crashs.
-random inventary bug: if you switch too often from melee to magic spell the inventary may be stuck for a random period of time. can't select items in your inventary and can't switch back to melee (could be arrana legacy related).
-Many teleporter bugs if we rehost a Yesterhaven saved game. We not always spawn in the main town but in a buged area where we can't escape. maybe related to the fact that you need an elevator to enter the town at start. That need some polish btw.
-Some bosses only show up for the host (spider queen in LOA (the one with the tail), the zaurak chief in LOA, mini boss in the cellar quest at start in KOH, and maybe a view others but i don't remember).
-Some hireable NPC don't show up at all (ulora in heb, the girl in LOA just in the entrance of the spider queen lair, the girl in Yesterhaven, maybe others.)
-The skin of the first hireable NPC in LOA don't match the portrait (should be a human not an elfe)
-Still some Haku in the utrea P. at the begining of the great northern forest.
-What happened to the frost queen?:D (was more sexy in DS1)
-The final fight vs shadow jumper in LOA is preatty disappointing and the clock is buged (texture related ?). No staff of stars.
-Lord hovart armor and Merick Staff should be unique (?)

That's all i can think of for now. I'll be back with some more.
Keep up the good work, the mod is amazing!!! Thank you.
Cu later!!

Failed Act 3 in Yesterhaven again, so, to make sure I didn't miss an update I am reloading Ds1 w/patch, Ds2 w/patch, BW. and Legends. Basically I find the Cup of Mourning and Dante does not recognize I have it. Am continuing into the Penninsula (after all I just spent 700,00 on enchanting things including twoo legendary bows with 4 Phoenix Feathers each)

Mantella wrote:
I have been playing the mod for some months now (sinece beta 9 i think) in lan at home. It's a great fun and i'am really greatful for all the work you have done so far. That's so great to be able to play the original maps of DS1 since DS2 campaign was not "my cup of tea".
Since i still play the game almost every day i can give some feedback but only for multiplayers. I case it matter i also have auto engage mod installed and arrana legacy (playing with broken world) plus some of our home made mods (mainly new multi-class spells we are working on).
So here we go.

-we are experiencing weird crash when we try to rehost a saved game with a computer that was not the former host. If the former host join the game, the game crashs.
-random inventary bug: if you switch too often from melee to magic spell the inventary may be stuck for a random period of time. can't select items in your inventary and can't switch back to melee (could be arrana legacy related).
-Many teleporter bugs if we rehost a Yesterhaven saved game. We not always spawn in the main town but in a buged area where we can't escape. maybe related to the fact that you need an elevator to enter the town at start. That need some polish btw.
-Some bosses only show up for the host (spider queen in LOA (the one with the tail), the zaurak chief in LOA, mini boss in the cellar quest at start in KOH, and maybe a view others but i don't remember).
-Some hireable NPC don't show up at all (ulora in heb, the girl in LOA just in the entrance of the spider queen lair, the girl in Yesterhaven, maybe others.)
-The skin of the first hireable NPC in LOA don't match the portrait (should be a human not an elfe)
-Still some Haku in the utrea P. at the begining of the great northern forest.
-What happened to the frost queen?:D (was more sexy in DS1)
-The final fight vs shadow jumper in LOA is preatty disappointing and the clock is buged (texture related ?). No staff of stars.
-Lord hovart armor and Merick Staff should be unique (?)

That's all i can think of for now. I'll be back with some more.
Keep up the good work, the mod is amazing!!! Thank you.
Cu later!!

