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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

iryan wrote:
sigofmugmort wrote:
Utrean Penninsula(new map)

These pools that block missile fire but can be run through are annoying.

The waterdrips are generated by an emt_generic gizmo. The efct_emitter block contains the script which produces the water drops.

Looking in SE2 I couldn't see anything in the pools other than the emitter which could be causing the issue. You can't see the emitter in-game but can in the Editor and all emitters (emitters, triggers, etc) are suppose to be non blocking to both path finding and objects.

Maybe under certain circumstances either the emitter gizmo or the waterdrips effects react with ranged objects or the effects attached to them. It would be interesting to know if this occurred with all ranged weapons (i.e. throwing weapons, projectiles from crossbows, etc) and effects attached to them or was only specific to the effect attached to the arrows in the screenshot.

Maybe KillerGremal or somebody else may be able to help with a possible cause as KillerGremal knows far more than I do about effects and emitters.

Some nodes form DS1 are using animated textures to realize the effect of moving things, like falling water drips (and here emitters may be set for the water slashes on the pool surface only).
So there may be an invisible node piece/column in the middle to make the water drips fall along, and obviously projectiles can't pass it.
I'm wondering how this matter has been solved in/during DS1... :o

sigofmugmort wrote:
It blocked Firebolt and Ice bolt but not penetrating spell like Grave beam and frost beam

I looked really carefully at what happened to my ranger's arrows this time and the rain drops falling into a pool does stop arrows and some spells. I think I did not see this before because I was using 4 rangers and 2 combat mages so at least one of the characters was not shooting through rain drops. I also noted that the width of the blocking force is very narrow it does not cover the width of the pool or the rain drops as my primary character was tracking a lunger arrows would fly and hit the lunger then stick in the rain for like the width of three arrows then hit the lunger again.
From this I would guess that the emitter in the bottom of the pool does have something sticking up to where the rain starts.
I will find a bow that uses regular arrows that are not enchanted with magic to see if that has any effect on the issue


I think I will have to create a throwing weapon that has a longer range to see if it occurs with them. The guns and ranged weapons of that ilk seem fine as do non magic crossbows. I think I will turn off some of the spell effects on my arrows and see what happens too.

It also appears that pools that have rain falling in them in other cave systems on other maps have the same issue.
I wonder if there is a location on the regular DS2 map that has the same conditions.

Looking at the Water Pool Nodes in SE2 reveals its setup a little differently to regular nodes.

It's very tall probably because it appears the water drips effect start at the top of the node. This is probably so that mappers don't have to specify a specific point for the water drips effect to start from which is a requirement for many effects (light beams, falling rocks, etc).

There are also typically two water drips emitters located on each node and often they overlap. I'm not sure if this is relevant to the problem and if one was removed or they were moved further apart it may resolve the problem.

The only other differences from normal floor nodes is that there's 2 logical flag sections for the pool nodes while typically there's only 1 for normal floor nodes. Permissions (allowing movement across the node) for the first section is the same as for the floor nodes but the second section is blank. Wall nodes typically have 2 or more logical flag sections and 1 or more can have permissions while the rest are blank.

So has anyone any ideas from all of this? I suppose I could test these settings out if anyone was willing to play test the results.


Gremal is right. The drips are part of the node and probably marked as blocking. I wonder if they share the same polygon as the part that's needed to block the player from walking over it. I don't know which node you have, but I looked at another drip node. You can see that they used polygons for the drip effect better in the SE preview.

GPG must have been lazy with the drip nodes. Do you have import scripts? You could fix the node by deleting the polygons (well you could not flag it too, but I'm not sure how the polygons are constructed). Any node with drip in it will probably cause this same issue.

We might have never noticed this issue in DS1. If it isn't an issue in DS1, then it isn't the polygons being flagged as blocking.

