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Siege Editor 1.7


I am new to modding, and have a couple of questions about Siege Editor 1.7:
- I am getting several errors on startup. They all look similar to this:

Type : Error
Module : C:\Program Files\Dungeon Siege Tool Kit\SiegeEditor.exe
Location : ContentDb.cpp line 2247 (at D:\work\ds1\dsx\DSLOAMOD\projects\tattoo\world\)
Fail Count : 1 (w:1, e:2, x:0)
Exe timestamp: Apr 14 2004 16:29:29

Duplicate template detected: 'base_skeleton_good' is already in content database

Also, another problem:
When I click Open to open a map for editing, I get "choose region to load" with a blank screen. I have already verified that the map I want to edit has been untanked into the Bits folder.

Thanks in advance for your help.

When using Siege Editor you will get errors if.

1. there are any mods installed in the resources folder (use a mod manager to turn them off)

2. the SiegeEditorExtras.dsres is not in the resources folder.

Whenever I use Siege Editor I make sure that I have only the files that came with the game and siegeeditor 1.7 enabled in the resources folder, map folder and DSLOA folder.

That should cure most startup errors.

Also instead of double posting in a forum try editing your last post Smile

Sharkull's picture

I'm probably not the best person to help, but here goes:

1. Make sure you don't have any mods in your Resources or DSLOA directories... that may be the cause of your duplicate template error.

2. Make sure that your untanked map has a valid path under the Bits folder (\Bits\world\maps\...).

Hope this helps.

Edit: Too slow... :P

I'll try that, thanks.
I have an older (but fast enough) PC, maybe it's time to make that my DS dev box. Cool

Strider978's picture

Wild Parrot wrote:
Also, another problem:
When I click Open to open a map for editing, I get "choose region to load" with a blank screen. I have already verified that the map I want to edit has been untanked into the Bits folder.

Thanks in advance for your help.

For this problem it is necessary to understand that loading the maps will take a long while, may even appear frozen.

Also in your error there appeared to be a file that was being accessed that was not a standard DS file (projects\tattoo) go to your D:\work\ds1\dsx\DSLOAMOD\ and remove (or move) all the files in that folder. This should clear up any errors your having. When loading DSMOD\SiegeEditor it will treat anything in your bits folder like tanked mods so make sure that’s clean so you won't get any errors.

Also most errors in DS aren’t really errors at all but warnings in this case that warning is just letting you know that "base_skeleton_good" was in there twice, the copy that is in your bits(or projects) folder will have overwritten the .dres file. Shouldn't be a problem if you know your skeleton character is still working.

Also number one rule to DS editing is make sure your resources folder is empty of any mods other than the official ones (as you've already been told by sharkull and BE), just a heads up for troubleshooting yourself.