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Temporary Solution to ZoneMatch

Hello, I've owned dungeon siege since the release day in 2002 and i only started playing again recently

after a 2-3 year break and i noticed Zonematch was down. Well, today when i had some free time, i

programmed something to help with tcp/ip games:


So basically how this works is, people can apply for the status of "Approved Host" through my program

which will then send me a email. I'll speak to the host and try to connect to their DS game, if i can, i

add them to the list on my web server and this program reads all approved IPs from my web server, so

anyone who has my program open will be able to get a list of possible servers to join, my program

currently lists:

.Game IP
.PvP or PvE mode
.Type of Play (legit or edited)

This is the first version, i plan to make a lot of updates some of which:

.Make it possible to connect straight to games through my client
.No needing approval, you just enter your IP then click "Host" and you will automatically be placed in the list for all players to see
.Incorporate game names onto the list
.List your ping to "X" server
.A favorites list for your servers
.a Messenger of some sort
.Perhaps a Timezone tab to show the current time for common timezones
.Ability to check whether a server is up or down without starting DS

below is the link to the program, if needed i can upload it to another host:

programmed in 2.0 so .net framework 2.0 is required to run

if anyone is willing to host me for free, i would really appreciate it as i am using my friends web server as of now. Finally, i am not sure of the status of the SMTP server being used for the mailing function in my program, i don't know if it works for users outside of my yeah, if you have applied for approved status and have not received an email within 12 hours contact me here or by my email:

All feedback is appreciated.
Regards, Akimoko/Shoxin.

Sharkull's picture

Have you considered making the programs (both client and server code) Open Source?

i plan on going open source once i get a little bit more done and clean it up big time, I've been working on it a bit today and have implemented a "favorites list" and nearly finished the a chat system.

Huib Bloodstone's picture

Thats a workaround mate -_-

Cheers ^^

Akimoko > Is this the same client that is used on ?

And has anyone tested either client, assuming they are not the same?

Huib Bloodstone's picture

heres the information about the DSG Game zone

I see. Thanks for the info.