Converting other 3rd Party DS1 maps to DS2
Submitted by bare_elf on Fri, 2012-08-24 04:36 | ||
I know several people have made comments about converting other Dungeon Siege and Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna maps to Dungeon Siege II as Iryan and KillerGermal have done. So I thought I would create a forum topic where these things can be talked about. So that you do not have to start from scratch here are links to the files created by Iryan and KillerGermal. KillerGremal's Utraean Seizure of hopeless Mapping Iryan's DS1 Map Pack for DS2 Beta Test Iryan's DS1 Monster Map Support Mod for Mappers and Converted DS1 Realm of Kings. This map needs work however both Iryan and I are busy with finishing the maps found in DS1 Map Pack for DS2 Beta Test so currently do not have time to work on Realm of Kings, anyone interested in working on this? If you are down-load the files and give it a go. Dark_Elf has also started the conversion of Valley Peak. As I have time I will explore Realm of Kings in both the original DS1 Version and the Converted version pointing out where things should go like vendors, NPCs, Quests and such.
The latest versions of Loridan, Realm of Kings, Search for the Past and Training of the Hero None are feature complete but will at least load in DS2. They all require the Legendary Mod resources to run and support the Level Adjustment Mod. forums: |
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Here's a proper fixed Alpha 5 of Realm of Kings. I actually verified that everything works in Thornvale. I hope that the starting positions now also work.
Yes it's nearly as bad as me missing a double portrait = in a line or accidentally uploading a map with almost none of the advertised fixes. Oh well, at least I can blame my age.
Doors are actually quite simply to fix and don't ask me why there wasn't any in Thornvale because I can't explain. Doors themselves are found in the Unsorted Items tab in the Editor. Expand Game Objects\Interactive\prop\base_door to get the vast selection of doors available. The ones that fit the DS1 houses are door_grs_left_05 & right_05, door_grs_ornate_left & right, door_grs_peasant_left & right, etc. Just select the one you want to use, place it where you want it to go and position it correctly by moving and adjustment its rotation. Note that the door opens the opposite direction to the arrow.
If you just place a door like the above, chances are it mightn't work due to bounding volumes issues I suspect. So I added use_points next to the doors and attached them to the door's use_points scid in the properties page.
To add use_points, select them from Unsorted Items\Game Objects\special, right at the bottom. Place one just outside the door and it looks like a yellow pair of boots. Select it, right click to bring up the properties menu and select and copy the 10 digit value in the Scid: box, it looks something like "0x002006D2". Close the menu and then select and right click the door to bring up it's properties menu. In the component fields, scroll down right to the bottom and you'll see a line called use_point_scids right under the position line. Click the little box so a tick is now in the Override column. Now double click in the value column and the right click to bring up a small editing dialog box where there should be an option to paste. Left click on paste and the scid number of the use_point will be pasted into the box. Click OK to accept the changes and there should be a faint blue line connecting the use_point to the door. Note that instead of copying and pasting you could simply right the numbers down but its faster, easier and less error prone to use copy/paste.
Use Points can be used for anything that is activated or used by the player when there's a chance that something might block the object. Doors and chests are the most common and you have to be careful that the use point itself is free from anything that could block it or problems like what occurred in the early alpha versions of Legends of Aranna will result where clicking the chest or door doesn't cause any effect.
I like the fog of war effect actually

I'll have to think on the Lorebooks in Resparon :?
Hi Iryan,
Alpha 5 is working much better. I have taken a party from the Homestead to Thornvale and have found only two problems.
1. Saving at the camp at Tonvar Keep even though there is an Innkeeper Starts you back in Dromnar, no big deal if you used the direct connect teleport just prior to going down the hill to the keep.
2. My party is now in Thornvale. The Plague Quest does not advance when you enter Thornvale as it should. Therefore talking to the King does nothing and he also does not start the secondary quest that he has.
I have people added to my party I know there is one more but I will assume that we do not find him just yet.
Good that it is working better. Tonvar Keep is annoying as the town is effectively split in two, one half before the keep and the second after. I put the save point in the second half of the town where the weapon and potion shop is. The town stash is also there. This is obviously confusing.
