Converting other 3rd Party DS1 maps to DS2
Submitted by bare_elf on Fri, 2012-08-24 04:36 | ||
I know several people have made comments about converting other Dungeon Siege and Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna maps to Dungeon Siege II as Iryan and KillerGermal have done. So I thought I would create a forum topic where these things can be talked about. So that you do not have to start from scratch here are links to the files created by Iryan and KillerGermal. KillerGremal's Utraean Seizure of hopeless Mapping Iryan's DS1 Map Pack for DS2 Beta Test Iryan's DS1 Monster Map Support Mod for Mappers and Converted DS1 Realm of Kings. This map needs work however both Iryan and I are busy with finishing the maps found in DS1 Map Pack for DS2 Beta Test so currently do not have time to work on Realm of Kings, anyone interested in working on this? If you are down-load the files and give it a go. Dark_Elf has also started the conversion of Valley Peak. As I have time I will explore Realm of Kings in both the original DS1 Version and the Converted version pointing out where things should go like vendors, NPCs, Quests and such.
The latest versions of Loridan, Realm of Kings, Search for the Past and Training of the Hero None are feature complete but will at least load in DS2. They all require the Legendary Mod resources to run and support the Level Adjustment Mod. forums: |
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I hope you do not mind but I updated the Thread to show Realm of Kings Alpha 7 since it corrects King Baneth's part of the Plague Quest and activates some side questing. That way us testers can get back to work and maybe complete the map two or so times before you get ready to update it again. I know it will be the last of the four maps to be given a detailed look because it is larger than the other 3 third party maps put together.
In the mean time I will also hunt for the French versions of Training the Hero and Search for the Past so that I can get the text for the lore books and then translate them. into something useful.
Here's a more substantial release for Search for the Past.
It's nearly a pre-beta release with the quest line complete, locations added, etc. The only things lacking is some conversations in Respador and the biggest, monster balance.
It's not a criticism of the original author as the map was designed for DS1 but the monster placement doesn't work very well for DS2, especially all of those minibosses before Respador. Suggestions?
Also I did try to tidy up the fades and see through walls, in the prison especially, but failed. Siege Editor just kept crashing whenever I attempted to add the correct node to the back of the prison wall nodes. They come from the Dungeon2 node set and the appropriate node is one called wal_backface or something similar and is used in the other dungeon2 node sets in KOE and elsewhere. So sorry this is one thing that won't be finished in the map.
To add to my encounter suggestions. In the tunnel before Respadore a cluster of Stalignid spiders and this is an appropriate ares for Darklings and/or a few dark lungeres
We where happily on our way to Colefire Mountain and the path seemed to go through the Greydrak Horror. We where not worried about the silly monsters even all the mini bosses running about Hook Valley. However we might spend the rest of our game lives within Greydrak looking for a way out that is not the way in.
Of note within Greydrak everywhere there is a rain drop it blocks ranged weapons and spells. Just like in the underground areas of other maps.
There are a few other minor issues in Thornvale with some of the ambient actors having faces that are messed up. I will record the names of these and post them late.
Iryan I know you have not adjusted the insides of houses yet, but it is almost impossible to reach Gruedok as all I can see is my party's heads when in a house and had to play a little trick on the game to reach the second floor to speak with Gruedok. Now even though Gruedok has the quest question mark over his head no star or other indicator shows on the radar map. Nothing that needs fixing right now. Now it is back to trying to find the path to Colefire.
Unfortunately few if any of the houses in Realm of Kings have had proper fades applied to them. And as you have noticed a lot of extraneous clutter has been added to most of them making path finding difficult.
All of this will be attended to in time but for now I'll concentrate on the smaller maps.
Where oh where is the path to Colefire Mountain. I keep following the arrow and it keeps leading me astray. Horrors, pits and deserts filled with monsters then a wall that blocks my way. Now I remember why I never found Colefire in DS1 I got bored killing things and not moving on to the next town.
It will not stop me this time. I am older, and I now have a reason for finding the path. I am testing this mod and it was my idea that it should be converted. I will make it to the end and I will win. Come on party it is time to mash more monsters so we can have a nice cookout on reaching Colefire.
No krug do not taste like chicken they taste like Krug. Good flavor but the meat is a bit on the stringy side.
I think the elf has gone nuts again.
The map is insane so you have a good excuse for going nuts. I wonder how many players have actually ever completed it without cheating?