Dulac wrote:

Gremal is right. The drips are part of the node and probably marked as blocking. I wonder if they share the same polygon as the part that's needed to block the player from walking over it. I don't know which node you have, but I looked at another drip node. You can see that they used polygons for the drip effect better in the SE preview.

GPG must have been lazy with the drip nodes. Do you have import scripts? You could fix the node by deleting the polygons (well you could not flag it too, but I'm not sure how the polygons are constructed). Any node with drip in it will probably cause this same issue.

We might have never noticed this issue in DS1. If it isn't an issue in DS1, then it isn't the polygons being flagged as blocking.

You can see the water drips in SE2 but it doesn't show on the picture I posted.

DS2 has a lot of problems with the shapes of some DS1 nodes and meshes. Some examples are the infamous levers and buttons which mysteriously move position in DS2, the Lost Queen's Tail which is moved dramatically with some animation states, bonding volumes of some non-interactive objects like the dead shrubs in LOA which blocked access through narrow paths in DS2 and the unopenable or breakable boxes and chests (especially in LOA) because the use point is too close to the object.

So what to do about the issue? Will deleting the emitter so the water drips don't appear stop the issue? Will not having water drips be a lesser evil than having the immersion of the scene broken because arrows stick out of water drips? Perhaps we can simply have the water bubble and splash a little like non existent water drops are hitting them through an alternative emitter? Does anyone really notice the water drips when they're busy putting down a horde of monsters?

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
After all the warnings against going in, could it be made impossible to get out of until an item is found or a boss is killed? Or simply a secret exit to find? (Getting out again becoming a Quest)

First thought was for the lever at the bottom of the elevator to be missing its handle, which would be in one of the chests, but then if you sent down only the tougher members of the party to deal with any monsters waiting at the bottom, then either the characters left at the top would be able to bring the leaders back, or if you made the elevator initially one-way (like the roof to the swamp temple in Ehb that caves in) then the ones at the top wouldn't be able to follow the leaders down to reunite the party. Perhaps a NIS so that if anyone goes in, all go in, as with Gom's throne-room?

I know I've a nerve suggesting anything when I'm not the one doing any of the work! not even play-testing.

Any suggestions are welcomed even if you're not play testing the mod.

Your suggestion would work in DS1 because saved games were actually saved on the world position you're at. In DS2 it wouldn't work as all a player has to do is simply quit the game and then load a saved game to restart in the nearest town.

The better option I believe is to offer the player incentives other than bragging rights to complete the Pit. Maybe some very nice chests, an unique item, lore books or extending the quest so it completes only once you finish the Pit.

One thing that would be incredibly nice for DS2 would be if it had unofficial achievements, similar to the achievements in a lot of Steam Games. The player could receive a nice achievement for having Conquered the Pit of Despair! Other achievements could be The Discovery of the Pyramids, The Discovery of Eastern Island, etc., as well as ones for beating Gom, the Goblin Robo Suit, etc. Pity I haven't a clue on how this could be done or even if such a thing is possible with DS2's code base.

As I noted before, I first encountered the problem in DS1, and it does block crossbows and normal arrows.

sigofmugmort wrote:
As I noted before, I first encountered the problem in DS1, and it does block crossbows and normal arrows.

As Sigofmugmort said the blocking effect of dripping water into pools exists with all ranged weapons be they magic or not. I tested this in a game of Legends of Utrae and a game of kingdom of ehb in DSLoA last night. What I find odd is that rain and snow falling outside like on a mountain top does not block ranged weapons in either DS1 or DS2 but water dripping in caves in both DS1 and DS2 does. I do not understand how these things work but I would think rain, snow and water drips would be somewhat related using similar emitters or triggers. Wonder if it has something to do with cave ceilings?
Lost in the Ozone again on this one.

It might be a column effect showing the water dripping acting as a block due to sloppy programing in the original.

bare_elf wrote:
sigofmugmort wrote:
As I noted before, I first encountered the problem in DS1, and it does block crossbows and normal arrows.