So the options are:
1. Move the weapon seller and potion seller to the first part of the town together with the save point.
2. Have a save point both before and after the town.
3. Any other combination you can think of.
I believe that I simply forgot to add the quest update to the start of Thornvale. I know the quest will update and complete as well as starting the next main quest as when I tested Thornvale, I spoke to the king and the quest started off there but that won't work if it's already in progress.
The Thornvale recruitable character is the last one you can recruit so there's currently 4. I didn't add one to the last town as it's close to the end but there's quite a distance between Thornvale and Corlfire so I can add another somewhere in-between.
The town at Tonvar keep. There is a problem with the second half of the town (after the keep) There are way to many blocking objects so it is almost impossible to get to any of the vendors. I think if it was me I would move all the sellers to the tent city before the keep. There is a good deal of extra area to the right of where the current tents are with just a bunch of guards are standing about. There is no reason to venture into that area after you look around once. So putting some vendors there would give that part of the map a reason for being. I would remove about half of the blocking objects from the part of the town after the keep. Have a few guards there to explain how to get to Thornvale, you might even move Lilly there so you have to go through the keep with only the two male NPCs. The keep also has way to many things that block the path. Can not even reach some of the monsters without a ranged weapon. Lucky I always have one.
Okay so the map has 4 NPCs and not 5. Well that does save a bit of money by not having to buy an extra slot. Yes the road from thornvale to corlfire is a long way. Hmm maybe you could put in another NPC that is like being held prisoner but a pack of bad guys. Like the Guard Captain in Yesterhaven.
Even an additional secondary quest given by the last person you see in Thronvale before leaving on the road to Corlfire. "The last patrol we sent to Corlfire never returned. My sister was leading them could you search for her?" Would give one a reason for looking around instead of sticking to the road. In these maps I tend to stick to the walls around an area then move back and forth after making a full circle just to make sure I missed nothing. But then I am an explorer and not a road follower in real life too.
Just some thoughts.
That was down to the original not having any there (left unfinished in that respect?). Same with Corlfire. Same with Dehsta but with the latter being a "ghost town" maybe it is better without doors.
Iryan, let me guess. The primary quest line after the king (Baneth) in Thornvale will be to kill the boss in each of the Pit areas (Cryptolanthus in Greydrak, Psionicong in Trechor, Ender in Slothmorn, Bahrathanor in Darkmoore), report to the next king in Corlfire, then on to Lozule in the Infernal Caverns.
- Killing the Dominators (Arjewel, Arathanul, Arohssa, Lacharenth, Draegus) will be a secondary quest from Treyo Ryn in one of Thornvale's houses. [Did you find a way to work Argus before Tonvar into your narrative?]
- Bayanna Phreen next door will give a secondary quest to find the Corlfire ancient sanctuary.
- From one of the soldiers as you leave Thornvale, a secondary quest to kill Capricus, boss of the "bandits".
- Killing Killixx in Greydrak, a secondary quest given by Killixx when challenged! ("You'll never get past me")
- Hagatha Drudge in Thornvale explains about Dehsta, and the solitary soldier at the entrance to the Lucidor Forest says more, so a secondary quest there, but what?
Bahrathanor animation: you can happily score melee hits on a monster apparently twenty feet up in the air.
Corlfire ancient sanctuary: you find a jewel lying on the ground which merchants will tell you is worth nothing and which has no apparent game function after being found. Maybe find chants there? (See below.)
If incantation shrines are important to you DS2 players, it occurs to me that breakable and openable treasure caches being quite scarce (very scarce after Tonvar) they could be replaced by Chants for you to find. So far as I can tell - and I've been over the parts before Tonvar several times, in the name of research - breakables' contents are always the same every time. Same with openable chests, which is more to be expected. Many of the drops showcase unusual items, such as Crystal Scepter, Strike Shield, Cascade Sword, Green Chain Mail, but without the Unique modifiers GPG meant them to carry.
Yes the breakables around the Krug camps early on provide ordinary gear, potions and coins, and the breakables in Tonvar keep provide potions. I'm thinking of the breakables in the circuit around Dromnar, the ones in the two circuits above the Aeonoth Ruins, the bosses' chests in those Ruins, the breakables near the rings of Tretches in the further Dromnar Woods, the King's chests at Tonvar, the house at Thornvale where the NPC says "take my old stuff", the chest in the bandit camp, the pair near a wolf pack before the turn-off to Greydrak, and the ones in the Ancient Sanctuary.
