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DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread

This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World.

Full version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 Full Setup (1.18 GB)
Hosted on Goggle Drive.

DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB
DS2 Legendary Mod at Nexus Mods

Split version Installer version
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 installer (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 part two (410Mb)
DS2 Legendary Mod v1.10 part three (387Mb)
Download all three parts to the same location and run DS2_Legendary_Mod_v1.01_Setup.exe.
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the file. The link goes to a separate page where the mod can be downloaded. I recommend right clicking and opening in a new tab or window.

Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01
Hotfix v1.01

Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't.

The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below.

Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules;
Thanks to MEGA Limited for hosting the files. Each link goes to a separate page where the module can be downloaded.

DS1_Map_Legends_of_Aranna_Beta_v1.01.ds2res (37Mb)
DS1_Map_World_v1.01.ds2res (46Mb)
DS1_Map_Utraean_Peninsula_v1.01.ds2res (74Mb)
DS1_Map_Yesterhaven_v1.01.ds2res (20Mb)
DS1_Mod_Content_v1.01.ds2res (314Mb)
DS1_Mod_Logic_v1.01.ds2res (2.6Mb)
DS1_Mod_Sounds_v1.01.ds2res (343Mb)
DS1_Mod_Terrain_v1.01.ds2res (123Mb)
DS1_Mod_Voices_v1.01.ds2res (240Mb)
Mod-DS1Map-ArhokXP-Beta5.ds2res (30.2 Mb)
Diabloish Map for DS2 Beta 2e (15.5 Mb)
Level Adjustment Mod, Beta 5t (0.8 Mb)

Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link;
DS1 Content Pack, Alpha11b (19.2Mb)

Mod Game Manual

Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods
DS1 Content Pack Readme:
Level Adjustment Mod Readme:
Diabloish for DS2 Readme:

This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine.

The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread;

Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions.

Partial Language Translations
French (138 Mb)

Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods
DS1 Content Pack & Diabloish
Return to Arhok

Link to thread containing user made maps from DS1 that have started being converted to DS2.

Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions.

The recruitment Hotfix Works I was able to hire Rusk, Naidi and Zed. Thank You


Sigy get the Hotfix before getting to Stonebridge! and you do have to save and reload before the first save point works.


iryan wrote:
. . .
I've found out that if you declare a scid name that doesn't exist in a flick, then the flick will break even if you actually don't use that scid name in the flick.
. . .

Indeed that may be - that an unassigned role prevents the flick from being started (when I remember correctly, only 'external' or 'critical' roles can cause this!?).

Nonetheless you can assign a possible but most probably unused scid inside the flick, re-specifing it then in an 'web/url style' right for the SE2-placed instance via flick trigger, talk_flick or cmd_run_flick property.
I used this several time in the content pack for generic flick in order to use such flick several times ingame without any real role assigned in advance:

// talk_flick = npc_talk_and_reface?conv=welcome&pos=0x12345abc;

	role (actor) speaker, listener;

	external role (prop) pos = 0xfffeee01;
	external role (prop) pos2 = 0xfffeee02;
	string conv = "";
	string conv2 = "";
	int chance = 50;

	thread main

		if !WhenWordEmpty( conv2 ) AND WhenRandomChance( chance )
			StartConversation conv2, wait;
		else if !WhenWordEmpty( conv )
			StartConversation conv, wait;

		if WhenRoleValid( pos2 ) AND WhenRandomChance( 50 )
			sleep, duration 0.5;
			Face pos2, duration 0.4;
		else if WhenRoleValid( pos )
			sleep, duration 0.5;
			Face pos, duration 0.4;

I think this flick was made for NPC guards, to give sometimes an extra hint where needed and to face the gate/entrance/threat again.
The roles 'pos' and 'pos2' are optional, and if you would skip assigning them the flick would start (be effective in-game) anyway as long as at least 'conv' is specified.

Broken World 2.3 Start, Kingdom of Ehb (DS1_Map_World_Beta32G), MLA Beta 5R set to local mode

In Glacern

Quest Log

Primary Quests -- Seek Gyorn in Stonebridge, Journey to the Overseer

Secondary Quests -- Clear Edgaar's Basement, Skrubb the Beach Clean, Find Ordus' Axe, Clear Glitterdelve Pass, Rescue Torg, Sister's Message, Book Return

Problems, Errors and Comments

Block at Glacern back gate works, Must talk to Overseer

All monsters are leveling correctly

Glitterdelve Elevators all appear to have working gather points.

Hireing Hotfix works in Glacern was able to hire Lorun.

Character Stats

Level 26 Sharpshooter
Level 26 Sharpshooter
Level 26 Grand Mage
Level 25 Sorcerer
Lili's Dog
Level 26 Dire Wolf
My Wolf
Level 26 Dire Wolf

Phraks in cages at

Path2crypts, -1.736/0.000/-0.254/0x555137aa
FH_r3, -2.177/0.001/-1.282/0x22002b70
FH_r3, 1.634/0.001/-0.190/0xa7aec7b7

In the ritst farnhouse where there are 2 Krug behind the door. If you run inside when the door breaks you only have to fight one Krug inside as the other one goes outside and starts patrolling.

As in the Original DS1 , if you use transmute on the spellbook on the pedastile the doors will not open and you cannot continue the game.

If you do the same to Drevin's Hammer the door does not open nor do the Skeletons come up


sigofmugmort wrote:

As in the Original DS1 , if you use transmute on the spellbook on the pedastile the doors will not open and you cannot continue the game.

If you do the same to Drevin's Hammer the door does not open nor do the Skeletons come up


To open doors and break things you must use a weapon spell either nature or combat magic. I think this has always been true.


