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A game called Insult PAM

Just thought I would introduce a little game for folks who might like games. One has to insult the person who goes before you (the Person Above Me or PAM). However this is not a free for all. There are some rules to this game.

Do not say anything that would be considered vulgar, or mean or spiteful.
Make your insults silly and farce-like, and/or farfetched and ridiculous.
Do not hijack this game for having a fight with someone. If you are angry about something use the PM system or complain to a mod (also via PM)
Do not swear, or otherwise violate forum rules.

example: if the PAM was in fact me, I would say something like...
The PAM chews gum and then leaves little pieces under seats all over town. Or
The PAM has a diet consisting solely of licorice, artichoke and peanutbutter sandwiches.

Get the drift? Ok PBM (person below me) sock it to me! Laughing out loud

Remember now, play nice or you get whacked with a newspaper!

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

The PAM who is made of SPAM! (imagine, an edible wyvern) 8O

Loup_Ombrage's picture

The PAM is hoping no-one will notice that he is far more edible than tofu emu's.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

They PAM with one brother and two sisters, Jay, Kay, and Elle. PAM's name is alphabet. 8O

wonders if the PAM is like two cookies short of a full box or three trucks short of a full warehouse. Wink

Just for you TAS a useful armor to give to those who do not like you. I like you so do not send it to me

  doc = "n00b";
  specializes = base_body_armor_cloth;
    screen_name = "Stupid n00b";
    armor_style = numb_nuts;
    armor_type = a1;
    f defense = 1250.000000;
   // equip_requirements = Dumb_Ass:1;

    inventory_height = 2;
    inventory_icon = b_gui_ig_i_a_pos_a1_stupid;
    inventory_width = 2;

      alteration = alter_life_recovery_unit;
      description = "-10 to Life Regeneration";
      duration = #infinite;
      is_permanent = true;
      is_single_instance = false;
      value = -10;
Laughing out loud

The PAM makes armor that will killl you!! :P

The PAM who can't make up her mind on which Avatar to use!

The PAM has a secret wish to be a matador. Just so he can wear the outfit and wave a red cape around. No bull, PAM! :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

PAM the wookie. 8O

Loup_Ombrage's picture

The PAM wishes he was as high on the evolutionary chain as a wookie. Chewbacca wins games that look like chess against people like the PAM for breakfast.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Loup_Ombrage wrote:
The PAM wishes he was as high on the evolutionary chain as a wookie. Chewbacca wins games that look like chess against people like the PAM for breakfast.

(i am a mandalorian, those are very high in the chain) :P

PAM the Acklay (large green spider-like monster in Episode II). 8O

Loup_Ombrage's picture

The PAM likes to eat toejam, especially the blue kind :P .

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture


Hehe, The PAM who eats brainnnnns......

The PAM needs to attend Zombie College, to whip his brain eating skills into shape.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

PAM the frog eater! 8O

Loup_Ombrage's picture

The PAM's gaming machine is a DOS :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Loup_Ombrage wrote:
The PAM's gaming machine is a DOS :P

The PAM who's gaming machine is ENIAC. 8O

The PAM in real life: Wink :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

The PAM who eats fire extingusiher! 8O

Loup_Ombrage's picture

The PAM is afraid of the number 4.

The PAM boils his dirty socks and swears the resulting "brew" is a cure for the common cold.
Well, PAM, I might just deal with the sniffles and sneezes in that case. :P Smile

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

The PAM who climbs trees to annoy cats who are stuck. :o

The PAM climbs trees in hopes that the fire dept will come with their big shiny red truck and rescue him. Wink :P Wink

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

The PAM who bites her toenails. 8O

Loup_Ombrage's picture

The PAM's favourite drink is my cold cure :P

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

The PAM who's favorite drink is from the septic tank. :o

The PAM announces the time via loud burps. It gets rather noisy around the PAM at noon and midnight! Smile

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

The PAM who eats elephant ears. Cool

Sharkull's picture

The PAM is colour blind... seeing everything in shades of black.

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Metalic sharky PAM! Smile

To the TAS, I mean PAM who uses AOL poor poor PAM
AOL = Always Out (to) Lunch