EDIT: just seen the last two posts by Iryan and the Elf. In the orginal map, I regard the sellers before Tonvar keep as the main ones, and the one after as a bonus. Also, most of the soldiers are standing around a tent where civilians Shimko Smithers outside and Griswald Ferric within have no conversation - given what two soldiers in the tent say, I interpret it not as command tent but as surgeon's tent, so how about one of those two as town undertaker?
All monsters in the Keep were reachable, but in the back left section sometimes only from behind their flanks, so if DS2 needs larger clearances around obstacles then some gaps could have narrowed out of existence. Similarly in the second half of the town with reaching all the NPCs. How was Crepid Pit in that regard? Watch out for the clutter in the middle of the Infernal Caverns too.
Between Tonvar and Thornvale, if a secondary quest leads to the waterfall to the right after the bridge (where the most ghosts are), but the quest-giver "helpfully" said "keep to the right and you can't miss it" without saying AFTER the bridge then that will lead one also to the two lower dead ends where there are big fights - first through all those Mucosas to nothing, secondly to the ghosts around the first Helomdrel giant.
EDIT AGAIN: if Iryan will be taking the time to add Incantation Shrines, then how about "There's a mystic spot out there that's supposed to be good for learning Chants, only it's haunted."
Realm of Kings has been updated to alpha 6. I hope with this version the main quest can be completed all doors in Thornvale and Corlfire are present and working. I agree that Dehstra as a ghost town doesn't need them.
As a bonus there's an additional recruitable character in the Corlfire Mountains camp. This is an experiment being a Soul of Iron class usable by the Ancient Gifts mod. Strength and Intelligence should be similar values while health should be approx. 20% more than a regular mage.
Very good ideas, thanks. Currently the main quest is very simply, after Thornvale, its to reach Corlfire and then to defeat the major boss and talk to King Ryn.
My philosophy with these third party maps is not to meddle too much with their structure or original design, just to get them to a playable state in DS2. That said adding incantation shrines, heath and mana bushes, etc are acceptable and in the case of Realm of Kings the author has been contacted and is agreeable for further additions to the main regarding quests and so forth.
So if the map works out with the current changes I'll see about adding some of your excellent idea. Thanks.
Search for the Past and Training of the Hero have been updated.
Doors have now hopefully been fixed so now they shouldn't be inaccessible unless deliberately locked. Note that fades for the houses are still yet to be done for many houses (especially all of the ones in Realm of the Kings :fear: ).
The Stone of Skone quest now completes in Training of the Hero and informant Jorid should now be alive in the cemetery in Search for the Past. That was an interesting problem as he was turned to stone since his template (mp_townfolk_06 or something like that) doesn't exist in Mod_DS1Content except as a placemarker. So SiegeEditor placed his template into the non_interactive.gas file instead of actors.gas so I missed it when converting all the actor templates. Note that I use special template names instead of generic templates as eventually there's going to be DS2BW_Adepts support for these maps.
I was lucky and had a save that took me back to Thornvale Village so I could re-enter Thornvale and check on the Plague Quest. The plague quest now updates when I enter Thornvale ... The next step is to find King Baneth, So I went to the church where he is talking with his advisers. I spoke to him, but I guess I did not find him since the quest does not update. Oh well all else is working up to this point as far as I can tell. So I will move on and see what occurs next.
Ugh. I'm quite frustrated by this. When I tested it, it worked perfectly. I will check again when I've time. Did you previously speak to King Baneth with this save? If so its possible that a questbit is permanently broken in that particular save.
How I tested it was to start in Thornvale with a new party to that map so there were no active quests at all. When I went to the entrance to Thornvale, the main quest updated and an arrow pointed to King Baneth at the Church. I spoke to him and the quest updated and a new main quest started. I then spoke to Kelnore to complete the first main quest and received a secondary quest which is simply speak to the wizard Guelock or something, to learn more about the history of Aeonoth. Then everything in Thornvale should be finished and its time to continue on.
I think the doors to the church where closed in this save so I do not think I spoke with him. I will move this party on and start another one. Just to check.