My party is in Quillrabe resting up after some massive battles on their way down the canyon - no disappointment there - on 32g but otherwise continuing from where I'd left off. Not enough issues yet to make a report. One thing worth saying: the gather point on the higher level elevator up to the lookout (where the way opens to the Trial of Gallus, I understand) does handle properly a full party of 6, as others of that type do not.

Meanwhile I'm disappointed that nobody else has replied yet whether they like or dislike the Pit of Despair as it now is:

iryan wrote:
I'd be very interested hearing what other players think about balancing the Pit of Despair. Perhaps only having monsters in the first part of the maze like was done in LOU (with perhaps keeping the floating monsters in the other mazes?).

I never bothered trying to solve the Pit of Despair in DS1 as I believed it was a massive waste of time, considering you only got some random treasure and the sightless helm for conquering it. In LOU I added a few monsters to the start and made the rest of the maze lighter so navigation was easier. I still never bothered to conquer it.

I tried making navigating the Pit easier for DS2 because of one major issue. You can't save your position and reload from that position in DS2 unlike DS1. You can save at any time in the Pit but reloading the game will mean you have to start from the beginning again (as I added a DC point at the bottom of the abandoned mine shaft).

It seems I still made progress through the Pit very time consuming due to the number of monsters within it. I am open to suggestions about how to improve the experience for everyone. Incidentally many of the triggers in the Pit were broken because they way they operate in DS2 is incompatible with the way they were set up in DS1. So I left most of them deactivated as I probably spent close to 20 hours or more refining the Pit as it was.

Also the premise of the Pit of Despair was based on some mid level bonus dungeons that exists in one of my most favourite games of all time - Star Ocean 3 - Till the End of Time. Annoying and time consuming to conquer but with unique enemies not found elsewhere in the game. It also had some nasty puzzles to solve.

Yes of course, being able to reload and quickly go forward to where one left off is the reason for marking the trail - so no need for extra DCs after each door. I've just done a test proving the evil hero monsters don't respawn.

Level discrepancies for daemons etc can be fixed easily and in any case won't affect MLA-local or MLA-all play. Subject to that, I think the final maze is fine and the one before is great - don't remove those monsters - except that the puzzle previously linked to the exit lacks its old purpose without having gained a new one.

In the first maze, the question is what is the baby and what the bathwater?

  1. The evil heroes are nominally level 34 but play more like level 50; this and the sheer number of them is why getting through takes so long.
  2. I fought 23 of them going forwards. If I'd known I didn't need the skulls I could have taken the short cut avoiding the first 8 (and maybe snuck past a couple more upstairs without them reacting)
  3. 3 more appear only if one backtracks - particularly mean, one in ambush that way when party was retreating was one of my tombstone occasions.
  4. Going round again after a reload, though none of those defeated before had respawned, another showed up for the first time: Amren, making 27. Did I miss any? No Zed, the obnoxious swollen-head I'd most like to splatter, nor Rusk who'd be second on my hit list.

By the way, the entire Pit gained my level 37s a good fifth of a level. With many of the later monsters green level, most of this must have come from the doppelgangers.

As to the find-3-other-places (skulls) puzzle, should it be compulsory (as in original DS1) or optional, and if the latter to what purpose?

I've not played the LOU version but that approach sounds better to me: the first maze a warm-up one with only a few monsters, in the final sequence of unavoidable rooms starting at the sunken corridor with galleries either side. Nor have I played this mod's version of LoA to see how the doppelgangers play out there but if their stats are no higher than party members' then perhaps ten evil duplicates would be enough in trios, pairs and singly. I've a particular set of characters and placements in mind, you may prefer different.

- oops, was missing the Mod_content file..
*tut tut* :wacko:

- still, it is working now
- Elys' All_Saves + DS2BW, via the latest build of Windows 10 :woot:

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

Meanwhile I'm disappointed that nobody else has replied yet whether they like or dislike the Pit of Despair as it now is:

Level discrepancies for daemons etc can be fixed easily and in any case won't affect MLA-local or MLA-all play. Subject to that, I think the final maze is fine and the one before is great - don't remove those monsters - except that the puzzle previously linked to the exit lacks its old purpose without having gained a new one.

In the first maze, the question is what is the baby and what the bathwater?

As to the find-3-other-places (skulls) puzzle, should it be compulsory (as in original DS1) or optional, and if the latter to what purpose?

I've not played the LOU version but that approach sounds better to me: the first maze a warm-up one with only a few monsters, in the final sequence of unavoidable rooms starting at the sunken corridor with galleries either side. Nor have I played this mod's version of LoA to see how the doppelgangers play out there but if their stats are no higher than party members' then perhaps ten evil duplicates would be enough in trios, pairs and singly. I've a particular set of characters and placements in mind, you may prefer different.

The so called doppelgangers from loa use the same effect but are basically regular humanoid monsters (human, elf, dryad, half-giant, dwarf). It's currently not possible to generate true doppelgangers like in loa, there the doppelganger cloned itself on the nearest hero it see. Here it's a preset monster.

I'm in favour of removing the doppelganger heroes from the Pit and perhaps including them somewhere in loa. Either at the end as suggested or maybe a special dungeon or stage near the tower where they are found now? Like as a home source of the doppelgangers in the tower (unless there's some reference to how they appear at the tower which I'm not aware of?).

Maybe the first maze in the Pit, where the doppelgangers are now located could either be empty or have daemons roaming around? This would tie it into the other mazes where they can be found.

The skulls could be easily reactivated as a requirement for proceeding pass the first door. Perhaps a ray of light could be emanating from where they are found to mark their position to help navigation - though still with such a marker finding them won't be straightforward.

As well the other doors could have their requirements reinstalled. I believe I am now sufficiently skilled with editing the game to create new triggers to work in a similar way to the old ones.

The final question is whether to keep the final boss in the Pit or not.

