Converting other 3rd Party DS1 maps to DS2
Submitted by bare_elf on Fri, 2012-08-24 04:36 | ||
I know several people have made comments about converting other Dungeon Siege and Dungeon Siege Legends of Aranna maps to Dungeon Siege II as Iryan and KillerGermal have done. So I thought I would create a forum topic where these things can be talked about. So that you do not have to start from scratch here are links to the files created by Iryan and KillerGermal. KillerGremal's Utraean Seizure of hopeless Mapping Iryan's DS1 Map Pack for DS2 Beta Test Iryan's DS1 Monster Map Support Mod for Mappers and Converted DS1 Realm of Kings. This map needs work however both Iryan and I are busy with finishing the maps found in DS1 Map Pack for DS2 Beta Test so currently do not have time to work on Realm of Kings, anyone interested in working on this? If you are down-load the files and give it a go. Dark_Elf has also started the conversion of Valley Peak. As I have time I will explore Realm of Kings in both the original DS1 Version and the Converted version pointing out where things should go like vendors, NPCs, Quests and such.
The latest versions of Loridan, Realm of Kings, Search for the Past and Training of the Hero None are feature complete but will at least load in DS2. They all require the Legendary Mod resources to run and support the Level Adjustment Mod. forums: |
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Two updates in less than 24 hours! I will check out the changes and updates just as soon as I am able. Since I was only in Frontenac restarting will not be a problem. I had just hired Karma, but I had not done much else. Let you know what I discover.
Thank you for installing the stash trunk in Frontenac, thank you for fixing Karma's skin now she is all the same color kind of a greenish gray which is perfect for a forest elf.
All seems to be going great. All the quests in and around Frontenac can not be completed without first getting the quest. Karma and I are about to run up the mountain, but I thought I would check in first just in case we pass away in the pass ha ha.
In Mournine

All the quests are given and received correctly. The rescue mission now completes correctly. All the doors work, the stash is there.
All is well with Youstofrai
Pedro on the other hand is having a bad hair day and is really confused or is at least plagiarizing his conversation as what he says is the same as Karma's conversation and he asks you to help him to Mournine and we are already there. Must have been drinking in the pub before going in to the ice cave.
GPG normally used the command object 'cmd_change_property' where you can define before-and-after states for almost any property an object/monster can have. But it's a tricky object/component with a little vulnerability too...
Perhaps also a flick-trigger on a object/monster itself could work to change its own properties depending on quest states. For monsters there actually would be the convenient Disable/Enable commands (remind however that flick-triggers often don't work with we_killed, not to implement something based on this lack).
Concerning doors, there should be an option in their coomponent to lock the door and to wait for an activation before the player can use it. Usually this is sufficient, only with a few doors the path-blocking handing doesn't work sometimes because they are too thin or easily tend to be placed above ground.
Training of the Hero
The Radar Map for the Beach shows the town and if you return to town Its Radar Map shows the Beach
If you enter the Crypt first you get the quest but after completing the quest a white star remains in the Crypts
Magic does not have a recruit-able icon over his head
Existence ends here :jawdrop: :silly:
Shrine floating in air
There is a marginally flatter area just to the statues rear, up slope
Now, Into the Dessert (hopefully without colliding with a rampaging Elf :P :goofy: )
Tell Pyschogun2003.
A5#010. That is because Task 1 was not ticked, only Task 2, Task 3 and the Quest. To tick Task 1 you must have the Quest before entering the Crypts for the first time.
A5#011. Skone quest, Find-Oracle quest and Rescue Mission quest do not offer Save when you complete them. (Fossile's rat quest and Mountain Pass quest do) The three that do not have in common that they are all completed by conversations.
A5#012. Find-Oracle quest completes (ticked off) when you talk to Oracle, but its Task 3 never ticked.
A5#013. Rescue Mission quest completes only when you hire Pedro - not if you choose to refuse him, or are forced to because your party is full. Disband someone, succeed in hiring him second time, then it completes.
A5#902. (#900+ = trivia and personal opinions) Youstofrai if you hire him is now a mage in robes (thank you), but before you hire him still looks like a swordsman in studded leather.
A5#903. Karma still has Quick Draw even if at too low a level for it. (At least this means that on reaching Ranged 4 she will be able to use a Throwing-Knife-needs-Ranged-4-but-also-Quick-Draw-which-usually-means-Ranged-5, thank you GPG) On the other hand, has she left elfdom in shame for failing at Brilliance?
A5#904. Suggest shrine would be more useful at the foot of the hill, on the left of the path where Karma and the camp are on the right. Hero shouldn't have too much trouble with the Alpha Wolf and pack (and if staying right on the prairie won't meet it) whereas things get tougher going up.
A5#905. Mind you, what really makes going up tough is the mine worm, which I think is playing far too hard compared to everything else. (Is this a problem with the Legendary Mod generally? It certainly will be in Realm of Kings' swamp side area. What makes it worse is that I cannot even see when and where the worm's [stream of poison/slivers-of-rock/whatever-it-spits-out] is landing.)
A5#014. Coming out of cave onto snow, where Col de Tournecle legend comes up: large blank (black) section of radar image background.
