DS1 Legendary Mod for DS2 Beta Thread
Submitted by iryan on Tue, 2012-04-24 23:39 | ||
This thread is devoted to comments, bug reports and fixes and discussion about the DS1 Legendary Mod for Dungeon Siege 2 and Dungeon Siege 2: Broken World. Full version Installer version DS2 Legendary Mod v1.01 at MODDB Split version Installer version Hotfix for fades issue in Kingdom of Ehb v1.01 Please note that the mod must be installed in the Dungeon Siege 2 resources folder even if you own Broken World. Unexpected glitches will occur if you don't. The installer version also includes a number of min-mods and a simple mod manager to enable them, which isn't available if you download the mod as separate modules below. Here's the links of all required files for the full version as separate modules; Please note that the DS1 Content Pack is included within the mod but for reference here's the separate download link; Mod Game Manual Current Readme for KillerGremal Mods This mod allows players the opportunity to play Kingdom of Ehb, Utraean Peninsula, Legends of Aranna and Yesterhaven from the original Dungeon Siege in Dungeon Siege 2 and it's expansion, with all the benefits that provides. Think of it as more of a remastered version of the original Dungeon Siege than a mere port to a newer engine. The mod is based on Killergremal's original work on the Utraean Peninsula, Kingdom of Ehb and Yesterhaven, found at this thread; https://siegetheday.org/?q=node/1330 Elys All*Saves or Elys' Succubus Manager is recommended to play the mod, which most users of this site probably already use. However either use v1 of All*Saves or turn off the seefar option in the launcher as the mod incorporates seefar moods directly in the maps for better balance without the glitches and distortions caused by using a too high a level of seefar in the launcher. Version 1 of Elys All*Saves is distributed in the installer version in original DS2 (v2.2), Broken World (v2.3) and Steam versions. Partial Language Translations Forum Threads for KillerGremal's Mods +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Please put any comments, suggestions, reports, etc. about user made maps into that thread rather than here. All maps should be fully playable from start to finish but please expect bugs as they are still only alpha versions. forums: |
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I've noticed that I don't have "DS1_LoA_Resources.ds2res" installed at the moment..
Is that crucial?
Where would I find that one?
- I have Ds1/Loa installed and running ok..
- Ds2 still fails on loading (at the same spot)
methinks something is missing.. o_0
indeed that is why not many skins were ever made for ds2, cause the armor alone has the feet and hands in it and there was like 8 skin veriations to each armor, and then u got match the face with the head and body, at least they put the number on the end of file name to make matching simpler (ex skin_31-armor_31). may be able to rig a human head-face to an elf body armor Making Ultrean from scratch will in deed be a lot of work, thats why i thought it be simpler using ds1 originals and making a small set of armor for em
i sometimes wish this forum had nested comments so I could comment to comments like other sites so my posts wont be at top or take up so much room, but oh well here goes -
dont think that DS1_LoA_Resources.ds2res is even needed
also try what Iryan said in post -
esp the part about running plain vanilla ds2, if plain ds2 works then go from there.
Like in DS2 a teleport link between acts would be useful. There would only have to be one between each act.
Like Act1 Arhok to and from Act2 Illcor. Yes I found the secret teleport but just thought it was a leftover something. Must go back an look for it again and figure out how to make it work.
hate to admit it it, but the solution was simply to patch DS2 up to date
I haven't installed DS/BW so the updated version wasn't running..
- sorry about that..!!
- just running thru the DS1 Ehb map at the moment, getting used to the "feel" of the thing..
- I'm using Windows7 in 64-bit mode - all is well so far..
- one other question..
how would I keep each savegame seperately, assuming that there is only one gamesave file per act..
would a simple rename (back_up) of the savefile do the trick?
As you have found out probably, there is only 1 savegame per party. :o
But actually you can have an (almost) infitinite number of automatic savegame backups since v2.2.
today i found out i have more going on than just the inn bug, it seems my save game has got corrupted somehow, cause when i went to check storage chest it did not have last save, my inventory was missing items, and the last place i saved game, near the pirate beach, was sent back to goblin warrens. this is something that happens a lot on win 7 64 bit. it did it a couple year back on multiplayer games as well, i think win 7 is cursed, i never had that issue with winxp.
so Blondin i would suggest copying your save everytime u quit and putting someplace else, and renaming them something like crypt1save to tell u where u quit etc, just in case u end up like me with 5 bad saves and not one good.
I was looking around in the DS2 Logic folders and in DS2 Logic\world\global\skins I discovered two gas files that appear not to be used anywhere in DS2 and the images they reference do not appear anywhere in the DS2 Objects folder. The gas files are shirts.gas and pants.gas which where used to create the upper and lower body skins for DS1 characters. It might be possible therefore to use the DS1 Utraeans directly in DS2. Let me dig about in the DS1 folders and see how things where put together, I used to know but it has been some time since I modded anything for ds1.
Here are just two quick takes on Utraean Skins for armor maybe or base skin.
I have not put them into a mod because they are still not exactly correct and if we can actually use DS1 skins because of the holdover folders I found there would be no point. However Iryan or Dark_Elf feel free to try them. Remember you will need to convert the images to either DDS or PSD format
as they are currently JPG. You should not need a alpha layer.
I am like really sorry Iryan but it seems I broke the teleport in the Cavern after killing all the cool monsters. I really like the evil eye. My poor Trog kept getting snuffed. Silly pack animal.
This trunk is weird
oops killed the teleport hope you will not charge me for it giggle
Very nice work. Would look good ingame.
I don't think I'll be able to do anything with the Utraeans, it would be too much work. Whether we use DS2 models as a base or use DS1 models, we'd still need to make a new race so that the game would know what armor mesh and textures to assign to them when the player goes to equip them with new armor. I tried to follow what was done with the Cat Mansion mod but got confused.
Even then nearly every piece of armor would need to be touched up to change the base skin to utraean skin.