Blondin235 wrote:
- oops, was missing the Mod_content file..
*tut tut* :wacko:

- still, it is working now
- Elys' All_Saves + DS2BW, via the latest build of Windows 10 :woot:

I'm glad you sorted it out and the game seems to run fine in Windows 10. I've had no problems with the OS since upgrading.

And you remind me that I have a lot of work to do once the Legendary Mod is finished, in bringing Adepts up to date with it.

bare_elf wrote:
sigofmugmort wrote:

As in the Original DS1 , if you use transmute on the spellbook on the pedastile the doors will not open and you cannot continue the game.

If you do the same to Drevin's Hammer the door does not open nor do the Skeletons come up


To open doors and break things you must use a weapon spell either nature or combat magic. I think this has always been true.


Actually what sigofmugmort is referring to is a possible oversight which could cause the player to get stuck.

The first one is more serious as I believe the spellbook is linked to triggers opening the doors. If the spellbook disappears then the triggers will never activated.

The second one is less serious as it is located on a pressure plate. If you transmute the object, the pressure plate no longer senses anything on it so sends a signal to close the door. Have you tried putting another object on the pressure plate? The hammer is just there to give you a clue about what to do. Later on in searching for the fury eye in the subterranean river, there's a few such pressure plates.

Thanks for this report, I'll have to look to see what I can do to prevent the transmute spell being used on these two objects.

iryan wrote:
Actually what sigofmugmort is referring to is a possible oversight which could cause the player to get stuck.

The first one is more serious as I believe the spellbook is linked to triggers opening the doors. If the spellbook disappears then the triggers will never activated.

Remind me, does Ulora in the mod come with her own spell book? In DS1 she had none, so players wanted the one from the pedestal to give to her, or she'd have to go without until Stonebridge. But if she has her own now anyway then the one on the pedestal could be replaced by a pile of coins (as in one of the Wesrin Cross rooms) to avoid the problem.
sigofmugmort wrote:
Heartseeker did not drop and Ruby Gargoyle using melee attacks is an easy kill just by staying in the Hallway and using ranged attacks.
Same in DS1 (sort of) - one had to get within 10 meters or whatever to trigger it, but could run away immediately, then return and start shooting with a 12-meter-range bow and it just wouldn't know what was hitting it!

Aren't bronze gargoyles in the swamp using a lightning attack? If it was possible to make them do that, then could the Ruby be given a Grave Beam death magic attack? That'd be neat.

2.2, Mod Logic Beta32g, Map UP Beta32g, MLA Beta5r set to Disabled
Flooded Sanctuary 32g changes tested from a set-aside save.

( Redwood Gap black wolves are still level 30, but maybe the region had been populated with them off the 32d templates before I'd saved. )

Going clockwise, both those troublesome buttons work; what they do is ... interesting. ("Working as designed"?) Now if somebody else would test them going anti-clockwise ...

Water Elemental and Mimic levels adjusted - confirmed.

Water Elemental has no radar star and killing it does not complete quest - confirmed. Party went all over the dungeon then returned to tell the Sanctuary keeper it was clear - he believed them (task completed on their way out to him, like the Fallraen Barracks). What I haven't tested is how many kills it takes and therefore whether party could take credit for an incomplete job. My total included about half a dozen respawns and I'd left no red dots in sight on radar - but I still think there are two Unguis that never trigger.

U32d#54. Flooded Sanctuary, north end room (north from first large room with shracks behind gratings): mouse pointer turns orange making me suspect two Unguis not triggering, either side of WD_R1 -0.098/-1.500/-0.889 0xB9E244C1. I've not been attacking Shracks, but seeing if I can bait them into attacking first, and with a bit of patience and moving my character about they usually do. This one room though is different - though the water depth looks to be the same as in the other rooms, Shracks will not attack and cannot even respond to being attacked unless my character stands on the central raised area (the lower tier is sufficient).

U32g#56. [EDITED here] Unguis appear when triggered but then have no attack, not even in response to being attacked. This is not a case of minimal damage, because other party members did not respond as they would have done if my test character had been hurt by so much as 1 health. Putting party on rampage they do attack the waving tentacle so they can see it. Besides having to fight in water, Unguis are meant to be melee fighters but with an unusually long reach.

2.2, Mod Logic Beta32g, Map UP Beta32g, MLA Beta5r set to Disabled
Mainstream test run (previously 32d) resumed from Fury Den exit:
Party of 6, leader at level 38 close to 39; into Quillrabe at level 40.

Utraean Militia Berserker on edge of Crystwind grasslands supposed to be keeping wary eye on Skath runs in to pick a fight with them and harpies.

Skath at level 34, harpies 35, blastwings 35?36? (3-squiggle in my notes) and korven 36 were worthwhile opposition especially considering how many there were.

Sar Vinien's convo about supposed to be delivering message but cannot get through comes up third time round, first time would be better?

Signless post immediately before the waterfall one passes behind: GRS2DES 13.193/-4.600/-9.498 0x9590A563

U32g#57. Rope-and-pulley worked elevators up-down cliff sides along the Iliarth-Quillrabe canyons have gather points that fail to fit a full party of 6 onto the platform. Exception: the elevator (higher stage) up to the lookout near Quillrabe does cope, as previously posted.

U32g#58. level discrepancies: some Skath Disciples before Sar Vinien level 16; some Skath Cats after him level 15.

U32g#59. two Mythic Korven Boneslayers one before and one besides the Droog outpost (ex-Legion) but only the second has mini-boss circle.

NB elevator inside Droog outpost: gather point tested OK.

U32g#60. Quillrabe. Saving game in lower level, reload puts one in previous town. One has to go to upper level before one can reload in Quillrabe. I see why Quillrabe has been given two stash vaults, but having got the "entered Quillrabe" message and gone as far as the first vault (and two merchants) I thought it would be OK to save.

Town has a "Droog Pet Seller" (needs name) shop not marked on radar, and no enchanter at all.