As Sigofmugmort said the blocking effect of dripping water into pools exists with all ranged weapons be they magic or not. I tested this in a game of Legends of Utrae and a game of kingdom of ehb in DSLoA last night. What I find odd is that rain and snow falling outside like on a mountain top does not block ranged weapons in either DS1 or DS2 but water dripping in caves in both DS1 and DS2 does. I do not understand how these things work but I would think rain, snow and water drips would be somewhat related using similar emitters or triggers. Wonder if it has something to do with cave ceilings?
Lost in the Ozone again on this one.

Sigofmugmort obviously has a very sharp eye if this has been around since the DS1 days and never been noticed by anyone who posts here regularly, including myself! Well done!

Rain and snow is actually controlled by the mood used in the region. GPG couldn't use the same mechanism for the water drips as otherwise it would appear that it was raining inside the cave. Very unrealistic.

There is a way to test whether it's the structure of the node or not. Simply disable all the emitters on the water pool nodes and test whether arrows are still blocked.

I broke the main quest Insane In the last battle after killing the Maljin Assasin my character immediately picked up the Tenstone and placed it in the circle. Got the cut screen then had to finish off the last Maljin. The quest did not complete and the yellow star is still there. :wacko:
I have three minor quests to do
The island in the desseret wherever it may be.

The lost pyramids, Do I need to go back to eastern island or can they be reached from the dessert?

I have to figure out how to do the trial :?

Monster notes. Technically, all the ants should be the same color. Needs Bone Minions }:) . Black scorpions are not from sandy desserts and from PERSONAL experience there sting is not that bad. The Iraca from DS2 would make a good tough scorpion.

Troggyman's picture

Old Cyberatoggy reporting for service.

Alrighty then, I don't have the game available for me right now, but will in a week. Here's some thoughts. Gimme pennies for them.

I have been thinking of the old armor pieces from ds1 and how to properly convert them over considering the new skill-based item requirements. Obviously, this would require some tweaking as some armor types would work just as well on warriors as archers, (such as leather, scale, brigandine and mail) so it all boils down to which looks best on an archer and what looks best on a warrior in that respect. For example, the early scale armors being for warriors and the ranger plates being for archers, and the Mage Plate, perhaps, relies on character level so it would work well for both combat and nature mages, if not a down-on-his-luck archer.
As for robes, anything with skulls or armor would be Combat and anything long and elegant would be nature. Kinda like that.

This would also work it's way into the Fist of Stone and Blood Assassin Multiclasses, I presume, but I would rather bother with them to last, although I must say the widow spider set would look amazing on a blood assassin.

Statistically, I wouldn't put them too far off from the original items. Infact, keeping the old statistics (but providing new requirements) would be rather interesting. Afterall, most items would be scaled with high qualities all the way up to "legendary".

So what about rarity? Well, items such as the serpentine scale should probably be uncommon, but I don't think these items should necessarily be worked into sets, just have the same requirements. However, sets out of these items could be done with some recoloring and modifications.
Out of a realism perspective, the serpentine set might have been worn by soldiers of some ancient regiment, so they are not true "set items", just items worn together in uniform.

Of course, this does create an issue with helmets. Not an issue with the CatMansion mod as far as I know, but with the regular models as there are quite many helmets to fix. I would say this should be skipped for now, but the Great Helms would be very easy to remake with the original textures, just need a bit spiffing up in resolution.

Anyway, I would be keen on going through all these armors if some godly being could line them up for me. I would be willing to go through them and mark class on each and every one. Haha, me doing the little paper work again while others sweat. Sorry about that, I really suck when it comes to code and such.

Oh, and in my absence I sort of picked up some skinning skills. Nothing amazing, but it gets the job done.