I fiddled around a bit and got an Utraean custom model into the game but unfortunately I can't seem to get the armors to switch. The idea is to use the DS1 farmgirl model with DS1 armor renamed to DS2 equivalents as suggested by Dark_elf. Not sure if this would even work.
The model behind her is the DS2 female model with the Utraean skin and you can see how the armor has it's own skin quite separate to the model's skin. As Dark_elf commented GPG really made it hard for skinners in DS2.
Has anyone any suggestions or ideas? I can post the resources I've made so far if it's any help.
I'll fix the trunk for you. Glad you found the secret region.
Incidentally I've been toying with the idea of maybe extending it a little so you could explore the actual Shadow Realm a little bit and close the portal from there. That's assuming I could come up with a Shadow Realm sort of region and if everyone thought it would be worthwhile.
if u can tank what u have done would be nice, i would like to see your works, here is the plan i was coming up with... i am planning on trying to use the original ds1 models, so planning on taking farmgirl and farmboy anims, renaming them like farmgirlds1, farmboyds1, then go in and rename the files something other than what ds2 is using for its variations, will do the same with the meshes, and armor as they will all need new naming key values. gonna make a ultraen.nnk tree key file and insert
TREE = A_C_GAH_FBds1 , Farmboyds1 , "Farmboyds1" , FS0 , FS1 , FS2 , FS3 , FS4 , FS5 , FS6 , FS7, FS8
TREE = A_C_GAH_FGds1 , Farmgirlds1 , "Farmgirlds1" , FS0 , FS1 , FS2 , FS3 , FS4 , FS5 , FS6 , FS7, FS8
TREE = B_C_GAH_FBds1 , Farmboyds1 , "Farmboyds1"
TREE = B_C_GAH_FGds1 , Farmgirlds1 , "Farmgirlds1"
the ds2 tree already has the ds1 armor entries, so they should work in original place, just getting the original farmboy and farmgirl anims and meshes into game is what it need
anyways its all about adding to the tree, be a lot of work but i think it can be done
i did something similar with the darth vader mod a few year ago -