I take it revision of hire convos is still outstanding at 32g, because Firehammer the dwarf is another "best fighter on the island", "Lady Dryad".

U32g#61. Quillrabe teleport HUB when activated zeros in on wrong place on peninsular map - on no place at all, but the index in the top right corner.

++++++EDIT++++++ P.S.

iryan wrote:
I tried making navigating the Pit easier for DS2 because of one major issue. You can't save your position and reload from that position in DS2 unlike DS1. You can save at any time in the Pit but reloading the game will mean you have to start from the beginning again (as I added a DC point at the bottom of the abandoned mine shaft).
No save and reload from that position in DS1 either, surely - not in multi-player which was what GPG designed the UP for and the only way to play it without mods. I cannot imagine how the doors were supposed to work with non-cooperating players moving around the map independently.

Broken World 2.3 Start, Kingdom of Ehb (DS1_Map_World_Beta32G), MLA Beta 5R set to local mode

Traveler Camp
Quest Log

Primary Quests -- Seek Gyorn in Stonebridge, Journey to the Overseer, The search for Merik

Secondary Quests -- Clear Edgaar's Basement, Skrubb the Beach Clean, Find Ordus' Axe, Clear Glitterdelve Pass, Rescue Torg, Sister's Message, Book Return, Homeless Blacksmith, Mysterious Relic

Problems, Errors and Comments

All monsters are leveling correctly.

All Quests working as designed.

Sent My Wolf the the Inn and Hired Phaedriel.

Character Stats

Level 34 Sharpshooter

Level 34 Sharpshooter

Level 33 Assassin

Level 34 Magus

Level 34 Sorcerer

Lili's Dog
Level 34 Dire Wolf


Goblin Stronghold - First Elevator - GI_R1. -6.308/ 30.501/ -0.819/ 0X1FF3D3D1 Has no gather point. Could not position party on platform while in rampage mode, took some time with party in mirror mode to load them on platform and spinning the wheel in center of platform some party members would run off platform. So I sent my main character down the lift waited for the goblins to climb on elevator platform and took them back to my party once they where all dead I was able to in three trips get my party down the elevator. This lift has been a problem in both DS1 and DS2 for as long as I can remember. So fix if you wish leave as is if you do not.


I think that Elevator problem was deliberately put in the base program as a way to :censored: with the players.


sigofmugmort wrote:
I think that Elevator problem was deliberately put in the base program as a way to :censored: with the players.


Don't worry, I've put it on the list to fix in KOE.

I'm still going through items one by one and I've just managed to fix the wonky radar in the Ancient Crypts in the Utraean Peninsula. Somehow it had been rotated 90 degrees so no wonder the radar was so far off.

iryan wrote:
sigofmugmort wrote:
I think that Elevator problem was deliberately put in the base program as a way to :censored: with the players.


Don't worry, I've put it on the list to fix in KOE.

I'm still going through items one by one and I've just managed to fix the wonky radar in the Ancient Crypts in the Utraean Peninsula. Somehow it had been rotated 90 degrees so no wonder the radar was so far off.

@ Sigofmugmort,
I agree, since it was there in the very first release of DS1, and was never fixed through all the revisions of DS1 (evil game designers).
@ Iryan,
I am not worried, it is kind of fun to get the silly goblins to run on the elevator the take them to their death.
I am glad you discovered what the radar issue was in the Ancient Crypts in the Utraean Peninsula. I wonder how it got rotated 90 degrees? I would have guessed a rotation of 180 degrees. I also wonder if the issue with some of the other underground wonky radar is the same issue?


Broken World 2.3 Start, Kingdom of Ehb (DS1_Map_World_Beta32G), MLA Beta 5R set to local mode

Pirate Beach

Quest Log

Primary Quests Act 1 -- Completed

Secondary Quests Act 1 -- Clear Edgaar's Basement, Skrubb the Beach Clean, Find Ordus' Axe, Sister's Message, Clear Glitterdelve Pass, Rescue Torg, Book Return, Homeless Blacksmith.
Primary Quests Act 2 -- Warding Staff,

Secondary Quests Act 2 -- Merik's Staff, Mysterious Relic, Confront Bandit Boss, Shades of White, Purify Temple, Deactive Goblin Machines, Pirates

Problems, Errors and Comments

All monsters are leveling correctly.

All Quests working as designed.

Block Exit Goblin Stronghold Works without quest item you can not leave.

Elevator Exit Goblin Stronghold GI_R3. -10.048/ 30.500 /-0.948/ 0XA757846F needs to be checked, as I am not sure if gather point is working. If party is in rampage mode it runs from elevator when wheel is spun instead of being placed in mirror mode and getting on platform. Everything works correctly if party is already in mirror mode.

Character Stats

Level 40 Sharpshooter

Level 40 Sharpshooter

Level 40 Assassin

Level 40 Magus

Level 40 Magus

Lili's Dog
Level 40 Dire Wolf


Another mystery.

My DS1 was the final retail expansion bundle and I never had a problem on that elevator (other than the intended one of ensuring party wipes out reception committee not vice versa). I've a full party by then but leave mules behind at the top so have 5 or 6 people to put on the elevator. They fit easily in double column or double line formation (at the default spacing; I almost never want to fiddle with spreading them wider apart). I might position characters individually but for tactical advantage (i.e. fighters nearest the edge, mages by the handle). Whoever turns the handle-wheel moves to a particular spot next to it and everybody else stays where they are.

There's no NIS there like the ones before Robo-Suit, Gresh and Gom that change party formation to the wide V that GPG preferred but I don't.

Here in DS2, I've just tried again with my 31m foursome saved at the DC outside. (I cannot remember if my 31p group was bigger but the nearest save I kept for them is back at Verma's.) In mirror mode - which is what I want for the coming fight - I just walk them on, no problem. If not all come on in rampage then regroup key sorts that out.