EDIT. Running late, I forgot to say I'd seen Pedro finishing off his Ice Fly (seen it several times). It works well and I really like his voice-over when one greets him.
This along with the other two quests found in and near Frontenac you can not complete the quest without being given the quest. There is now a key that locks the crypt so you can not get the stone without talking to the quest giver. You can not clear the forest house of bandits without the key and the giant rat does not exist until you get the quest.
Training of the Hero, Chests work nicely and Pedro and Magic act normally tho they do not have recruit-able icons.
I was pointing out that even with a key a player can still slightly mess up the quest.
In TotH and Search for the past there are fires in fireplaces that have the flames going Down instead of up :silly:
If you Die a second time on the beach (those are some NASTY chickens :woot: ) you cannot return but if you save and exit you will recover your items.
TotH, The Barren Desert
It is interesting to stand in Lava and take no damage, which is possible in the small pools in the small dungeon.
Like the illusionary wall.
The last battle was way to easy, it is possible to engage one of the opponents without triggering the others and the attack speed of the Generals is so slow they died without doing any damage.
Credit to Psychogun2003 for all of these.
Easy last battle yes, but my one against the old hero at level 9 made up for that.
Lucky you. I cannot get down to the beach - my platform still gets stuck in mid-air above it. I have:
DS2 CD + 2.2 patch
Legendary-Mod-Betav30-Installer (All*Saves for 2.2 installed)
Mod-DS1Content-Alpha10v (Alpha10u removed from Resources folder)
Mod-Erthos-MonsterLevelAdjust-Beta5j (Beta5h removed from Resources folder)
DS1_Map_TrainingoftheHero_Alpha5 (Alpha3 and Alpha4 removed from Resources folder)
I think both my current TotH test parties were started anew on Alpha5.
How did you get your earlier (24-08-2014) screenshot of character's legs lost underneath the swamp boardwalk? I thought I knew, but when I put my party into the water then start them moving underneath the walk from one side of it to the other, only heads stick up through it, except for Pedro from waist up, but your character is showing a bit more than that.
Everything about the boardwalk is working correctly (that is, like GPG's swamp boardwalks in DS1). I have tested for the problem I had (or thought I had) in DS1 TotH, of being unable to shoot to/from the walk, and have found no such problem now.
I'm holding back further results from TotH while @iryan and @bare_elf work on Ordus' Axe and other things in Ehb. (I might be going there myself to compare some points of interest.)
Reply to RSimkinuk57, I was using the Giant character from DarkElf's GiantGnome mod :woot: if you use the Gnome the character fit entirely under the boardwalk
Loridan, Braak Mage
Had the pointer over this Braak Mage and he did not show stats or outline, could not attack with selected character rest of party only attacked in response to the Braak attacking This only occurred for a few of the braak mages. I took 2 different parties in and this occured both times. To emphasize, only 3 or 4 of the Braak Mages between the Little Hole ant the teleport platform had this problem
I have the french version of "Training of the Hero": La Formation du héros
- Hero_french.dsmap - version 1.1 (2,57 Mo)
- Single player map designed for accelerated progression. Approximately 3 hours of gameplay on Normal difficulty. (Map is in French.)
- With DsloaMod = 3 known bugs!
- See the Heros with 9 pictures + file DOC + Hero.dsmap
I have approximately 200 siegelets/maps in French, English, Russian, Japanese, Hebrew, German, etc
Welcome to SiegetheDay we are always interested in maps for any version of Dungeon Siege in any language. We have members from all over the world so they may like maps in their own language.
Tuesday January 16, 2018
Just one question very simple (but I'm sure the solution is very complicated):
How do you convert DS1 maps to DS2 maps (dsmap to ds2map or ds2res) [version 2.3]?
Thanks in advance
- First edit: Ok I have a lot of information very relevant (about twenty links or more). Just take the time to read all this information and move on to practice ...
If somebody have few hints, well let me know. I currently have all the "tools" to do a good job (I think).
My 2 cents. A good number of stuff is the same but probably moved around a lot. The texture files are now .DDS and are no longer .RAW files. You might want to batch convert the raws to psd. Then batch convert the psds to dds. If naming conventions have changed then so have locations of files, since many of them had abbreviated folder names in the name.
It should be noted that all versions of dungeon siege can use psd directly without needing to convert them to raw for DS1 and DDS for DS2
Thanks for both of you (bare_elf and ChickenGeorge)
When I have a chance like today or tomorrow, I put few good links (1-2 are "gold mines")
@Ulyss: Do you know Elys' Garage post about this subject? - That's perhaps where it all started...
A lot of time has passed since then. However some things mentioned there remain tricky, some other things are easier to handle (meanwhile).
Thanks KillerGremal for this (old (2006)) site. I put everything what I need inside a PDF file (or DOC)
Again a question: DS1 have his own cheat codes like "faertehbadgar", "Checksinthemail", etc. Same thing with DS2 (imalittalteapot, etc).
Is it possible to have in DS2 the "cheat codes" from DS1 by "editing" some files like Logic.ds2res after I look inside Logic.dsres (or other files)?
Here is the "Garage Beta" forum (16 pages - Modding discussions):