Hi Iryan,
I started a new character at the very start of the map. Went from the Homestead to Thornvale carefully watching the Plague Quest once it came on line. Once I was through the gate and almost to the first NPC the part of the quest where one must get to Thornvale completed and the second part went active. So I went to the church talked to the king and once again nothing.
I have tried it both on my windows 7 and windows xp computers with the same result. I have a few mods active but they are armor and weapon mods and they have never interfered with any mod or quest for the last three years so I do not suspect them. So I am wondering when you tested the map where you using DS2 or Broken World? I know in the past that sometimes when I had a problem and you did not it was because I was using DS2BW and you where using DS2. Think I will try DS2 and see what happens.
Well Iryan on my computers it does not matter if I play with DS2 or DS2BW I can not get the king baneth to give me his part of the Plague quest He just says "I'm glad you were able to reach the other kings and with their help defeat the evil afflicting our lands." and my reply is always the same "Don't mention it, I was happy to help out."
I am not given a choice for some reason. The only way I can see the first half of the conversation is to extract the file and read it.
sample = s_vo_npc_m_rough_hello;
screen_text = "Hail brave souls and comrades. We have assembled here today to ask that our best warriors and the masses take part in the Cleansing of Aeonoth. I have come here to Thornvale to ask that we finally rid these lands of evil once and for all. \n\n We ask that you banish the remaining five pits of evil and let our idea of confining evil in these places vanish forever. It will no longer be our practice to house these evils where they may build up strength. From now on, we the people of Aeonoth, will let nature take its course as it may. Our time has come to face down the Evil Lozule and give him back his wrath!!!";
reply = more;
screen_text = "Is there anything more you would like me to do my lord?";
end_conversation = true;
screen_text = "Sorry I'm not interested. Goodbye.";
screen_text = "Travel onward to Corlfire as I'm sure they could do with the help of a formidable warrior like yourself. If you wish more information about the evil afflicting our lands, my advisor Kelnor Phreen could most likely help you. Go and seek him out before you depart Thornvale.";
end_conversation = true;
reply = accept;
screen_text = "Yes my lord, at once!";
end_conversation = true;
screen_text = "On second thoughts maybe I should reconsider. It sounds dangerous.";
sample = s_vo_npc_m_happy_hello_there;
screen_text = "I'm glad you were able to reach the other kings and with their help defeat the evil afflicting our lands.";
end_conversation = true;
screen_text = "Don't mention it, I was happy to help out.";
For some reason I only get the quest complete part of the conversation.
I can not see why the words are there but do not appear for me.
@bare_elf: This conversation code formatted like this is quite painful to check... - however I guess a talk flick is used too?
Such 'wrong conversation errors' may happen if there is a logical bug inside the flick or if the reference onto the flick is invalid for some reasons (typo error or missing). Also rechecking the quest flick would be a good idea perhaps!?
Loridan, Died very quickly, Must remember to read " caution not for new characters"
AND staple note to forehead on Bare_Elf's advive
Used stronger group to reduce the Cave occupants to fertilizer.
The Pet seller's radar map icon looked missing(that or it is in the same spot as a building)
Found the Edge of the World :woot:
Search for the Past Quest problems. Talked to the guy in the graveyard and completed that quest, went to the windmill and recruited the character to get the next quest but the yellow star stayed and the quest to learn why you where imprisoned did NOT complete. Got the star key but could not get through the door, either clicking on the floor circle or on the door.
No save point here
another conversation possibility (I happen to Know just how HARD it is to re-penn pigs)
Iryan, Please forgive a novice question: what does [kingbaneth_quest] mean? Is it testing a questbit for the quest ALREADY BEING ACTIVE? which will not be true until AFTER this conversation as I understand the intention.
And does kingbaneth_quest_complete count as true initially, only going to false when the quest becomes active? Or could it have been set on prematurely by speaking to Kelnore Phreen when passing his house on the way to the church?
Moving on, it is King Baneth's speech as above, from the original author, that inspired my suggestion that the primary quest line should be to "banish evil" from each pit (which I interpret as kill each pit's boss, that being easy to resolve). I do think it important, should there be a radar arrow at all, that it direct players into Greydrak rather than hurry them past the turn-off. (The later Pits too, but Greydrak in particular because it has the longest way in and the turn-off to it is un-signposted.) All my main batch of suggestions were based on what the original conversations can support. Did I remember to suggest a quest from Gruedok to kill the Myriad?