You are right that the arrow doesn't always help. It is pointing the way the crow flies, not the way the map is designed. It is quite clear that I will have to add a few more tasks and markers to try to make it more navigable.
You mentioned desert so have you been to the Legion camp? The game saves there or should, so you can restart there. From the Legion camp if you hug the right wall you'll eventually reach the forest where the destroyed town of Dehstra is located. If you go the other way you'll eventually enter a pit but before then the terrain changes to a forest with subterranean textures. You'll see/fight some Lozule messengers before you reach that area.
From Dehstra it's not far to the Corlfire Mountains and once you reach there the shortest way through is to again hug the right wall. Though by doing so you'll miss a small settlement that has a recruitable character. The only sure way of finding this settlement is to instead hug the left wall once the terrain changes to lava textures. If you pass a session portal you'll know you're on the right track.
Past Corlfire Mountain it's pretty straightforward to Corlfire though you have to go pass Darkmoore Pit, it's right in the way.
I'm not 100% certain but it appears that by heading to your right you travel the shortest route to the next area while going to your left tend to head towards the Pits, so to speak.
Marinate Krug with some Apple Cider Vinegar :twisted:
Hi Iryan,
Found the legion camp so if I hug the wall the camp is on and move toward the forest which would be to the left when facing the magic vendor and her wagon.
I will find it now I think well I hope
I found Nonataya and added Midori to my party. It is a bit tricky getting there having to loop back from the Dartmore pit. At first I thought I could not save at Nonataya's shop, but it was an error on my part I saved at the Dartmore Pit Controlling teleport and forgot to save at the Nonataya's shop because I just had to run here and tell you I made it. Now it is on to colefire. Thanks for the directions. Maybe finding the path to Midori might be a good secondary quest.
Still wish there where a way to mark secondary quests in the radar map Like the primary quests are marked with a yellow arrow. Secondary quests if this where possible could be a blue or green or even purple arrow
There appears to be a problem with both Simon's and Midori's Head or Hair. Back of the head on both looks a bit weird missing hair on both. would not have noticed as both come equipped with helms. Was just picking out better items and discovered this. I will give it a look in the next few days. Most likely on Monday as Saturday and Sunday are always busy with taking care of things for the family. Shopping and such so they will have food to eat next week.
Er yes that can be a problem. I've been trying different combinations to try to make the recruitable characters look a bit unique. Sadly some skins in DS2 support just one or two head types. Very irritating. I don't know who in GPG came up with this system but it's terrible.
Try changing the head number to something different, so if it ends like head-01 try head-02 or 03 or 04. Not sure if this requires recruiting the character again to show up or if it works if they are already in your party like skins do.
Realm of Kings is a map for the connoisseur. Reloading from a saved game to retry an encounter one has messed up isn't cheating. Not in DS1.
Exploiting Artificial Stupidity and the terrain to shoot the Ancient Orcs full of holes with impunity ... maybe that was cheating? Just as a test I did try one the direct way and discovered that it would have been possible, but would have taken me over an hour (per Ancient Orc) and been an attempt to acquire a Repetitive Strain Injury. Though they can always be left alone and happy in their little corner while one gets on with the rest of the map.
(Aside - Not having to keep the cursor on the monster being attacked is a big advantage in DS1. Means one can have it hovering ready on somewhere to dodge to when in trouble. I cannot imagine surviving some of the encounters without hit-and-run/shoot-and-dodge.)
Going right side round the Corlfire Mountains, there is already a signpost to Nonataya's, before one has gone so far as Darkmoore - would another one help?
Yes, except very early on when in the Tyramul Forest left is the way out to Dromnar, right is to the side area with the Giant Spiders.
Greydrak and Trechor Pits are both side turnings to the left; Slothmorn and Darkmoore can be skirted either side, but go to the right round Slothmorn to find its entrance. When I reached Darkmoore I skirted it to find Corlfire's shops before returning to work the Pit, which has a secondary entrance front right corner (counting Corlfire town direction as "back").
After Corlfire, hugging either wall in Pinecliff Forest will get you to the Infernal Caverns, but straight through the middle is shortest.
Richard why would you have to keep the cursor on a monster that you are fighting. I don't. Once in the game (on any map) Go to options, then games and enable Selected hero attack automation and defend automation This will allow your selected character, in my case one of my rangers to respond as in DS1 attack mode. So I can engage one character and move cursor to second character and attack it as soon as the first one is dead. In combat situations I always operate in rampage mode. I rarely ever loose an engagement. Now I do forget to save a good deal however. I made it to Corlfire forgot to save and now I am sitting in the enterence to Darkmoore Pit. Wondering how I misplaced the Pinecliff forest. Oh well.
