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Happy Christmas, everyone!

I hope you all have a really nice Christmas - God bless you one and all!

from Blondin and Oreanna (...elflings and cats) Laughing out loud

Thank you!

The same to you and everyone else.

Sharkull's picture

Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to all!


May all your christmas dreams come true and enjoy in the renewal of spirit annnnnnnnnnnnnnnnd in the interest of being PC

Merry Christmas, Happy Hanukka, Smiley Solstice, Killerly Cool Kwanza, Bitchin Buddah, Merry Muslim, Happy Hindu, Awesome Athiests, Aboriginie and Arabic, Merry Mongul, Looney Lunatics, Totally Awesome African Tribal and if i missed your regional/ tribal/ belief i appologise as it should be obviose i havent majored in world religion


Good smiley - > :xmas: Laughing out loud

Help, help - there are elflings everywhere!!

Ho, ho - what glorious fun!!

Hope you're having a good time.. (- hic!) Beer

Ha, ha - it wasn't me.... ( -hic!) :yankchain: ding, dong!

Strider978's picture

Merry Christmas too all and too all a good night!

Hey, I gave myself a present! :xmas:

I downloaded Ultima 5 - Lazarus...

it's a very polished product, with it's manual and all..

..and, what I like best - it's a really engrossing game!! ^_^

..well it would have to be me, wouldn't it
- it's Blondin, who keeps forgetting who I am.. (guest) Laughing out loud

I wish to report Blondin for blatant double-posting...