King Baneth's conversation is handled by flick code which checks for the status of current quests and selects the appropriate response. So what is suppose to happen is that when you speak to him the first time, the flick code checks and finds out that the Plague Quest hasn't be completed. So it responds with the conversation where King Baneth declares war on the big bad boss and when you ask him what does he want you to do, he asks you to continue helping them and travel to Corlfire to warn and assist them. He also tells you to speak to Kelnore for more information about the war. You are given a new primary quest and the Plague quest goes from stage 3 to 4 and completes when you speak to Kelnore.
After you speak to Kelnore and complete the Plague quest, if you then speak to King Baneth you'll be given a stock conversation because the Plague quest has been completed.
Your suggestions about the Pits of Evil are very good. When I started converting the map I had no idea of their purpose and there wasn't any original quests mentioning them. However King Baneth's conversation makes it very clear that the Pits need to be destroyed or rather the boss in each Pit needs to be defeated. He makes no mention about the 2 earlier pits before Thornvale so logically if the player ignored those, then the evil could eventually return to the land as they were still intact.
It's a pity that the quest arrows only seem to work for primary quests. So destroying the earlier pits have to be worked into the primary quest line somehow. The npc near the first one (crepid pit), actually warns you not to go in. The second one (aeonoth ruins) is in the forest between Dromnar and Thornhill and the first time you're tasked to fight one of these bosses is by King Tonvar as that's the only way to reach Thornvale as Drelcore is blocking the road. After King Baneth, there's Greydrak, Trechor Pit, Slothmorn Pit and Darkmoor Pit.
I'm going to start work on these four maps in more detail and work my way through them one by one until they're at beta status. Starting with Search for the Past.
I'm using KillerGremal's special player stash that is suppose to act as a starting group toggle when set up correctly. Perhaps I didn't set it up right or perhaps I'll use a regular solution, being a trigger which activates the starting group toggle when a player crosses it.
Very nice suggestion.
In Training the Hero, what's wrong with this picture?
I guess Realm of Kings will be last which will give me time to organise thoughts before talking about them again. (The problem with Baneth's conversation and the code extract posted by @bare_elf aroused my professional instincts as an old programmer.)
Meanwhile some points about Training the Hero, original - or rather, Tom (tmr819)'s translation - that might have carried over into the DS2 version and be worth addressing when its turn comes.
1. The problem with the swamp walkway that Sigofmugmort has just screen-shot happened in the original too. Furthermore, characters on the walkway could not shoot arrows or cast spells at monsters in the water, nor characters in the water at monsters on the walkway.
2. At the start, Reguin tells the hero "Go to the Oracle ... He will know" - but the Oracle is a woman so should be "She".
3. The Quest-giver (Vieux Maitre) thanks the Hero for fetching the stone (Pierre de Skone) from the crypt but fails to take it from the hero's inventory. So far as I know it has no further use.
4. In the middle of the plain on the way to the foot of the pass is a lore-book, "Norick's Diary", which is completely blank. (Did it have text in the French version?)
5. The boss dragon was hard to wake up so my party could attack - a character had to just about walk over its snout to get its attention.
6. After killing the dragon, the previously locked chest beyond it turned out to contain, among other items, the Quillrabe Stone, which so far as I know has no purpose in the map. Maybe the quest coding relies on the hero having it to prove to the Oracle that the dragon was indeed killed, but since the stone had not been renamed into French, I suspect it (like the previous point) is a left-over from the whole set-up being adapted from the queen dragon in Utraean Peninsular.
Finally, my route through the map, taking monsters in order of difficulty (the author's intention?):
- from start, go to Mounine (stopping en route to do rat and crypts side quests)
- rescue woman's brother from ice cave (another side quest)
- continue towards fort through water cave (primary quest)
- decide the Sandies in the desert look tough so NOW listen to the brother's idea of going after the gem in the swamp
- go back to Frontenac's forest, collecting quest to kill bandit
- after clearing the swamp, return to desert and this time reach the fort
So how to make the radar arrow switch from pointing at fort to pointing at swamp?
