What is going on right now.
Submitted by sol77 on Sat, 2005-08-27 22:12 | ||
Just thought I should let you guys know what's going on with siegetheday.org right now. Edit: I'm not gonna use the new space till I get things sorted with goDaddy. forums: |
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Cool! Hopefully getting the real DNS linked up properly will help with the low traffic here...
It should.
We have transfered the DNS so we count on Siegetheday to be back online today or tomorrow. We have added subforums at the new place and are currently adding the same attachment mod that we are using here.
edit: According to GoDaddy it could take up to 48 hours before the DNS transfer has propagated.
Waiting for godaddy...
Woe is me, I was given the wrong nameservers. So we have to wait upto 48 hours from now before the domain propagates, again.
Think happy thoughts. :yahoo:
I'm gonna drop this whole nameserver deal, I've followed instructions but it doesn't seem to work. So instead I have parked the domain and am gonna forward and mask the domain here.
Godaddy does not seem to be the best webhost. They may be one of the cheapest but it obviously has to be since they dont seem to have very good service or quality.
Yes. If they hadn't been paid for till 2007 a switch would be in order.
Still trying to resolve things with GoDaddy. I mailed them yesterday asking them why it doesn't work, they told me it does. ^^ They must be using a magical proxy.
Ok, now I have finally gotten some real help and it is now working like it should.
Will move everything as soon as I have time.
I'll be here.... :missu: :sun:
I'll be here too
. I will support this site for sure.
Woo Hoo its back
Sol tank you my dear friend.
If you be in need of help, I could always moderate moderitly
Hey Sol,
I've been working on some site content intended for Siege-Mods, but you're welcome to use it if you want (since I know siegetheday.org will support / promote modding, which was my goal in creating the content).
Here's a (temporary) link to what I had prepared about a week ago (primarily Set info...), but I didn't upload all the images.
Sorry about the adds... I just wanted to find a quick free host, and this was an easy option.
Unfortunately I was learning HTML as I was drafting the page formats, and therefore didn't use styles as much as I could / should have so changing the colour scheme would be a major hassle. If you want what I have "as is", just let me know and I'll send a zip file to you.
Note: I'm currently working on pages for the game's Uniques so there will be more in a little while.
I'm also thinking about pages for Reagents and Crafted items (crafted_items.gas = fixed attribute Rares for sale in shops), but no commitments for now.
Same here, I was forum admin at siege-mods and like to think I did a great job
. I didn't even let personal matters get in the way
. If ya need the old crew from siege-mods let us know. I'm glad to see sharkull and bare here.
Sharkull - That would be great. Thank you very much. Hopefully I can find some time during the weekend to put it up.
You still have my mail right.
Savante - I will for sure keep that in mind. I'm gonna have to delegate alot of work if this is going to work so your help would be appreciated.

I just sent you an email... Let me know if you don't get it.
I've notice some of the old siege-mod staff willing to help
(we can talk in irc, and I'll ask if others are interested). It will be a lot of work. Some of us have been talking about options for a new home(for awhile). I will be able to lend a hand regardless of the decision(I want to be involved with mutliple communities). I'm glad you resurrected this site by the way
You might have noticed that there is something wrong with the forwarding mask for the domain. In a few days I will try to get it fixed, much better now than later.
Use http://std.seijsing.se if you notice that you can't access the site.
Might be a good idea to bookmark it for future reference as well. The changes I will make can take up to 12 hours to propragate. Hopefully it won't though since godaddy have started to give much better service. My guess is I will do this on tuesday or wednesday.
I'm gonna make a change in the forwarding within the next hours so remember to use the backup url incase the change doesn't propgragate properly.
I've made some changes to the site. It is likely that I have broken something considering how late it is. ^^ Please give me a heads up if you notice anything that seems odd.
Mostly I have fixed the download section (nearly done), messed around with the menu, fixed some links and modules.
Edit: I should point out that we want good mods that we can host, especially ones for DS2. So let us know if you have any that you want us to upload here. ^^
If it was anyone but you, Sol, I'd slap you with my trusty 'ole necromancer picture.
Yeah, godaddy wasn't a good host from the start. They gave my site rpg-network.com a read hard time the whole time, and their blundering led to its downfall, so I'm not a big fan. I'm sure someone like you could toss 'em around a bit, though. I hope StD doesn't run into any problems. I'll be available if you need any help.
Well this is my ol' trusted thread for telling the users about stuff I do to the poor site. :P
Yeah GoDaddy are trouble, but they have shaped up lately.
StD.o isn't leaving my server though. Every time it has it has been brought down. :?
I'm hosting Evolve through ixwebhosting.com -- they seem pretty good, and quite affordable
I'm using hostmonster. So far so good. Great support on the phone 24/7 too. I have not been with them long so cannot say much.
I must be totally stupid, it seems everyone has a DS website except for me. :oops:
He doesn't have a DS website?