Troggyman iryan, KillerGremal and all the rest of us can use the help. I suggest you speak with Iryan about what you can help with as he is kind of the leader on this project. I mostly do weapons, armor and lots of testing.


bare_elf wrote:
Troggyman iryan, KillerGremal and all the rest of us can use the help. I suggest you speak with Iryan about what you can help with as he is kind of the leader on this project. I mostly do weapons, armor and lots of testing.


Yes I agree, Troggyman has good ideas though most are already in the mod.

The next update will be a big one and include 120 new armors and 24 weapons (some of the weapons weren't used in DS1 but their assets were there, like the Stone Axes and War Hammers). Even better these armors use the old DS1 armor types so now there's 14 armor types available in DS2 (including the 2 LOA ones) instead of the standard 5.

Like Troggyman's suggestion these more or less use the same level scheme as the DS1 originals. Using Strength, Dexterity or Intelligence as requirements for armor isn't used in DS2 as those attributes are handled differently. For example an armor that in DS1 required strength 22 would now likely require strength 46 or 48. Instead these armors use melee levels so this armor would likely require a melee level of 16.

It would be interesting to base the armor or even weapon requirements on attribute levels rather than skill levels, as is done in many rpg games, as then multiclass characters or even pure skill characters could eventually use any armor or weapon (whether it would be useful to them or not would be debatable). However that's not the purpose of this mod as it needs to remain as compatible as possible with other mods. Instead if there was interest enough that idea could be used in DS2BW Adepts.

Unfortunately while I could get the DS1 armors working in DS2 (minus the Broken World Dwarf as he uses a totally different model) I couldn't get the helmets to work.

As for helping, especially skinning work, there is quite a bit Troggyman or others could help with. Primarily the Broken World Dwarf can't use the new armor types so his extended armor types are clones of his existing 5 armor types, i.e. DS2 type 5 used for new armor type 12 which is the old DS1 type 7 (robes). As a result the textures are messed up on the Dwarf's extended armor types.

As well the old DS1 type2 armors don't work in DS2 for some reason, gloves and boots appear black and red which means the meshes aren't attaching to the armor. A few of these I have converted to other armor types but others may be worthy of conversion.

Ah, the ds1 type 2 armors, you want them to work? Just make a new (global dir)armor_lookup.gas for them. They are using the a7 armor with a C type boot that do not exist in DS2. Replace the C with an A and you will clear the problem. In fact you can make the list go to A14 if you wish.(DS2 use a default type if you do not)

I think the gloves and boots could let the armor get through some time. That's mean more work if you want a perfect mod for the DS1 armors.

What doesn't work with the DS1 helmets? They should work. Ah, ok, the UV must be change to DS2 skin for the face of the character, ouch! But for a few helmets, i think, we could do it! Same thing for the DS2 dwarf, he has 9 armors, a lot less then the helmets.

Troggyman's picture

I have a bit of an issue with returning the old attribute requirement system due to how enormous some strength bonuses from certain items are, especially late game. This will be needing some testing, but should be kept in mind as I think it isn't too hard currently to double your attribute points with the right items. This could create some interesting item management choices, but also imbalance. Again, testing will probably show us the results, but otherwise it's character class focus instead.

The BW dwarf does create some issues, I though of instead using the ds1 dwarf, but obviously there are a few more issues with that (especially animations and d2 helmets) so it would probably be better using the newer model, finding someone willing to do all the rigging work.

As for boots, sounds like the texture wrap is the issue. If it displays an error texture, could this be because boots now use a larger shared sheet, or did the ds1 boots do that?

Oh, and for helmets again, while Great Helms are practically self-made (though the texture wrap may need some editing) other full helmets wouldn't be too hard to convert since they need no face rigging, just the need to be properly sized. It would make my day to see the old Carnage/Disturbed Helm again.

At some point I may get to work on making the textures to rare items that had no world texture, just a modified inventory icon. It's on the backburner for now obviously, but it would be neat to see what they should have looked like.