I gave Stonepick Ghastley's new dwarven head.
Otherwise, what do you think?
I'll fiddle with it a bit more using your suggestions and see if I can work it out, otherwise I'll tank what I got and post it.
I was working along your lines anyhow as modifying the DS2 armors would be a pain. Once we get it working, we'd just need to get the nearest equivalents to the DS2 armors from the DS1 originals.
Very nice work PhoeniX. Fits in well with the DS2 artwork.
Of course if we can get the Utraeans working we'd probably stick with their portraits but the others look wonderfull. If we do that we could still use the portraits for some of the other recruitable characters not listed or change some of them. For instance Drevin and his sister.
I think.... in one word......Awesome!!! good job as usual PhoeniX
as for the ultraens, made some gas entries for the load screens today and mp, got gas files pretty much done, then tanked, but for some reason they are not showing on load screen, must be issue with the anims mesh naming still, had electric out for last 2 hours and kind of tired now so, probably try a little tomorrow.
also while looking at the load screen thing ds2 left entry in for the skeleton, so perhaps may want to fiddle with skeleton next. was fun running around in ds1 as skeleton in mp the idea to play him in ds2 gets me motivated to try to mod again.
It would be somewhat of an easy task to fix the DS2 armor to support one base female skin and one base male skin. As type3, type4 and type5 images would not require any changes unless your character was running about without gloves and shoes. There are only 13 type1 images and 19 type2 images of which about 9 would require modification. So at most it would be editing 64 images but I expect quite a few less. Iryan if you can tank up what you have so far I would be able to test the changes to the type one armor.

Here is a zip of the female type1 armors for DS2 Utraean femals
Here's what I've come up with so far; http://www.siegetheday.org/~iryan/files/utraean.zip

I've managed to get a custom model utraean female working but can't change the armor on her. There's no need to have custom animations as the Ds1 ones work with her.
The second npc is just a DS2 female npc with an utraean skin. I fiddled around with this model trying to get something working using the modified utraean skins bare_elf sent me (included in zip) without success. The texture 1 is commented out since it conflicts with the armor (getting yellow and black bars) but works if there's no armor equiped.
The zip includes both the untanked resources and a small test map playable only in BW
downloaded and gonna try to modify the tree and set up screens for Jharmaya to load as playable character so can further work on her.

