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Templarian Arch Sorcerer's blog

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

math is art!

My friend does not believe that math is art. I believe that this proves her wrong :
It is clearly very complex, it took my computer well over 20 minutes to generate and render it, and it stole all of my ram in the process ^_^

It is a work of art, imo, thanks to math.....

Concidering how enormous the surface area of this form is, it makes me wonder why they don't use things like that for heat sinks...

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture


Doubtless that everyone has heard of the Blu-ray player, which uses a blue laser for higher data storage amounts.

Now, I just read that manufacturers in Japan are trying to make ultraviolet laser players, for even more storage.....

If this keeps up, it will be like...

Gamma ray player: Warning, do not open while in operation.

*opens it*


*falls over*


Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture

Vrooooom..... *krug splat*

Being inspired by Kathycf, I decided to take a couple hours to make a pack.....thing.

Sure, its a little rusted out and the wood is rotting, but it holds more than a mule and packs a better punch too. Wink

There is just one problem, it works perfectly except that I am unsure of how to get it into my party....
Any suggestions?

Templarian Arch Sorcerer's picture


Yet another miserable birthday for me..... That is all I have to say. Sad

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