Thank you for the feedback.
Keep in mind that these maps are not totally the same as the DS1 Maps of the same names. All of the hireable NPCs are not necessarily in the same locations. This is also true of some of the quests. We will look into comments.
I believe that the crash is do to the fact that both the legendary mod and the aranna legacy mod are installed. If I remember correctly there are still some conflicts between the two mods which can cause unexpected crashes.


sigofmugmort wrote:
Failed Act 3 in Yesterhaven again, so, to make sure I didn't miss an update I am reloading Ds1 w/patch, Ds2 w/patch, BW. and Legends. Basically I find the Cup of Mourning and Dante does not recognize I have it. Am continuing into the Penninsula (after all I just spent 700,00 on enchanting things including twoo legendary bows with 4 Phoenix Feathers each)

Did you attempt to talk to Dante on the mountain after you picked up the cup. or Did you talk to Dante after you cleared the citadel of ash? He will have no idea you have the cup until you meet him in the citadel of ash.


I have not seen him in the citadel, After fighting trough the Lava tunnels I reached the Teleporter then walked around the empty rooms to the elevators, got a cut screen of the alter with the three items shown but no Fire King, went up the next elevator got a cut screen with no figure and a congratulatory message, then exited to Yesterhaven. Found some nice treasure after reading the obelisk. The file may have fragmented when I added the update which is why I'm re-installing(Windows98/XP is VERY annoying at times)

sigofmugmort wrote:
I have not seen him in the citadel, After fighting trough the Lava tunnels I reached the Teleporter then walked around the empty rooms to the elevators, got a cut screen of the alter with the three items shown but no Fire King, went up the next elevator got a cut screen with no figure and a congratulatory message, then exited to Yesterhaven. Found some nice treasure after reading the obelisk. The file may have fragmented when I added the update which is why I'm re-installing(Windows98/XP is VERY annoying at times)

That sounds exactly like the scenario I use when I tested the map a month or so ago to fix a couple of texture and fade issues. I typically remove the actors so I check things faster.

However I checked the map that was uploaded and the actors definitely should be there unless you have one of the patches installed as well which may have been accidentally uploaded with changed actors for Yesterhaven.

I hope to reupload the individual modules at the weekend so no patches will be needed, just in case.

Mantella wrote:
I have been playing the mod for some months now (sinece beta 9 i think) in lan at home. It's a great fun and i'am really greatful for all the work you have done so far. That's so great to be able to play the original maps of DS1 since DS2 campaign was not "my cup of tea".
Since i still play the game almost every day i can give some feedback but only for multiplayers. I case it matter i also have auto engage mod installed and arrana legacy (playing with broken world) plus some of our home made mods (mainly new multi-class spells we are working on).
So here we go.

-we are experiencing weird crash when we try to rehost a saved game with a computer that was not the former host. If the former host join the game, the game crashs.
-random inventary bug: if you switch too often from melee to magic spell the inventary may be stuck for a random period of time. can't select items in your inventary and can't switch back to melee (could be arrana legacy related).
-Many teleporter bugs if we rehost a Yesterhaven saved game. We not always spawn in the main town but in a buged area where we can't escape. maybe related to the fact that you need an elevator to enter the town at start. That need some polish btw.
-Some bosses only show up for the host (spider queen in LOA (the one with the tail), the zaurak chief in LOA, mini boss in the cellar quest at start in KOH, and maybe a view others but i don't remember).
-Some hireable NPC don't show up at all (ulora in heb, the girl in LOA just in the entrance of the spider queen lair, the girl in Yesterhaven, maybe others.)
-The skin of the first hireable NPC in LOA don't match the portrait (should be a human not an elfe)
-Still some Haku in the utrea P. at the begining of the great northern forest.
-What happened to the frost queen?:D (was more sexy in DS1)
-The final fight vs shadow jumper in LOA is preatty disappointing and the clock is buged (texture related ?). No staff of stars.
-Lord hovart armor and Merick Staff should be unique (?)

That's all i can think of for now. I'll be back with some more.
Keep up the good work, the mod is amazing!!! Thank you.
Cu later!!

Quite a bit there to digest! Some of it may not be directly related to the mod but more with how it may interact with Aranna Legacy but most of it is directly related to the mod.

