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.sno importer

Just wondering if there is a .SNO importer for importing DS2 terrain into 3dsmax?

Thanks Smile

Yes there is. Maybe you can find it in the download section ? If not , let me know.

I wish there was a downloads section...

But if I recall correctly the .sno importer plugin made by Xaa should work. Try googling for it or looking on siegenetwork and Herena Forge.

No, i can't find it in the download section :P And, i can't find it on any of the other sites Sad

I will have a look if i can place it on my game site. Maybe it's time to place more downloads there. the site is ready for it anyway. I do not have the time to finished it and work on it. I'm bussy wirh my work and some stuff for ds......Maybe if there are more downloads to add...........just tell me and i will place them as well, you are free to send one so that i can add it.........

If you could add it, that would mean a lot to me Laughing out loud

I have add it to that has to become our game site ( if i have time ) until then it's ''a tomb dungeon" who knows what wil come...................

Thankyou! Laughing out loud

Your welcome if you have any more question or request...........asking you can always.