That's true though that tactic will cost you some legwork in DS2 as it doesn't save to terrain position so you have to start back at the last save position unless you have activated a session portal meanwhile or are using Aranna Legacy.
I'm like bare_elf in that I will get easily bored if I have to kill more than 100 monsters between points of interest. At least the map is surely easier in DS2 than it was in DS1 as it ended up with elite level monsters near the end. Though as players have noticed there's a predominance of minibosses due to the way DS2 handles such monsters now. I still not 100% sure what to do with such critters as it was part of the design of the original maps and I don't want to mess with that aspect anymore than I have to.
Elite monsters yes (but only Krug?) for an elite character to battle:
- reached Thornvale at DS1 level 54 (veteran, just)
- reached Darkmoore at level 80 (nearly elite)
- finished at level 86.
(I don't have a save from Corlfire after finishing Darkmoore to tell you the exact level then.)
I think the original author did a brilliant job choosing monster types for each region to match character level, even though that sometimes meant using mini-bosses in numbers. Only the Ancient Orcs were perhaps unfair.
P.S. I don't consider reloading a saved game to be a tactic, but an admission, "OK game you've beaten me this time, let me have another go". Just my personal style.
Well Iryan it appears that changing the head requires recruiting the character again and is not as easy as changing the skin. I notice that with Midori's head if you stand behind her you can see through her head. With Simon on the other hand he has a patch with no hair that is kind of pointed.
I will just jam a helmet on their heads and ignore the problem as it is not a game altering problem. Then when time allows look into it.
The Same Head (hair style) on a new primary character

The Head (hair style) on Midori

I did not think Midori was an air head, but I guess it could be useful as someone standing behind her could shoot through her head and not cause damage
Both characters are human, both have the same skin color, both have the same custom head. However poor Madori has a hole in hers. Could it be something other than the head.
Try the skin_02_03_npc instead of skin_04-03_npc for Midori(in her template). She probably will tank you for that!
04 is not for a 2 tails head and it have a nasty alpha for head 2(the 2 tails).
Just hope i am right because i have not test it.(Because i know someone who will
Thank you AlphaDD, That repaired Midori's hollow head. She is now three pounds heaver for having a brain and the other party members are no longer calling her an air head or whistle in the wind. We both tank you.
I'd been meaning to try it "one day". Despite more I could do with DS1, and other games waiting to be installed, "one day" has become "now". DS2 installed and patched. (Not BW, yet. One thing at a time.) Four chapters played properly to get the feel of it. Legendary Pack installer downloaded from moddb and run; Ehb started to check that the installation worked. Now I can help play test Realm of Kings (on a clean install! no other mods from anywhere) and have got to Dromnar with a new character.
At this point, with a first report to make, I'm off to the seaside away from home and computer until the coming weekend.
Yes we will
I know that there are maps (like road maps) that exist for Dungeon Siege 1 , Legends of Aranna, DS2 and Broken World. I wonder if anyone ever did a map like that for other mods like Realm of Kings. Would be nice to see in visual format how the various areas tie together. That way I could find my way without having to ask for directions. Like how the heck do I get from Corlfire to Infernus seems like I have been running in circles for days. Boredom is starting to set in, I keep visiting places I have been before and killing the same monsters over and over again. Well it is back to the search.
While not maps as such, here's what corlfire, caverns and infernus look like in Siege Editor. The path is actually quite linear from Corlfire to Ryn with only the extremely large size of the regions being a problem. They're so large I had to zoom out to 600 or 700 units to fit them into a screenshot.
From the starting point at Corlfire (hopefully it works) find the ramp that goes up the ledge. Head straight until you hit the wall and then head left and hug the wall until you enter the caverns.
There's three ways through the caverns (I think). Straight ahead once the cavern opens up until you hit the opposite wall where the exit should be close by or head left or right hugging the wall until the cavern enters Infernus.
Infernus is again linear and very large but head straight (or hug the walls) until the right angle turn to the left. Near here you'll see structures and the bosses will be very close. Pass the bosses is the exit to Ryn.