- The mod should work quite fine with Aranna Legacy but is of course untested. So your feedback is very helpful to us.
- Some more information about the weird crash would be useful. Like what the error message, if any, says. I can't say if this is related to this mod or something in common with mods in general. Maybe someone else who plays multiplayer DS2 may be able to answer.
- I haven't experience the inventory bug with this mod but have with earlier versions of DS2BW Adepts. Maybe a produce of the interaction between Aranna Legacy and this mod?
- The mod hasn't been tested in multiplayer but I know of the problems with Yesterhaven. Originally in singleplayer, the player could just walk right through all the gates around the town. The fix I used obviously creates issues with multiplayer. I could try to make a small patch to revert things back to how they were.
- Not sure about the bosses. I don't flag them as special in anyway. Again maybe someone with more knowledge of multiplayer with mods may be able to help.
- Yes I know about the hireable characters. They need a flag changed in their templates.
- Will check the portrait. Should also be present in SP but nobody has mentioned it.
- There are Haku in the Great Northern Forest. In fact there are a few DS2 monsters here and there all over the Utraean Peninsula, as well as a couple from Yesterhaven and some brand new ones not found in either game. Just to add variety.
- I will check the Frost Queen. I forget how she looks in the original game. I did use the original model and all so I assumed she would look the same.
- The Shadowjumper's specific spells aren't available in DS2. Some suggestions on how to spice him up would be appreciated. A couple of players have just finished LOA in singleplayer and never mentioned the Clock being bugged.
- Sadly the staff of stars doesn't work in DS2. In fact many of the LOA weapons won't work while practically all the original DS1 weapons will. Must be something related to how the models were created.
- Yes Lord Hovart's Armor and Merik's staff should be unique but the problem is knowing what level they should be. The player could be anything from level 15 to level 70 or so by the time they get the items depending on what order they play the maps. There are two alternatives to try to make them unique. I did make a flick to generate different versions of items depending on the hero's level but it is untested. The second alternative is to make the items "level up" with the player and this has been tested by Phoenix (Volkan) in one of his weapon mods. Essentially this means you could use the items indefinitely.

Thank you for your praise. A lot of people have worked hard to make this mod possible and they'll appreciate your comments.

It's possible I have the official patches for DS1 1.0 to 1.11, and DS2 2.0 to 2.2, I have been replacing individual module as they are updated so I could have gotten something by accident.

The Great Clock looked just fine in single player, as for the Shadow Jumper, how a bought the spells of a Bone Minion or abilities of a Mimic. While a mimic id easy to kill if you are CAREFUL, a mobile one would be rather "exciting"

I was planning to enter the Sulfer Caverns from Dornek's Stone Quarry but it now appears to be a black hole. Was this by design because you put in a one way teleport back to the Ancient Temple? I sometimes take the back roads so as not to get bored after playing the maps thousands of times over the years. It is not something that needs repairing anytime soon, it was just a point of interest really.


bare_elf wrote:
I was planning to enter the Sulfer Caverns from Dornek's Stone Quarry but it now appears to be a black hole. Was this by design because you put in a one way teleport back to the Ancient Temple? I sometimes take the back roads so as not to get bored after playing the maps thousands of times over the years. It is not something that needs repairing anytime soon, it was just a point of interest really.


This has been an issue ever since the original Legends of Utraea for DS1. Sometimes the fades for the Sulphur Caverns break and you see the black abyss. Actually all the objects, etc, are still there and if you have the auto-engage activated your party members will sometimes rush into the blackness after any lunger that wanders into their detection range. You see the damage numbers and sounds but can't see a thing.

The good thing is that if you restart and take the return teleport back it should be working as it seems to only occur about 5-10% of times. It was more terminal in DS1 because if you were unlucky enough to have saved somewhere down in the quarry, it would always be broken for that save as DS1 used to store all map variables, etc. in your saved game. DS2 only stores flags and game states, which is why you always start a saved game in a town. Thus the teleporter system.

I only realised rather recently the cause of this blackout and others that strike randomly, that they were probably due to triggers not working properly for some reason or other.

What I could try for this particular case is to add other triggers as backups in case the main one fails. Probably one that reaches across the area from the return teleport area.