I've tried again and see a bit better what is going on. It is best to wait for party to stop where one told them to go before clicking on the wheel-handle. If they have still to complete previous movement order then elevator can start moving too soon.

With party in rampage mode, stopped, some on and some off, I clicked the wheel. Party was put into follow mode, moved to gather point and huddled; then returned to rampage mode which meant changing back to the rampage formation (which I now stopped to observe properly for the first time): with four, numbers 2, 3 and 4 at double distance (I estimate) out from number 1 (who stays put) at the corners of an equilateral triangle. There was still room on the elevator for this few and in any case they could not spread off elevator because elevator had already started moving. 1) Party moves to gather point (follow mode), (2) elevator starts moving (3) party reverts to rampage.

By the way, that means where I naturally lead with a fighter in follow mode, in rampage mode it would be better to have the healer in number 1 slot. I live and learn.

Yes, there is a difference between this elevator in KoE and the corresponding one in UP. There, a gather point arranges party in a circle around the central handle (quite widely, about halfway to the elevator edge). For me, the KoE elevator's gather point puts party in a tight huddle one side of the centre.

Other elevators

bare_elf mentioned taking about three goes to get everybody down the elevator - that is just the problem gather points have been causing me, not on goblin elevators but in the canyons on the way to Quillrabe. 5 people can get on but not 6, and if I send the elevator back up the gather point collects those already down and brings them unwantedly up again.

sigofmugmort asked once, I believe, for a gather point on the swinging platform almost at the end of Crystwind mine. Here, I want to both have my cake and eat it. Retreating, should it be necessary, I want everybody to be gathered on the platform. But to get across in the first place I want my shield fighter to get on the platform alone, in a back corner to attract fewest scorpions and give them the least room to surround me.

Other news

I've been all round Hiroth Castle and mausoleum - really good job on the mausoleum monsters, I like them - and am out in the Mesa. Done it twice and want to try a third time but from before the Dragon Queen: get past her, go left out to the Mesa then into the mausoleum by the back door (with or without side trip to get the Grescal stone first).

Anybody know what turning the statues in the mausoleum is for? Google hasn't found me a sufficiently detailed DS1 UP walkthrough, only a site's old DS1 forum thread where nobody back then could find a reason for them.

Pack Mules and Pack rams lower body parts stay intact in the mist in the Ice caverns

am halfway through the river Caverns and have NOT completed the Search for Marik


bare_elf wrote:

Elevator Exit Goblin Stronghold GI_R3. -10.048/ 30.500 /-0.948/ 0XA757846F needs to be checked, as I am not sure if gather point is working. If party is in rampage mode it runs from elevator when wheel is spun instead of being placed in mirror mode and getting on platform. Everything works correctly if party is already in mirror mode.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
Another mystery.
With party in rampage mode, stopped, some on and some off, I clicked the wheel. Party was put into follow mode, moved to gather point and huddled; then returned to rampage mode which meant changing back to the rampage formation (which I now stopped to observe properly for the first time): with four, numbers 2, 3 and 4 at double distance (I estimate) out from number 1 (who stays put) at the corners of an equilateral triangle. There was still room on the elevator for this few and in any case they could not spread off elevator because elevator had already started moving. 1) Party moves to gather point (follow mode), (2) elevator starts moving (3) party reverts to rampage.

I think that helps explain what is happening at that elevator. Thanks.
RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

bare_elf mentioned taking about three goes to get everybody down the elevator - that is just the problem gather points have been causing me, not on goblin elevators but in the canyons on the way to Quillrabe. 5 people can get on but not 6, and if I send the elevator back up the gather point collects those already down and brings them unwantedly up again.

That's very strange as there's 6 gather points for all of those elevators. I believe 5 is sufficient as the party member clicking the lever will always automatically walk onto the elevator. So I don't know what's causing that weird problem. However please notice that there's no such narrow elevators to be found in DS2 so it's likely that it's a design issue.
RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

Anybody know what turning the statues in the mausoleum is for? Google hasn't found me a sufficiently detailed DS1 UP walkthrough, only a site's old DS1 forum thread where nobody back then could find a reason for them.

By examining the statues and the triggers they activate, I conclude they simply are a bad joke by GPG. There's 3 such statues and two of them are suppose to activate fire traps. These fire traps don't function in ds2 so there's no response when you activate the statues. The third statue activates a floor trap releasing 4 torecks into the room. As far as I can determine, there's no reward to be found after all of this.

Additionally there's two kell that when both are killed will activate another floor trap with monsters. I believe I have seen this one in action with a past playthrough.

sigofmugmort wrote:
Pack Mules and Pack rams lower body parts stay intact in the mist in the Ice caverns

am halfway through the river Caverns and have NOT completed the Search for Marik


I believe the phenomenon with the pets has been mentioned before. I have no idea what causes it.

Possibly I can add a check at the door exiting the alpine caverns near where Merik is, so you have to have talked to him and obtained the quest at least (even if you choose not to recruit Merik) before you can proceed.

iryan wrote:
bare_elf wrote:

Elevator Exit Goblin Stronghold GI_R3. -10.048/ 30.500 /-0.948/ 0XA757846F needs to be checked, as I am not sure if gather point is working. If party is in rampage mode it runs from elevator when wheel is spun instead of being placed in mirror mode and getting on platform. Everything works correctly if party is already in mirror mode.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
Another mystery.
With party in rampage mode, stopped, some on and some off, I clicked the wheel. Party was put into follow mode, moved to gather point and huddled; then returned to rampage mode which meant changing back to the rampage formation (which I now stopped to observe properly for the first time): with four, numbers 2, 3 and 4 at double distance (I estimate) out from number 1 (who stays put) at the corners of an equilateral triangle. There was still room on the elevator for this few and in any case they could not spread off elevator because elevator had already started moving. 1) Party moves to gather point (follow mode), (2) elevator starts moving (3) party reverts to rampage.