AlphaDD wrote:
Ah, the ds1 type 2 armors, you want them to work? Just make a new (global dir)armor_lookup.gas for them. They are using the a7 armor with a C type boot that do not exist in DS2. Replace the C with an A and you will clear the problem. In fact you can make the list go to A14 if you wish.(DS2 use a default type if you do not)

I think the gloves and boots could let the armor get through some time. That's mean more work if you want a perfect mod for the DS1 armors.

What doesn't work with the DS1 helmets? They should work. Ah, ok, the UV must be change to DS2 skin for the face of the character, ouch! But for a few helmets, i think, we could do it! Same thing for the DS2 dwarf, he has 9 armors, a lot less then the helmets.

Thanks AlphaDD, your tip worked perfectly. Never thought that file was so important. Don't think it's critical to extend the list out to A14 as the other armors work perfectly with the defaults.

Not sure about the meaning of the UV for each skin for the face of the character or for the dwarf.

Edit# I did get the serpentine helmet into the game, I had the folder structure a little bit wrong before. So I see what you mean about the UV for the face. The face is completely distorted.

As Troggyman alluded to in a previous post only the great helms, which nearly completely cover the face, would be useful for converting and even then the poor old Dwarf would need to use a clone of one of his existing head helmet meshes.

Mimics, I forgot to mention that the Mimics are showing as a blue dot on the compass map. I think the compass map may be indicating the Item drop from the Mimic

sigofmugmort wrote:
Mimics, I forgot to mention that the Mimics are showing as a blue dot on the compass map. I think the compass map may be indicating the Item drop from the Mimic

I would think a mimic would show as a loot drop to draw the unwary into range. Showing up as either a monster or not at all like an unopened trunk would be counter productive from the point of view of the monster. The mimic is not mobile once it decides what to mimic. Just my thoughts from the point of view of the mimic.


Spiders on the wall.

In The Caverns of the Lost, There are two spiders on top of the wall.

HardLess's picture

There is something in the Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10q.ds2res file that modify barrels and make the client crash in multi-player games randomly when he or the host break a barrel.

I have made a lot of test in order to know if it was my Ancient Gift mod or the Arrana Legacy but it happens that the file creating this bug is the DS1Content-Alpha10q added for the beta 24 of the mod.

This bug is related to barrels and some containers only but boxes, pots, urn and some other container doesn't make the game crash.

This bug is pretty important, multi-player games are unplayable for the client the game is crashing every 20 barrels. The problem appear on all maps Dungeon Siege 2 as well.

(I have seen that there are now bigger barrels than there were in the game, does this bug is linked to this ??)


Hopes it helps.

HardLess wrote:
There is something in the Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10q.ds2res file that modify barrels and make the client crash in multi-player games randomly when he or the host break a barrel.

I have made a lot of test in order to know if it was my Ancient Gift mod or the Arrana Legacy but it happens that the file creating this bug is the DS1Content-Alpha10q added for the beta 24 of the mod.

This bug is related to barrels and some containers only but boxes, pots, urn and some other container doesn't make the game crash.

This bug is pretty important, multi-player games are unplayable for the client the game is crashing every 20 barrels. The problem appear on all maps Dungeon Siege 2 as well.

(I have seen that there are now bigger barrels than there were in the game, does this bug is linked to this ??)


Hopes it helps.

I haven't play tested the mod enough recently to be certain of the barrels but I assume they are fine in single player? There's been no complaints with the singleplayer mode.

Do the barrels show up as bigger in singleplayer games? One thing I noticed when testing the Lang Stone for Bare_Elf was that the stone was about 100% bigger. I noticed it but didn't worry about it but perhaps there's a link. I'll retest as soon as I can.

I wonder if there's a link to some other multiplayer issues reported here.

HardLess's picture

Iryan wrote:
I assume they are fine in single player?

Barrels are fine in Single Player no crash at all, as for the host of a multi-player game.

