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Switch to php5

I'm going to switch over to php5 so I can update the platform to a more recent version. But if anything bad happens rest assured that Siegetheday will be back quickly. (I have tons of backups)

Sharkull's picture

sol77 wrote:
(I have tons of backups)

:thumbup: I wonder what would motivate you to have multiple back-ups... :P

When are you thinking of doing the work?

I wonder what would motivate you to have multiple back-ups...

Yea I wonder what that could be. Smile
I'm thinking I'll do the switch tomorrow or the day after.

Hmm.. it seems like everything is working. Let me know if you see anything odd.

- coming through,

- loud and clear in the Blue Havens, Sol.. :woot:

Sharkull's picture

sol77 wrote:
Let me know if you see anything odd.

Don't I always?

Blondin235 wrote:
- coming through,
- loud and clear in the Blue Havens, Sol.. :woot:

That is good. Smile Let's just hope the next upgrade goes just as smooth.

Sharkull wrote:
Don't I always? ^^

Yes you do! Laughing out loud