I think that helps explain what is happening at that elevator. Thanks.
. . .
Perhaps I have missed an update, but
with Ehb Beta 31p, the 3 valves for the elevator 0x0510000B (moving node 0xA757846F) don't have any gather points (yet).

Also the automatic arrangement for party members will fail because the 0/0 coordintes - which are usually in the center of the moving/elevator node - are beyond the borders of this special node. Mathematically the 0/0 coordintes are already onto another node, that's why you can see the party members moving away from the elevator (if on top). :o

However in this case that elevator node is pretty big, in worst case you also could move the members in 'wait' mode (see game options) one by one on that node.

I also recommend this for the automatically moving elevators by the way - gather points and auto-arrangement may work, but not if the elevator node is connected for 1-2 seconds only.
When I visit the Crystwind Mines I will take a look how this 'bording time' can be increased perhaps.

iryan wrote:
By examining the statues and the triggers they activate, I conclude they simply are a bad joke by GPG. There's 3 such statues and two of them are suppose to activate fire traps. These fire traps don't function in ds2 so there's no response when you activate the statues. The third statue activates a floor trap releasing 4 torecks into the room. As far as I can determine, there's no reward to be found after all of this.

Additionally there's two kell that when both are killed will activate another floor trap with monsters. I believe I have seen this one in action with a past playthrough.

In DS1 (I've been testing), one statue does activate a fire trap, one seems to have no fire trap to activate, and one releases two floor traps with one toreck each. The two kell when killed activate a plinth with nothing on it. Two other rooms have floor traps activated by going near them - one I do remember working in this mod. Now I know what to look for when I go through again in DS2 as I still intend to (though not from the other end any more, having done that in DS1 where it makes no difference).

2.2, Mod Logic Beta32g, Map UP Beta32g, MLA Beta5r set to Disabled
Party of 6, leader at level 40 Quillrabe, 41 Hiroth (nearly 42), 44 Grescal.
Fully explored dragon catacombs side caves, both floors of castle, whole of mausoleum, and whole mesa area (including all the way up to dragon catacombs side entrance).

Level discrepancies.

  • Extremely low level loot (e.g. equipment for levels 6 and below) from chests, crates etc all regions from Dragon Catacombs onwards (including two of the Dragon Queen's chests, the one with the Quillrabe stone being the exception).
  • Frost Drake (at catacombs exit) level 25 (NB OK that blue drake is 37 and red 45 when greens and hatchlings 42; however perhaps rethink what/how many monsters in last bit of cave before exit, considering confined space and, in particular, narrow approach that cannot be clicked on for movement?)
  • Rectors in castle 35
  • Skeleton Guards 11 and Bone Minions 28 summoned by mausoleum's Liches and Undead Azunite Mages respectively (perhaps just as well the Bone Minions are no nastier, but of course with MLA-local or -all they will be). Suggest adjusting the Lich summons to another monster e.g. Giant Skeleton
  • Scorpions in endless dunes the level 16 type from KoE when mesa desert has a different type (from DS2?) level 40

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
U32g#61. Quillrabe teleport HUB when activated zeros in on wrong place on peninsular map - on no place at all, but the index in the top right corner.
Problem applies only at Quillrabe itself - when it is selected as destination from Hiroth or Grescal the peninsular map does zero in correctly.

U32g#62. One of the crates in rebel Droog leader's area is unbreakable. DES_R1 3.548/0.000/0.256 0x347D2F67

U32g#63. Bridge from where merchant (Nalin Starbringer) is, to outside dragon catacombs entrance, cannot be clicked on anywhere for movement. Party (or single character) can only be ordered to move all the way across in one go, despite bridge looking to be wider than the narrow passages which always present this problem in DS2.

U32g#64. When Dragon Queen is killed, player sees her falling to oblivion only if a character up close is selected; if the one selected is a bowshot away then player is left with an unattackable, unaggressive “dead” dragon sitting unsupported in mid air (and was she turning her head quizically, as well she might?). This is the same problem I reported with Scorch in KoE.

U32g#65. Radar ghost incantation shrines at two places in catacombs: main path (DRAGON_R2 1.010/0.000/1.263 0x8772DEAC) and near red drake in side cave (DRAGON_R2 3.055/0.300/2.492 0xA7E3D81C)

U32g#66. Radar black-outs in Hiroth near front of potion shop and several spots east from there next to lake.

U32g#67. Hiroth convos. Zuleika Montaigu looks to have something to say but I cannot get her to say it. Mort Pelfalmador complains of “Morden everywhere”. Captain giving quest repeats (in successive paragraphs) sentence about having lost nearly a whole regiment.

U32g#68. “Ravaging of Castle Hiroth” lorebook mentions army of mutant spiders when no mucosa monsters there any more (book also needs reconciling with the now backstory of Lord Hovart's time revealed in banter).

U32g#69. Fire in an upstairs room of castle thinks it is a door. (Same room where sigofmugmort reported phantom counter – fix confirmed.) CASTLE -1.009/0.001/0.504 0xC0D9A5BF

U32g#70. I've not being paying much attention to the npc soundbites but couldn't help noticing that the female soldier at mausoleum entrance has a male voice.

U32g#71. Soldier in mesa desert at mausoleum exit labelled as legionnaire but dressed as militia.