So from Corlfire it's very linear but because the regions are so large and open its easy to get lost. Either use your compass and keep heading the appropriate direction without deviating one inch or hug the walls. The author obviously loved the endless desert in the Utraean Peninsula and tried to make these regions like that (However unlike the endless desert they don't connect to themselves to make some sort of endless loop if you wander in a certain direction).
I have done quite a bit of caving in the real world, and always ended up going down hill to reach a cavern oh well this is not the real world, thanks a lot. I will have to see if I can still draw a map and then convert it to something for the Internet. May take a bit of time as when I was into Cartography I was left handed, must teach the right hand to draw better or find a way to hold a penile, and pant brush in my Borg appendage. Some things are easier like cooking and not needing a pot holder to remove something from a 425 degree Fahrenheit oven (218 C). Changing spark plugs and oil filter on my SUV without special tools. But detail work sucks. Must try to get in touch with 7 of 9 or Luke Skywalker. Where is Yoda when you really need him?
(Last check-in before departure)
Or like the great court at Wesrin Cross, considering the monster populations.
Outer Corlfire has a ramp to the upper terraces. There was a trader (Yadze, if Iryan hasn't renamed him) close by the top. Inner Corlfire (Iryan's screenshot) has its own ramp. What Gendith Ryn (its caretaker) calls the Legion House is close by the top. Quickest way from one ramp-top to the other is by a footbridge. From the Legion House look for an erratically circular sink-hole; Pinecliff Forest is to the south (but if I remember correctly is one of those places where the compass flips as you cross the region border).
I have arrived at the "Caverns Infernal" However the quest does not update. I have walked about the entrance to see if I could find the trigger but could not. So it might be an error in the conversation with the King at Corlfire.

Pinecliff Forest Direct Connect Teleporter
Entrance to the Caverns Infernal
Quest Log with quest not completed. I went into the cavern quite a distance to see if it would update the quest but no luck
There must be something wrong with this code as when I arrive at the caverns, the quest does not update. This line could be wrong if WhenQuestComplete (a1_p_aeonoth)it might need _1 or _2 after aeonoth.
I have also noticed that most of the flicks associated with quests contain a line that says ActivateQuest which this does not. It is possible that it should read ActivateQuest ( a1_p_aeonoth_3 ); for this part of the quest.
But then again I might just be speaking out of my blow hole. I just know the quest does not update when reaching the caverns infernal.
// set the roles for this sequence
role (actor) speaker, listener;
// set the startup thread for this sequence
entry main;
thread main
if WhenQuestComplete (a1_p_aeonoth)
StartConversation kingmchinerth_quest_complete, wait;
StartConversation kingmchinerth_quest, wait;
if !WhenConversationChoice ( speaker, cancel_conversation )
BroadcastMessage (speaker, WE_USER_INDICATE_EMITTER_OFF);
CompleteTask ( a1_p_aeonoth, a1_p_aeonoth_2 );
ActivateTask ( a1_p_aeonoth, a1_p_aeonoth_3 );
WhenQuestComplete is that a check for requirement quest? Or check to prevent quest from reactivating once finished?
Posting whole code might help.
Try moving it to the separate :
StartConversation kingmchinerth_quest, wait;
if !WhenConversationChoice ( speaker, cancel_conversation )
BroadcastMessage (speaker, WE_USER_INDICATE_EMITTER_OFF);
CompleteTask ( a1_p_aeonoth, a1_p_aeonoth_2 );
ActivateTask ( a1_p_aeonoth, a1_p_aeonoth_3 );
if WhenQuestComplete (a1_p_aeonoth)
StartConversation kingmchinerth_quest_complete, wait;
Don't know what is this refering to? !WhenConversationChoice
if not players choice to converse?Self trigger?
Since you have number 3 in your quest book, kingmchinerth_quest is ok.
I have look into this and i can tell i found no trigger for updating this quest (number 3 to number 4). The command is there but that command must be trigger by something. I believe Iryan use the mood trigger to do this but not here(forgot?).
And when you kill lozule (quest 4 complete quest 5 begin) nothing for updating that quest (nothing i found). But after correcting this things the primary quest should be fine.
By the way correcting the map wont correct your problem since triggers are save with the save game. That's why you must find those errors! (before i play of course)
Activatequest begin the quest, activatetask begin a new task nothing wrong here. For task one you will have activatequest and activatetask(1) . For task 2 you will have completetask(1) and activatetask(2) until completetask(last) and completequest.