nice work iryan, another screenie of modified works
The Adventures of Utraen Girl
Jharmaya as playable character
and some hairstyles-
and then the Utraen Girl enters Yesterhaven
merc armor dont work on her cause she needs ds1 original armor, so now need to get the templates for the armor and art, and add the ds1 armor to the game
Very nice stuff Darkelf. The game has been missing an Utraean playable character.
It's quite easy now to create DS1 templates since all of the DS1 resources are available ingame through the mod content packs (I noticed that some of the LOA content is still missing and needs to be fixed).
So is your idea is to have DS1 armor drops in the game as well but restricted to be only equipted by DS1 characters? I think bare_elf and my idea was to have the Utraeans able to equip the DS2 armor and she actually edited all the required files (but I lack the knowledge to get them to appear on the DS2 Utraean).
Still if there's no other way around the problem it would work well. It would also have a lot of advantages as well, as the DS1 dwarf could be resurrected for Gloern and Stonepick in vanilla DS2 and the Skeleton could be made a playable or recruitable character (as in LOU). Even the gargoyle from Dungeon Siege Revived and Ghastley's playable Naja could be used as well. Plenty of options and it would be good to see some of the old DS1 armor again (PhoeniX has converted some of the armor for DS2 but I haven't had time yet to do much with it- apologies PhoeniX).
Good stuff allround!
unfortunately this idea didn't work, she can't equip armor, she reminds me of those monster mods, so i am giving up this idea, in long run probably better to go with what bare_elf has done and work with that and do a ds2 version, having ds1 armor and ds2 armor in game would be to confusing anyways, also would put more burden on the shop and what it sells, so this not good way to go, i may try to keep working on it since bare_elf say to do like catmansion but its getting frustrating not working.
ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, i present to you UtraGirl2.0
bare_elf's b_c_gah_amr_suit_fa_a1_003_51.dds and iryan
_a1_012_01_utraean.dds both with skin_01_01_utraean.dds
now were cookin morden on a stick lol
That is really nice DE so now you are using the DS2 farmgirl. Guess I better get working on the skins for the Utraean Farm Boy. Maybe something like this. This is just a trick of the light. As it is only a modified type one skin and if you took off his helm he would be human.
I looked at the various male skin types and discovered with very little modification that the half giant type 21 is very close to the DS1 utraean skin color. All that would need to be done would be to change the color of the tattoos from red to black. and rename the resulting image file something that does not conflict with the types already used by the dwarf, half giant, male and female elves, male and female humans and dryads. I used 51 for the female utraean so maybe 61 would work for the male utraean.
so change from b_c_gah_amr_suit_hg_a1_001_21.dds to b_c_gah_amr_suit_um_a1_001_61.dds and tweak the tattoo color. They are ready to go when you want them. Keep in mind that there is no size or layout difference between the ds2 dwarf, male human, male elf or half giant. You can use any of the male skins on any character type just by changing the character as in: type b_c_gah_amr_suit_AA_a1_001_BB.dds where AA is the type of character i.e. half giant, elf, dwarf or human and where BB is the skin tone.
Now if we where to use the special numbers 51 and 61 for the armors, it would be a good idea for me to rename all of the type 2, type3, type4 and type5 items the same way even though there it is not necessary to modify the armor images. That way the Utraean female or male would only get armor that looked correct for it. then we could have folders in the suits directory specifically for the utraeans. Give me until Thursday night or Friday morning to get this done as I am not sure if I will be herding cats tomorrow or not.
Great Stuff Darkelf, there's always a way. As Bare_elf mentioned GPG uses the base resources for all the races just modified to suit the differences and in their own folders so it fits correctly.
With what PhoeniX has come up with the portraits, we're on the way to making the recruitable characters very classy, current day versions of their old selves.
It should also help you with your playable (and recruitable) skeleton and even the others I mentioned should you ever become bored. Bare_elf's work is also great in doing the converting in the time she did. It took me ages to do my single one.
Yes having the ds1 armor drop in addition to the regular stuff would probably be overkill as there's gloves, helmets and boots to consider as well. Even with the weapons I converted, a lot of junk ends up in the shops now. They also need to be worked on a bit, maybe making them unique or rare. Especially Merik's staff which now drops as a regular weapon.
Now that the maps from DS1 have basically been completed, I'm working on fixing all the bugs and other stuff reported by the Beta testers. Darkelf and Bare_elf are working on getting the Utraean race ingame and PhoeniX has come up with some spiffy character portraits to help polish off the recruitable characters. KillerGremal has also been hard at work refining his code on which the mod depends on.
Some of the things that have been fixed are;
- Orphaned Triggers and broken gizmos from the maps removed
- Health and Mana bushes added to Yesterhaven and LOA
- Innkeeper bug hopefully fixed (by moving the innkeepers away from the counters where necessary)
- Money charged by innkeepers for the sixth slot in DS1 maps changed to 35,000 gold (by using a custom flick)
Now I'm working on adding traps back to the maps as per the originals.

nice indeed, i hope the fireball traps work, i missed going into that room and didnt get shot by em. if i remember right ds2 has some of those fire ball traps in the undead soldier dungeons that one has to enter to do the champions mask quest, maybe looking at that code can help a little.
as for utrean, i ran into another snag, as seen in this pic, gloves, boots and helms equip but the merc armor left black/yellow streak, this is where i wish i had bare_elf's brain to figure out armor glitches, such as this.

Dark_Elf to figure out why the armor is not displaying correctly could you tell me the following.
1. for the type one armor are you using the ones I created that end in uf_001_51 or the standard ds1 format for the farm girl.
2. what is the name of the file that gives you the black and yellow armor?
3. did you create a folder under suits named utraean_female and under that create the type1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 folders?
or you could give me a link to what you have done so far so I can take a look at it that might be easier because at present I am busy herding cats and do not have access to all my Dungeon Siege art at this location.
Ran into a unique and very nasty video problem while running the swamps in Kingdom of Ehb. The problem starts right after the area in first picture and keeps occurring after reloading game and returning to same area.
Video Advisory: Do not look at following pictures if you are feint of heart. :jawdrop:
I have never ran into this sort of problem before and hope what is causing it can be located and fixed.