U32g#72. Elevator in mesa desert no gather point/problematic gather point as usual with this type. DESERT 2.831/0.000/0.735 0xADA288D1

U32g#73. Unbreakable container (vase type) too close to cliff (leftmost of three, other two OK). DESERT -0.347/-15.000/-0.693 0xB7CE224D

U32g#74. Grescal (no reagents merchant, no enchanter). NB nice job on Hiroth's enchanter

  • Potion merchant same name (Azunite Priestess Challe) as Hiroth's – in DS1 was Sorceress Vielle [Brathem? Brathern?].
  • Dogs no labels (neither names nor a generic “dog”) when in DS1 were Scudhund and Sharif.
  • Spelling discrepancy: Lichah Brudevertius on label but Licah in Nadifa Zeignuing's convo. (Having recently met Liches, party members think the woman should insist on the second spelling.)
  • Lost Pyramids quest log refers to Calixtica's dream when she has been made undertaker and Wylie Talbot has been made the dreamy quest-giver.
  • Alwyn Gheldrick looks to have something to say (in DS1 it was about Gikk being good to hunt and eat) but I cannot get him to say it.
  • When Damog offers Threat to Grescal quest, hero accepts with “we'll eliminated the threat”.

Broken World 2.3 Start, Kingdom of Ehb (DS1_Map_World_Beta32G), MLA Beta 5R set to local mode

Fortress Kroth
Quest Log

Primary Quests Act 1 -- Completed

Secondary Quests Act 1 -- Completed

Primary Quests Act 2 -- Warding Staff, Acient Evil

Secondary Quests Act 2 -- Completed

Problems, Errors and Comments

All monsters are leveling correctly. However Fury and Fury Spawn could be a little harder to kill they appear to be weaker than the Mine Worms.

All Quests working as designed.

Block Fortress Kroth Basement works without quest item you can not leave.

Sent Lili's Dog to the inn for some kibble and beer, Hired Sikra

Character Stats

Level 43 Sharpshooter
Level 43 Sharpshooter
Level 43 Assassin
Level 43 Magus
Level 43 Magus
Level 42 Magus

I was in Grescal's abandoned ruins, had killed a big snake, found one of the secret areas, dropped a potion and went to PrintScreen but hit the button just above marked Power. Goodbye game.

bare_elf wrote:
However Fury and Fury Spawn could be a little harder to kill they appear to be weaker than the Mine Worms.
I agree, they could do with more health, also with being more dangerous - or rather, dangerous to more characters at once. Multi-missile spells are just too hit-and-miss at range.

Could powers be used instead? Imagine if the big Fury had a native ability to recharge powers instantly (like the Chant of Power but lasting for ever), and used area-effect Detonation, Icicle Blast, Gathered Bolt and Harvest Soul in rotation.

sigofmugmort wrote:
Heartseeker did not drop
In DS1, I never thought the Heart Stopper to be anything special. I'd be in Wesrin Cross before any character reached the Dex 13 needed, and by then I'd be finding a Bow (weapon called just that) to use instead.
RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
Potion merchant ... in DS1 was Sorceress Vielle [?]
Vielle Brathem.
RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
Flooded Sanctuary ... Going clockwise, both those troublesome buttons work; what they do is ... interesting. ("Working as designed"?)
Yes, a DS1 test (clockwise only) confirms that is what they are meant to do.
RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
north end room ... suspect two Unguis not triggering
DS1 test confirms two Unguis there to be triggered.
RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
iryan wrote:
By examining the statues and the triggers they activate, I conclude they simply are a bad joke by GPG. There's 3 such statues and two of them are suppose to activate fire traps. These fire traps don't function in ds2 so there's no response when you activate the statues. The third statue activates a floor trap releasing 4 torecks into the room. As far as I can determine, there's no reward to be found after all of this.

Additionally there's two kell that when both are killed will activate another floor trap with monsters. I believe I have seen this one in action with a past playthrough.

In DS1 (I've been testing), one statue does activate a fire trap, one seems to have no fire trap to activate, and one releases two floor traps with one toreck each. The two kell when killed activate a plinth with nothing on it. Two other rooms have floor traps activated by going near them
The plinth- and monster-releasing traps all work here, only the two fire-trap-firing (actual or intended) statues activate nothing.
sigofmugmort wrote:

the party did not respond to these critters attacks, even the member being attacked
I was in the same room this morning, in that deeper area of water, looking out for just that problem, and did not see it. My party stood there, the critters came and attacked and, like the kell before them, died.

Broken World 2.3 Start, Kingdom of Ehb (DS1_Map_World_Beta32G), MLA Beta 5R set to local mode

Cliffs of Fire

Quest Log

Primary Quests Act 1 -- Completed

Secondary Quests Act 1 -- Completed

Primary Quests Act 2 -- Completed

Secondary Quests Act 2 -- Completed

Problems, Errors and Comments

All monsters are leveling correctly.

All Quests working as designed.

Direct Connect Teleport at DC_R1. 1.948/ 0.000/ 2.711/ 0X99F17897 does not exist in the real world, and does not need to since it is very close to the Cliffs of Fire. However it appears on Radar image.

I got tired of Phaedriel and replaced her with Ulfgrim.

Character Stats

Level 45 Assassin
Level 45 Assassin
Level 44 Assassin
Level 45 Magus
Level 45 Magus
Level 44 Magus

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

bare_elf wrote:
However Fury and Fury Spawn could be a little harder to kill they appear to be weaker than the Mine Worms.
I agree, they could do with more health, also with being more dangerous - or rather, dangerous to more characters at once. Multi-missile spells are just too hit-and-miss at range.

Could powers be used instead? Imagine if the big Fury had a native ability to recharge powers instantly (like the Chant of Power but lasting for ever), and used area-effect Detonation, Icicle Blast, Gathered Bolt and Harvest Soul in rotation.

Originally the Furies were more dangerous as they used some of the BW spells but had to be cut for compatibility with vanilla DS2.

I'm still to revise them as well as looking at the problem with the Goblin Robo Suit (in both maps) and the lectars (who do not damage at all). The Ancient Troll doing no damage I fixed by simply replacing him.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

sigofmugmort wrote:
Heartseeker did not drop
In DS1, I never thought the Heart Stopper to be anything special. I'd be in Wesrin Cross before any character reached the Dex 13 needed, and by then I'd be finding a Bow (weapon called just that) to use instead.