But, there are some bigger barrels.


HardLess wrote:
There is something in the Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10q.ds2res file that modify barrels and make the client crash in multi-player games randomly when he or the host break a barrel.

I have made a lot of test in order to know if it was my Ancient Gift mod or the Arrana Legacy but it happens that the file creating this bug is the DS1Content-Alpha10q added for the beta 24 of the mod.

This bug is related to barrels and some containers only but boxes, pots, urn and some other container doesn't make the game crash.

This bug is pretty important, multi-player games are unplayable for the client the game is crashing every 20 barrels. The problem appear on all maps Dungeon Siege 2 as well.

(I have seen that there are now bigger barrels than there were in the game, does this bug is linked to this ??)


Hopes it helps.

I'm sorry to hear about Multiplayer troubles with barrels, however I think nothing related to barrels has changed during the last 6 months. Puzzled
For MP related matters that's actually not so much time as it possibly looks like, but I guess we would have seen already other reports.

Well, one reason for this problem could be the barrels themselves indeed, but it also could be something that drops off every ~20th barrel, so with a 5% chance approximately - this can be quite a lot...
Concerning Alpha 10r (do you have 'q' or 'r'?) the way chants drop has changed though, but this would not exmplain the troubles on GPG's maps - chants can't drop there.

However assumed it's something in the Content Mod affecting all maps (incl. the maps GPG created) then the game should crash too if you would play with no other mods expect of the Content mod!?

If there is any connection with the different size of barrels I can't say. Usually the size of an object (at a specific place om the map) should not vary between SP and MP or from one gaming session to another.

HardLess's picture

I don't really know much about it,

We were using Alpha 10q and just by removing it (and the beta 24 of the DS1 legendary mod) the problem was gone.

I didn't try to find from where it's came but, I just can say that the game is crashing before the barrel break and before the arrow or sword or spell touch it.

EDIT: In my mind it's need to be link to barrels themself, other containers don't make the game crash.

Hopes that can help you to find the solution.


HardLess wrote:
I don't really know much about it,

We were using Alpha 10q and just by removing it (and the beta 24 of the DS1 legendary mod) the problem was gone.

I didn't try to find from where it's came but, I just can say that the game is crashing before the barrel break and before the arrow or sword or spell touch it.

EDIT: In my mind it's need to be link to barrels themself, other containers don't make the game crash.

Hopes that can help you to find the solution.


I was lead to believe that there was a comptability issue between the Aranna Legacy Mod and the Legendary Map Pack.
I could never get the two to work together either in single player or multi player. If that has been fixed this post is not necessary if not it could be the cause.


HardLess wrote:
I don't really know much about it,

We were using Alpha 10q and just by removing it (and the beta 24 of the DS1 legendary mod) the problem was gone.

I didn't try to find from where it's came but, I just can say that the game is crashing before the barrel break and before the arrow or sword or spell touch it.

EDIT: In my mind it's need to be link to barrels themself, other containers don't make the game crash.

Hopes that can help you to find the solution.


Are rat swarms appearing randomly from barrels in MP like they do in SP?

One thing that appears randomly from barrels is the rat swarms. In the past betas of the Mod I disabled those as a few players (including me) don't like them and they can be deadly to unsuspecting, low level parties.

When revising the mod to work in synch with the DS1Content Mod, the rat swarms reappeared since they originate from barrels created from that mod and not the Legendary mod. Why I ask about the rats is they have about a 3-5% chance of appearing, just like the number you mentioned.

Perhaps, just perhaps, there's a problem in MP with they way they appear. gen_rat_nest_utrea is what creates them in pcontent_macros_utrea.gas

Crates also have a 9% chance of spawning phrak (which aren't as deadly, just unrealistic) but as they are specifically defined in the macro by their template, they should be fine.

sigofmugmort wrote:
I broke the main quest Insane In the last battle after killing the Maljin Assasin my character immediately picked up the Tenstone and placed it in the circle. Got the cut screen then had to finish off the last Maljin. The quest did not complete and the yellow star is still there. :wacko:
I have three minor quests to do
The island in the desseret wherever it may be.