The quest arrow that shows on the radar map as far as I can tell only points the direction to the next part of the primary quest or when there is more than one active primary quest as in the DS2 map or the Broken World map you might get more than one arrow. Secondary quests as far as I can tell have no arrows. Maybe secondary quests should show a green or some other color arrow when they go active. However not being a programmer but a simple armor and weapon designer I would not know how to add that or even know where to look for how the primary quest arrow is generated.
Even though I can not get the section of the plague quest given by King Baneth to go active I think tomorrow I will move on with the remainder of the map so that I can note other oddities before iryan and others get to a point of looking into the issues. I have another party currently running about in the latest incarnation of the Search for the past map. I wish I was a better programmer or modder so that I could actually help solve some of the issues that I find. Oh well
Try to change the condition in Baneth's talk flick. Change (a1_s_rumours) for (a1_p_aenoth) that should do it.
You probably already complete (a1_s_rumours) quest so the flick bypass the new quest.
I think that was a copy paste error.
@ AlphaDD Thank you good sir.
@ iryan, could you maybe do that and then give me a link to the update, so that I can test it prior to posting it here?
Could someone tell me what program or programs I use to edit a flick? Maybe I should try to do it myself. Not worried because if I screw it up someone can unscrew it for me.
Skritpad, notepad, a text editor of your choice, it's text just like a skrit.
thank you again AlphaDD
Thank you, that's the reason. You're quite correct that it's a simple copy and paste error as I simply copy an existing flick and just rename certain values as 75% of them have the same basic format.
It worked for me during testing as I started off in Thornvale so the rumours quest hasn't been completed so the flick went on to Baneth's quest giving conversation.
@ AlphaDD thanks for the fix I was able to edit the flick and get it to work.
@ iryan thanks for the update...Might as well post it since it does work.
This is just great... Nice people, nice mods and now I can go on with the realm of kings.
even though the kings are quite silly people.
Thank you for that information. Not having ever played the maps is a disadvantage. You're right that Realm of Kings will be the last of the 4 to reach beta status since it's the biggest. In sheer size it's nearly as big as LOA or Kingdom of Ehb though it contains far less regions. The regions however are far bigger. So big that Siege Editor can only load 5 or 6 regions before running out of memory.
Training of the Hero is at pre-beta stage and I just have to playtest it to ensure it runs correctly. So onto your points.
1. I'm not sure why that happens. The swamp walkways in KOE and the Utraean Peninsula seem to work. I also am not sure how I can fix that.
2. An easy fix using notepad to change the conversation.
3. This now works better thanks to DS2's use of flick. I did try having an inventory item that was deleted once the quest finished but that didn't work (Vieux Maitre didn't even recognize the item and so the quest wouldn't complete). So I used DS2 style journal items. When you pick up the stone, it disappears and doesn't show up in your inventory but instead appears in your journal. When you talk to the Vieux Maitre, he thanks you and the quest completes.
4. Quite possible but maybe the author ran out of time or inclination. Any suggestions of what can go into it or simply remove it?
5. Probably a trigger based problem. Maybe by comparing it's code to KillerGremal's code for the dragons in KOE and the Utraean Peninsula, a more responsive solution can be engineered.
6. Makes sense and should be easy enough to incorporate.
It's a pity that the secondary quests don't have their own arrow. Many rpg games accommodate both and certainly Sacred 2 has a good approach where if you select the secondary quest in your journal, an arrow will appear pointing the way and it will also show up on the main map so you can quickly travel to the area if there's any nearby teleporters active.
The French versions of all the maps have completed lore books. However when the maps where translated into English the person doing the translations did not do the lore books, either do to lack of time or interest. The translations where done many many years ago, when SiegeNetwork and Herena_Forge where active Dungeon Siege Sites. At one time I had the French versions of all the maps and was planning to translate them. However do to losing an arm in a forest fire I never did it. Then when I felt like doing the translations I no longer could find the French versions of the maps, do to many hard drive crashes, system upgrades and the websites that hosted the mods not existing anymore. So we would have to come up with the correct names for the lore books. The one that refers to Nodrick is I believe being placed there by DS2 and it is picking that name The book is from Kingdom of Ehb ... anyway since there are now on line translators that are fairly good, If someone has the original DS1 French maps they could be recreated for the DS2 maps.