I agree the DS1 Heart Stopper was quite weak but then again it was a very early game weapon, which would become obsolete very quickly.

What sigofmugmort would be looking for was a special unique version of the Heart Stopper like the other DS1 unique weapons in the mod. You know the type that levels with you?

I hope in the next version it will drop. I've tested it numerous times in a test map and it drops from the Ruby Gargoyle like it should. I believe there was something in the instance template for the Ruby Gargoyle that interfered with pcontent drops (I don't recall the Ruby Gargoyle dropping anything but maybe my memory is faulty). I've cleaned the template up so hopefully next time (keeps fingers crossed).

Incidentally I've noticed the remarks about the Ruby Gargoyle and will try to remove exploits with it. I have to be careful otherwise melee characters may never be able to defeat the beast. Maybe something clever like activating firetraps behind the hero once the Ruby Gargoyle is triggered so retreating could be very painful.

Fire traps in the corridor leading to the Ruby Gargoyle that activate when it does sounds :twisted: :thumbup1:


Another problem monster: the Serpent Queen does no damage. Except that I can get her to. It would appear that she thinks her strike reach is longer than it really is - or perhaps she thinks it is measured from her head when it fact it is measured from the centre of her body.

Serpent stops in front of melee fighter (alone ahead of party) and goes into attack animation, but does not register any hits (so neither target nor other party members react). Fighter if ordered to attack serpent takes a single step forward, still in front of serpent's head but now closer, and starts hitting, still without being hit. To be hit, fighter must move past serpent's head to alongside its body.

I guess the Ancient Troll's problem was the same.

Lectars, on the other hand, look to me as if, when one is as close as it can get to party member it wishes to attack, it needs to "get closer" and is casting about trying to find a way round an "obstruction".

iryan wrote:
What sigofmugmort would be looking for was a special unique version of the Heart Stopper like the other DS1 unique weapons in the mod. You know the type that levels with you?
Yes indeed, when you get it to drop you will have replaced what was a minor reward (in DS1) with a major one.

(Is it too late for Heart Stopper and Lyssa's Bow to swap definitions? So she gets the self-levelling weapon and the Ruby Gargoyle drops Ranged 4 with fire damage (can appear anywhere else a random "unique" is allowed).

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

(Is it too late for Heart Stopper and Lyssa's Bow to swap definitions? So she gets the self-levelling weapon and the Ruby Gargoyle drops Ranged 4 with fire damage (can appear anywhere else a random "unique" is allowed).

It's never too late for anything, especially for a relatively minor switch like that which I assume would work by the hero receiving a copy of the bow from Reynard (like in LOA) instead of just a journal entry.

The reason I never made a special version of the bow is that there's already an unique version of Lyssa's Bow in DS2, one of GPG so called uniques which has an item_level of 6, adds 4 to dexterity, 1-2 fire damage, %% chance to find magic items and 15% extra gold dropped. Not very awe inspiring.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:
Another problem monster: the Serpent Queen does no damage. Except that I can get her to. It would appear that she thinks her strike reach is longer than it really is - or perhaps she thinks it is measured from her head when it fact it is measured from the centre of her body.

Serpent stops in front of melee fighter (alone ahead of party) and goes into attack animation, but does not register any hits (so neither target nor other party members react). Fighter if ordered to attack serpent takes a single step forward, still in front of serpent's head but now closer, and starts hitting, still without being hit. To be hit, fighter must move past serpent's head to alongside its body.

I guess the Ancient Troll's problem was the same.

Lectars, on the other hand, look to me as if, when one is as close as it can get to party member it wishes to attack, it needs to "get closer" and is casting about trying to find a way round an "obstruction".

Thanks, that gives me somewhere to start in order to revise these problematic monsters. I did increase the lectar's attack range but perhaps not enough (it is very long and low to the ground). Perhaps it also needs its sight height increased as maybe that ties in with where the attack is calculated from? DS2 obviously calculates origin of attack differently to DS1.

Another monster I couldn't get to work and so didn't use it was the Desert Braak, the large braaks found in the desert that picks up boulders to throw at you. That's why I used the brall as they looked and acted similarly.

RSimpkinuk57 wrote:

Water Elemental has no radar star and killing it does not complete quest - confirmed. Party went all over the dungeon then returned to tell the Sanctuary keeper it was clear - he believed them (task completed on their way out to him, like the Fallraen Barracks). What I haven't tested is how many kills it takes and therefore whether party could take credit for an incomplete job. My total included about half a dozen respawns and I'd left no red dots in sight on radar - but I still think there are two Unguis that never trigger.

A comment on how this quest has been revised to work. Firstly was there a radar quest star just inside the sanctuary?

It was way too complicated to have a counter keeping track of all the monsters in the sanctuary, especially as some like the unguis are invisible until triggered and others like some Shrack are triggered and then appear from drains in the water.

So I basically cheated and set up the quest like the Ravaging Hiroth quest works (also problematic as the monsters appear from generators and have no scid identifiers). As you pass certain rooms you trigger the counter which when completed, activates the final trigger near the exit from the sanctuary. All to give the impression that the number of monsters you kill is tracked by the quest when it isn't. A cheat or shortcut of sorts but the alternative is unreliable and I'm not certain if the game would even track the number of kills if you save halfway through the dungeon, quit and then reloaded.

All of that comes from the first quest in the cellar at Elddim. Even though there's only a few monsters there in a small room, sometimes the quest counter wouldn't register every kill and so you couldn't finish the quest. I solved that by reducing the number of monsters required to be killed by 1. So its possible to leave one spider alive and still finish the quest - though nobody has every mentioned it so far.