The lost pyramids, Do I need to go back to eastern island or can they be reached from the dessert?

I have to figure out how to do the trial :?

That's the first time that type of bug been reported. I'm not sure why that would stop it from completing but in general the quests in the mod aren't as robust as they are in DS2 and especially in the Utraean Peninsula it is difficult to cover all possibilities since it isn't as linear as the other maps.

Still this dungeon is linear. I'll try to put in a kill switch that will kill all remaining maljin once the tenstone is placed in the circle (I believe that what happens in the original but its been so long since I've played it). Hopefully that'll prevent any problems with the quest.

The Island in the Desert quest is Eastern Island (as it can be reached from the desert). Once you exit the cave on Eastern Island the quest should complete.

Both Eastern Island and the Pyramids can be reached in a number of ways, remember that the map is very much non linear.
- You can trek across the desert from Grescal and try to find the Pyramids but its a long way, boring and easy to miss. Then one pyramid will lead to Eastern Island and the other to the Volcanic Caverns.

- Alternatively you can find the massive twin towers in the Great Northern Forest from Elddim (relatively easy to find since the path is marked now and a quest passes right by it). From where Loola is take the elevator down to Eastern Island (how on Earth does that work GPG?). From Eastern Island there's a tower which has an elevator that goes to the Volcanic Cavern (more realistic) and an underground passage that goes to the Pyramids.

So there really needs to be another quest involving the Volcanic Caverns some way as currently there's no incentive to visit there except for sightseeing and loot.

The trial of gallus lorebook gives a hint to its location but its confusing unless you read up about it online (I didn't change the wording of the lorebook at all from the original). 'Climb to the Sky on the Sunbaked Mesa' refers to the location of the trial but unless you already have the quest, you could walk right by it and it won't open for you. The location is reached by taking the elevator that's guarded by a legionnaire just before Quillrabe, its just beyond the creek, on the side pass the small bridge.

From the top of this elevator take another elevator and walk to the left until you see some wasps, vases and two Impalers. Approach the Impalers and a Green Drake should ambush you. Behind the Drake the Rock Wall should automatically open if you have the quest and approach it close enough. Note that with beta24, the rock wall will close again if you then move away from it, if for instance you are still fighting the drake, etc. Don't worry, it'll open up again if you move towards it again (indeed it's now insubstantial and you can walk through it before it opens fully).

Go up another 3 elevators to reach an outcropping with three stone tiles and an elevator location and lever. In the original DS1 multiplayer map you had to get three items and place them on the stone tiles in order for the elevator to operate but that's been disabled in this version. Use the lever to call the elevator and ride it up into the sky. Then do the 'Leap of Faith' to reach the entrance to the trial.

Incidentally I could probably restore the full behaviour of the Trial and restore the need to have the three items and structure it like in Legends of Utrea. That is you would need the starting knife (could also buy it from the weapon seller in Elddim), the Fury Eye (drops from the Fury in the map rather than from a chest in KOE) and the lore book, which would need to be an actual inventory item like the stone. What do people think?

bare_elf wrote:

I was lead to believe that there was a comptability issue between the Aranna Legacy Mod and the Legendary Map Pack.
I could never get the two to work together either in single player or multi player. If that has been fixed this post is not necessary if not it could be the cause.


On the contrary the Legendary Mod should be completely compatible with Aranna Legacy Mod, as it doesn't change any core files at all. Compatibility with other mods is a key requirement of the Legendary Mod!

What's not compatible with Aranna Legacy is DS2BW Adepts, I think that's what you are referring to. I did try but there's so many conflicting core files changed by both mods that it was too difficult, especially as Aranna Legacy is constantly evolving and being updated.
